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Open Welcome To The Vitala Region!

"Dodge it," Val gave the order but Azurill was hit sending the water type back, unconscious, "Azurill is unable to battle".

"Not bad," Val smirked recalling her pokemon into its pokeball. The girl pulled out a great ball, she threw it into the air and her doublade appeared, "use aerial ace".
"Split up and attack from sides," Val ordered and the pokemon did as it was told, splitting up before using aerial ace from both sides of the fire type. The ghost type dancing around the flames as it dodged the attack, "follow this up with rockslides".
First the aerial ace double-teamed Ninetales. And then the rock slide did her in, sending her to the ground.

"Ninetales is unable to battle! And with all three of Volpe's pokemon defeated, the challenger, Val, is the winner!"

Volpe returned her fainted Ninetales, and walked over to Val's side of the battlefield.

"Here. For defeating me, you've won my gym's badge. The blaze badge!"
"Thank you," Val pulled up her bandana before grabbing her badge and give in a respectful nod to Volpe. The girl made her way to the pokecenter before starting on route to the next town. The girl putting her team inside her bag as she pulled out clothes that could keep her warm on the mountainous path.
It was approaching dusk when Daniel stopped at a lodge at the base of the mountain, to settle in for the night. Navigating the darkness was dangerous enough, but it was even more dangerous trying to do it while going up a mountain.

He thought about the trainer of that doublade he'd seen earlier...Was she headed to Stella City too? Probably, since there was a gym there.

He ignored thoughts about the trainers that he'd met as he shifted into bed, folded up his wheelchair, and went to sleep...
Val got into lodge late and checked herself into a room before letting all of her pokemon and collapsing into her bed. Letting everyone deal with themselves she fell asleep, Doublade pulling her blanket over her so she wouldn't get cold. Val's Pokemon talked to themselves, her Azurill sneaking out of the room to explore.
Zoda didn't care about the dark or the cold he Just wanted to get to Stella City
Zoda released his Pidgeotto and Umbreon
"Umbreon use flash and Pidgeotto I want you to fly us to Stella City"
"Okay so Umbreon will keep us lit and Pidgeotto will be getting us to Stella City and with the wind it should only take us 19 hours"Said Zoda as him and his flying type pokemon lifted up into the sky Heading to Stella City.
When morning came, Daniel watched from his bed as his pokemon ate, and he bundled up in warm clothes. Today, he wouldn't be needing his wheelchair, just the help of his Honchkrow.

He held onto Serperior as he staggered over to Honchkrow, before sitting on the big bird's back, and returning all of his other pokemon.


A tiny azurill bounced around in the hallway as he went to leave, spooking Honchkrow...
Azurill bounced down the hall happily, the water type having just gotten a pecha berry from a nice old lady. She didn't watch where she was going and bonced into Daniel's honchkrow. Supeising herself she fell on her butt and started to cry. Val had gotten up slowly as it didn't help that Braviary had crawled into her bed at some point and the flying type was none to be a heavy sleeper, "come on guys, time to get up ".
"Krow, krow," Honchkrow crowed in an exasperated fashion. He'd never seen a pokemon as little as Azurill cry before...


Daniel tried to reach out and help Azurill get back on top of its bouncy tail, only for the little pokemon to cry harder and shy away from his touch.
Val stumbled out of her room when Doublade pushed her out of the room and towards Azurill. She stopped when she remember she didn't have anything to cover her face and head, the girl had also just walked into the room where Daniel and Azurill was with her doublade hiding around the corner, "uh could I have my pokemon back"?
"Oh, this is your Azurill?" He asked, "I'll bet that she was lost!"

He looked down at his watch. Eight o clock in the morning. If he left now and didn't stop, he could be in Stella Citty by nightfall.

"Gotta go!" He said quickly, as Honchkrow flew him out the door, and then up towards the mountains.
"Okey," Val called her Azurill to follow her and the water type happily did, stopping its crying almost instantly. The trainer shook her head with a smile picking up the small pokemon and making her way back to her room and got ready for the next the part of er journey.
One long, arduous journey later, Daniel found himself at the top of the mountain, and in Stella City.

Glancing down at his brochure, he noted that as well as a contest and a ghost type gym leader, Luna, there was a place, known for miles around, for its trinkets and herbal medicines for pokemon.

