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Weekly anime discussion - you bet your ass there's spoilers

Damn, can't view that site with my dinosaur computer, or my Wii. XO

But, onto my episode review (sorry it's late). Tougan/Tou-san was really funny. Like, how he admired Rocket-dan's holes, rather than notice his fossils were stolen (and how he freaks out when he notices this). I loved the backstory between him and Hyouta, it was actually kind of interesting. Their feud was good, too, all things considered. Altogether, good semi-filler. And finally, Satoshi's Gym match! Looks like he's using Buizel again. Good thing I love Buizel, or I'd be really annoyed by now (as some people, understandably, are).


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
"Why do you always ride on me when we're running away!?"
"So you can get eaten with me! ^__^"

Just watched movie 11, and it had some lovely moments of lulz between Ash and Shaymin. Overall, I quite enjoyed the movie, even if the segment around the end with Giratina getting captured screamed Pokemon2000. Nice scenery, great movie atmosphere, and the Reverse World was pretty damn cool. I foresee it being abused in future PRPs :p

Hrm... where I rank this compared to past movies I'm not sure, but I'd probably place it fairly high (on par with movie 5, if not higher). I could've gone either way with Shaymin's bratty personality, but I ended up liking it. As for the actual plot and gritty details... I'm just going to enjoy the flick for what it was and not analyze things to death. Ash got his usual moment of crazy heroism, and Regigigas just sort've popped out randomly to help with zero back story, but I've come to expect these sorts of things in Pokemon movies. Happily content, yes I am XP
I really enjoyed the Platinum movie (Platinum's easier to type :p). Loved how Sheimi was really quite a brat, and wanted Satoshi to go down (Giratina's belly, that is) with it. Zero was an interesting villain, and Mugen was an interesting "mandatory random helper character". I liked how their pasts tied together, even if that's a bit cliched. Poor Takeshi was left out a couple times, which sucks... I like his character. But oh well, Hikari/Satoshi/Mugen'll do. But, I don't like that Satoshi, again, was the "final savior". That already happened in the Manaphy movie once, and by what I've seen, fans didn't like it--so why repeat the mistake? Bah, guess it's like a requirement now, with Satoshi practically representing the whole franchise (along with Pikachu). Regigigas was random, but still kinda cool... but more could've been done, or just saved for an episode or two. But altogether, a great movie, I loved it. I'll have to buy the dubbed version. Gotta see what they did to it. *Crosses fingers.* XD

Oh, and anyone else notice a large portion of "background Pokémon" were Generation II Pokémon? ;)
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Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Poor Takeshi was left out a couple times...

Gave me a good laugh when he actually said something along the lines of "I've been forgotten again..."
Gotta love when the actual charries realize they're being useless XP

And yeah, Ash hero-mode really did remind me of movie 9's segment, but at least it wasn't all Ash this time. Shaymin, Pikachu, Giratina, and a few of his Pokemon got to help out. Again, just feels very standard...

Now that you mention the relationship between Zero and Mugen, movie 11 does feel a bit cliche... but almost more Anime movie cliche than Pokemon cliche. Just, compared to something like movie 8, it felt more "Anime" - if that at all makes sense.
@Limkachu: Yeah, that makes sense. =D

And on Christmas' Pokémon episode, there was just a Gym match. It was OK, I guess. Poor Buizel didn't land a single hit, and got knocked out rather easily. Chimchar, expectantly, was overused. But, I'm glad Gliscor had a chance to shine--it sorely needed it (and I like it). Tougan had an interesting battle style, and it certainly gave Satoshi a good run. I'm just glad he didn't lose. I do not like these huge spaces between Gym wins. Hyouta judging was interesting, but... shouldn't they worry about bias? Then again, he's on good terms with Satoshi, and in a Pokémon battle, the results are plain and clear. But whatever. But, in a way, doesn't that defeat the blue-haired guy's purpose (he seemed very CoD and judge-ish)? XD
Rocket-dan was relatively funny, but not much special to report there.
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Quite liked that gym battle, although I'd like to see a gym match where Ash doesn't use all the pokémon required, like in his first match of the indigo league where he was able to use 1 pokémon throughout etc. I'd like to see a gym where he gets his first pokémon get KOed by the gym leaders second pokémon (after the normally given first KO) and then sweeping the leaders next 2 with his second pokémon, I mean still having Ash put up a fight, I just hate how its generally the same formula for each gym match.
Gliscor getting some more air time was pretty awesome, he's such a cheeky pokémon I really like whenever Ash uses him, rather than seeing Buizel and Chimchar over and over... Buizel needs much less screen time, and yes I am very biased against that pokémon, especially after ash trading his aipom for it.
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Been awhile since an episode aired. XD

