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Private/Closed Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy RP


Previously Breon
(Shantezu POV)

Shantezu smiled as Tobias was charging at him with his sword and managed to dodge a swing from it, he pulled out a tear gas bomb and a gas mask. "Since you're so eager to come so close to me have a taste of this, this is what happens when you mess with adults." Shantezu said as he triggered the bomb and threw it in between him and Tobias. he then place the mask on his face as the tear gas began to spill from the canister.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Seeing the Teargas bomb pulled, Tobias recognized this from the riots in the city. Gnarly effects on the human body. Thinking quickly, he recalled their placement being on a hill. This gave him an idea.

As the gas began to pour from the canister, Tobias buried his head in his scarf and then gave it a swift kick down the hill, spilling it’s contents down the way.

“You have made a significant tactical error.” Tobias stated, his scarf still over his eyes mouth and nose from the residual gas. “With the gas here, you have signaled your own end. Others will come even if I somehow don’t put you down.”

He wondered just how Jira would handle the gas...maybe he managed to escape it before it had a chance to spray much. His end had been pretty silent. For now however he had to play defensive until the remaining gas had gone completely away. He couldn’t afford to take off his scarf early.


“W-What’s going on?!”

“Dunno, maybe another one of those biker gangs or somethin’.” Braxer scratched his head.

“W-Well isn’t this great! We are s-s-stuck like setting ducks!”

That’s when Bob came up to them, seemingly not as worried as those two were. Bix cleared his throat, trying to calm himself from going into a panic attack.

“So! I-If you must know, we-“

“Got thrashed like a punching bag.” Braxer finished.

“Brax! It wasn’t that b-bad! Honest!”


Previously Breon
(Shantezu POV)

Shantezu frowned as the clever little brat kick the canister but then he looked at his wrist for a couple of seconds before smiling. "Is that so kid, too bad that most of the staff members and students are inside the main building on lockdown so I'm in no rush here, but if you're in such a rush to capture me then you'll have to catch me first." Shantezu then popped out of smoke and started running towards nearby trees that headed toward the forest trail.

"Catch me if you can." Shantezu laughed as he just entered into the trees.
"Hey, you made it further than a couple of Ra's and Obelisks. For a couple of Slifer Reds, you did better than what I imagined. Let's be honest, did you two think you'd even make it past round one? You made it to the quarter finals, so take some pride in that. I'm sure you did your best, so relax and bask in the moment for a while. By the way, how do you like that Twin-Barrel Dragon so far? It doesn't exactly fit your fiend theme, but it helps to get rid of some nasty roadblocks and you can always make it a fiend type by using DNA Surgery. I think I might have a copy or two lying around, but I am not sure." Bob told Braxer and Bix in an attempt to soothe their nerves, there were enough rampaging fools already.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The yellow wearing Archaeologist tilted his head at the words of the man. It was true that they had begun a lockdown sequence, but were they counting on that? Where was the security upgrades he was promised? Tobias’s ear twitched at the man’s words as they begun to run away. Following the sound, he escaped the remaining gas cloud, removing his scarf from over his eyes.

“Jira, come. We must pursue!”


Braxer and Bix both scratched the back of their heads sheepishly. They knew they just got that far either through sheer dumb luck or opponent’s misfortune. Of course though they weren’t about to break down their own egos.

“Yeah, it’s a pretty nifty looking gun dragon guy.” Braxer stroked his chin. “When it shoots it feels like it actually does somethin’.”

“I-I think it far beats my strongest monster in attack points, Goblin black ops!” Bix nodded up and down. “But...shouldn’t we like, go somewhere safe? W-Where’s Weasel?“



Weasel had elected to excuse himself amidst the hustle and bustle. Ol’ fluff and feathers played his part for now. Stepping down on the tops of every seat in the stadium, he walked down row by row, Leisurely making it to the halls. He began to keep track of time in his mind, counting down thirty seconds as he began to scan the walls.


