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Your favourite Pokemon

Re: Your favourite Pokemon

I had never really had a truly favorite Pokemon before, but when I played through Gen V Joltik stole my heart, and I like Galvantula just as much. From the moment I started training her, my Galvantula did nothing but beast. I've never felt so in-sync with a Pokemon's play style before. Sceptile is my second favorite, but Galvantula beats him by a long shot.
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

Ralts. Since I found him in Ruby. I seem to be drawn to Psychic types, probably why I run the Psychic gym back home. When I first found my male Ralts I became obsessed, especially with his ability Trace, there was just one problem... My male Ralts evolved... and then I let it evolve again... you can probably guess what I thought of that... so I trained Ralts without evolving them for years and despised Gardevoir. Yes, I did not think at the time to simply raise a female Ralts into a Gardevoir, the damage was done. Thanks to Gallade I gave the big girl another chance. So now while Ralts is still my favourite, I also like Gardevoir, but only if it is female. I also love Gallade, but I want a Gallade with Trace.
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

^^^^^^ Charizard all the way! Was the first Pokemon I had ever seen, was pretty much love at first sight! I've had some other favourite "phases" but I've been all for Charizard ever since I was into Pokemon! ;)
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

My favourite is Espeon, hands down. I remember when I first saw it in a second gen sticker book that my brother got in a book order and saw Espeon. I remember I thought that it was a "Light' type xD. I also remember thinking that it looked like Luna from Sailor Moon and ever since then she has been my favourite.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

While Manectric and Murkrow are still my firm favourites, I have to say that Archen has squeezed his way into my affections. And when I say squeezed, I mean I adored him the second he was revealed and I've never looked back ♥
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

Hello im musashi and im new to this site, but i'll get on topic
My Favourite pokemon o all times (FOR ALL TIME!)
Is Ninetails
WHY? Well i guess it has to do with im an original fan, go KANTO!, and i never wanted charizard or blastoise (over used) so i got venusaur so i wanted a fire type and ninetales was so cool (and he is not arcanine also over used)
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

oh and i hope everyone noticed my missspelling of NINETALES name i guess i just instinctively tried to fix the name (fail)
But, I've noticed that people are putting a nice list of pokemon, so basically my favourite 6 (basically my go to team Venusaur, Scyther, Marowak, Tropius, Milotic and as stated before Ninetales
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

i mean really for the people who actually read my earlier post well... ampharos is my favorite pokemon evar!!! it's s-o cool !!!! i have a poster and i loved ampharos forever!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

Ahhh, tough one. Although I have to say Cacturne is probably my favourite~
Dunno why but I just, argh, it's a cutie ok. Cacnea as well.
I really like Cofagrigus as well, although I didn't like it all at first. It really grew on me TvT.
(I will happily admit to loving Zubat and Woobat as well;; Gosh they're just so CUTE. *flails*)
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

My favourit pokemon is Palkia ~:)~ hes so cool and speshal rend is awesome and better then war of time that's a rubbish mooe and specie rend will cut through that moov and make it swish cheese hahahahahah :angel:
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

My favourit pokemon is Palkia ~:)~ hes so cool and speshal rend is awesome and better then war of time that's a rubbish mooe and specie rend will cut through that moov and make it swish cheese hahahahahah ~:D~ and this is my team i like them there cool and my stater was palkia


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Re: Your favourite Pokemon

My favourit pokemon is squritle hes so cool and awesome with his water gun ~:D~ and my team is im from kanto but i want to shino


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Re: Your favourite Pokemon

Ummmmm...this is tough. Okay, I'll list my top six favorites, and call it my Dream Team of Pokemon. Here they are:

1) Lucario
2) Zekrom(you should have guessed this one)
3) Typhlosion
4) Kabutops
5) Glalie
6) Gallade
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

My all-time favourite pokemon is Dragonite. First of all, I love dragon types...and since Dragonite was my first dragon pokemon ( in pokemon yellow...) I really loved it... ;)
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

I have to say that my favorite Pokemon is Gastly. Its face is adorable! :D And all the Gastlies I've raised always hug my character and dace in happiness. Its just so cute! <.> I kinda sound like a mega dork but its true :(
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

Hmm... well, if it counts, ghost. This is simply because it seems so much like a boss and nothing touches it. The only thing i don't like is that I can't catch one... :angel:
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

Got to be Jolteon for me! Always found a use for him, from sweeper to 2 or 3 variants of support and can kick ass with Rain Dance/Thunder. He can actually survive a medium hit or 2 as well!
Absol is a very close second! First battle I had online was a double battle vs Absol. My team which I loved so much was annihilated @.@
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

  • Ampharos

[align=justify]Some others: Pidgeot, Staraptor, Weavile, Garchomp, Gallade, Dusknoir, Vibrava, Chandelure, Eelektross, Lickilicky, Porygon, Sharpedo, Torterra, Blaziken, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Bulbasaur, CHARMANDER!, Squirtle, Manectric[/align]
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

I can't get a image.
My top favorite is Charmander
Second is squirtle
Third is bulbasuar
Forth is giratina
Fith= samourott
Sixth= Kyurem

But my ovarall favrite is CHARMANDER.
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

Top five has got to be: Zoroark, Blaziken, Giratina Origin Forme, Tyranitar, and Lickitung. This not in any order just chose the best from each generation.
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

Lugia! I'm not sure exactly how he became my favorite, but we slowly attatched day by day in SoulSilver, now hes 85% of my pokemon life!
My favorite used to be Typhlosion, but hes barely used by me anymore.
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

My absolute favourite, the Pokémon I think of instantly, is Mawile. My shiny Mawile and I met in the most unexpected way, and her personality is like mine, so we get along famously. I love her dearly.
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

I am MAD for Lucario!! That Pokemon is just...



Sorry, just got a bit lost under love then, heh heh...
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

My fav. Pokémon HAS ALWAYS been Scyzor - It has the coolest design EVAH!

And as that have been said - I like the stats + Moves it can learn.
Guys - If u ever start a new pokemon save. Go make a friend trade it to you. Its awesome and i love it - it has been my favourite as long as i remember.

And a big PLUS!+. It is damn Bug/Steel type. I mean, come on - how cool can it be? :o
Re: Your favourite Pokemon

i have 6 favourites that i get in every pokemon game i play (till R/S)
1) Dugtrio
2) Blaziken
3) Tauros
4) Politoed
5) Misdreavius (and now Mismagius) &
6) Skarmory