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Private/Closed Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy RP

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“W-What?! I can foul! Foul!!”

Crowler bit his handkerchief in the crowd. It wasn’t looking good for the Obelisk Blue’s. How can they be losing?! They are supposed to show everyone how it’s SUPPOSED to be, not the exceptions! Uuuugh! How useless! Those sliders must be cheating somehow!
Shit! Shit! Shit! We're already losing! Hiroshi looked up. "I draw a card. Now then! I activate Quickdraw Synchron's effect! I Special Summon him to the field by discarding a card! Now I'll special summon Power Giant by discarding another card, decreasing his level by 3. Finally, I'll summon Nightwing Sorceress. By Synchro Summoning Red Dragon Archfiend with Power Giant and Quickdraw Synchron, then Setting Assault Mode Activate, I can activate said Assault Mode. Red Dragon Archfiend/Assault Mode is born! And, when he attacks, all other monsters on the field are destroyed."
Nakada-Hiroshi LP: 3200
Noah-Willow LP: 6300
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Previously Breon
(Noah POV)

Red Dragon Archfiend through its head back as it's spat out a large body of flame towards Noah's Gem-Knights, destroying them and Noah's face down monster, but as the dragon destroyed them, the Red Dragon Archfiend then turned towards its owners Night Sorceress and brought its fist right on top of her. "Tsk, talk about lucky hand." Noah whispered as his monsters were destroyed.

Noah glanced at Willow before whispering something. "There's no need to be a intimidated, it's just a walking beat stick, if you could just destroy it once, then we will only have to worry about its synchro form, and if you can keep us alive long enough I can destroy it easily next turn.
I know that you're a great duelist, you just have a problem facing against certain opponents, but that shouldn't stop you from trying your best, now let's show these two why they shouldn't underestimate slifers." Noah said with a small smile before turning to his opponent.

"Are you going to do anything else or was nuking the field not enough?" Noah said as he crossed his arms.
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Tracy sniffed again, rubbing her face with her wrist.
"Um... Okay. Thanks." Tracy said, slowly managing to calm down. "Yeah, I think-"
Before Tracy could finish her sentence, the Ra Yellow felt hand on her shoulder. Looking back, Tracy saw that Elizabeth and Dahlia had found her. And once again, Tracy felt a flood of embarrassment. That's right. She had just played a terrible duel, right in front of her friends. The Ra Yellow took a moment to collect herself before turning to face Dahlia and Elizabeth.
"Uh... yeah. That was an intense duel, huh? Not exactly my best work there..." Tracy said, trying to pretend that she hadn't been too shaken up by that loss.

However, Dahlia was one to see through her friend's attempted facade.
"Are you sure? I mean, you really got roughed up out there." Dahlia said. The Obelisk Blue then really noticed Bob, recognizing him from before. Her eyes narrowed as she looked the other Ra Yellow up and down.
"... Are you friends with your partner? That Slifer Red with black and white hair?" Dahlia asked. It was a bit of a surprise, as Dahlia remembered walking up to Bob trying to convince Weasel to return the clothes. She had assumed that he was also one that wasn't fooled by Weasel's deception, but perhaps she had been wrong...


Jira's grin returned as Tobias connected the movie to his deck.
"I guess that's one way to look at it. But I get the feeling it's a little different for my deck. To be honest, when I play it feels like my Kaiju don't even take any notice of the humans they're fighting alongside. For my Kaiju, it feels more like a pride thing. They don't like sharing the spotlight, and like being the strongest possible. And humans are usually so much weaker, at least on their own, that the Kaiju don't really take any notice of them. Even in the movie here, Dogoran doesn't take any notice of the army that's attacking him. They're more of an annoyance than a threat." Jira said, gesturing to the movie.

The Slifer Red leaned back against his bed, looking down at his deck once again and the monsters inside. For a moment, Jira almost... imagined a pulsing warmth from the deck. But it was only for a moment. The Slifer Red looked back to Tobias.
"Meanwhile, the humans in my deck fight for duty. They're fighting to stop the larger threats that are strong enough to take down the Kaiju, to protect their homes and their friends." Jira explained.


Lance watched as the battle unfolded between the Slifer Reds Noah and Willow, and the Obelisk Blues Hiroshi and Nakata. An interesting duel he had been looking forward to watching. Noah had caused a bit of a stir already, and he was curious to see how good of a duelist this Slifer really was. It certainly was an explosive match so far, with the Slifers even taking the lead. Then the Red Dragon Archfiend/Assault Mode rose. This would be interesting...

A familiar notice caught Lance's attention, and the third-year Obelisk Blue looked over to see Professor Crowler watching the match as well. A small smile on his face, Lance pushed up his glasses before walking next to the Professor and leaning on the railing.
"Hello, Professor." Lance said to Crowler. "There appears to be some promising students in Slifer Red this year..."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Hm? Duty and Pride...”

Tobias thought of these concepts, doing a quick scan of his friend. His mouth couldn’t be made out from underneath his orange scarf, but it could be guessed that he was deep in thought.

“Is that what you duel for? Duty and Pride? Because if I were to express my observations as words, I would say that you duel for A thrill. Do your monsters share the same enthusiasm?”