"Well, time to get checked into a hotel first, and then it's time for contest practice," he muttered to himself. With the amount of ghost type pokemon on the mountain, and ghost type trainers in the town, he had decided to use Lopunny for the contest. In the battle rounds, she could turn out to be literally unbeatable (Due to her type advantage against ghost types).
Zoda woke in Luna city and checked into the hotel and took an hour nap with his Pokemon and woke up and to his disbelief his Pokemon had taken him up to highest mountain in the range.
"Man this is the view, but why did you bring me here"
OOC: Zoda can understand Umbreon but you can't(YET)

"Umbreon Umbreon"
"Really, Let's do it, but we'd have to ask the group"
"Pid, lap, mud, umb, nid, buzz"
"Umbreon Umbreon"
"So we are living here then, well let's get to work"
And as Zoda Built the sun fell and soon him and his Pokemon had fallen into the bed they made.
Arriving in Fuoco Town, a young boy read a sign for a gym. "So, this must be the place". he said as he entered. "Hello? Is anyone here? I came for a gym badge!"
A woman in full ninetales gijinka came out from the back room of the gym, sporting three pokeballs in her belt. Her eyelids sported heavy coats of orange eyeshadow, and thick black eyeliner.

"My name is Volpe, and I am the fire-type master of this gym," she trilled, her hips swinging from side to side, "I assume you wish to challenge me for the blaze badge?"
Volpe gave Yokudo a villainous smirk as she unhooked a pokeball from her belt. "Then, I'll start with my very best first! Go, Ninetales!"


Daniel's assumptions about Lopunny's type advantage had turned out to be exactly right. Being a normal type, the ghost-type pokemon that he faced in the battle rounds could not do any damage to Lopunny with their ghost-type attacks. Unfortunately, since Lopunny was a normal-type, she couldn't do any damage to them either, with her normal-type attacks, so the battle rounds had been all about making his opponent look bad.

Next to the shimmering gold and bright orange of Fuoco Town's ribbon, Stella City's ribbon was a deep purple, with wispy silver decorations. Plain, but still beautiful, and still a step closer towards the Grand Festival.
(I'm new to this site so please inform me if I do anything wrong, I'm just jumping in here so here we go!)
Ender sighed as she walked down the dusty roads "riolu, are you ready to battle a gym leader?". The small Pokemon looked up "ra!" it grunted in reply, chuckling Ender stopped "alright riolu I trust you".
(as far as i can tell your fine :))
Will was training for a rematch against Volpe. "Come on Guys!" he said "You can do it"
"Squiiii Squirt (I.. urgh... don't think.. ohh.... lifting weights is the proper way to train)"
"Pidg pid (ahh... too tired, cannot fly anymore)"
Will sighed "Alright" he said "we will do some training against actual wild Pokemon"

He walked down a dusty road, planning to get out of the city, when he bumped into Ender. "Hi!" he said "Are you going to challenge the gym?"
Ender jumped "ahh!" turning around she saw a man "oh I'm so sorry, and yeah me and riolu". Riolu grunted as he looked up at the guy "ra?" Ender looked down and patted riolu "It's ok".
Volpe gave Yokudo a villainous smirk as she unhooked a pokeball from her belt. "Then, I'll start with my very best first! Go, Ninetales!"


Daniel's assumptions about Lopunny's type advantage had turned out to be exactly right. Being a normal type, the ghost-type pokemon that he faced in the battle rounds could not do any damage to Lopunny with their ghost-type attacks. Unfortunately, since Lopunny was a normal-type, she couldn't do any damage to them either, with her normal-type attacks, so the battle rounds had been all about making his opponent look bad.

Next to the shimmering gold and bright orange of Fuoco Town's ribbon, Stella City's ribbon was a deep purple, with wispy silver decorations. Plain, but still beautiful, and still a step closer towards the Grand Festival.
Yokudo grinned. "Alright then, go Onix!" He said as a giant rock snake appeared on the field. "Let's start of with a Rock Throw!" He said as Onix swung it's tail and hurled rocks at Ninetales.
Val got ready for the journey, dressing in warmer clothes and wrapping a thick scarf around her neck. She then started off, trudging through the light snow of the plowed path through the mountains toward the next gym, "let's get this over and done with".

Doublade popped out every so often to chela on his trainer but Val recalled him every time. The blonde girl pulled her hood over her eyes and fixed it when ever it was pushed back.
"Use fire blast, and knock away those rocks!" Volpe ordered.
Her fire type fox pokemon blew huge flames at the rocks, in an attempt to simply blow them away, but the flames didn't work, and instead, the pokemon was hit with a barrage of white-hot rocks.
"Use fire blast, and knock away those rocks!" Volpe ordered.
Her fire type fox pokemon blew huge flames at the rocks, in an attempt to simply blow them away, but the flames didn't work, and instead, the pokemon was hit with a barrage of white-hot rocks.
"Alright Onix, keep up the pressure with Rock Tomb!" he said as Onix let out a roar. Huge rocks surrounded Onix as he hurled them at Ninetales.
"Come on guy's we will have to face the gym at one point"
"Umb Umb Umbreon"
"Well then train"
Soon Zoda's Pokemon were training when a trainer challenged them
"I challenge you to a battle"
"{Insert Pokemon music here}"
"Well i accept the challenger"
"Go Maigkarp"
Zoda faceplam himself as he sent out mudkip
"Mudkip use bubble"
"Mud Mud MUDKIP"