Previously Breon
5 minutes before

(Pineko POV)

Pineko had just knocked out a stray student that wasn't in the main building with the other students and staff, a bit unexpected but nothing he couldn't handle, after beating him in a duel he took the rarest card that he had. "Hmm.....Hey Tekikika, what do you think the boss needs all these cards for, they're pretty much useless besides price wise and he already has a powerful deck, this seems a bit unnecessary." Pineko said as he glanced at his partner to see her strangling one of the school's staff members into unconsciousness

(Tekikika POV)

"Don't question the boss decisions, he must have an ulterior motive for doing all this besides just sending one of us to retrieve the card that he wants and not send any panic, also-" Tekikika stockman sentence as she heard a small alert on her wrist and looked at her wrist comms, and after looking over it for a couple of seconds she sighed. "Looks like that idiot Shantezu couldn't do his job, he got found by two students that are carrying weapons and is leading them to a trap, and ask one of us to go get the card that the boss wants, so go get it Pineko." Tekikika said casually as she released the staff member and his body slumped onto the ground.

(Pineko POV)

Pineko looked at her incredibly and began to search for his words. "W-What! Why do I have to do it, I'm always the one that gets him out of messes, why can't you do it." Pineko said angrily as he then realized what he just did and had a frightened face.

(Tekikika POV)

"Oh I'm sorry, did I hear something, it sounded a lot like talking back and I believe someone knows that is the last thing someone would do in front of me and not experience the consequences to be severe." Tekikika glared ferociously at Pineko, daring him to talk back once more.

(Pineko POV)

"U-umm.....y-y-yes ma'am, expect the mission to go off without an incident, I'll head out over there this instant!" Pineko said as he now started running towards the Ra yellow dorm. "God that woman is terrifying." Pineco whispered as he felt safer from this distance from them. "Now then let's go get the card the boss wants.

5 minutes later in the present

Pineco has been waiting by the opposite side of the trees where Shantezu lead the two students away from the dorm and when he decided that the coast was clear he exited from the trees and headed inside the Ra dorm to retrieve the card.

Bob chuckled. "Yeah, that effect saved my ass more times than I am willing to admit. It is also easy to cheat on due to only activating when summoning, so no one will suspect a thing. Once you get used to it, you're gonna start craving the excitement of a positive coin flip. It's exhilarating, fun and totally legal. It's like gambling, but not frowned upon by society. Sure, your opponent frowns upon you for using luck and potentially throwing or winning a match when you shouldn't be in that position, but hey. Duels are supposed to be fun, this is still a game after all. A game that has gotten way too much attention to the point of an academy being built that teaches this one thing, but a game nontheless." After criticizing what appears to be the foundation of the whole world, the Ra Yellow looked around to see Weasel slipped away somehow. "Huh, guess the weasel slipped away. Probably gonna put his little plan into action, who knows? I certainly don't."

Bob shrugged, sadly getting far too used to Weasel's antics to truly care anymore. "You do make a decent argument about us needing to move, especially if Weasel is pulling a stunt. Uhh, let's see. You two can come to the Ra Yellow dorm I guess? Hang out, eat some decent food for once, relax." That's when the Machine user snapped his fingers. "Right, Weasel made a bet involving a Kid Cache that our previous opponents would cry after they lost. If they didn't, I'd get to choose a cache of my liking to open. Now, I don't know what on earth is in those things, so you two get to choose. Bix, you wanted pork cutlets right? Think you can sniff them out or something? Because I frankly couldn't care less about the contents, but that might be due to Ra's food being of actual decent quality. I've seen the stuff you guys have to eat and I am surprised either of you is still alive."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Jira nodded his head at Tobias after he saw the orange scarfed boy emerged from the smoke cloud. He hasn’t gotten close to bang with the handlebar club, but who could blame him? Has wasn’t something to be messed around with.

As he and Tobias tracked their enemy down, he had begun to wonder if they had any other tools at their disposal. Gas wasn’t in their arsenal last time...

Tobias began to sprint very similarly to that of a ninja built for agility. Gaining ground on the man, especially knowing the layout. Jira tried his best to keep up, finding this entire endeavor a tad excessive for his taste.

As Tobias got closer and closer to his target, he drew out a concealed throwing knife from his deep scarf, tossing the blade toward the enemy’s center back. Since they had their back turned, there shouldn’t be any reasonable way to see it coming.


Braxer and Bix began to sweatdrop a bit as Bob got a little too into their topic, talking about the world economic system and how duel monsters was overrated and overused. They nodded along like they understood everything he was saying, that is, until Weasel made his exit.

“Uh...I dunno Bob, he wouldn’t tell us a thing...”

“Y-Yeah! He was totally being all secretive and stuff!”