Tobias spoke as if the monsters had agendas to themselves, weather than be taken literally or another one of Tobias’s lengthy poetry-like notes was hard to tell.


“Finally! I knew they were holding an ace up their sleeves! That red archfiend of his should be more than enough to crush any of those lumpy rocks he calls monsters! Haha!”

“Hello Professor.”


Crowler jerked to his left, meeting with the monsterless duelist himself: Lance. An Obelisk Blue and something of a renowned idol on campus. Adjusting himself, Crowler shook his head, crossing his arms in annoyance of the thought.

“I haven’t the faintest idea what you mean. Only a couple have gotten lucky, and one of them was placed in the wrong house, I’m sure of it. We’ll get that fixed.” Crowler perished the thought. “Why In fact, all this has told me is that maybe some of these Ra Yellows need to get their heads in the game, doesn’t do their name any favors to be beaten by Slifer Reds like this.”
Bob scratched the back of his head when Tracy's friends appeared on the scene. "Friends? That's a big word, don't you think? We hang out, but I'm closer to Braxer and Bix after helping them fix their deck and not be terrible at the game. It's not like we visit each other outside of the lessons, or banter, or anything like that. It's more like a ceasefire more than anything, and personally I do it to make sure Braxer and Bix don't fail. They have potential, they just need some help. Why do you ask? Did he pull something again?" The Ra Yellow sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I expected better from him, urgh. Nevermind that, what's the problem with him this time? I swear if he took the clothes from people again, I'm going shopping with him. Maybe that'll stop him."


Willow glared at Noah, nerves interfering with her attempt to stay calm. Sure, Noah was gonna save the match for them, but she still wanted a decent showing and her current hand was not helping. It couldn't help but lack severely in monsters. "My turn, I draw." Unexpected Dai, a solid card in case she got a hand like her current one. "I activate Gladiator Rejection and combo into Unexpected Dai, special summoning Gladiator Beast Andal." A large bear with only one eye appeared on the field, roaring to announce its presence. Since I special summoned a Gladiator Beast outside of the battle phase, I can activate Rejection and special summon Gladiator Beast Bestiari in defense position. I also activate a contact fusion, sending Bestiari and Andal back to the deck and special summoning Gladiator Beast Gyzarus in attack position!" A large bird that resembled a parrot in battle armor was summoned to the field in a tornado that was dispersed when the creature spread its wings. "When Gyzarus is special summoned, I get to destroy two cards on the field and I choose your Red Dragon Archfiend/Assault Mode and Night Wing Sorceress!" Gyzarus flapped its wings vigorously, creating heavy winds that tore the two cards apart. "I also equip Gyzarus with Gladiator Beast's Battle Manica, making it impossible to destroy it by battle! Now Gyzarus, attack!"

Gyzarus: 2400 atk/1500 def
"My monsters? Well, my Kaiju definitely do. I wouldn't really say that they fight for pride, just that they are exceptionally prideful. They love breaking things and going on rampages, and love proving their strength. They definitely enjoy fighting." Jira said. The Slifer Red paused for a moment, his toothy grin fading as he looked back down to his deck. "It's kind of strange, to be honest. They're just cards and holograms, but... sometimes it kind of felt like they were real. And, well... that's a little scary. Because I said that they battle for pride and destroy things, but... every once and a while, they fight in a way that reminds me that they're these giant monsters from before humanity, or beyond the stars, or from a different dimension. And it gets hard to apply normal human emotions and stuff to creatures that are so alien, you know?"

Jira trailed off before laughing nervously and rubbing his head.
"Jeez, I must sound like I'm going crazy. I mean, at the end of the day they're just cards and holograms. But I do have to say, the feeling that my monsters are more real has been happening more since I got to Duel Academy. But that's probably just because I've been dueling all the time here." Jira said.


Dahlia watched Bob carefully as he responded, but the Ra Yellow seemed to be truthful. Mutual friends seemed to be the connection to the Weasel. Dahlia sighed and shook her head.
"No, he hasn't pulled anything again. At least, not that I know of. I just don't like the fact he has a lot of the school believing that he's not the one pulling pranks. I still haven't forgotten that he stole a lot of people's clothes, but other students don't seem to realize it was him. It just annoys me." Dahlia said, crossing her arms and looking away. "In fact, it kind of annoys me even more that he's a good duelist. I mean, so are you. You both did a good job working together, and your decks complemented each others."


Lance looked over to Crowler with a raised eyebrow and a small smile.
"A Slifer Red that's been put in the wrong house?" Lance asked. Has there been a Slifer Red that's caught Crowler's eye? Now that was a surprise.
"And who's that?" Lance asked Crowler.
Bob released a sigh. "That's good to hear, half expected the entire school to run out due to a stink bomb or something. As for everyone buying his act, he is a good actor and there is a severe lack of evidence. Sure, he pulls some pranks here and there, but you cannot blame him for everything that goes wrong. Especially since Crowler is on his side for some unknown reason, I'm still not sure how he managed to pull that." At the comment of Weasel being a good duelist, the Ra Yellow let out a laugh. "You're not the only one who is annoyed at that, I was caught off guard too. I think that might be why not everyone buys him being a troublemaker, only lousy students would make a mess. To outsiders, Weasel would look like a Slifer trying to make it to Ra."

