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Open Welcome To The Vitala Region!

"You're the guy I saw in Luna's gym," Daniel told him.

The man gave him a small smile. "And you're the kid I saw watching Luna face that challenger. Ain't my sis the best at her job?"

The boy wheeled backwards. "I dunno... She'd be better at it if she didn't cry when she lost to that boy. Is that something that happens a lot?"

"Luna's an emotional girl," The man responded, "She may be a gym leader, but she hates being defeated that quickly. That kid only used one Pokemon to wipe out all o'hers."
"Cut that thing in half, Night Slash!" Greninja would drop into a stance where he was about to unsheath and imaginary blade. Suddenly, a dark hue of light shaped as a blade formed in his hands as he swung it outwards, cutting the web in two. The web land on both sides of Greninja and paved a way to Joltik. "It's airborne! Go!" In the heat of the moment, Decibel would throw a punch at the air, and coincidentally, Genji mimicked it the movement by jumping at the airborne bug in a stabbing motion--Night Slash still being active.
"Joltic use thunderwave when contact is made," Val ordered and the small electric type Pokemon took the night slash but released a wave of electrical energy around himself. Slowly Val put her hood back on but kept her mask down, hands clenching at her sides as her eyes danced over to the people watchog them, "not bad I must admit".
The sheer force behind Night Slash created an explosion upon contact. Decibel noticed that Joltik didn't have any offensive electric moves, but thunder wave would prove to be an annoyance even if it didn't do damage to Genji. "U-Turn." Despite the smoke covering the two Pokémon, Decibel still pushed through with the command. She just hoped that Genji was able to push himself through the chance of paralysis...and that Joltik was still capable of fighting. If it fainted, U-Turn would not be able to switch Greninja out.

Movement could be seen through the dissapaiting smoke--it was a humanoid Pokémon. Small sparks of electricity cackled around Genji as he struggled to make a move. With all his effort, he managed to use the ice to his advantage and effectively minimized his movements. All he was use his right leg to push himself forward to where he perceived Joltik was and let the ice slide him over.
The small electric bug wasn't in the best of shape but still stood, falling out of the cloud to land a little whiles away. Sliding across the ice he slowly steadied himself and clicked his manibles in a surprised manor, looking at his trainer as if to ask her if she had know that would be the outcome. Val shrugged at her Pokemon and the two go ready for their next attack, "not bad. U-turn though? Now that can be an annoying move if used wrong".
"But it worked." Decibel shrugged as her Greninja returned to his Pokeball, she noted that her Greninja had suffered some injuries from the explosion. She didn't bother sending out her Arcanine as her next Pokemon, seeing how Joltik was almost at its limit. The moment the Pokeball opened to release the Lightning Pokemon, Jolteon let out a growl in attempts to intimidate his opponent. "Show off," Decibel would snort, "Shadow ball, let's go!" Jolteon would dash forwards to close the distance between them to increase his accuracy. Once close enough, he would conjure a dark ball in front of his mouth and shot it at the Joltik.
"Dodge it," Val ordered and her Pokemon just missed. The trainer smiled as the battle progressed and her electric type used the ice to try and stay away from the other pokemon, sliding around the battle feild as if it was playing around, "Joltic, use screech again then follow it up with a thunderwave on the ice".

The small bug slowed himself to a stop on the ice, manibles Parton as a loud sound originated from its body. Then he charged his shockwave into the ice making it splitter but not break once again".
"Go, while Joltik is breaking the ice, Shadow Ball." Decibel's face would turn stoic once again, only staring ahead at the battlefield. It seemed like the miss didn't affect Jolteon's confidence, the lightning Pokémon wasted no time in shooting out another Shadow Ball while the small bug stood stationary.
"Joltic intercept it with thunderwave," Cal gave the order a little two late and Joltic was sent flying. The electric bug fainted as he slid to his trainer's feet, Val picking her Pokemon up and recalling him, "not bad. That idea to freeze the battle feild was a good one".

"Haxorus! Let's show her what we got," Val called and threw another pokeball into the air. The giant dragon type appeared on the feild with a mighty roar, eyes zeroing in on the attacking electric type, "Haxorus use earthquake".
After talking to Vinnie a little more, the dark-type gym leader offered to push Daniel back to the pokemon centre, to which the boy agreed. Vinnie told him all about Luna, and about Oscuro City's gym along the way, and he even told him the tale of Larirey and Dahugina, the two mythical beasts who were rumoured to protect the Vitala region. Apparently, Larirey would only show itself to humans once every 500 years.