That’s when Bob got an idea to bring them somewhere else: the Ra dorms. The two blinked at each other and then turned back to Bob, pointing at themselves.

“Us??” They asked in Unison.

“Uh, not judging ya or anything Bob, but don’t Ya think that they wouldn’t like people of our Uh...affiliation?”

Referring to the coats they were wearing, he knew it would be a bit suspicious for Slifer students to be going into Ra, but the crisis at hand would probably mask it. Bix however wasn’t thinking about that, but about the Kid Cache.

“Oooh! I’d love a juicy hot bowl of Pork cutlet...” the scrawny boy rubbed his hands together. “B-But it’s not like I know where they are! Only Weasel knows that... though I am getting a bit hungry...”

Braxer nodded. “Well...we’d have to go quick before we see a ton of motorcycles. Hope your right about the food there Bobby.”



Weasel followed his ears as he heard a horde of footsteps. Men most likely, and not the nice kind. Making his way toward them more and more he approached a door. His hands still glided across the walls as he neared it.


Counting to three before his hand got to the doorknob, he yoinked it open and stuck his head out, greeted to the sight of a score of men rushing about and one important looking woman in the short distance away: Tekikika.

“Hellooo there!”

Opening the door fully, the red bandanna wearing boy approached what appeared to be the highest ranking and most reasonable of the bunch. Giving a stroll, the Weasel didn’t seem to be openly hostile, bearing no weapons of any sort. It seemed like he wanted to...talk?
Bob looked at both Braxer and Bix as if they were both idiots, which might be closer to the truth than Bob imagined. "First off, anyone who makes a comment about something like that will think twice about doing that a second time after I am done with them. I've already got a cover story in my head and if that doesn't work, I always have my fists. I am not as physically intimidating as you two are, but I can still stand my ground. As for the food, I haven't had any reason to complain and I doubt you two will find food that is worse than Slifer food, no offense." Clapping his hands together, the Ra turned on the spot. "Ready? And about that cache, we'll bother the crap out of Weasel when we see him again. If you have any requests about food by the way, I'm sure I can smuggle some of it out of the dorm. It's not as if they're gonna stop me from bringing lunch with me, that's just being mean for the sake of being mean. In the meantime, think you two can give me a rundown of your last match? I wanna see if there are any mess ups that you can remedy next time." Beckoning the two Slifers to follow him, he walked away to the exit nearest to the Ra Yellow dorm.


Previously Kid_Nukas
There was quite the scene occurring involving a Ra Yellow, a Slifer, and one of the thugs, they seemed to chase away that thug, but a new guy was now rushing to the Ra Yellow dorm. She didn't know what their obsession was with the Ra yellow dorms, Obelisk was easily the more skilled of the two. Still, she didn't want these guys getting anywhere close to her pets, she knew she shouldn't have left them alone. She rushed into the Ra yellow dorm after the thug went in.

"Hey, stop there!" Raven wasn't usually this confident, but she was protecting her pets, so a sudden surge of adrenaline rushed through her. "I don't care what you're here to get or what you guys obsession is with our dorm, but you're gonna have to deal with me before going any further." She presented her duel disk showing the thug that she meant business.


Previously Breon
(Shantezu POV)

While Shantezu was still running he went to look behind him to see how far the two academy students were, but as he looked his eyes widen as a small blade was then thrown into his shoulder, which caused him to tumble down and yell in pain. "AAAHHH... You psychotic little brat! This hurts so much, oh God the pain is unbearable." Shantezu kept saying as he began rolling into the dirt while grasping the small blade in his shoulder.

(Tekikika POV)

"Ma'am, there's uhhhh kid right there." One of the grunts told to Tekikika. "Then why are none of you trying to subdue him like all the others, get to it we're on tight schedule here." Tekikika said angrily at the minions as the minions immediately began circling weasel.

(Pineko POV)

"You got to be kidding me." Pineko said frustratingly as he turned around with a smile facing a Ra yellow student. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, girly, calm down I'm only here to steal a card, but if you want to lose yours so badly, I'm gladly help you with that." Pineko said with a smug face while activating his own duel disk.