As Dahlia complimented his dueling skills, he scratched the back of his head and looked down. "It's nothing too spectacular, I just happened to get the right cards and knew what to do. I'm sure we could've easily lost that match, but this isn't about me or the match. We're here to make sure...Tracy is okay." He paused a second to recall Tracy's name, thanking his lucky stars that he remembered it due to their shared Ra Yellow status. It was a gamble, and he could almost hear Blowback Dragon's laughter in his ears. He really needed to stop playing that card, or atleast activate its effect less. The clattering of cans was far from a nice sound.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“No. That is not outlandish to say.” Tobias responded to his friend, closing his eyes. “There are powers in this expansive universe to which we cannot understand. Weather it be deities, spectres, or otherwise unknown players in this game. To have a suspicion of this is not childish, but in fact it is that curiosity that drives man forward. Man would have died out long ago if not for that curiosity.”

Opening his eyes, Tobias made a brief attempted chuckle, one that could easily be missed.

“For all that we know, there could be an unknown force drawing you and your Kaijuus together. And perhaps there is a reason for this union of man and beast.”


“Oho, that’s easy. It’s that white and black haired one down there with those two fourth rates.”

Crowler pointed toward Weasel, who was between Bix and Braxer near the front row. Crowler put a hand to his chest and began to explain to the Blue in his company.

“That one has been putting in extra credit to help find the prankster behind the recent happenings around this school! Why, he already narrowed down the suspect to be a Slifer already, a third the school! Judging from this attitude to help me- I mean...the SCHOOL, and his surprising dueling skills, I think we placed him in the wrong location. What do you think?”


Previously Breon
(Noah's POV)

Noah had a small surprise expression on his face right before he looked at Willow. "Wow, it took you only one turn for you to win us the duel, and against obelisk students no less." Noah began walking down the steps of the duel arena to enter the Hall. "Come on let's head to the cafeteria to grab something to eat before the second round." As Noah said that, he turned to his side and looked up to see a large screen showing the tournaments roster and updated itself to show that next round him and Willow will face against someone named weasel and Bob in the semi-finals.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Wha? W-We are next?!” Bix stuttered out.

“Of course ya mook.” Weasel rolled his eyes, pushing him out of his chair. “Now get out there, the both of ya’s.”

Braxer gulped, loading his deck into his duel disk, but nodding his head. The pair made their way to the dueling area, prepared and ready for their opponent


“What?! They lost?! Those Blues must have been duds... or just got horrible hands is all..” Crowler sighed. “Wasn’t much of a performance. I’ll have to arrange a talking to between us. Hmph!”


Previously Breon
(Elizabeth POV)

While Dahlia was taking charge of the situation by talking with the Ra yellow partner with that pranking slifer, Elizabeth was in the background by Tracy trying her best to comfort Tracy from her loss but was having very little effect.

After a few minutes Elizabeth then got a notification on her school phone, she brought out to see what it was. "Um Dahlia, it seems that that duel with those slifers ended already and it seems that we're next, so we should head towards the arena right now."

Elizabeth then turn to her side to look at Tracy. "Are you going to be okay."
Jira gave Tobias a blank look as the Ra Yellow began to speak strangely once again. Universe and deities? Like normal, it took Jira a few moments to translate what Tobias was saying.
"What, an unknown force drawing me and my Kaiju together? I mean, if you mean that unknown force as luck. I got most of these guys in a lucky movie pack." Jira said. Still, such as suggestion wasn't too outlandish coming from Tobias. He was always saying strange things, but that was something that Jira liked about the Ra Yellow. It was strange, but at the very least it was fun to think about.


Dahlia looked back at Elizabeth and nodded.
"Alright. Well, it was nice to meet you. Good luck, and we might be dueling you soon." Dahlia said to Bob. Tracy nodded in response to Elizabeth's question, managing to put on a small smile.
"Yeah... I'm okay." Tracy said. And in truth, she was feeling a bit more okay. Maybe it was because she was acting like she was fine, or maybe because it was because the shock of the loss was wearing off, or maybe it was because Elizabeth's comforting was more effective than they had previous believed. One of those things.

Dahlia smiled a Tracy, giving her friend a thumbs up.
"We'll catch you after the duel, Tracy." Dahlia said, before turning and heading towards the duel arena. The Obelisk Blue girl's smile slowly faded. These two that they were going to duel, they were the ones that had helped Weasel steal the clothes from the hot springs. Dahlia hadn't forgotten them, but the fact they had made it so far was rather interesting. Elizabeth and her shouldn't underestimate them.

Making her way into the duel area, Dahlia stood across from Braxer. The Obelisk Blue girl crossed her arms, regarding the two Slifer Reds with an icy glare as she waited for the duel to begin.


