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Your Favourite Pokemon

Hm, well I don't have -one- pokemon thats my fav. Mainly I can't decide, but heres some I like.

Charmander: First pokemon I liked. I saw him in his first epi and went "Aww" He's cute too. :]
Mew: Because of the first movie, I loved those pink bubbles~
Quilava: My strongest pokemon in Crystal for a while. It was at lv 90 but I restarted the game. I like the way it looks and it's moves.
Misdreavus: Love the Mis
I really love all Dragon Types, really. The vast majority of them are awesome in looks, and have impressive movesets. But out of them, Dragonite and Flygon stand out for me. Because just about every quality of them is awesome! I like Water Types, mostly, too, as they are so variated and, well, I really like sea-creatures.

Keira likes Giratina and Darkrai, and other Ghost/Dragon/Psychic/Dark Types, just 'cause she likes the mystery and power of these Pokemon. Not to mention they suit her well.
with over 400 pokemon out there, it's really hard to choose.
but id have to say that my FAVOURITE pokemon is probably DITTO!


because it can transform into any pokemon and i LOVE every pokemon! :p
My favorite would have to be Furret. 8D I've always been a lover of underdogs and this one takes the cake. It also learns a bunch of awesome moves. I always laugh when I beat someone with my Furret, Mhera, on PBR xDD
my fav would have to be...mew, becuase she's cute and psychic type and her shiny form is blue (I love blue), pichu, because they are cute and they look cuddly and I also love electric types and it can learn volt tackle (which is a sweet move), eevee, becuase I love all the evolutions and it's cute and it can learn some awesome moves like shadow ball :), umbreon, dark types are awesome! and it's shiny form has blue rings :) they can learn psychic even though they are dark and I like using my umbreon with toxic, and glaceon, I like ice types she can learn some cool (hehe pun) attacks like shadow ball and ice beam and things like that..
Jirachi has a place in my heart although I'm not quite sure why and so does shaymin because she's so cute (especially the flowers) and I love the attacks she can learn (I don't have one but I've seen some)
I personally don't like geodude, they are so annoying, and zubats, also annoying, and magikarp, I don't really hate them hate them but I hate them.
Oh, I and I love most of the psychic,dark, and ice types and all of the electric :)
It has to be Lugia, Feraligatr and Totodile. I dont like Croconaw becouse he loks like Totodile is jung then Croconaw has swaddling cloth (Kinda) Makes him look younger , it should not have been there. Then Feraligatr.
They should have taken away the swaddling cloth.
The he would to be awsome.
My FAVE pokemon wood have to be umbreon. I like it cuz its dark type and cool also part evee. My 2nd is Tyranitar for pure str WOOT. 3rd would be gengar cuz its like me short fast agitated ya know. 8) so yeah.

oh and can sum1 tell me how to find out my friend code for diamond , im new... ;D
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My favorite pokemon is mewtwo because it looks cool and is the first clone pokemon and umbreon becuase it again looks cool and is a dark type
I love 15 different pokemon and they are cute, powerful,...... cute?


(Your probably thinking "::) She wont stop") NOTICE: 5-15 are not in favorite order
Zangoose ftw! I like it probably just cus it has massive claws... For some reason I have a thing for sharp pointy objects :p I also like its name... also I dislike snakes. So does zangoose ;D

second favourite would be Mismagius or Sceptile. Mismagius cus she's a freakin' awesome ghost/witch, and Sceptile cus he is my favorite Grass starter out of all the generations.
I like most poekmon, but some of my top favorites are:
5) Graveler becasue not many girls like these sort of pokemon while thy are accually very powerful and have great moves.
4) Mantric because he/she looks like a dog and is a powerful elertric type that knows Volt Tackle
3) Mighyena and Houdoom becasue it is a dark type and it looks like a wolf.\
2) Cyndaquil has always been a favorite pokemon for me. Squinty eyes, fire type, vole~ S cute~
1) The great and mighty, Ninetales! It is a fire type, powerful, and a nine tailed fox!
I'm a Gardegoddess. What do you THINK my favorite Pokemon is? XP

Gardevoir is awesome. It's like...A human...But not...Y'know?...Wait, what?

Anyways, I'm such a big fan of Gardevoir, I dyed my Hair green and styled it into Gardevoir's fashion...In fact, I look a lot like the sprite in my sig.
4) Mantric because he/she looks like a dog and is a powerful elertric type that knows Volt Tackle
Volt Tackle is exclusive to Pichu's evolutionary line.

[quote author=Haileyvoir link=topic=1486.msg45070#msg45070 date=1200845684] I dyed my Hair green and styled it into Gardevoir's fashion...In fact, I look a lot like the sprite in my sig.
So we've heard.

Staying on topic, poor Marowak's been shoved out of the spotlight for me lately.
Xatu and Ambipom are getting a lot of love from me lately. :] Even if it has dismal stats, something about an all-seeing bird with red pigtails just... appeals to me. And Ambipom... well, how can you not love an assmonkey? :V
As for me, Flareon and other fire-types have been put aside for the moment. The awesomeness of Swellow dove on me. Since I've been doing so much team building, Swellow just appeared to be the Best user of Facade with great stats to be a sweeper, that and Swellow is Swickedly Cool. That's why all my other favourites are on hold for now.
Hm! Having experienced D/P and acquired a standard team, I have added a few more favorites. With the release of the complete Gen IV list, I was skeptical, mostly because ugrades and legendaries took up much more of the list than they did in past generations. Despite this, the new Pokemon are fairly impressive, both aesthetically and capability-wise.

