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Your favourite Pokemon


Originally, my favorite Pokemon of all time was Dragonite, considering he was a pure beast in nearly every battle he partook in. Then, along came a spider... dragon... UFO dragon... whatever you want to call him now. XD
I have loads if favourite pokemon so it's hard to choose......but if it only hard to be one then I'd probaly choose Ditto!!!:) Who CANNOT love a purple piece of mush:blush:


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Dragon: (I have 3) Haxorus, Dragonite, Hydreigon
Ground: Krookodile
Bug: Scyther
Dark: Darkrai
Ghost: Gengar
Flying: Charizard
Poison: Scolipede
Ice: Glaceon
Grass: Shaymin (Sky Form)
Psychic: Victini
Normal: Eevee
Electric: Pikachu (my childhood)
My faves has always been only the all legendaries and my number one fave Pokémon has always been Mew of course. Mew is awesome cause it can use every tm and hm and it can use Transform move and it's so adorable, so cute and so playful, powerful too. And this is my top 53 fave Pokémon's. 1.Mew. 2. Mewtwo/Mega Mewtwo X and Y. 3. Articuno. 4. Zapdos. 5.Moltres. 6.Celebi. 7.Lugia. 8.Ho-Oh. 9.Raikou. 10.Entei. 11.Suicune. 12.Jirachi. 13. Deoxys and all of it's forms. 14.Rayquaza/Mega Rayquaza. 15. Groudon/Primal Groudon. 16. Kyogre/Primal Kyogre. 17. Latios/Meg Latios. 18. Latias/Mega Latias. 19. Regirock. 20. Regice. 21. Registeel. 22. Shaymin Land Form/Sky Form. 23. Arceus. 24. Darkrai. 25. Manaphy. 26. Cresselia. 27. Giratina Altered Form/Origin Form. 28. Regigigas. 29. Heatran. 30. Dialga. 31. Palkia. 32. Azelf. 33. Mesprit. 34. Uxie. 35. Victini. 36. Genesect. 37. Meloetta Aria Form/Pirouette Form. 38. Keldeo Ordinary Form/Resolute Form. 39. Kyurem Normal Form/Black Form/White Form. 40. Landorus Incarnate Form/Therian Form. 41. Thundurus Incarnate Form/Therian Form. 42. Tornadus Incarnate Form/Therian Form. 43. Virizion. 44. Terrakion. 45. Cobalion. 46. Zekrom. 47. Reshiram. 48. Zygarde. 49. Xerneas. 50. Yveltal. 51. Diancie/Mega Diancie. 52. Hoopa. 53. Volcanion.

And this is my top list of fave Pokémon type's.

Psychic: Mew, Mewtwo/Mega Mewtwo X and Y, Celebi, Lugia, Jirachi, Deoxys and all it's forms, Latios/Mega Latios, Latias/Mega Latias, Arceus when holding Mind Plate, Cresselia, Azelf, Mesprit, Uxie, Victini, Meloetta Aria Form, Hoopa Confined/Unbound.
Ice: Articuno, Regice, Arceus when holding Icicle Plate, Kyurem Normal Form/Black Form/White Form,
Electric: Zapdos, Raikou, Arceus when holding Zap Plate, Thundurus Incarnate Form/Therian Form, Zekrom.
Fire: Moltres, Ho-Oh, Entei, Primal Groudon, Arceus when holding Flame Plate, Heatran, Victini, Reshiram, Volcanion.
Grass: Celebi, Shaymin Land Form/Sky Form, Arceus when holding Meadow Plate, Virizion.
Flying: Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Rayquaza/Mega Rayquaza, Shaymin Sky Form, Arceus when holding Sky Plate, Landorus Incarnate Form/Therian Form, Thundurus Incarnate Form/Therian Form, Tornadus Incarnate Form/Therian Form, Yveltal.
Water: Suicune, Kyogre/Primal Kyogre, Arceus when holding Splash Plate, Manaphy, Palkia, Keldeo Ordinary Form/Resolute Form, Volcanion.
Steel: Jirachi, Registeel, Arceus when holding Iron Plate, Heatran, Dialga, Genesect, Cobalion.
Dragon: Rayquaza/Mega Rayquaza, Latios/Mega Latios, Latias/Mega Latias, Arceus when holding Draco Plate, Giratina Altered Form/Origin Form, Dialga, Palkia, Kyurem Normal Form/Black Form/White Form, Zekrom, Reshiram, Zygarde.
Ground: Groudon/Primal Groudon, Arceus when holding Earth Plate, Landorus Incarnate Form/Therian Form, Zygarde
Rock: Regirock, Arceus when holding Stone Plate, Terrakion, Diancie/Mega Diancie.
Normal: Arceus, Regigigas, Meloetta Aria Form/Pirouette Form.
Fighting: Meloetta Pirouette Form, Keldeo Ordinary Form/Resolute Form, Virizion, Terrakion, Cobalion.
Dark: Arceus when holding Dread Plate, Darkrai, Yveltal, Hoopa Unbound.
Ghost: Arceus when holding Spooky Plate, Giratina Altered Form/Origin Form, Hoopa Confined.
Fairy: Xerneas, Diancie/Mega Diancie.