Lance followed where Crowler was pointing, to see that the head of the Obelisk Blue dorm had picked out none other than Weasel himself. A smile spread across the Obelisk Blue's face.
Is that your game, Weasel? I hope not. Buttering up Crowler to become an Obelisk Blue doesn't seem to line up. At least, I hope not. That would be rather disappointing...
"Really?" Lance said. The third-year looked over to watch the ending of the duel between the Obelisk Blues and the Slifer Reds, an explosive finish.

"You shouldn't be too tough on them, Professor. I believe one of those Slifers managed to FTK one of their classmates earlier this year." Lance said, glancing back to Crowler. Lance stood up straight, pushing his glasses up his nose.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Fate, Luck, divine intervention. Call them what you wish, but that very act of finding them brought you here. To this very moment. One can always entertain such factors. But one thing is for certain...”

Tobias got all serious. His yellow eyes fixated on his friend’s. He got in closer, almost getting an intense look in his eyes.


“...I will watch another Kaiju Movie.”

His eyes softened as even went up slightly. Could he be...smiling under all the garb? Perhaps the ra yellow really was warming up to him.


As their opponents made their way to the field, Braxer began to get nervous, Bix appeared to get this sense too, but it was difficult to tell because he always shivered. Oh shoot, they know what we really do...

“Let’s have a good clean match.” Braxer spoke out, trying to brush over the aggression in the room. “Like... mind if we go first?”

“Y-Yeah, let us go first!”


Lance’s words brought a sudden reaction of surprise from the flamboyantly dressed professor. Astounded. Flabbergasted. What were these Slifers on?!? Perhaps it had something to do with the pranks going on. Perhaps there was also rigging going on, as the prankster was certainly in the Slifer house after all.

“Which one is it?! I want to know what I’m looking at here!”

And who to look into for foul play!


Previously Breon
(Elizabeth POV)

Elizabeth glared at the two slifers as she crossed her arms. "I don't know, should we?"
Elizabeth glanced at Dahlia before looking back at the Slifers with a creepy bright smile.

"Don't you think it would be polite to allow us to go first, after all, you did bother my friend here with one of your 'activities' and it would be ashamed if rumors of the people doing those activities were spread across the school, right?" Elizabeth said nicely as she threatened them.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Both boys nearly fell over from the threat they received. Weasel however had an amused condescending cat face plastered on him. Braxer and Bix began to sweat, looking at each other in a panic.



They then both turned to the pair, nodding up and down aggressively.

“Yeah! Like uh, ladies first and all that!”

“B-Being perfect g-gentlemen and all! Y-Yeah!”
"We...won? We won? We won! Noah, we won!" Willow cheered as the Obelisk Blues forfeited, though she was unsure why. "I never thought I'd see the day an Obelisk would forfeit to me, yet here we are!" As she walked away from the arena, she fistbumped the air in celebration. Her knees were still shaking from leftover adrenaline and anxiety, but she seemed to be a lot more cheerful than when she entered the arena. Following Noah into the cafeteria, she could not hide the rumbling of her stomatch and smiled sheepishly. "Eheheheh, sorry about that. I didn't exactly manage to eat a proper breakfast today, and it is biting me in the butt right now. Hopefully there's something filling in the cafeteria, we'll need it for the semi-finals. It'll only get tougher from here."


"If so, looking forward to it." Bob waved at Dahlia and Elizabeth as they left, leaving Tracy and him alone. Great, not this situation again. The Ra Yellow scratched the back of his neck, a nervous tick that could have somewhat nasty effects should he do it too often. "So uh, do you know those girls well? You sure seemed to hit it off with them, even though they are in Obelisk Blue. To my knowledge, they don't really interact with others outside of their dorms. Who am I to speak though? The people I spend the most time with are Slifer Reds, a group some might call exploitable trash." Letting out a sigh, he leaned against a wall and crossed one leg in front of the other. A light was flickering above, something the staff would probably fix by tomorrow, but it was a good distraction for now. The tension was so thick that you could try and cut it with a knife, or atleast Bob felt like it was. The two Ra's had no real interaction before this scene and he had no reason to try and comfort Tracy, yet here he was. Unable to find an answer, the newest assigned hooligan decided to trust on the most reliable way to spark a conversation in Duel Academy. Children's trading cards. "My brother used a deck that revolved around banishing, y'know? If he's willing to speak to me and make some free time, he might offer some advice." As he uttered those words, a smile flashed before his eyes that soon turned into a frown, an example Bob followed suit. Hopefully Tracy would not ask any questions about that, but his luck has been shitty outside of the arena all day.
Dahlia glanced over to Elizabeth with a frown. She wasn't a fan of Elizabeth holding a threat over the heads of these two, even if they were a pair of pranksters. She'd have to keep an eye on her partner, to make sure it didn't go any further than that.
"Alright..." Dahlia said, finally looking back to Braxer and Bix. Dahlia drew a card to start her turn. Taking a moment to look through her hand, she selected three cards.
"I set three cards face-down, and end my turn." Dahlia said. In Dahlia's Spell and Trap Card Zone, three face-down cards appeared. She nodded to the Slifer Reds. "It's your turn."