Anyways, fairly good one, I think. It was pretty good, plot-wise, but I still wonder how the Wailmer got into the sewer. I mean, if that Swampert's guarding the sewer, wouldn't it be more likely to fend off those entering than those exiting? Oh well. Pretty much seemed like a comedy-filler, seeing as there were many parts that were (or attempted to be) funny. It looks like Mamoswine still isn't going to obey, and is still very violent. Which is nice, and I like the Poffin-bribing (even if it kinda doesn't work--nicely, anyways). I like the large amount of sewer Pokémon--and their living quarters. Funny how they have a TV.
Hmmm... It doesn't seem there's much else to say. But, it's just a filler, so not a huge deal.

...Jun's coming back! =D
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Of course lerfa12, you do realize that this topic is mostly about the Japanese Anime and dubbed Episode that comes out in the United States that comes out each week. This isn't the place to complain to the Cartoon Network for ending Pokemon, Advance Generation (Considering that series ended a really, really long time ago).

Just a heads up.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Alrighty! The subbed episode of Rotom went up recently, so I finally had the chance to watch it.

Rotom is... so freakin' CUTE! When it was actually out of the appliances and flying around I didn't realize it'd be that tiny. XD

As for the overall episode, I found it really fun. A funny episode is a good episode IMO, and that one had me laughing through the entire second half. Dawn and Ash's expressions were just priceless. I do wonder what it was they were eating, though... I've never had it before. They said yokan is bean-based...? Because I never seem to care for bean based treaties for some reason. Maybe it wouldn't be my thing then XD

Looking forward to the next subbed episode, whenever it's up ^^
Just watched "Gen and Lucario". Purely epic. I'm glad to see Jun again, he's too cool to be dropped just yet. And Gen was pretty cool, too. And had exactly the voice I'd expect him to. It kinda figured the Galaxy-dan was behind the Steel-type trouble, but I wouldn't have expected it to be Dialga/Palkia related. Also, I wonder why it took until the end of the episode for Lucario to be overcome by the Steel type problem. Anyways, I'm glad to see the Spear Key's use. I would've never guessed Steel Island! And that massive beam shooting to Tengan Mountain... wonder what it'll do? Are we already to the anime Dialga/Palkia appearance? I'm not sure if I want that--it could mean significantly less Galaxy-dan screen time. And, like Jun, they're too cool to drop!
Heh, the episode 'Ghoul Daze' just premiered on Cartoon Network. The Gengar line was adorable eating Brock's food, way cuter than I'd expected. Meowth was awesome in his Banette suit. It was cool that Dusknoir was saving people from that spirit girl, though. In the 'Dex entry, it was always the opposite. I can't wait for the English dub of the last few summer school episodes.
I think it's notable enough for a topic. =D

Friday's episode was awesome. Mars is really cool, I dunno why, but I like her character. And, it was cool to see Pluto (even if he didn't speak). It's too bad we didn't get to know why the aura beam shot Mt. Coronet... But oh well. It was cool that it made the meteors in Veilstone react, nice continuity there. Gen was pretty damn cool again, as was his Lucario. I liked that aura bubble thing... would be quite useful in the Pokémon world. Dr. Karashina was a nice visit, her character's pretty cool. I'm hoping to find out more about this. It's all very interesting.

