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AAAAAAAA I’m so sorry for the late response! I’ve been very busy these past few days but here’s my character!

Name: Adelina Garcia

Gender Identity/Orientation: she/her, homosexual homoromantic

Occupation: student

Major at Solacrest Academy: Contests (though in my head, I would think more similar to the anime‘s rendition of Contests), Fashion

Home Region (Any Region, including Brale) and City/Town: Paldea, Levincia

Favorite Pokemon: Espurr

Appearance (Picture not required, but encouraged!!): Adelina has platinum blonde hair, usually worn in a crown braid. She prefers a more boyish subset of gothic lolita fashion (known as ouji if you’d like to look it up)

Personality: Adelina is rather playful and a bit of a gadfly. However, she’s also perceptive and often tries to use her teasing words to poke others into improving in an area that they could be lacking in. She can be a bit immature and insensitive, and she’s prone to pushing people too far with her remarks.

Backstory: Her parents were both intense battlers who themselves graduated from the prestigious Naranja Academy in Paldea. However, her parents never faulted her for her decision to focus on the more aesthetic arts involving Pokémon. They were more concerned with her early disillusionment with Paldea, which led her to seclude herself in her room and study Pokémon Contests and Kalosian fashion almost religiously. Until she received her (at the time) Tinkatink, Bella, she was focused only on the spectacle of the stage. Now, though she still hasn’t fully shaken off some of her more performative tendencies, she’s grown to appreciate connection of all kinds between humans and Pokémon.

Likes: dressing in fancy clothes, Pokémon, entertainment

Dislikes: sticks in the mud (as in people, not literal sticks), bad hygiene, blood knights

Pokemon 1:

Species: Tinkatuff
Nickname: Bella
Personality: A tomboy with a competitive streak who isn’t afraid to attack first if enraged.
Distinguishing Traits: a larger amount of hair, a bow tied to the handle of her hammer, and overwhelming strength characteristic of a Pokémon close to evolution

Move 1: Ice Hammer
Move 2: Metal Claw
Move 3: Play Rough
Move 4: Thunder Wave

Pokemon 2:

Species: Whimsicott
Nickname: Windbloom
Personality: A carefree prankster who has a penchant for doing things his own way
Distinguishing Traits: larger green horns but slightly less cotton fluff than the average Whimsicott

Move 1: Hurricane
Move 2: Fake Tears
Move 3: Giga Drain
Move 4: Leech Seed

Pokemon 3:

Species: Meowstic (male)
Nickname: Rin
Personality: Quiet, incredibly intense, and unapproachable because of how distrustful he is.
Distinguishing Traits: A fluffier, more curly fur “scarf” around the neck closer to that of a female Meowstic

Move 1: Light Screen
Move 2: Reflect
Move 3: Mean Look
Move 4: Psyshock

Pokemon 4 (optional):

Species: Swablu
Nickname: Clara
Personality: Extremely proud of herself and her talent, she always takes meticulous care of herself
Distinguishing Traits: slightly larger body and cloud-wings in preparation for evolution

Move 1: Roost
Move 2: Safeguard
Move 3: Dazzling Gleam
Move 4: Dragon Pulse
First regional form proposal- Toxtricity. I remember reading somewhere that the Midwest has a distinct kind of rock (i don't know anything about the Midwest don't quote me on this) and I thought, 'well, what if we took that distinct style and adapted it to a rock and roll Pokemon- Toxtricity? It would be a rock/electric type or maybe a ground/electric type. Dark/electric? Spitballing here.
AAAAAAAA I’m so sorry for the late response! I’ve been very busy these past few days but here’s my character!

Name: Adelina Garcia

Gender Identity/Orientation: she/her, homosexual homoromantic

Occupation: student

Major at Solacrest Academy: Contests (though in my head, I would think more similar to the anime‘s rendition of Contests), Fashion

Home Region (Any Region, including Brale) and City/Town: Paldea, Levincia

Favorite Pokemon: Espurr

Appearance (Picture not required, but encouraged!!): Adelina has platinum blonde hair, usually worn in a crown braid. She prefers a more boyish subset of gothic lolita fashion (known as ouji if you’d like to look it up)

Personality: Adelina is rather playful and a bit of a gadfly. However, she’s also perceptive and often tries to use her teasing words to poke others into improving in an area that they could be lacking in. She can be a bit immature and insensitive, and she’s prone to pushing people too far with her remarks.

Backstory: Her parents were both intense battlers who themselves graduated from the prestigious Naranja Academy in Paldea. However, her parents never faulted her for her decision to focus on the more aesthetic arts involving Pokémon. They were more concerned with her early disillusionment with Paldea, which led her to seclude herself in her room and study Pokémon Contests and Kalosian fashion almost religiously. Until she received her (at the time) Tinkatink, Bella, she was focused only on the spectacle of the stage. Now, though she still hasn’t fully shaken off some of her more performative tendencies, she’s grown to appreciate connection of all kinds between humans and Pokémon.