Lance leaned back on the rail, smiling cheerfully at Professor Crowler. The reaction was to be expected, and one that Lance enjoyed watching. This should be good.
"Oh, it was one of them that was just dueling and beat some Obelisk Blues. The boy with the Gem-Knights." Lance said, pointing over to Noah. "Like I said. A few interesting students in the Slifer Red dorm this year..."


Jira looked over to Tobias as his tone changed once again. Something serious was about to happen... or so the Slifer had thought. Giving his friend a thumbs up, Jira took out the tape from the VHS recorder and put it back in it's sleeve.
"I can totally roll with that. Let's go with this, Dogoran vs. Thunderking. It might show you more about why humans might fight alongside the Kaiju..." Jira said, taking a second VHS tape from another sleeve and inserting it into the player.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Bix blinked, turning into a baffled smile as he saw that his opponent neglected to summon any monsters! Were they dumb or something? Grinning as he drew his card, he looked back at his foe.

“Oh your in for it now! F-First I play a spell card, delinquent duo!”

Placing the spell card down, two demons emerged from the spell card giggling madly. They appeared like Braxer and Bix, one being beefy and another being scrawny. Bix giggled in tune with them.

“These little boys will take a thousand life points from B-Braxer and I. In return, we get to discard two cards from your hand. Considering you only have three of them, you get to choose the second one of the C-Cards the go!”

the duo kicked off from Braxer and Bix, snatching up 1000 life points as they flew to Dahlia, appearing to yoink the first card randomly and chucking them into the grave. Then they’d force Dahlia to discard another before they vanished from sight.

Braxer and Bix: 7000

“And due to them, you have no monsters to protect you! So I can summon the strongest monster I got to take you on! Come on Twin B-B-Barrel dragon!”

Summoning Bob’s gift to him, the monster roared to life on the battlefield, it’s head pointing toward the foe menacingly.

Twin Barrel Dragon: 1700 Attack 200 DEF

“Due to it’s effect, I can flip a couple coins, and if I get two heads, I get to destroy one of those face downs of yours!”

Flipping the rigged coin He got from Bob, it landed on heads two times in a row. Giggling at his misdeed, Bix pointed toward the middle spell/trap.

“W-W-Well! Looks like I was lucky! Now destroy that card!”


“That’s a word choice for you...”

Crowler watched the fight go down, not exactly thrilled to see slifers going head to head. Something was fishy, and he needed to get to the bottom of it stat. Between this incident and that band of thugs invading, things have gotten a bit TOO out of hand, even for duel academy. Surely this wasn’t a coincidence.

@Captain Cardboard
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Dahlia merely frowned as the two gremlin monsters flew up and forced her to discard one of her cards. The Obelisk Blue hesitated a moment before discarding a second card. As the turn progressed, Dahlia raised an eyebrow at the summon of a Twin-Barrel Dragon. That was unexpected. It didn't fit at all with the Goblin deck these two appeared to be running, but then again that Ra Yellow said he was friends with these two. He must have lent them a card, or something.

As the beam shot towards Dahlia's face-down, the Obelisk Blue girl gestured to her face-down cards.
"I'll activate the effect of the card that was supposed to be destroyed, Metal Reflect Slime. With this card, it summons itself to the field in defense mode." Dahlia explained. The face-down card flipped up to reveal a Trap Card depicting a strange, metallic looking slime creature. It shot out of the card, forming a floating pool of slime. It was in defense mode, and it's stats read 0 ATK and 3000 DEF.

"Now I'll activate my second card, Imperial Custom." Dahlia said. A second face-down card flipped up to reveal another Trap Card, depicting a king reading a scroll to two servants. "This one makes it so face-up Continuous Trap Cards cannot be destroyed. And even though Metal Reflect Slime is acting like a monster right now, it is still treated like a Continuous Trap!"

Twin-Barrel Dragon's beam struck Metal Reflect Slime as a strange magical force field coated the monster, and the special beam seemed to bounce right off. Dahlia crossed her arms and gave Bix a small smile.
"A good attempt. But it will take more than that. You got anything else?" Dahlia asked Bix.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Box’s eager smile soon flipped to a more worried frown. The already jittery Slifer became even more jittery, not sure what to do next. he didn’t watch her duels because he found himself dozing off and clowning around with the rest of the hooligans. A quick glance to Braxer and it was clear he had the same excuse. Gulping, he took three cards in his hand, placing them facedown.

“W-Well...Y-You got off lucky this time...”

He ended his turn, the twin barrel dragon getting annoyed that it’s gun was shrugged off so easily. Trap monsters that couldn’t be destroyed. This would be harder than previously thought...


Previously Breon
(Elizabeth POV)

"Great job with the defense, there's certainly not going to get over him anytime soon." Elizabeth said to Dahlia with a thumbs up.

"Well then, I guess since my team is going to focus on defense, I'll focus on offense, I draw." Elizabeth glance at her cards before smiling and looking at the field. "I activate the spell card Predapractice, what this card does is special summon one Predaplant monster from my hand and then I can add a Preda card from my deck to my hand, I special summon predaplant Scorpio, and search my trap card, Predaplanning, and now since Scorpio was summoned to the field I can activate his special ability by discarding a monster from my hand I can activate his effect to summon a Predaplant monster from my deck, come to the field Predaplant Cobra." As Elizabeth was finished talking, a plant like scorpion and snake came to the field.