Previously Kid_Nukas
"Wait, you just want to steal a card? Your guys staged an entire invasion just to steal one card? Does that not seem like a bot of overkill? I'm not trying to tell you how to be a better thug, but wouldn't a small taskforce have been better so that you didn't risk the school's security going off and have to face a school full of duelists? Either way, I still can't let you steal this card you're after, and I want you and your people out of the Ra yellow dorm, so get ready to duel!"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Jira cringed visually as the blade hit their target. They never were a big fan of open violence, at least if a Kaiju wasn’t involved in some shape or form. He watched as Tobias approached the man, going to step on his back and put pressure on the knife with the palm of his hand.

“Cease your struggling, undesirable. You will divulge all that you know of the organization you are part of. That is...if you wish to be rid of this pain.”

He’d put pressure on the blade whilst pressing the sword against the small of his back whilst Jira would reach for Tobias’s shoulder, trying to give him a no verbal warning not to do get to overboard. Well...at least he didn’t kill him.


Weasel mused at the men that began to encircle him. The boy pointed a finger up, appearing as if he were a cat that was proud to knock over an expensive vase.

“Now now boys, calm down. I come here in the spirit of cooperation and all that jazz.” The Weasel motioned. “Ya see...I saw your work the last go around. Swarm tactics? A Classic to be sure, but it coulda been better. A surgeon only knows where to cut if they know what they are cuttin’ into, am I right?”

He gave a half twirl in place, now facing away from the woman in power.

“Every surgeon needs an X-Ray, else they’d just be cutting blindly. That and there are factors even a surgeon can’t see...”


Previously Breon
(Pineko POV)

"I know right, my partner said the exact same thing.....Wait why am I agreeing with you, I'm supposed to be beating you for your card. I'll take the first move." Pineko said as he drew his first six cards and smiled.
"I'll start this move by summoning Kycoo the ghost destroyer, I then set one card face down and end my turn." What appeared in front of them was a humanoid person resembling a monk but with half his face damaged and a face down card materialized right behind the monster.

(Shantezu POV)

"Oh man, defeated by two academy students, ugh the humiliation. What would the boss do in a situation like this." Shantezu then silently listen to the academy student before having a slight smile on his face before returning to his scared look. "Oh man both those options don't favor me at all, but I think I'll pick the third option instead.

(Tekikika POV)

"Ugh it's way too early for this, it's WAY too early to understand what you're saying, I should ask the boss for a raise, rope him already boys, and make sure to duct tape is mouth." Tekikika said as three of the men out of nine began to walk closer to weasel with ropes in their hands.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Weasel grinned widely as he saw the men approaching him with duct tape and rope.

“Oh, by all means! Capture me and use me as a hostage, that’ll give ya some big brownie points. I come along gladly and willingly. I won’t struggle, buuuuut if you like to tie up little boys, then I won’t judge~”

He outstretched his hands to be roped and his mouth to be gagged, winking at the men around him. Weasel appeared to be extremely willing to be captured, practically leaping at the opportunity to be.


“There are no alternatives to the likes of you.”

Tobias then put pressure on the knife, further plunging it into the man’s shoulder whilst he took the sword and would begin to plunge it into the surface of his back.

“That knife I thrust into your shoulder...it was tipped with scorpion venom.” Tobias muttered threateningly. “If left untreated...it will prove most unfortunate.”


This was NOT how he thought this day was going to go. Jira our pressure on Tobias’s shoulder. This was going too far, even from Tobias’s standards. He wasn’t about to let Tobias kill the man.

“Tell me what I need to know...Who are you working for, and what is your organization’s goals?!”


Previously Breon
(Shantezu POV)

"Agh! Screw you if you think I'm going to tell you the boss's plan, BOYS!" As Shantezu angrily said that, multiple men appeared from behind trees and bushes with guns aiming at the two teenagers. "One move from either of you and my men filled you with more holes than a sponge, now get off me!" Shantezu as he twisted his body to knock the sword out of tobias's hands and kick him in a gut. Reasonably he would be too distracted with the men with guns to notice him before it was too late.

(Tekikika POV)

The grunts had a confused look on their face before tying weasels hands and legs behind his back while placing the tape on his mouth and a blindfold, then began dragging him towards the other captured students and staff members.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
As the men with guns rose from seemingly nowhere, Tobias and Jira both snapped their heads to them. That’s when the man made their move, shoving Tobias off and twisting to knock the blade out of grasp...except the blade was wrist mounted, so Tobias didn’t need to have a grip at all.

Being kicked in the gut and being drawn a foot away from the man, Tobias looked back o him with cold amber eyes.

