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Your Favourite Pokemon

This is a toughie. So, I'll put my favorite Pokemon from each generation.

Gen 1- Mewtwo. It's easy to get, has absolutely insane special attack, and I personally have one in the 90's in Diamond. Too bad it has a crappy moveset. >_>

Gen 2- Shuckle. It's even better in Gen 4, with Power Trick, and its otherwise insane defense. And in Gen 2, free Rare Candies! Not to mention it looks awesome. xD

Gen 3- Jirachi. Just because it looks so awesome, and its concept is even better. I have a legitamate one in Diamond too.

Gen 4- Torterra. It's a freaking dinosaur with mountains on its back. 'Nuff said.
I must say I had many favorites over the decade, the first I liked was Pikachu, mainly because it was the most easiest to get in the Red, Blue, and Yellow versions of the game. Much later, there came Blaziken. His blaze kick is one of a kind! ;D. Infernape came close but not all the way. But now my favorite is actually Machop. It has been ever since I became one on mystery dungeon. But all mentioned so far are pretty cool! Now, I want CHEESE!! Hopefully not the ones that smell like stunky! :-\
my favourite is vileplume

i always found it to be a reliable team member
and one of the stronger grass types

(my favourite type being grass)
My favorite is Gloom. It's a sweet Poke'mon and people really look down upon it which makes me sad.

A close runner up is Dewgong. I've never had it in R/B/G/S/R/S/LF/FR/P/D but I've had it in Poke'mon Stadium and it rocks.

Ice and grass are my two favorite types so it fits.

As for the starters, this is usually the process.

Kanto- Any of the three, usually Squirtle

Johto- Always Chikorita

Hoenn- Usually Torchic or Mudkip, usually Torchic

Sinnoh- All three are awesome, but I like to keep Piplup as a Piplup forever.
My first favorite Pokemon is Raichu because it's quick, it's a little powerhouse, and it's one of the cutest and coolest Pokemon made. Plus it's from the first gen and the first gen Pokemon are the best in my opinion, although I do love the newer Pokemon as well.

My second favorite is Flareon, it's a gorgeous Pokemon, my favorite Eevee evolution, and I'm a huge pyro so it all works out for me. ^^
My favorite pokemon is Suicune, mainly because i love the way it looks. i also love Espeon, Venusaur and Charizard. Lucario is a close third, and I also love Pikachu. Meh, wonder of wonders, I've just outlined my 'perfect' team.

I also love in general the fire starters, the water legendaries, and dragonair
Personal favorite pokemon, well... i have a dream team of pokemon...and i actually went through the trouble of MAKING it on D/P:

Alakazam: it has a high specialc attack and most people work on normal defense.

Haunter: My first fav cause he looks cool and he has decent Sp. Atk and Speed.(though i refuse to make him a gengar for gengar is UGLY)(so i think anyways...)

Dusknoir: because it has good...everything... plus it evolves from duskull which looks AWESOME!

Mismagius: It has awesome speed and sp.Atk/Def

Bannette: it has ability Frisk, so if you teach it thief... it has many possbilities. (for no ghost useres, Frisk allows people to see opponets held item)

Giratina: It's a Ghost AND a Dragon,what more could i want aside from the fact its legendary with awesome stats!

P.S.: i use ghosts cause most my friends also like phychic, normal and fighting types so,you can imagine...

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Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Although I have quite a few favourites, two in particular stand out for me:

- Lucario, because he looks awesome and he is pretty strong to boot.

- Starmie, because the Water-type is my favourite type, Starmie itself looks cool (especially his shiny form) and he is also very powerful.
Hello...I do have quite a few favorites as well, it all depends on the situation. But I suppose the more pertinant question is which Pokemon aren't my favorites, which will be responded to very quickly with "Dunsparce and Magikarp."

So help me, if you EVER bring a Magikarp into my home I will shoot you in the foot with a BB gun.The only reason I ever caught it was just to be able to say I caught one. If I wanted Gyarados and couldn't seem to find it any other way, I found myself a fished-up Lvl 20 Magikarp and gave it a Rare Candy. Or cheated for it. I have an intesne distaste for it, and Dunsparce is hardly better. It was difficult to catch, didn't want to stay in the Pokeball when I finally did find it and get it down to low HP/Status Effect, and then turned out to be almost fully useless.

But a short list of the Pokemon I like a lot are: Sneasel (And Weavile), Eevee (And all the Eons), Tangela (Excited about Tangrowth), Haunter (Only cool looking Ghost from the originals, in my opinion), Misdreavus (And Mismagius), and almost every Pokemon said here as a common favorite is one I like a lot too. I've always liked Magamar and Electebuzz, and I had several Rhydon. I'm glad they've been given even more evolutions. While I do like Legendaries, since they are so strong, I must say the only one I can number among my Elite Favorites is Deoxys, for two reasons.