"And before you ask, no I'm not done, I now activate cobras effect, when special summoned by an effect of a predaplant monster, she can add a fusion spell card to my hand. And I think I used it right now, I activate the spell card fusion substitute, the requirements are one predaplant monster and one dark.". The two creatures began to levitate into the air and began swirling around each other before becoming one.

"I Fusion summon, come to the field Predaplant Chimerarafflesia!" One of Elizabeth's strongest monsters then emerged to the field, with it's many hungry mouths.
(Chimerarafflesia 2500atk/2000def)


Previously Breon
(Elizabeth POV)

"I activate Chimerarafflesia special ability, I'll banish your Twin Barrel Dragon, since my monster level is higher than yours." Chimerarafflesia spat an acid towards Twin Barrel Dragon disintegrating it.

"Now that I have left your field wide open, I'll attack with Chimerarafflesia." Chimerarafflesia launched its mouths towards Bix.


Previously Breon
(Elizabeth POV)

Chimerarafflesia retracted it mouths back to its main body as Elizabeth praised it. "Great job Chimerarafflesia." Elizabeth said as Chimerarafflesia gurgled in agreement.

An transparent figured appeared on Elizabeth's shoulder and started hissing at her. "Yea yea I know, you did great too." Elizabeth whispered so no one would hear her as she talked to Scorpio.

"I set two cards face-down and end my turn." Two-faced card materialized onto the field as Elizabeth ended her turn.

[Chimerarafflesia 2500atk/2000def
Metal reflect slime 0atk/3000def
Trap card: imperial custom
Three face-down spells/traps
Elizabeth's hand: 2 cards]

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
After that eventful turn, it was now braxer’s turn. He began to sweat as he saw the field of spell and traps before them alongside their two monsters. Looking over to Bix, he whispered.

“They have a loaded field... I don’t like the looks of that one bit.”

“A-All you gotta do is play a monster...then you can use our stuff and m-m-maybe we can win!”

Braxer remembered the face down cards on their side of the field. He didn’t know much about spells and traps, but if Bix said they were good, they had to be. Drawing a card, Braxer uneasily placed the monster.

“Guess I’ll play Abakai in attack mode!”

Suddenly a red skinned demon orc jumped onto the battlefield, it’s skin filled with warts and it’s disgustingly disproportionate tongue flapping randomly. Carefully looking to Bix’s cards, he decided to flip all of them.

Abakai: 1700 ATK 1000 DEF

“I’ll activate these things! They...uh...”

“T-T-They are Big Bang Shot and horn of the unicorn!” Bix interrupted. “Giving him an extra 1100 Attack!”

Abakai donned a new glowing horn as it’s body lit ablaze with a new fury in it’s eyes, giving a salivating roar.

Abakai: 2800 ATK 1700 DEF

“And that other card was a trap, Robbin Goblin! Every time we do damage, W-We can discard a card from your hand!”

“Ah, awesome work Bix! Abakai, go bash some heads-Er...Petals!”

Abakai roared once more as it charged toward the giant flower, ready to crush it with a big flaming club to the gut.


Previously Breon
(Elizabeth POV)

Elizabeth smiled as their opponent's monster approached Chimerarafflesia. "Chimerarafflesia effect activates, when a attack is declared involving rafflesia, that monster loses a thousand attack points while Chimerarafflesia gain that attack." As
Abakai jumped into the air to attack rafflesia, rafflesia stabbed and then proceeded to wrap the hideous creature with its Vines while draining it of its power. Chimerarafflesia began to grow with a Red energy around it while Abakai had a blue aura around it and started to look like it had its life drained.

Chimerarafflesia 2500+1000=3500
Abakai 2800-1000=1800

One of rafflesia mouths went towards Abakai to swallow it whole. "I must thank you, Rafflesia hasn't had a meal yet since this tournament started, and judging from it's figure I can tell it will satisfied rafflesia for a while."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist



Both exclaimed in unison as the Brutish Abaki stumbled its weaker frame into the jaws of the beast on the enemy side of the field. With a crunch, the beast yelped to the grave, taking 1700 life points with it!

Braxer and Bix’s lifepoints: 2700

“Just...do your worst already...” Braxer hung his head low, defeated.

“W-Wait, you don’t got any traps to set?!”

“Why would I need those? I’m a mainly a monster guy-“

“A-Are you kidding me?!”
Dahlia drew a card to start her turn. In truth, she felt a little bad. It was never fun to lose in one round. At the very least, Dahlia could make it so the loss wasn't too much of overkill. Sorry, Uranus. Looks like you'll have to wait a little longer...

"I activate my third face-down Card, Tiki Soul." Dahlia said. Dahlia's last face-down card flipped up to reveal another Trap Card, this one depicting a stone statue with a face similar to that of a Tiki Mask. The creature itself emerged from the card, it's eyes glowing with blue energy. It held its sword at the ready, standing in Attack Mode with its stats reading 1000 ATK and 1800 DEF.