“I need not move a muscle.” Tobias stated. “The poison should be flowing through your system, and only I know of the antidote. Unless you happen to have the knowledge of which scorpion sting I injected you with...I believe I still have the upper hand here. People such as yourself care about the most important commodity: your own lives.”

Tobias! Your gonna kill us all!

Jira came to this school to learn how to be the best duelist, not to fights guys with guns! Suddenly their handlebar club began to look really small in comparison to this.


Upon his hands and legs being tied, he started to be brought to where the other students and staff were, that is until Weasel lifted his tied hands up higher, his two index fingers pointing toward the chopper they had. It appeared he wanted to be loaded up their instead of being with the rest for some apparent reason. He gave a wink to the woman in charge and his cheeks rose like he was smiling under the tape.


Previously Breon
(Shantezu POV)

Shantezu roughly got up from the ground and gripped his shoulder that was stabbed with the sword. "Hehehe.... You're right I don't know the poison, but it doesn't matter, the poison is all I need to make the antidote and your sword is full of it and if I can't I can just figure out what creature you use for the poison, so if you would so kindly is to slide it over and give it to me or I could just pry it from your cold dead corpse whichever way is faster, so are you going to argue with me and die or are you going to drop your weapons and give them to me."

(Random grunts POV)

"Umm.... Should we?" One of the grunts whispered to another before the other grunt slapped them upside the head. "No, what type of question is that!? when does the hostage tell us what to do, their job is to do absolutely nothing and be quiet otherwise they get punished." The grunt said that last sentence towards weasel. "I rather not get on the admins bad side." The grunts continued there conversation as they left weasel with the other unconscious hostages as they close the door to what seems to be a storage room.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Tobias gave a low bellowing laugh, one that would have easily been mistaken for that of a villain’s if they hadn’t known him any better.

“The technology doesn’t exist to identify the toxin, let alone procure it in enough time. In thirty seconds, motor functions will cease, and in mere minutes your blood will be thicker than jelly. Examination will get you nowhere...only your cooperation. So no, I will not drop my weapon. In fact, it is your men who shall drop theirs. Command your men to lay down their arms before me, and I will consider sparing your life...the only life you care about.”

Tobias called his bluff, having dealt with several hostile characters such as him doing his time on the streets. Threatening and tough, but protective to the things they care for the most. Everyone had a breaking point, even if this man had tougher skin than most.


Weasel rolled his eyes as he was placed in the familiar storage room on campus grounds. That’s annoying. They are dumb guards, but I didn’t think they were THAT blindingly loyal. Psht, have to talk with that chick later. In the meeeeantime...

He double checked the faces of the people here. Unconscious. All of them. Perfect~ His hands felt around for something in the dark. After a few seconds of using his sense of touch, he found a small slit in the wall. Ah, right where I left it.

He peeled it up slightly, revealing one of the screws had been stripped out and loose. Using this screw, he began running it back and forth on his hand bindings.


Previously Breon
(Shantezu POV)

Shantezu was silence for a couple of seconds. "30 seconds huh? which means I have enough time to do this." Shantezu grabbed a glock from one of grunts and aimed the gun towards tobias's leg and shot it. "I would say that was a warning shot because I did say argue and die, so let's do this instead, I don't need to identify the poison I just need the poison to make the antidote, and I know her fact that you don't make a poison weapon without carrying the antidote on you, so I'll give you a choice." Shantezu then aimed his glock at Jira. "Either give me the antidote or the sword otherwise your friend eats lead, and if I fall down in the next few seconds my men have my permission to gun you both down, if I die I'm going to take you both with me, so tell me this, which is more important my life or yours." Shantezu smirked maliciously as his mouth began making a tick tock noise.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Tobias slightly budged as he saw a bullet graze his pant leg. Looking up to the man who had so audaciously shot in his direction. It appears he’s more steadfast than the standard. I will have to break his logic first.

Your operations have been below the radar for the world, stealing? Decent enough to escape. Breaking and entering? Child’s play. But killing a minor? How would the world respond to the death of a minor because of your gang? Media would explode. You’d be marked a terrorist group, and not just Kaiba Corp would be after you...but one if not multiple world governments would have your head. Now...that would be quite unfortunate for a blossoming criminal organization, now wouldn’t it?”

Men like him didn’t take into account the bigger picture. Putting the death of his organization on the line, he had to put a cherry on top.

