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Open Welcome To The Vitala Region!

Just off the coast of Kalos lies the Vitala region, a lively and densely populated place where people and pokemon live and work together. Challenge the gym leaders, or compete in contests! Pokemon trainers can challenge the gym leaders, and later, the Vitala elite four and the champion, Regina! The gym leaders are:

Volpe: A fiery woman with a love of fire type pokemon, who resides in Fuoco Town. She'll set you aflame with her vulpix, ninetales, and flareon! Defeat her, and you'll receive the Blaze Badge!

Luna: The alluring dancer, fortune teller, and gym leader of Stella City who uses ghost type pokemon. How will you fare against her dusclops, misdreavus, and yamask? She gives out the Coffin Badge to those who defeat her.

Vinnie: This mysterious man loves to look his best...And use dark types. Will you be able to defeat his honchkrow, houndoom, and mightyena? Find out when you reach Oscuro City, and if you do, you'll get the Don Badge!

Joel: A polite psychic, and lover of psychic type pokemon. Strategise carefully, as he can read your mind! He resides in Cervella Town, with his partner, Kazuki, and his pokemon, grumpig, espeon, and glameow! His gym badge, the Chakra Badge, is coveted by many, due to its beauty.

Marissa: She wanted to be a mermaid when she was little, but that didn't quite work out. So, she became a water type gym leader. In Droplet Town, face her vaporeon, luvdisc, and phantagua, if you want to win the Sauro Badge!

Sam: A quiet normal type user, who refuses to evolve any of his pokemon. Face him in Ordinaro Village with his kangaskhan, eevee, and spinda! He will gladly give you the Blanco Badge if you defeat him.

Roisin: A girl who lives in Ninfia Town, and who uses both grass and fairy type pokemon. Don't get swept away by her sylveon, leafeon, torterra, and florges! Defeat her, and receive the Clurichaun Badge!

Achile: In the buzzing metropolis that is Ellettrico City, Achile will be your last stop before the Elite Four! This tough electric type user is sure to shock with his electivire, jolteon, emolga and manectric. He is a gym leader who can scarcely be matched, but if you defeat him, you will get the Potenza Badge.

The Elite four and champion's pokemon? Well, they're a secret! For now~

Now, explore and enjoy the Vitala region, trainers!


"The Vitala region...We're really here!" Daniel chirruped excitedly, "I'll become top coordinator this time, for sure!"

"Yena!" His Mightyena barked in reply.

"Punny! Lop, Lopunny!" His Lopunny added.

Daniel looked around at the large rabbit pokemon pushing his wheelchair. "Yes, Lopunny, I feel fine. In fact, I feel great," he said to his service pokemon, "New region, new start. Oh, and a new chance to go for my dream of being top coordinator!"

The automatic doors of a laboratory swished open, to reveal several trainers crowding round a woman with chestnut hair, and olive skin. She handed out contest passes and badge cases left and right, tiredly ordering, "One at a time, please!"

"So that's Professor Laurel," Daniel mused, "Well, let's get in line, I can't become top coordinator if I don't have a contest pass. Lopunny?"

"Lopunny!" The pokemon agreed.

As she pushed him into the line, Daniel ordered her to stop as she bumped into someone...
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Ooc: *cough cough* Okay. Here we go
BIC: As Leland turned around, he was almost immediately knocked down by a Pokemon.
The Teddiursa resting on the trainer's head was the first to hit the ground, the next was Leland, who found himself flat on his buttox.
The little pokemon behind him was quick to get up, again, followed by Leland. Teddiursa was soon pulling on Lelands pants to get back up.
"Yeah, yeah, you little bugger, you." With that, Leland helped him onto his shoulders once again.
The teddiursa started picking at his hair to make sure that his trainer's head was okay. All the while muttering "ted...ted...ted..."
With that Leland turned around in order to confront his assailant.
"Lopunny! You really ought to be more careful!" Daniel scolded, "Alright, I think you've had enough outside time for now. Return."

And he beamed the rabbit pokemon back into her pokeball.

"I'm sorry that Lopunny rammed me into you," he said apologetically, "She may be my service pokemon, but she's very new to her job, and I guess she's still getting the hang of handling my wheelchair. Are you and Teddiursa ok?"
Leland looks up, and sees teddiursa's paws patting at his hair and his soft little voice muttering. Leland chuckled and said "Yeah, he's gonna be just fine." He looked back down to Daniel and asked what he was doing here.
Leland sighed. "Thought about doing the same. Back in Johto I wasn't too much of a trainer, so I thought I'd travel around a bit. This is where I landed, and I thought I'd try something new."
"Ah, so you're a newbie coordinator," the boy chirruped with a grin, "Will I be seeing you in the Fuoco Town contest? Or are you going to wait a bit, before you jump into the contest scene?"
"I don't know to be perfectly honest. My pokemon aren't exactly built for elegance and grace, but if I learned anything, most things are best learned diving straight in."
With that he held up a finger to Daniel and shouted over to the proffesor. "Excuse me, one contest pass please." the proffesor, quite flustered, ran Leland through the system. His team of strongly built pokemon flashed above them on the screen, and then he was ready.
"Uh, same for me," Daniel added. Professor Laurel put his name, and team down, and the handed him a freshly printed contest pass.