"Let's finish this. Tiki Soul, Chimeraraffelsia. Attack!" Dahlia commanded, pointing to Bix and Braxer. The two monster's lunged towards the Slifer Red boys, slashing and chomping at them.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Their fate was sealed. They braved for impact as the creatures of the rocks and forest mercilessly attacked their life points, the pair bracing for impact as they had lost their round before they could even get a second turn.


and right then they lost. Quick and simple. They seemed deflated, looking to each other like they knew they weren’t cut out to get far. Meanwhile Weasel looked from the stands, seemingly elated that they had lost. The mischievous devil soaked I’m their expressions, finding joy in their disappointment.

“Good uh...”

“G-Good g-g-g-game!!”

Bix scampered off, Braxer running With him to the stands. The stench of defeat was so potent in them that they may as well sell it as a perfume. Finding themselves back next to Weasel, Bix shoot his head several times fast, holding it down in his hands.

“Waaaah! We-We-We went out so pathetically, and in front of e-everyone!”

“We didn’t stand a chance!”

Of course you two didn’t.

They both stopped, looking to him with confused but curious eyes. Weasel propped his elbows on the heads of both of their seats, rearing his head back.

“You two jokers lost, big whoop. I ain’t throwing you no pity party. You can’t just show up Without any experience and expect to win. If you want to win you gotta practice...or just be me.”

Weasel snickered with the last words, flashing his head up. His match with Bob was next. He could feel it. Looking to the pair, he gestured to the dueling arena.

“Watch me. You could learn a thing or two. That is, if you can see through those tears you cried~”


Previously Breon
(Noah POV)
*10 minutes later after they're duel ended*

Noah and Willow had just finished their lunch, when Noah heard a notification on this phone. "Huh? It appears that our duel is next. And it seems that if we win this round we have to go against some more obelisk, but for right now we're up against a fellow slifer and another Ra student." Noah looked at Willow to see what her reaction is of the situation, would she start freaking out after we won our duel against those obelisk or would she be pumped.

(Elizabeth POV)

Elizabeth sighed as she backed away from the duel arena and started heading towards the hall. "Tch, that was such a waste of time." Elizabeth whispered.

Elizabeth cross her arms and clutch them tightly as her whole body began to shake, but not from fear or because she was about to cry, she was shaking with excitement, whoever wins the next match will be a perfect opponent for her monsters, to see if she has truly better herself over the years.
Tracy looked back to Bob as Dahlia and Elizabeth left for their duel.
"Um... Well, me and Dahlia grew up together. We even went to Prep school together, so we've always been close. I was really hoping that we'd end up in the same dorm together, but I guess I hadn't scored high enough on the entrance exam. Which makes sense, I guess. Dahlia always was the better duelist. She's always been nice about it to, letting me hang out with her even though we're in different dorms." Tracy said. The Ra Yellow student was beginning to relax. "And Elizabeth, well we met her this year and she's nice to us. I don't think she's being fake to me or anything, and she's been helping me with studying. But I guess I've still got a lot to work on."

When Bob mentioned that his brother used a deck revolving around banishing, Tracy couldn't help but to smile.
"That's pretty cool. I always liked the idea of banishing monsters to a different dimension, and monsters that might have originated there. It's pretty cool how some cards depict it. What, with magic or super high-tech portals." Tracy said. "What about you? You had a lot of machine monsters, right?" Tracy asked Bob.


Dahlia let out a breath, nodding at the two Slifer Reds. She watched them as they scampered off, feeling bad for how the duel turned out. Dahlia turned to look at Elizabeth, only to see that the other Obelisk Blue girl had walked off. Dahlia turned to follow after Elizabeth, before glancing back in the direction that Braxer and Bix had gone. With a sigh, Dahlia walked in their direction.

It took Dahlia a few moments, but the Obelisk Blue girl walked over to where Braxer and Bix were sitting. With them was that Slifer Red prankster, Weasel. Dahlia did her best to ignore Weasel as she approached, clearing her throat in an attempt to get Braxer and Bix's attention.
"Um... Excuse me." Dahlia said to the Slifer Reds she had just dueled. "I would like to apologize. I don't condone how my partner held exposing you two over the duel. So if that prevented you two from dueling your best, I apologize."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Braxer and Bix looked up as they were approached by the lady that previously won to them easily with her trap monsters Bix turned the other way to hide his red teary eyes while Braxer stood on guard. That is, until she apologized. Bix flipped around with a sniffle, surprised by the words.

“S-So...your not mad?”

“No need to apologize.” Braxer shrugged. “You won, fair and square. Just wish we couldn’t have stood more of a chance-“

“My My, what a hopefully pitiful gesture!”

Weasel interrupted, putting his hands together in a mockingly sweet fashion. He stuck out his tongue and chuckled.

“Bleeeeh! If I wanted sap I would have been a lumberjack! I’m gonna go to my match now, feel free to take my chair and play therapist sweet cheeks!”

Giving a whimsical wave, the Bandanna toting duelist made his way to the arena, leaving the trio to eat his dust. Braxer rubbed the back of his head.