Roselia was a Pokemon I didn't particularly like in Gen 3. It was just strange to see a single stage grass type that didn't particularly stand out (and then I met Tropius) and was presumably EV fodder, but with Gen IV, I began to see it in a new light, having a 3rd stage sparked my interest and I trained one. Turns out all these pretty perfect-for-contest moves do a fair amount of damage (meh, my swellow used to wipe out roselias before they could even touch their magical leaves) and I'm hoping my Roserade, in all its elegance and Sentai-ness, will play a key role in my E4 victory. (Bertha sweeper ftw.)

Next came Buizel. Up until Dawn caught one, I didn't see anything particularly interesting about them, and its evolution wasn't very pleasing to the eyes. But Dawn's Buizel was so badass. Of course I could only dream that the game would have a Buizel with a perpetual scowl that crossed its arms, but meh. Turns out Buizel is essentially a water-type Pikachu, and makes a fine sweeper. Besides, in my second playthrough, I captured another Buizel, to my surprise, it had the same Lonely Nature, same level and exact same stats. Who can argue with a ridiculous amount of coincidences like that? xD

The rest I favorited simply because they made excellent team standards. Luxray was pretty much a Lion-esque Ampharos, one of the reasons I adore GSC so much. Murkrow, though I have never trained one back in Gen 2, was an unexpectedly awesome Flying sweeper, sharing the same weaknesses to the early birds but rather than an immunity to ghost, is immune to the deadly and confusing Psychic attacks. Infernape, being the only other fire type in the game and possesses the decent stats Starters are known for.

If I ever do finish the game, I'll try out Toxicroak and Lucario, seeing as these two have such awesome artwork from Ken Sugimori ;D
One thing I know, I will never love the Chansey line. URRRRG!!!! They annoy me so much cuz of the whole "yay i've almost killed it oh what the crap stupid softboiled!!!!!!" >:( My favorite pokemon are narrowed down to these five:
1.Metagross (I just really like them)
2.ALL EEVEE EVOLUTIONS (except Leafeon. It just annoys me for some reason)
3.Swampert (My original starter in Pokemon)
4.Empoleon (It's a damn awesome penguin. I just LOVE it.)
5.Salamence (I think you can guess why) ;)

Also, Dittos really p.o. me :)
my fav pokemon is eevee cuz its so cute and cuddly yet powerful if you train it right my favorite starter is charmand clearly cuz it is a powerful and cute starter in pokemon red green blue fire red and leaf green and my fav change is pokemon crystals movement
Togekiss rocks my socks, I love its sweeping abilities and heck its just darn cute!
I also loveeee Probopass, I dont know why, I am part of the Tom Selleck fan club...
This is SO hard, but I narrowed them down to 15.

Umbreon- It's got got good defense and I like the way it looks.

Espeon- It's very elegent looking and has awsome attacks(to me).

Glacieon- So pretty and the only Ice type I like.

Jolteon- Awsome speed and cool looks.

Vaporeon-I evolved my Eevee into it on Pokemon XD and is now Lv:63.

Flareon- Ilove this Fire type a lot. It's a cute fuzzball with power!

Leafeon-Don't know why-just appeals to me.

Milotic-Big, powerful,and beautiful- what more could you want?

Ninetales-Beautiful and a KO Fire type! Have it at Lv:60 on Pokemon XD.

Pikachu-Not beacause of Ash, I have one at Lv:50 on Pokemon Firered.

Persian- I love this classy cat! I have it at Lv:53 on Pokemon Firered.

Zangoose-I love the way it looks and awsome attacks!

Seviper-I love it's Poison Tail!

Houndoom-Whoo! Design, attacks, sound! I LOVE IT!

Lugia- Majestic, legendary, beautiful, powerful... I could go on and on!

I have WAY more than this but I can't put them all here! :)
I would have to say my favorite pokemon is Roserade, because of her SP.ATK and SP.DEF. She also looks like, If she was a real pokemon, that she would be classy. Like...she would be tactful and classy, and respect others. She also reminds me of "Marill" Streep (xD) from "The Devil Wears Prada"
METAGROSSlololol [size=8pt]I kid, I kid. :B
For my favourites, I'd have to say Jolteon, Pikachu, Charizard, Dragonite, Lopunny, aaannnnddd.. Persian.
Jolteon and Pikachu because they have great potential for characters, as the anime clearly proves half my theory. And they're electric types, who are second-to-none in my books :3
Charizard and Dragonite because they're frelling awesome, and Charizard and Dragonite's Fire and Dragon types place right below the aforementioned electrics. -waves flag-
Lopunny because Snapdragon's Thierry Blackwell story made me love them to death.
Persian.. Persian, because they're soo smooooth :U[/size]
I have two Eevee and Furret.
Eevee,because it`s so cute
Furret,Buecaue mine is rely strong. It has Fire punch,Ice punch,Thunderpunch,and Shadow ball! :) It`s my HIGHTS too :o.
[quote author=Bob-Omber link=topic=1486.msg46821#msg46821 date=1202227584]
About starters,I normally pick water-starters.
Can't decide my favorite pok

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