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Meant to post this yesterday, but my memory is made of fail. It's a familiar topic that should be revived after all. The title pretty much speaks for itself: what Pokemon is your absolute favourite and why?

As regulars here will know, my favourite is Manectric. Not quite sure why. I just came across one after rediscovering Pokemon and I was instantly drawn to him. He became my Thunderdog and he's been my firm favourite since. He has a weird design, and we can all agree that loads of other Pokemon look much cooler/better, but I just love him and he's a solid member of my competitive battle team. I've never even seen him in the anime, and I'm not sure what he sounds like. But I loves him ♥

Other favourites include: Sceptile, Murkrow and Munchlax ♥

So, what about you?
manectric is actually a super cool pokemon very usful considering there aren't really a whole lot of available electric types in previous games as for the anime if you wanna see him appear he makes several apearnces in the new x and y anime during the poke poacher episode :)

so as for my favorite pokemon that's definitely gonna be my long time partner typhlosion ever since I laid eyes on one my first time playing silver back in the early 2000s ive had a huge thing for them they are super powerful and rival charizard plus the way the blazing flames just burst out of his back while fighting are just plain cool!!!!! and he sounds super tough whenever he exits the pokeball XD
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Rotom-Wash is a unique, varied Water-Electric type. One of my favorite for competitive battling.

Meganium is a below-average Pokemon, but I love it for the great design and for being my favorite region's favorite starter.

I know many weren't too psyched about another 'triple-it-up evolution', but I liked Magneton regardless. I liked Magnemite's simplistic design, and hey, more the merrier!

Uxie is pretty cool in competitive play. It has some great defense and makes an excellent wall in the tier it's used in. Also, the design is cool.

Octillery is so cool. It may just look like a derpy octopus, but look out- this thing is one powerhouse of a water type.

Vespiquen is one of those Pokemon that are pretty weak, but their design or moves make it look like a powerhouse. Nevertheless, Vespiquen is really fun in-game and thus she gets the #5 spot.

Escavalier is an awesome bug-steel type. You may think as a Johto fanboy I'd prefer Scizor, but no. Escavalier is a damn good Pokemon. Plus, bonus points for cool design.

Dragonair just looks cool. It's pretty good as a NFE 'Mon, and with an Eviolite, it can really wreck house against other NFE 'Mons. Plus, it's design is WAY cooler than Dragonite's.

Gardevoir is amazing as a Psychic type- you can catch a Ralts early on in R/S/E, it evolves fairly early, and once it becomes a Gardevoir, every single AI Pokemon becomes a JOKE. Seriously, I swept the Elite Four in OR/AS just with my Mega Gardevoir.

