A great yawn stretched Stevey's mouth open wide, and she held up a paw to cover it, glancing down the street of the village. "As great as something active sounds right now, I'm not sure I'm up for it, actually. Sleep just hit me like a truck," she replied to Johnny, smirking slightly. She began to walk down the street, near the exit of the village, the entrance to the Amour Area. "I gotta admit, that sun looks really pretty. I wouldn't mind watching it set, honestly." Her movements were now slow and sluggish, and the Flareon had to keep shaking her head in order to keep herself awake as she walked. Maybe going to bed late last night wasn't such a good idea...
Stevey found a nice, grassy spot near the place where the shiny thing was before. Now that the sun was nearly gone, it, too, had disappeared, but she didn't pay it much attention. Sitting down, she looked back to Johnny, moving her paint-tipped tail away from its place by her side so he could take a seat next to her now-laying form. "Dang..." she mumbled, looking up to the sky, "I love these colors. Beautiful..."