Okay, well good luck 
And I made this because I got bored :3 And to help people out on which type is popular.
Gym Leader Usage:
Normal: Johto (Whitney), Hoenn (Norman), Unova (Cheren; formerly Lenora), Alola (Ilima)
Fire: Kanto (Blaine), Hoenn (Flannery), Unova (Formerly Chili), Alola (Kiawe), Galar (Kabu)
Water: Kanto (Misty), Hoenn (Juan; Formally Wallace), Sinnoh (Crasher Wake), Unova (Marlon; Formerly Cress), Alola (Lana), Galar (Nessa)
Grass: Kanto (Erika), Sinnoh (Gardenia), Unova (Formerly Cilan), Kalos (Ramos), Alola (Mallow), Galar (Milo)
Electric: Kanto (Lt. Surge), Hoenn (Wattson), Sinnoh (Volkner), Unova (Elesa), Kalos (Clemont), Alola (Sophocles)
Ice: Johto (Pryce), Sinnoh (Candice), Unova (Formerly Brycen), Kalos (Wulfric), Galar (Melony)
Fighting: Johto (Chuck), Hoenn (Brawly), Sinnoh (Maylene), Kalos (Korrina), Alola (Hala), Galar (Bea)
Poison: Kanto (Janine; Formerly Koga), Unova (Roxie), Galar (Klara, in the Isle of Armor)
Ground: Kanto (Formerly Giovanni), Unova (Clay), Alola (Hapu, technically, as she didn't appear in the Elite Four)
Flying: Johto (Falkner), Hoenn (Winona), Unova (Skyla)
Psychic: Kanto (Sabrina), Hoenn (Tate and Liza), Kalos (Olympia), Galar (Avery, in the Isle of Armor)
Rock: Kanto (Brock), Hoenn (Roxanne), Sinnoh (Roark), Kalos (Grant), Alola (Olivia), Galar (Gordie)
Bug: Johto (Bugsy), Unova (Burgh), Kalos (Viola)
Ghost: Johto (Morty), Sinnoh (Fantina), Alola (Acerola), Galar (Allister)
Dragon: Johto (Clair), Unova (Drayden and formerly Iris), Galar (Raihan)
Dark: Alola (Nanu technically, as he isn't a part of the Elite Four), Galar (Marnie and formerly Piers)
Steel: Johto (Jasmine), Sinnoh (Byron)
Fairy: Kalos (Valerie), Alola (Formerly Mina), Galar (Bede; Formerly Opal )
Various: Kanto (Blue)
Elite Four/Champion Usage:
Normal: None
Fire: Sinnoh (Flint), Kalos (Malva)
Water: Hoenn (Wallace), Kalos (Siebold)
Grass: None
Electric: None (I might do this one for the Elite Four member)
Ice: Kanto (Formerly Lorelei), Hoenn (Glacia)
Fighting: Kanto (Bruno), Unova (Marshal), Alola (Hala)
Poison: Kanto (Koga)
Ground: Sinnoh (Bertha)
Flying: Alola (Kahili)
Psychic: Johto (Will), Sinnoh (Lucian), Unova (Caitlin)
Rock: Alola (Olivia)
Bug: Sinnoh (Aaron)
Ghost: Kanto (Formerly Agatha), Hoenn (Phoebe), Unova (Shauntal), Alola (Acerola)
Dragon: Kanto (Lance), Hoenn (Drake), Unova (Iris), Kalos (Drasna)
Dark: Johto (Karen), Hoenn (Sidney), Unova (Grimsley)
Steel: Hoenn (Formerly Steven Stone, depending on the game), Kalos (Wikstrom), Alola (Molayne), Galar (formerly Peony)
Fairy: None
Various: Kanto (Formerly Blue, Trace, and Red), Sinnoh (Cynthia), Unova (Alder), Kalos (Diantha), Galar (Leon and formerly Mustard)

And I made this because I got bored :3 And to help people out on which type is popular.
Gym Leader Usage:
Normal: Johto (Whitney), Hoenn (Norman), Unova (Cheren; formerly Lenora), Alola (Ilima)
Fire: Kanto (Blaine), Hoenn (Flannery), Unova (Formerly Chili), Alola (Kiawe), Galar (Kabu)
Water: Kanto (Misty), Hoenn (Juan; Formally Wallace), Sinnoh (Crasher Wake), Unova (Marlon; Formerly Cress), Alola (Lana), Galar (Nessa)
Grass: Kanto (Erika), Sinnoh (Gardenia), Unova (Formerly Cilan), Kalos (Ramos), Alola (Mallow), Galar (Milo)
Electric: Kanto (Lt. Surge), Hoenn (Wattson), Sinnoh (Volkner), Unova (Elesa), Kalos (Clemont), Alola (Sophocles)
Ice: Johto (Pryce), Sinnoh (Candice), Unova (Formerly Brycen), Kalos (Wulfric), Galar (Melony)
Fighting: Johto (Chuck), Hoenn (Brawly), Sinnoh (Maylene), Kalos (Korrina), Alola (Hala), Galar (Bea)
Poison: Kanto (Janine; Formerly Koga), Unova (Roxie), Galar (Klara, in the Isle of Armor)
Ground: Kanto (Formerly Giovanni), Unova (Clay), Alola (Hapu, technically, as she didn't appear in the Elite Four)
Flying: Johto (Falkner), Hoenn (Winona), Unova (Skyla)
Psychic: Kanto (Sabrina), Hoenn (Tate and Liza), Kalos (Olympia), Galar (Avery, in the Isle of Armor)
Rock: Kanto (Brock), Hoenn (Roxanne), Sinnoh (Roark), Kalos (Grant), Alola (Olivia), Galar (Gordie)
Bug: Johto (Bugsy), Unova (Burgh), Kalos (Viola)
Ghost: Johto (Morty), Sinnoh (Fantina), Alola (Acerola), Galar (Allister)
Dragon: Johto (Clair), Unova (Drayden and formerly Iris), Galar (Raihan)
Dark: Alola (Nanu technically, as he isn't a part of the Elite Four), Galar (Marnie and formerly Piers)
Steel: Johto (Jasmine), Sinnoh (Byron)
Fairy: Kalos (Valerie), Alola (Formerly Mina), Galar (Bede; Formerly Opal )
Various: Kanto (Blue)
Elite Four/Champion Usage:
Normal: None
Fire: Sinnoh (Flint), Kalos (Malva)
Water: Hoenn (Wallace), Kalos (Siebold)
Grass: None
Electric: None (I might do this one for the Elite Four member)
Ice: Kanto (Formerly Lorelei), Hoenn (Glacia)
Fighting: Kanto (Bruno), Unova (Marshal), Alola (Hala)
Poison: Kanto (Koga)
Ground: Sinnoh (Bertha)
Flying: Alola (Kahili)
Psychic: Johto (Will), Sinnoh (Lucian), Unova (Caitlin)
Rock: Alola (Olivia)
Bug: Sinnoh (Aaron)
Ghost: Kanto (Formerly Agatha), Hoenn (Phoebe), Unova (Shauntal), Alola (Acerola)
Dragon: Kanto (Lance), Hoenn (Drake), Unova (Iris), Kalos (Drasna)
Dark: Johto (Karen), Hoenn (Sidney), Unova (Grimsley)
Steel: Hoenn (Formerly Steven Stone, depending on the game), Kalos (Wikstrom), Alola (Molayne), Galar (formerly Peony)
Fairy: None
Various: Kanto (Formerly Blue, Trace, and Red), Sinnoh (Cynthia), Unova (Alder), Kalos (Diantha), Galar (Leon and formerly Mustard)
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