Togekiss is the bomb. It evolves from my favorite Johto Pokemon (If pre-evo's were allowed alongside their post-evo's, Togepi and Togetic would be on this list), it's strong, and it's my second favorite type- Fairy -and my third favorite, Flying.
Lucario by far more than anything else. Steel / Fighting is my favourite dual typing in the entire game & one of the best offensive ones I've ever seen. It's also very fun to use in battles as well. But most importantly, Korrina, my favourite Gym Leader ever, uses it as well. (Luke's mega is also pretty amazing.) My other favourites include Latias, Jirachi, Victini, Meloetta, bah, you get the cute theme here.

Glalie is my favorite ice pokemon. I think he's great, big, ice, flying, demon head... I really like it!


My 3rd favorite bird and 9th favorite pokemon is Talonflame.
1. Fire type is my 5th favorite type.
2. I like bird pokemons.
3. After Pidgey\eotto\eot, this is my favorite bird evolve family.


This is pokemon, who I want to have in every pokemon game... This pokemon is just great!!


This is wonderful, giant, poison bug... This is my favorite Unova pokemon!!


Dragonite... Cute and very strong pokemon, who evolving only at 55th level...


Staraptor have cool design and very fast, but his pre-evolve forms are not so cool and this is sad... This is my second favorite bird pokemon.


Fast pokemon with cool design. Steel and bug type is great! I like this a lot!


Aggron is the greatest steel pokemon in my opinion! Steel type is my favorite and Aggron get bronze in my top! :D


Mega Pidgeot have epic design, and it's very powerful... And I like bird pokemon! :3 :з


Darkrai, dark, flying nightmare...
This is a difficult question but if I had to chose one it'd be Snorlax.
When I played through the original games and their remake's Snorlax was always so cool to me.
Eats a lot and likes to sleep all day?(me in a nutshell)
Not to mention it can attack while asleep.
My second is between the elekid line and the magby line
epic pokemon, epic design and epic final forms.
My favorite is obviously Togepi! I don't really know why, I just simply love the little guy! other than togepi, My favorites are Lucario, Umbreon, and pichu!
My absolute Favorite Is Camerupt. Its a camel, but with the ability to shoot lava out of its back, and its mega evolution is incredibly strong, but unfourtunately could have been a bit better. Well at least it got it out of the PU tier and into the NU tier, which is better than nothing i guess. Also becuase of how it just is, i cant quite explain it, its just a really good looking pokemon with a nice design and a nice improvement with its Mega Evolution


Formerly Aaron the Fright
Over all

I love art so wynuat smeargle
i love the fire ghost typing it is soo cool to have a possessed chandelier
it is a fighting kangaroo fungi what more can i say
it is a penguin that can slice people with steel
i love bats #FavoriteAnimal this is a bat who can shoot sound waves out of his ears
i love roses and this is like a rose superhero
i like pokemon with unattached limbs i wish there was more
it is a plasma spirit that can go in electronics
i love the background of this pokemon
just like what i said for smeargle. wynuat
look at my name then his name Aaron Aron see why i like it
im going to say it again Wynuat
it is a centipede BEAST
its a sea horse. again Wynuat + i like sea horses
i like gems
it is BEAST
Still beast
again i like gems
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This is a tough one, but I think I would have to say Zorua because then I could transform into anything and blend in/hide stuff like that. (I am so antisocial, so especially the hiding bit.)


