My favorite poke'mon is Gastrodon.
Although WHY it's my favorite poke'mon isn't a very good excuse, but...
I think it's cute, it has two color sets, it's easy to catch, and nice to train...
And also, it has..the cutest poke'mon cry ever.
Well, in my opinion.
I changed my mind. I decided that I would put my favorite poke'mon from each type here. :3
Water: Right now, my favorite water type is Azumarill. It's pretty freakin' cute. I also like the move sets it can have, and it's design is very wicked.
Electric: O god. Right now, it HAS to be Raichu. Raichu was my first favorite poke'mon, and I'll stick with it until the end. I've always liked it more than Pikachu, it downright OWNS with Thunder-Moves, and mega kick? I dunno, I think it'd be pretty cool to kick somethings ass when I was half of it's height, you know?
Fire: My favorite fire type is Macargo. Along my time with Slugma in my Emerald version, it grew to be "Slide the Macargo", and it became very close to me, and helped me through many a tough battle.
Grass: Meganium. Even though all grass types have been somewhat influenced by dinosaurs, this one caught my attention. In my Crystal version, I owned one, and kept it very close. It's name was Aroma, and he was a very Earnest poke'mon, in my opinion. Never backed down, not once. (Even against ice-types O.O)
Bug: Right now, it's Ariados. I always loved Spiders, and when they finally released a Spider POKE'MON, I was enthralled. I mean, it was so amazing, and in the Poke'mon TCG, the artworks were good, and it's movesets were BEYOND brilliant.
Fighting: Blaziken. I'm sorry, but Infernape can't best out the original fury fisting, flame-throwing fire/fighting type combo. For me, the design was wicked, and it was an easy poke'mon to love. Plus it's physical move-set capabilities are so sweet~
Psychic: Oooh. I finally boil down to a toughie. It's comes close to Gardevoir and Mewtwo.
Mewtwo, because he was a genetically created poke'mon that was treated like garbage, and was temporarily bent on destruction. Plus it's cat-like. Doesn't get much better than that.
Gardevior, because I don't think I've seen such grace in a Poke'mon, ever. It was just so elegant, and it's poke'dex entry was so noble, it moved me. The only poke'mon that will give it's life for it's trainer, no matter what.
Ground: Gastrodon :3 For the reasons I listed WAY WAY up top :3
Dragon: Flygon. Never has a cute/awesome combo been taken so far. :3 It can learn moves to thwart it's own, and that is amazing.
Poison: Gengar. I've loved it's design, and I've always wanted to own one of my own. But I've never been able to...he he...
I'll add the rest later. It is WAY too cold in the basement right now