“And your superiors would know exactly who to blame...now wouldn’t they? Sure you can kill me and take it... But they’d know the one who was in charge of this whole gambit... Consider what they may do to the one responsible for that predicament... But do go ahead and pull that trigger. I’ve seen this story unfold a thousand times...”

Forcing a barrel of a gun to his head, he stared the man down. It was a game of chicken. Who would cave first? Jira meanwhile looked onwards, a lack of words that could cut through this threatening aura that was broadcasted from both sides of the conflict.


Previously Breon
(Shantezu POV)

"Well boss did say keep casualties to a minimum, but to be honest your really pissing me off and I would gladly blow your brains all across the grass, but since you just admitted having the antidote on you, I'll just take it off your unconscious body, this will only hurt for a sec." Shantezu said as two grunts were behind Jira and Tobias, with one holding an unconscious Jira with a cloth on his mouth and another right behind Tobias silently getting ready to hit him with the butt of his gun.

"It's a good thing the kid has all his attention on me I'm barely thinking straight as is, you're smart kid I'll admit that, you almost outsmarted me there, but I win this round, until next time." Shantezu said in his thoughts as he then released the glock from his hand then press both of his hands on tobias's cheeks and got right into his face, making him focus on him and him alone.
"Hehehehehe...... I look forward to meeting you again, so I'll give you this, my name is Shantezu, and you?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

His distraction on worrying for Jira’s wellbeing allowed an opening for the man next to him to hit him with the butt of his gun. Being knocked to the ground from the blow to the side of his head. Looking up forcefully as the man squeezed his cheeks, Tobias’s intense stare didn’t waver waver...albeit though his eyebrows furrowed more with every passing moment.

“Tobias. Your killer.”

Flapping open his trench coat, he revealed an intricate layer of inscriptions lining the entirety of the inside, seemingly hand made with black ink...but no antidote to be seen. His expression got even more angry as his lips snarled. His cool head starting to be lost as his eyes grew more and more furious.

“Submit or perish!”


Previously Breon
(Shantezu POV)

"Killer? Oh my boy Tobias, where did you learn that word, because I'm pretty sure the meaning of that word means I would have to have killed anyone here, which I haven't yet and I'm pretty sure I told you I would take the third option." Shantezu said as he then slammed his foot on Tobias's wrist which was connected with the sword.

"Checkmate, I hope to see you again Tobias, it was......challenging." Shantezu said as a grunt came towards Tobias and once again slammed the butt of his gun to knock out Tobias.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Tobias move his arm out of the way of the attack, the foot hitting the blade instead of his arm. As much as he tried to remove it from the grasp, alas it wouldn’t budge. Seeing the man beside him about to hit him with the butt of the gun again, he tightened his right fist and pressed a button on his thumb.


The latches keeping the blade inside the gauntlet opened up, allowing Tobias to slide under the incoming melee attack and spring back up. He bashed the man’s head in with his metal gauntlet, leaving him unconscious where he fell.

procuring a second blade from his Ra Yellow uniform that seemed to dangle needlessly from his hip, he inserted it in his gauntlet, the golden blade shimmering in the sun.

“As I said. Your Killer. If I don’t kill you, the poison will. This fight is meaningless!”

Throwing himself forward, he aimed to stab Shantezu square in the chest.


Previously Breon
(Shantezu POV)

"I would be inclined to still believe you still, if it hasn't already been more than 30 seconds and yet I feel nothing going numb besides my shoulder, therefore I've detested that there was never poison on that blade in the first place."
Shantezu said as he watched all of tobias's moves to then see him running towards him therefore he began skipping backwards to keep his distance but also to be close enough to grab and use the unconscious body of Jira as a shield.

"Are you retarded, or did you forget you're at gunpoint." Shantezu said as his grunts took aim at Tobias.
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Previously Kid_Nukas
"1800 attack? That's pretty strong, let's see if I have anything to help me with that, I draw!" Raven drew her card and was delighted by what she saw, a strategy already forming in her mind. "Alright, I'm going to set my monster in face-down defense position, along with one set card in my field. I do believe that will be all for my turn"


Previously Breon
(Pineko POV)

"All right then, it's my move, draw." Pineko smiled as he drew his next card. "I now activate a card from my hand, I activate my magician souls, by activating this card I'm allowed to send a level six or higher spellcaster from my deck to the graveyard and then I'm allowed to activate one of the two effects, by sending souls to the graveyard I can special summon the monster I just sent to the graveyard, appear to the field Dark magician."