(I'm still debating on whether Japanese Saturn is a male or female. I mean, no offense to the guy, but I can't tell. His/her Japanese voice isn't distinctively masculine, or feminine, for that matter -though leaning towards the latter-. And, PokéSho lists him/her as unknown gender! XD He/She's still cool, though. And, definitely male in English.)
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Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Also, I wonder why it took until the end of the episode for Lucario to be overcome by the Steel type problem.

And I once again thank the fansubbers for giving me this answer XD
Lucario was using its aura to block out the low frequency wave that was affecting the other Steel-types. I'm assuming that at the end of the "Gen and Lucario" episode whatever type of energy the beam was made up of finally overcame Lucario's own inner strength, thus it finally lost control.

But back tracking a bit, the guys fansubbing these latest episodes have been working in overdrive, so I've gotten the chance to watch a handful of episodes in a short time.

The episode "To Befriend a Pokemon" (or whatever it was called) was alright, but I actually felt the events/dialog was a bit weak overall. Ash has had an uncontrollable Pokemon before, but he didn't seem at all concerned about Hikari's issue. He just kept smiling and nodding and saying "Don't worry! If you keep at it everything will be fine =D" ... I was hoping that Hikari was going to react when Piloswine kept getting beat on, too, but no... they just sat there and watched. Eh. It's nifty to see Mamoswine because I like the Pokemon, but they could've done a better job leading up to it.

As for the Roark vs Byron episode... DAMN I loved that one. Byron's "I LOVE _____!" cries cracked me up, and now I just have to parody it somehow. The episode in general also showed a new side to both of those characters - a funny one at that - which put a smile on my face. Fossil freaks, lolz. The dynamic between father and son was both hilarious and touching.

Now, the Gym Battle... Am I the only one who cheered when Buizel was knocked out so easily? I love Buizel - I DO! - but seeing it in Gym battle after Gym battle has been a bit boring. Even though it was a good match-up for this gym I'm glad things went how they did. Lots of Chimchar love! (And I loved how Roark recognized it as Shinji's Chimchar) Then we had Gliscor's first gym battle... Its usage of Fire Fang seemed much more appropriate than Crasher Wake's Floatzel's Ice Fang. Even though the battle felt a bit slow at times due to Gliscor's flying around, it was still fairly good.

And finally, "Gen and Lucario" ... First off, I want Gen's hat. Second, Jun does care about his Pokemon! :'D I was rather amused and happy to see that, because Jun kept comparing himself to Shinji before... After seeing this, I think he's actually a bit more like Ash than he lets on, lol. As for the episode overall... Maaan, secret temple. Was not expecting something like that. Does it tie in with Platinum's plot, or was it completely new to the Anime canon? Either way, pretty snazzy. I can't wait to see how things go down in the next episode.
Yeah, Tougan/Byron was hilarious. I hope he has future appearances (however unlikely that is). In honesty, I kinda liked Buizel's defeat, too. Buizel was a bit overhyped. And on Lucario, it seemed to figure. Aura/hadou is always tied in with the species (which is cool, I like the concept). Also, no, those ruins aren't there in Platinum. The only new thing is Registeel's chamber (which either contains a Metal Coat without an event Regigigas, and a puzzle and a statue containing Registeel -it doesn't have an overworld sprite, it's the statue in Snowpoint temple- with the event Regigigas). But, maybe it was planned, and that's why there's Galaxy grunts there?
I'm just hoping that this loss isn't going to make Buizel consider evolving. Much rather prefer him learning a new technique, perhaps replacing Aqua Jet with Waterfall.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Just finished watching the Phione and Akebi contest episodes. I don't have much to say about Phione's episode beyond it being interesting to see Acid Armor used again, and Buneary challenging the Phione to a battle was kinda fun. It's not often we get to see the Pokemon fight without their trainer's direction.