"I've got to go and rehearse my appeal for appeal. My Honchkrow knows some neat moves, and he's shiny, so he should get me high marks tomorrow."
Val walked down the road with her hands tucked into her hoodie's pocket. The girl dodging around people when need be but keeping a pretty straight path. Some people avoided as one of her partner Pokemon, a doublade, rest in it's sheathes on her back. The girl took no notice to this though as she continued on her way, stopping only to look at the towns concert hall.
"Man this place looks cool"
"LAPRAS!" screamed Lapras
"What lar--*Bang* as they ran into a rock
after awhile Zoda woke up
After his little chat with Leland, Daniel headed off to a park, to practice his appeal for the Fuoco Town contest. Since Fuoco Town was known for its high population of fire-type type pokemon, Daniel had thought about putting on a suitably fiery performance for the contest. Too bad that he didn't have any fire type pokemon...

He chose a blue flame seal for Honchkrow. and then threw the large dark-type out. Honchkrow emerged in a flash of wispy blue flames.

"Honchkrow, use dark pulse, and then switch to psychic!"

Honchkrow blasted rings of dark energy, before it caught them with the psychic, and made them swirl around him.

"Now, use payback!"

For a second, Honchkrow was lost in a sparkling mist shower, as it fired off the payback...And then he emerged, body and wings sparkling.
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And was attacked by an arbork but a strange pokemon with blue soft wings saved him disappearing straight away.
Zoda wanted to know more so he went to town to see if anyone know about the pokemon
(Guys, one liners aren't allowed)

Honchkrow flew down to Daniel, and the boy shifted onto the pokemon's back, ready to practice their final contest trick.

"Fly!" Daniel commanded, and the pokemon swooped around the park, diving every now and again, to show off just how well it could handle itself in the air. When he was done, Honchkrow landed on the ground, proudly displaying its big wings as Daniel posed.
I don't know, It ran away but it did save me and my lapras.
I do owe it for saving my life from an arbork.
"Finally we are here" Will Whitman yelled."a new region to explore! Are you guys excited"
"Squirtle Squirt (I am actually excited)" his Squirtle said
"Pidgey Pidgey (finally we are off that boat!)"
"Wynaut! You need to learn that 'Why Not' is not a proper answer" Will shouted
Squirtle sighed "Squirt! (We went over this! He is just saying his name!)"
"Sorry Squirtle" will said "I have no idea what you are saying"
(Also you can't have legendary encounters without the mods' permission)

"You did great, Honchkrow!" Daniel praised, "If you do that again at the contest, we'll get to round two, for sure!"

The pokemon cried, "Krow, krow!" as he let Daniel off his back, and then into his wheelchair again. He tapped the pokeball to Honchkrow's head as he began to wheel his way out of the park.
Will walked down the street, looking and the buildings and the people, until he reached the contest building. He had always enjoyed watching contests, even though he, nor any of his Pokemon, had the grace and beauty neccisary to truly compete. "The truth hurts sometimes" he sighed.

He decided that he would watch a contest though, it was the perfect way to relax before a long and potentially perilous journey to the eight Gyms
Daniel inhaled sharply as he wheeled his way onto the stage. All he had to do was get this right...

His routine went perfectly Honchkrow flew elegantly around the arena, with him on his back. A sparkling shower fell on him he used psychic, one which was even more brilliant than when they were practicing in the park.
Will entered the contest building and walked to the ticket booth.
"That would be two hundred Pokedollars please" a lady at the booth said.
"Alright" will said as he handed over the money.
The lady gave him a ticket and he entered. The hall was massive, almost ten thousand people could probably fit inside. And the stage was amazing. It was raised, yet everybody could see exactly what was happening from their seats. He sat down, excited to see what would happen. He saw a honchkrow flying around the arena, and a shower of light. He heard clapping and so he began to clap too
Honchkrow's wings glowed from the sparkle of the payback, as he dived and swooped about the crowd. When he landed, centre stage, with Daniel posing on his lap, the judges gave both him and Daniel high praise.


"How mysterious!"

"Such beautiful wings! Honchkrow and Daniel were really concentrating hard!"
"Amazing" Will said to himself. He had seen the Honchcrow soar overhead, felt the sparkles falling down into him. The way that the judges congratulated him obviously was not congratulation enough. Will knew that there was always the chance that they had seen other competitors that were equally, if not more skilled, but to him, Daniel had seemed like the best. He began to clap for Daniel, then sat down to enjoy the rest of the contest
The other performances finished a little while later. A girl and her boldore put on an explosive show, with a stealth-rock trick. A man used his sylveon and her fairy wind to fly around in a pink gust. And then there was a popular Unovan coordinator, Sophie, with her meowstic...And she got the biggest hand of all.

"And the eight contestants moving onto round two are..."

Daniel waited with bated breath...
Will noticed Edvin looking at him. "Hi" he said "my name is Will. Are you a trainer too? I am, my goal is to Beat all eight gyms and become the champion. I know it sounds a bit silly but there are stories about boys in other regions who have done it, so why can't I?"
Will tended to talk alot when he met new people and realised to late that he probably was seeming a bit awkward.
After a while of watching and waiting, he heard the announcement. He wondered who would get through
He really hoped the trainer Dante and honchkrow would
advance. He really liked that hochkrow

Edvin looked at Will and said "Hello im Edvin and yes im a pokemon trainer."
"My goal is to become the strongest trainer ever"
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