Likes: dressing in fancy clothes, Pokémon, entertainment

Dislikes: sticks in the mud (as in people, not literal sticks), bad hygiene, blood knights

Pokemon 1:

Species: Tinkatuff
Nickname: Bella
Personality: A tomboy with a competitive streak who isn’t afraid to attack first if enraged.
Distinguishing Traits: a larger amount of hair, a bow tied to the handle of her hammer, and overwhelming strength characteristic of a Pokémon close to evolution

Move 1: Ice Hammer
Move 2: Metal Claw
Move 3: Play Rough
Move 4: Thunder Wave

Pokemon 2:

Species: Whimsicott
Nickname: Windbloom
Personality: A carefree prankster who has a penchant for doing things his own way
Distinguishing Traits: larger green horns but slightly less cotton fluff than the average Whimsicott

Move 1: Hurricane
Move 2: Fake Tears
Move 3: Giga Drain
Move 4: Leech Seed

Pokemon 3:

Species: Meowstic (male)
Nickname: Rin
Personality: Quiet, incredibly intense, and unapproachable because of how distrustful he is.
Distinguishing Traits: A fluffier, more curly fur “scarf” around the neck closer to that of a female Meowstic

Move 1: Light Screen
Move 2: Reflect
Move 3: Mean Look
Move 4: Psyshock

Pokemon 4 (optional):

Species: Swablu
Nickname: Clara
Personality: Extremely proud of herself and her talent, she always takes meticulous care of herself
Distinguishing Traits: slightly larger body and cloud-wings in preparation for evolution

Move 1: Roost
Move 2: Safeguard
Move 3: Dazzling Gleam
Move 4: Dragon Pulse
Looks good! Also, I noticed that both Anna and Adelina are from Paldea. Could they possibly know each other?
First regional form proposal- Toxtricity. I remember reading somewhere that the Midwest has a distinct kind of rock (i don't know anything about the Midwest don't quote me on this) and I thought, 'well, what if we took that distinct style and adapted it to a rock and roll Pokemon- Toxtricity? It would be a rock/electric type or maybe a ground/electric type. Dark/electric? Spitballing here.
Love it! If you have some design ideas, feel free to share!

Also I forgor that Paldea is like Spain and Spanish is commonly used there. Anna probably knows Spanish.
I’ll start working on an introductory post! :D
Looks good! Also, I noticed that both Anna and Adelina are from Paldea. Could they possibly know each other?
They’re even from the same city too lol, but considering that Adelina was a recluse for most of her childhood and Anna doesn’t appear to be the most outgoing either, they’d probably only have seen each other in passing. Maybe she’d get a sense of familiarity, but definitely not “know each other by name” levels.


Previously Airslashz
Wait @~Aura~Slashz~ Isn't Tempo a Thwackey?? In your starter post, it says that it is. Did you retcon that?
Yes, Tempo is a Thwackey still. Thwackey can still learn Grassy Glide - though, considering that it is a move tutor thing (Jack's dad probably would have good access to this, however, as he was a top trainer in Galar), I don't mind moving it out if you wish. My apologies for the confusion.
I don't want to sound accusatory, but it feels like Jack has the same thrill for battle and dopey overconfidence that Max has while being much more capable at the same time. Like I'm afraid his whole shtick will be entirely overshadowed at this point.
I also just realized that. I don't think that he'll be overshadowed, but I think there will be a little competition between you guys. Honestly, I don't know what to do here, and in my opinion I think they might have some good chemistry later.


Previously Airslashz
I don't want to sound accusatory, but it feels like Jack has the same thrill for battle and dopey overconfidence that Max has while being much more capable at the same time. Like I'm afraid his whole shtick will be entirely overshadowed at this point.
You’re not entirely wrong - and I understand that Jack may feel like a bit of overshadow to Max. I’m willing to work out some character fixes if need be, and I’m open to discussion.

The thing about Jack that I was going to explain a bit later in the RP is that while he definitely has some of the most competent Pokemon at hand, he didn’t catch/receive any of them himself, meaning he was sort of handed a good card from the start, and while he has used it decently well, he still is sort of spoiled. Additionally, while his first two Pokémon are certainly powerful, the other two, well, as I’ll show later, aren’t as obedient, meaning Jack may start off as possibly one of if not the strongest in the academy, but as people learn more about his first obedient two, he’s certainly going to have plenty of trouble as he can’t rely on his others to make new plans. He may beat you the first time, maybe the second, but the third time would likely resolve in a loss. Jack is predictable - he’s probably going to keep using the Grassy Glide strategy even when Tempo is a Rillaboom. Even after a loss, mostly close ones, he’ll still be set in his way.

Basically, while he may be a step ahead right now, he’ll stay on the same step while everyone else improves, and will likely learn the hard way that he’ll regressed.

Max is determined, and if he was determined to find a strategy/defeat Jack altogether, he would, maybe after a battle or two, likely succeed.

Although that explanation might not solve every issue, I do feel like Jack is still slightly different than Max, though I probably still need to look at Max’s character a bit further.