“Yeah...sorry about him. He means well.”
"Hope can only get you so far in life, but you can't do anything without it. Guess you just had worse luck than your friend, though the fact you're here is impressive as it is. Everyone is here to learn and improve, from the youngest Slifer to the oldest Obelisk. You're lucky that you have friends that are willing to help you, not everyone has that luxury." Bob shrugged as he spoke to Tracy, noticing that the tension in the air began to dissipate. "My experience with banishing is limited, but when I banish a card, it is with a time capsule. My brother decided to just ignore the laws of nature and banish monsters from either graveyard to summon creatures made out of bone, I believe they were called Fossil monsters. It's been a while since I last saw him though, so the memory's hazy." The Ra Yellow seemed to be very nonchalant about the whole ordeal, though his air of indifference was lifted when his machine monsters were mentioned.

"Almost all the cards in my deck are Machine monsters, with the exception of Time Wizard. The reasoning behind it is nothing like you and your banish deck, not that there is anything wrong with that. As a middle child, my parents focused more on my older brother and younger sister than me. Although it was lonely, their negligence allowed me to do things many other kids were not allowed to. I came home with reptiles I found nearby, used my dad's tools to create wooden swords, swam in nearby lakes by myself and took in wounded animals. I now know that I tried to impress my parents by doing these things, but it didn't work. After realizing that they would not truly pay attention to me, I took a gamble and began tinkering with electronics. After a while I realized that I was somewhat good at it and I was having fun. I made my fair share of robots and learned how to program them, which in turn made me realize what type I wanted to base my deck around. Machines are powerful and reliable, they don't need a lot of things for them to do what they are meant to do and they know how to work together. A single cog cannot do much by itself, but add more and you have a large machine. It's the same with a deck, one single card cannot do anything. It needs support, be it traps, spells or monsters. Sure, one card can turn a match around, but you were pushed into that situation due to the well-oiled machine that is your opponent's deck. No matter how weak or strong the monsters in a deck may look, it is the synergy that makes or breaks a deck."

A jingle from his phone informed Bob of a notification. "Excuse me for a second." He said as he pulled out his phone, a family picture as his background. "Right, match's about to begin. You can watch the match if you want. I am the only Ra, the other three are Slifers. Maybe you can learn something?Oh, and that match offer is still open if you want to take me up for it." With those words, the machine user turned around and went back to the arena as he began making a new beat in his head. Glancing at the results of the previous match, he raised a corner of his mouth. So Braxer and Bix lost, not very surprising, but they still made it further than some Obelisks. He'd talk to them after his match. "Yo Weasel, our turn again to crush dreams of making it to the finals? How far do you need to make it for your project? Because I am more than willing to get us to the finals, this tournament is starting to become interesting now." Bob grinned at Weasel, a grin that was somewhat reminiscent of Blowback Dragon in their last match. Perhaps the pragmatic Bob had more in common with his signature card than one might think at first glance.


"Oh neat, we're up against a Slifer and Ra. This should be doable." Willow said as she looked at her phone, a selfie from her trip to Rome as her background. It wasn't exactly the most subtle nod to her deck as she was in front of the Colosseum, but she liked it too much to change it. "Alright, let's do this then. If we lose in the next round to those Obelisks, we still made a name for ourselves by making it that far. What do you say?" The Slifer flashed a grin at Noah, feeling confident after their victory against the two Obelisks. Sure, she did not do much in her last match, but it didn't exactly last long enough for her to do much.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Weasel smirked as Bob had returned toward him. The prankster Gave a lazy wave toward his companion, putting the other hand in his hip.

“What? You wanna prove yourself in front of everyone that your a stwong boy?” He cackled. “Unless you want to cash in your one prank promise for this, then I think I may go as far as I’m entertained, ya pickin’ up what I’m throwin’ down?”

Weasel put entertainment above all else, and that meant all else. He could be swayed if the payoff was or the ride were fun.
"Very funny, you should be a comedian." Bob rolled his eyes and put a hand on his hip, looking to the left and right before whispering. "Speaking of a prank, think you can keep Crowler busy after our match so that he doesn't pay attention to the arena? I think I know a way to make the finals that much more interesting." A confident smirk crawled upon his face as he leaned forward. "Ready to teach those stuffy Obelisk Blues some new words? There's no way that the prank can last the whole tournament, but it will definitely ruin the finals."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Weasel eyed Crowler, who was busy talking to another teacher at the time. Looking back to Bob, he seemed to shuffle around the idea in his head, jutting him bottom lip out thoughtfully. The prankster shrugged before grinning.

“Hehe, sure thing Bobsled. Im always up for a little fun~”


Previously Breon
(Noah POV)

Noah smiled from her reaction. He was definitely expecting Willow to be nervous, but for right now she seems to be okay and confident. "Sounds great, let's head out then." Noah said as him and Willow started to walk back towards the duel arena.

5 minutes later

Noah and Willow have now arrived at the center of the duel arena ready to face against their opponents. "Try not to make our opponents quit too early this time Willow, I know you can be a scary sometimes, but no need to frightened the competition." Noah chuckled at Willow to joke around before their opponents came to the field.