1.) I saw him and knew what his name would be (Or close to it) without actually knowing what his name was. I mean, come on. Deoxyribonucleic Acid. (I might have mispelled that.) I figured his name wuold be something like Deoxyd. I think it is a clever joke.

2.) I liked that trading him between games changed his appearance and stats, and loved that they put the special Meteorites feature into Pearl and Diamond so you could make him which one you wanted.

Of the three starters, I honestly most liked Charmander. But since it was difficult when I first played the game to win with a Charmander, I usually went with my second favorite, Bulbasaur. I traded a Charmanader from my Red game onto my Blue game so I could have them both. I just think he looks cool, really. I'm a typical person, I like ghosts and Magic and Dragons.

Sableye. I thought it was awesome, from the moment I first saw it. It was a tiny little purple monster with a crazy grin and the most beautiful eyes in the world. And when I got my Sapphire game, I discovered about it's Type set, and that it was so good. I don't care how many people think it's cheap, it's effective and useful. If you want to cry about how it's dumb to use something with no weakness, then that's your bad. I personally think it's genius, although I do agree with many people that making Spirittomb was a bit excessive. Maybe an evolution, but to make a bunch of different Weakness-less Pokemon would ruin part of the game.

Id have to say that chimchar is my favorite pokemon because its just so cute!!Also its a monkey ;D haha i just love monkeys my runner up is luxray because it is and electric type and i adore those types!! Hmm... the last one is preety hard but i wold have to say absol because its a dark type poke mon which are really cool!(to me) ;)


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
It always used to be Charizard... but since Manectric came along he's become my favourite.
I love the way he looks and I think he's a good electric pokemon (good speed and Special Attack) The Manectric in my squad (aka Thunderdog :) ) has won me quite a few battles too... I just seem to have taken a liking to him.

Charizard is still a close second though 8)
My favourite Pokemon will always be Charizard. He is my favourite because he was my first pokemon. Also Charizard is my favourite because he was the only thing that gave me happiness when I was young :'( ,Rayquaza will always be a close second because of my love :) for all Dragon Pokemon.
hmm.i think,ill go about this the way i go about picking my favorite movie:by genre.

so,ill have a favorite for each type of pokemon.

Bug type:ariados
Dark type:mightyena
Dragon type:salamence
Electric type:luxray
Fighting type:hariyama
Fire type:flareon
Flying type:pidgeot
Ghost type:sableye
Grass type:tropius
Ground type:golem
Ice type:abamasnow
Normal type:clefable
Poison type:arbok
Psychic type:gallade
Rock type:onix
Steel type:scizzor
Water type:blastoise

i just can't pick one :p
It always used to be Charizard... but since Manectric came along he's become my favourite.
I love the way he looks and I think he's a good electric pokemon (good speed and Special Attack) The Manectric in my squad (aka Thunderdog :) ) has won me quite a few battles too... I just seem to have taken a liking to him.

Charizard is still a close second though 8)

i would agree with you on a lot,but they never should have changed his japanese name *shakes fist*
hmm.i think,ill go about this the way i go about picking my favorite movie:by genre.

so,ill have a favorite for each type of pokemon.

Bug type:ariados
Dark type:mightyena
Dragon type:salamence
Fighting type:hariyama
Flying type:pidgeot
Psychic type:gallade
Water type:blastoise

i just can't pick one :p

i have limited it down.
I have a few favorite characters:
1)palkia- I like the fact that it is a water/dragon type. My favorite type (dragon).
2)darkrai- It's kind of like me, dark and mysterious. It also looks cool.
3)mewtwo- I like the fact that it doesn't need anyone.

And my all time favorite pokemon is Dialga. It's moves are pretty good and it's just awesome(sp).
From the original 150, Scyther wins.

From the Emerald Era (The latest ones I've played) I have a few favorites, but the one that comes immediately to mind is Absol. I've got a few I like for different reasons of aesthetics or pure awesome, and a lot that I like just because they have claws and blades. But as soon as I get an Absol in my party, he usually becomes a front-runner, almost always displacing my starter to a backup role. Unfortunately, a lot of the cooler ones are Dark type, but enough of them have sub-types that I can fit most of them in my party.
Picking just one is hard for me. My choice list would be Mawhile, Mewtwo, Articuno, Ampharos, Totodile, and many more. But from those choices it would have to be Mawhile. Mawhile seems so cute and evil at the same time.

The reason I love the others is....

Mewtwo because how much of a impact he had on me when I first got him in pokemon Red.

Articuno because he was the first legendary I got; and since my friends went with Zapdos I went with Art. I do like Ice pokemon, but there was not many Ice in the old pokemon game.

Ampharos because how I wanted to try a new pokemon in silver. So I got some random sheep and kept it. I was so surprised to find out how great it was.

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