Once again, I’m more than open to discuss and potentially fix any problems you may have.
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You’re not entirely wrong - and I understand that Jack may feel like a bit of overshadow to Max. I’m willing to work out some character fixes if need be, and I’m open to discussion.

The thing about Jack that I was going to explain a bit later in the RP is that while he definitely has some of the most competent Pokemon at hand, he didn’t catch/receive any of them himself, meaning he was sort of handed a good card from the start, and while he has used it decently well, he still is sort of spoiled. Additionally, while his first two Pokémon are certainly powerful, the other two, well, as I’ll show later, aren’t as obedient, meaning Jack may start off as possibly one of if not the strongest in the academy, but as people learn more about his first obedient two, he’s certainly going to have plenty of trouble as he can’t rely on his others to make new plans. He may beat you the first time, maybe the second, but the third time would likely resolve in a loss. Jack is predictable - he’s probably going to keep using the Grassy Glide strategy even when Tempo is a Rillaboom. Even after a loss, mostly close ones, he’ll still be set in his way.

Basically, while he may be a step ahead right now, he’ll stay on the same step while everyone else improves, and will likely learn the hard way that he’ll regressed.

Max is determined, and if he was determined to find a strategy/defeat Jack altogether, he would, maybe after a battle or two, likely succeed.

Although that explanation might not solve every issue, I do feel like Jack is still slightly different than Max, though I probably still need to look at Max’s character a bit further.

Once again, I’m more than open to discuss and potentially fix any problems you may have.
Like any Pokemon master, spam the same move over and over again.


Previously mallard
You’re not entirely wrong - and I understand that Jack may feel like a bit of overshadow to Max. I’m willing to work out some character fixes if need be, and I’m open to discussion.

The thing about Jack that I was going to explain a bit later in the RP is that while he definitely has some of the most competent Pokemon at hand, he didn’t catch/receive any of them himself, meaning he was sort of handed a good card from the start, and while he has used it decently well, he still is sort of spoiled. Additionally, while his first two Pokémon are certainly powerful, the other two, well, as I’ll show later, aren’t as obedient, meaning Jack may start off as possibly one of if not the strongest in the academy, but as people learn more about his first obedient two, he’s certainly going to have plenty of trouble as he can’t rely on his others to make new plans. He may beat you the first time, maybe the second, but the third time would likely resolve in a loss. Jack is predictable - he’s probably going to keep using the Grassy Glide strategy even when Tempo is a Rillaboom. Even after a loss, mostly close ones, he’ll still be set in his way.

Basically, while he may be a step ahead right now, he’ll stay on the same step while everyone else improves, and will likely learn the hard way that he’ll regressed.

Max is determined, and if he was determined to find a strategy/defeat Jack altogether, he would, maybe after a battle or two, likely succeed.

Although that explanation might not solve every issue, I do feel like Jack is still slightly different than Max, though I probably still need to look at Max’s character a bit further.

Once again, I’m more than open to discuss and potentially fix any problems you may have.
It's comforting to see your plans for him laid out in text. You seem like a good writer so I'll trust you on this :up:
Pretty much, but he’s gonna spam the heck out of Swords Dance and King’s Shield on Aegislash to absolutely annoy the opponent.
Uh, the attack Mic Check is using is Round, a (slightly) more powerful move. Here's the link to the move on Bulbapedia. Sorry if I seem like a complete dick.

Also, the battle between Jack and Anna is a 4-4 battle, right?


Previously Airslashz
Uh, the attack Mic Check is using is Round, a (slightly) more powerful move. Here's the link to the move on Bulbapedia. Sorry if I seem like a complete dick.

Also, the battle between Jack and Anna is a 4-4 battle, right?
Damn, I completely forgot about Round doing that. I still think I’m barely going to have Tempo survive, because I only had him asleep for a turn and the Grassy Terrain heal might help a bit, but I’m pretty sure he’ll get one-tapped with any move. Will edit my post to reflect that.

And we can have it 4 on 4, that’s fine.
Now let's delve into some emotions during the battle! It can't always be about fighting. We have to introduce some childhood trauma in there somewhere!

(This is all satire btw)


Previously Airslashz
Now let's delve into some emotions during the battle! It can't always be about fighting. We have to introduce some childhood trauma in there somewhere!

(This is all satire btw)

(I hope Jack doesn't make anything worse, since if he gets an upper hand, he's certainly going to go off on Anna)


Previously Airslashz
When I last checked Jack's character sheet a few hours ago, his Aegislash had Sacred Sword, King's Shield, Shadow Sneak, and Swords Dance. Did you make a mistake, or did you edit your character sheet?
Ah, sorry, I made a last-second change to switch Shadow Sneak to Claw. Sneak would honestly prove completely useless because priority doesn't necessarily work great here.
What do you mean by "Play them by ear?"
I just meant writing in past experiences that I didn’t mention in her backstory, since I wanted to get her bio out and didn’t have time to fill in all of her backstory.

I didn't know if you wanted to be involved in the scene with Jack and Anna, so I mentioned Adelina in my post.
I’ll join in after the battle finishes!