Daniel thought about booking a room in the pokemon centre and spending his afternoon relaxing with his team, but instead, when he caught the sight of a fierce battle raging behind it, he decided to go and watch that instead. Excited at the prospect of meeting future challengers, Vinnie went with him sitting between Daniel, his pokemon, and a woman with a cyndaquil.
Daniel extended his hand to the stranger, going careful so that he wouldn't cause any damage to his fragile joints. "Same to you. I'm Daniel, a coordinator from the Unova region," he greeted as his Plusle jumped into his lap.

"The name's Vinnie," Vinnie interjected, "I'm the gym leader of Oscuro City, down the mountain."
Daniel winced a little at the force of the handshake, placing his arm carefully back around his Plusle's middle, "Then I guess that we've met before, back in the other contests. I was the one who flew around on my shiny honchkrow in the Fuoco Town contest, remember?" he enquired, "And you did the thing with the, er..."
Daniel chuckled a little, and reached around in his bag for his ribbon case. "I can't believe my luck. First, I won Fuoco Town's contest, and then I won again in Stella City's contest," the boy said proudly, showing her his prizes, "I wonder if I can make my wins a hat-trick when I compete in Cervella Town's contest. How's your luck been with ribbons?"
Kyra giggles. She pulls out her case revealing 4 ribbons. "I'm heading to Cervella's contest too!" Kyra yells in excitement. "I wandered ahead and skipped a few towns except for Fuoco." Kyra said proudly
"I won't be spilling any details about how I plan to perform in that contest, but it's a double performance, so I think I'll be quite comfortable there," Daniel told her. Double performances were his specialty after all. He'd only ever lost one double performance in his life, and that was after his pokemon fainted, he dislocated his arms, and his wheelchair broke while he was on stage. Aside from that debacle, all of his double performances had been successes.
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Daniel smirked. "We'll just have to see what my pokemon and I have to say about that," he chuckled, "My Plusle may only be little, but she's pretty good at winning the hearts of the audience."

Daniel's Lopunny, who was holding onto the handlebars of his wheelchair indignantly whinnied, "Punny!" as she rocked him forward.

"Lopunny's pretty good at that too," he sighed.
"As have mine," the boy returned, "I'll be stopping off in Oscuro City just to pick up some new contest accessories, and then I'll be straight off to Cervella Town. I can't miss the chance to pick up some Vitala region exclusive ball capsule seals."

And Lopunny pulled him back into place, only just avoiding catching her fur in his left wheel.
(There isn't anywhere to buy seals or ball capsules in the Vitala region, except for in Oscuro City)

Daniel got out his phone, and checked the website for Oscuro City's Coordinator Emporium. He knew exactly what he wanted from the department store; a rainbow heart seal for Plusle, a white twinkle seal and a leather collar for Mightyena, and maybe he'd check out some of the limited edition seals too... And then, he could maybe buy himself some new formalwear for his next contest...
"Hehe did you see the Limited time seal that ended a week ago?" Kyra pulls it out revealing a seal with a neutron appearance. "It projects rings of yellow,pink,blue, and silver and surrounds you Pokémon with the rings."
"Shame I missed out on that one," Daniel snorted, "Oh well. I already have what I want in mind. In fact, the midnight seal is the only limited edition one that I'm really interested in."

The boy played her a video of the seal in action on his phone. When the pokemon in the video, a shiny luvdisc emerged from its coordinator's pokeball, it was surrounded by a cloud of navy blue smoke and silver stars. Daniel thought that that seal would make his shiny honchkrow look even better than it already did in the performance round...
Plusle tugged at Daniel's jacket lapels, softly crying, "Plus! Plus!"

He placated her temporarily with a scratch on the head. "Yes, Plusle, I know you're hungry," he chuckled.

"Lop! Lopunny!" Lopunny added, once again rocking her master's wheelchair.

Daniel turned around to glare at her, and then back to Kyra. "It's about time that I went to feed my pokemon, I think. Just as soon as I pick up some more flying-type seed for my Honchkrow."
Decibel's eye twitched at the switch in of Haxorus. Before she could utter another word, however, Haxorus managed to use Earthquake. The move shattered the ice field, sending ice shards everywhere. Due to being weak to ground type moves, Jolteon was out in a matter of seconds. Even if he did survive the earthquake by some miracle, the ice shards would have finished Jolteon off.

"Tch, another Haxorus with earthquake?" Decibel would mumble under her breath as she returned Jolteon to his Pokeball. "Great job, Z." She would then place the Pokeball back on her belt and took out another one, "Hermes, I'm counting on you buddy."

With that she'd throw her Pokeball into the air to release her Togekiss. "Dazzling Gleam!" Decibel commanded. Her Togekiss would begin to emit a bright flash, dealing fairy type damage.
(Ummm I forget ok, Im sorry*faceplams*)
Zoda got back up on to his as he slowly walked to the luna gym with him and his pokemon but when he passed a battle he sat back down to watch.
His asking to go home but Zoda just kept looking at the battle like he's stuck to the spot