OOC: There was an event that gave maigkarp dragon rage
BIC: "Maigkarp use dragon rage"
Zoda watched in disbelief as his mudkid was fainted
"Arhh, return mudkip, go Nidoran"
"Hit it with Poison sting"
The opposing maigkarp fainted and Zoda won the battle
"Nidoran is evolving {Insert evolving sound here}"
"Nidoran evolved into Nidorino"
"Yasss, soon your gonna be a Nidoking"
And with that the training continued
"As if I'll make the same mistake again," Volpe cackled, "Ninetales, use shadow ball!"

The pokemon threw balls of pulsing dark energy, one after the other at the rocks, launching an extra one at Onix for good measure.
"As if I'll make the same mistake again," Volpe cackled, "Ninetales, use shadow ball!"

The pokemon threw balls of pulsing dark energy, one after the other at the rocks, launching an extra one at Onix for good measure.
As the Shadow Ball hit Onix, Yokudo started to chuckle. "Not bad, just what I would expect from a gym leader. Now Onix, use Dig!" Onix obeyed and dug a hole in the ground.
"Ninetales, use flamethrower straight down into the hole!"

Ninetales stood at the hole, and blew a fiery vortex into it, hoping to reach Onix before it came up and attacked her.


With his contest over ror the day, Daniel decided to go and watch Stella City's gym leader, Luna, battle her latest challenger. Oscuro City was just ten minutes further up from Stella City, and the contest there wasn't going to be for another few days, so Daniel had a little bit of time to kill.

As Lopunny pushed his wheelchair into place at the front of the stands, he noticed a man in a black zoot suit, sat at the top of the stands. Could it be Vinnie, Oscuro City's gym leader?
"Ninetales, use flamethrower straight down into the hole!"

Ninetales stood at the hole, and blew a fiery vortex into it, hoping to reach Onix before it came up and attacked her.


With his contest over ror the day, Daniel decided to go and watch Stella City's gym leader, Luna, battle her latest challenger. Oscuro City was just ten minutes further up from Stella City, and the contest there wasn't going to be for another few days, so Daniel had a little bit of time to kill.

As Lopunny pushed his wheelchair into place at the front of the stands, he noticed a man in a black zoot suit, sat at the top of the stands. Could it be Vinnie, Oscuro City's gym leader?
"Alright Onix, come out and use Stone Edge!" he said as Onix flew out with a wall of flame behind him and giant pillars grew out of the ground.
One of the pillars smacked into Ninetales' stomach as it rose, sending her towards the ceiling. And then, down she came to the ground, with an unceremonious thud.

"Ninetales is unable to battle, which makes Onix the winner!"

Volpe threw out her flareon nex, and ordered it to use sunny day.
Val continued, only stopping when it was absolutely necessary. She trudged her way to the next city where she got a hotel room, ran a very warm bath and relaxed. Her Pokemon doing the same, moving about the place to look around in curiosity. Doublade sat near the door to the room incase any intruders tried to get in.
"Now then" Will said to Squirtle, Pidgey and Wynaut "Whos ready to challenge that gym again?"
Without waiting for an answer, Will entered Volpe's gym, and sat down to watch the challenger that was battling
One of the pillars smacked into Ninetales' stomach as it rose, sending her towards the ceiling. And then, down she came to the ground, with an unceremonious thud.

"Ninetales is unable to battle, which makes Onix the winner!"

Volpe threw out her flareon nex, and ordered it to use sunny day.
"Alright, one down!" he said while taking out a pokeball. "Onix, return!" Yokudo then took out a sceond pokeball. "Go, Wooper!" he said while a blue pokemon appeared on the field. "Alright, counter Sunny Day with Rain Dance!"
With the power of her pokemon's fire type moves balanced out by the rain, Volpe grumbled a little to herself, before making her next move.

"Vulpix, use flamethrower!"
"Wooper, use Water Gun!" Wooper obeyed and sprayed water against the flamethrower, the impact causing steam. "Hmph, I know for a fact that fire type users hate water types" Yokudo said with a smirk. "Wooper, use Rollout!"
Volpe's eyes widened as the wooper crashed into her vulpix, knocking him over like a bowling ball does a pin. The referee's verdict was given almost instantly.

"Vulpix is unable to battle!"

Volpe selected her final pokeball, kissing it before she tgrew it onto the field.

"Flareon, use ember!"


"Any signs of her yet?"

"None so far, boss," the other end of the line reported, "Dahugina is refusing to come out."

"And what about the other one?"

"Larirey has yet to surface as well. We'll contact tge team at Lake Sauro for a more detailed report."
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