As for the contest... yes, I fucking cheered when Hikari won (she's lost far to many as is). That bitch girl needed to go down, and I think that episode made me respect Pachirisu a bit more, lol. Its Super Fang-spin at the end of the battle was frelling awesome XD

Also, Battle Frontier montage! I squeed. I just adore that song X3
So staravia evolves next week. At least staraptor isn't odd looking so its an improvement ^_^ I am annoyed it evolves in another pokeringer contest, we had that in hoenn with tailow


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Even though we consider the events cheap rehashes, the Anime appears to enjoy following its own trends like this (ie. all three girls having their bikes totaled, the existence of TR and Wobb in general, the Raichu vs Pikachu episode, and so on). The writers probably view all of these little things as personal running gags or tributes.

Maybe it's a Japanese thing... XD

Either way, with that considered all I can say is: "typical". I just kinda hope this doesn't become a trend for every single one of Ash's future early bird Pokemon.

In the end, though... Yay Staraptor! It's the only stage in that line I really love ^_^
piplup is finally goin to evolve in a few eps :D

i'm freaking happy! i hate that voice of piplup.. hearing 20 minutes long that high voice saying ''piplup piplup'' xD i HATE it srry you guys who love piplup...
The introduction of Prinplup will be quite interesting, it really doesn't suit dawn at all, but neither will empoleon so I'm more interested in how prinplup's character evolves, lets not have another tempremental middle evolution please...

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Piplup isn't evolving... the upcoming episode actually pretty much rules out that it will ever evolve. Much the same as Bulbasaur.
Well thats an interesting development, I can say I prefer it being that way purely because we don't need to see the starters evolving really especially seeing as the sinnoh dex is so small we end up seeing their evolutions randomly anyway. I think we actually have seen all of piplups line, as well as other piplups so yeah its fine.

I kinda hope Grotle doesn't evolve too soon, paul having a torterra is awesome, but seeing ash with one too is overkill, and torterra vs torterra would be interesting but not really something to look forward to particularly I'd rather see Sceptile vs torterra, or even bayleaf coming back... Heh only just realised Ash has 1st stage grass from 1st gen, 2nd from 2nd and 3rd from 3rd, maybe im a bit slow on the uptake but i never really thought about it before.
prinplup doesnt suit dawn..you're right... but piplup is SO ANNOYING! but i dont likle that chimchar is evolving! WHYY!!! CHIMCHAR IS SO STRONG AND CUTE... too bad... i'm not making the anime the anime-makers are making it... aren't they?
lolol Brandon's coming back to take on Regigigas...and Paul!, and Dawn gets to wear her Platinum outfit when they head to Snowpoint. The Paul battle is probably a representational one for him, since it is notable that the reason his older brother quit being a trainer was his loss to Brandon.

Edit: the recent Japanese episode was unexpected, yet at the same time a clear homage to a certain Pokemon Trainer giving away his certain Primate Pokemon to a random stranger for training.

Ambipon is a sad loss for us all, I'm sure. She was adorable as an Aipom nd an awesome Contest Pokemon for Dawn, and now that I think of it, it's a tad strange for her to pick Ping Pong, a recently discovered love over Contests, something she's always enjoyed. Perhaps her loss to Kenny and his Prinplup proved to be something more severe to her pride then it seems.

Well, with Dawn now having Four Pokemon again, it'll be interesting who will be joining the roster. I'm still hoping Brock comes across a new Pokemon. Perhaps a Mantyke or a Magnezone, but the unpredictability of Sinnoh is still a somewhat pleasant change from the other regional journey's Ash has gone through.
Dammit, I mean ok Aipom was largely a plot device (check my posts when it first started appearing in Battle Frontier, i said back then it'd have a 4th gen evo, and low and behold it did) and trading it to dawn was really freaking annoying, but it going away to play ping-pong is really annoying. Now dawn has 4 pokémon again, she's lost a really useful member of her team, even if it did have the lamest voice imaginable...
Ok bets on dawn's next pokémon, whats the bet she does another may and gets an eevee just so she can get a leafeon?
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Unless the anime adds an extremely convenient anime-only location with a Moss Rock, the odds are fairly low. Then again, the Old Chateau was moved from Eterna to Canalave anime-wise, though one wonders if that's really the same Old Chateau or just some convenient plot device to shove Rotom into that episode.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Finally watched up until Ambipom's leaving, and daaaaamn... Piplup's rant was too touching for words (I love you, Mr. Translator Meowth! ;-;). I never expected THAT Pokemon to move me to tears. As a throw-back to Bulbasaur not evolving, Piplup's episode kinda trumped it... big time XD