Formerly Aurora Beam
Anyways, since I'm here . . .
Ninjask--good pokemon to use as a finisher and attacker, but I never use him for fucking baton pass
Megallade-- Charmsians who know me will know exactly why I love this thing. FUCKING ICE PUNCH. and love his cape/wings/whatever the fuck they are.
Infernape--Iron fist + Thunder Punch = >:D part of my megallade-infernape combo. and he has a flaming head. He's been my champ since gen IV, so I usually nickname him champ
Nidoking--an old favorite. Life orb sheer force adds a whole other level of intensity. Always, ALWAYS nicknamed wallbreaker
My number one favorite? Raichu. It's always been my favorite. I just loved all the energy, fight, and personality for such a small, cute pokemon. Haunter comes a close second. Idk why. I've always loved haunter. When I was little I beat my very first stadium in Pokemon Stadium with a haunter.
Well, my photo says enough, my favourite is Squirtle! But I really like its evolutions as well, including Mega Blastoise. I also really like Lugia, Sceptile and Pidgeot.
I like arceus and charizard and his mega evolution.by the the way I am Ayush Mishra and Iam 10 years old.I am from INDIA I join this website today on morning.And If you like arceus and charizard and his mega evolution, so please reply me.
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Kind of hard for me to decide on my #1 favorite as I have two Pokemon equally at first - Watchog and Mienshao! After that the Fox Pokemon and Eeveelutions are next, followed by the Feline Pokemon, then the Mustelids/Mongoose/Meerkat Pokemon! My 6 favorite Pokemon are in my trainer card below in my signature.
If I where to go up to my top 50 favorites:
01/02 - Watchog & Mienshao! 03 Braixen - 04 Vulpix - 05 Zorua - 06 Ninetales - 07 Delphox - 08 Fennekin - 09 Flareon - 10 Glaceon - 11 Sylveon - 12 Umbreon - 13 Leafeon - 14 Vaporeon - 15 Espeon - 16 Eevee - 17 Jolteon - 18 Persian - 19 Meowstic (prefer female over male) - 20 Purrloin - 21 Pyroar (I like the female more than the male) - 22 Luxray - 23 Liepard - 24 Mew - 25 Litleo - 26 Glameow - 27 Luxio - 28 Espurr - 29 Shinx - 30 Delcatty - 31 PurrBeauty (Purugly by it's Dex Name) - 32 Meowth - 33 Skitty - 34 Zangoose - 35 Mienfoo - 36 Floatzel - 37 Furret - 38 Buizel - 39 Dewott - 40 Linoone - 41 Sneasel - 42 Quilava - 43 Typhlosion - 44 Weavile - 45 Sentret - 46 Patrat - 47 Zigzagoon - 48 Lucario - 49 Riolu - 50 Mightyena

Rocky The Bot

Formerly _Latios_
3 mega gallade
Hello i am pro TIMMY: go Close combat- magikarp: X_X
2 Galvantula
Hello i am Spider electric
1 Latios.
I am hero of Hoen you never kill me yes i have MegaGemme
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My favourite is pikachu but my other favourites are tyranitar,gallade,sugared and MEWTWOOOOOOOOOOO YOLO POKEBALLLLL YO

But between arceus and grating probably arceus
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I tend to sway when it comes to favorites. It should be pretty obvious who my current favorite is (Samurott).
I never really liked Samurott until I restarted my White 2, and then I realized how much of a freaking beast it is. I think it looks awesome and has a great movepool, plus stats good enough to set up a mixed sweeper.
My favorite pokemon has to be Umbreon hands down. Just because Dark Types are awesome, and Umbreon just looks really cool. I first got an Umbreon because I was trying to get all the Eeveelutions, and I ended up using umbreon a lot because it wasn't weak to very many pokemon and it downed a lot of higher level pokemon until it was higher level than they were.
I have a lot of runner ups though, because you can't just have one favorite pokemon. Lucario, Quilava, Espeon, and Scyther are a few more of my favorites, those ones are mostly based off of how awesome they look though.
My favourites constantly change. Though I'd say it's no surprise judging by my profile pic that my favourite is Jolteon. Still... I quite like my current team.
Lazy background is lazy, I know. ;A;
Dream Team Pokés.png
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Steel-None...I don't like steel types. ._.
Rock-None, don't like the rock types...
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6. Greninja
Because he is a BEAST

5. Torrtera
He is epic and is an incredible tank in competitive

4. Chandulure
He is awesome

3. Hydragion

2. Aegislash
Epic...that's all

1. Mewtwo