Ambipom's last two episodes were actually really nice. It was a very good contest (she battled awesomely), and the ping-pong episode was surprisingly great. I really loved the translation of what Ash & Brock said to Dawn 'round the end of the episode, too:

"The Pokemon's feelings are what you need to consider most."
"Finding out what a Pokemon truly wants to do, and choosing the best path for the sake of the Pokemon, is also one of a Trainer's duties, isn't it?"

Couldn't agree more XP If Pokemon were real, I know that's the type of Trainer I'd wanna be, too...
I just watched Get Your Rotom running. xD It was pretty funny. I loved the Lawn Mower Rotom. And some of Piplup's facial expressions as so cute/funny.

Part 1 4:22-4:25... Everyone's face was hilirious, but of course Piplup's stood out from the rest. xP
Part 2 5:15-5:18, Piplup is priceless. Gosh I love him.
Very seen-this-before style in this weeks gym battle, rather disappointing really. I'm mostly referring to the KO order, or did noone else notice that? I'd really like to see some more battles where Ash does have difficulty, but still gets a clear win! Lets see another Krabby at the Kanto league sort of battle or something, just once in a while or something!

Not using Pikachu is a fresh change, and I was sooooooo glad that Buizel didn't get the limelight as per usual, although I'd have rather seen Gliscor bring it home, rather than chimchar who had a massive type advantage over abomasnow. Can't wait till The Sinnoh league and Ash starts using his old pokémon for the tournament... If he does at least, otherwise yay next spin off season!
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Watching the Snowpoint gym battle.

Have to say this is one of Chimchar's finest moments. When it used one the Ice Shards as a sled to skate all over the course was amazing. 8D

Also it seems Ash isn't too good using bulky Pokemon, since he had little strategy to go with Grotle. Ah well, a fun battle overall, even if it was strongly in Chimchar's favor in terms of usage and epic final battle.

Also am I the only one looking forward to Looker appearing in the anime? 8D It will be epic.
The flashbacks to Reggie's battle against Brandon was pretty cool I must say, Paul looking on with his turtwig was a very nice touch.
Liking that Paul got his ass handed to him as well to be honest, and hoping his Lairon doesnt get the boot before it becomes aggron. I really like how nearly every time we see him he's increased his roster even more, I know he's supposed to be seen as the bad trainer but its just great to see an everchanging lineup. The Sinnoh league could end up being really interesting.
If only Ash would catch so many pokémon....
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Although Paul is stereotypically cruel, he's also a tad more realistic. He has a rotating roster to offset his weaknesses. He brings Pokemon with type advantages to a gym and does not bother with that epic battle spirit hex strategy Ash has. He also trains his Pokemon in a manner that they make an effort, and is a representation of EV Training. I like to think of Paul as less of a rival simply existing as an antagonist, but as a representation of players who take serious efforts into training their Pokemon. And of course, as a professional, he has all the reason to be cynical towards Ash who seems to act like an immature little kid who just picked up a Pokemon game to him.
Until the end of the episode Looker was mainly a plot device in yesterday's episode, the saving grace was the galactic card he'd found at the end, still fairly disappointing and kinda standard filler however I'm really looking forward to next week. The full battle of Ash vs Paul will hopefully not disappoint. Although we all know it will probably be the usal formula for KOs at least it'l be a somewhat climatic episode. Imagine if Ash wins and Paul then doesn't continue with his Sinnoh challenge, we could end up with a whole new rival for the sinnoh league, or even better bringing back an old rival... Provided it wasn't Richie I'd be pretty happy. ^_^

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