A purple portal appeared from the ground to show Pineko ace monster appearing onto the field. "Hmm..... Sorry kid but with a hand like this I don't think I can lose, you'll survive next turn for sure but I guarantee you your life points will be dangerously low, I'll give you the option right now to surrender and hand me your card."


Previously Kid_Nukas
The Dark Magician, a powerful card to be sure, but she surely wouldn't be giving up anything to this loser. "Are you so scared to face someone from the dueling academy that you would resort to cheap fear tactics? Obviously you don't know how the tide of a duel can change in the blink of an eye, now are you just going to talk, or are you going to actually do something with that magician and finish up your turn." While she was confident in her cards, she was trying to show more confidence than she felt. In truth, she didn't get many practice duels in, she ran different situations against cards in her room, but she didn't get many chances to duel actual people. While she seemed to portray the role of a confident girl ready to take on the threat against her school, she couldn't hide the fact that her hand was visibly shaking from how nervous she was, she was just hoping the thug didn't notice.


Previously Breon
(Pineko POV)

"Hehe...... If that's what you really want, I honestly tried to warn you kid, I'm going to activate the spell card, thousand knives." As Pineko said that the dark magician was then surrounded with hundreds of knives and all aiming at the brat face down monster.

"Now then with your monster destroyed I think I'll start attacking, my dark magician shall attack you directly."
Pineko said as the Dark magician threw a magic attack from his staff.


Previously Kid_Nukas
The thousand knives surrounded the face-down card. The card flipped over to reveal Dharc, the dark Charmer. He was impaled and destroyed. "Not so fast! I activate my face down card, Unpossessed! While my poor Dharc did have to endure the pain of your spell, I can now summon one other monster with 1500 defense in either face-up attack position or face down defense position from my deck, and I am going to do exactly that." Dharc's Familiar, a Meda Bat, flew out of the graveyard and over to Raven's deck, picking out a monster and putting it face down on the field.

"Since you are attacking, I have to now flip over said card to reveal Lyna the Light Charmer. Normally your higher attack would destroy her outright, but once again thanks to the effect of Unpossessed, my Lyna gets to survive to see another day." Lyna's familiar, Happy Lover, flew in front of Lyna and seemed to put up a barrier blocking Dark Magician's attack.

"So, do you have any other magic tricks?"


Previously Breon
(Pineko POV)

"Well you know what us magicians always say, always keep something up your sleeve, during my 2nd main phase, I activate knights title, with this magic card I can transform my Dark magician into dark magician knight."
Dark magician then began to transform as his robes then turn into pieces of armor and his staff turning into a sword.

"When Dark magician Knight is special summoned I'm allowed to destroy one card on the field, and I'll destroy your trap card." As Pineko said that dark magician knight dashed towards Raven's field and stabbed her trap card, destroying it.

Pineko resisted with holding in a laugh. "I believe this is the second time I've stabbed though one of your cards, but besides that I end my turn with one face down."


Previously Kid_Nukas
"Alright then, I draw. I summon one more Lyna the light charmer to the field in attack mode!" Lyna and her familiar appeared right beside the defensive Lyna. While the defensive Lyna seemed to be in a more withdrawn position, with Happy Lover held in close, The new Lyna seemed to be much more outgoing, with Happy Lover dancing all around it. "when two of them are on the field, I can give one of them an upgrade by sending the other to the graveyard" The defensive Lyna was destroyed and the offensive Lyna seemed to start to shift. Her demeanor became more focused and a white ribbon appeared around her arm. Happy Lover also started to morph into something much angrier and stronger.

"Now that my light charmer has become Familiar-Possessed Lyna, I can activate her effect. Basically, Lyna doesn't like to duel without her friends, so I can add one card with 1500 defense to my hand, and I choose Wynn the Wind Charmer. I then activate the card, Solidarity from my hand. Because there are only Spellcasters in my graveyard, each of my spellcasters gets an 800 point boost to their attacks." The defensive Lyna's Happy Lover erupted from the graveyard and positioned itself beside the Familiar Possessed Lyna, indicating the boost in power. Now Lyna, attack his Dark Magician Knight!" Lyna sent her two Happy Lover Familiars straight towards the Knight in hopes of destroying it.

Familiar-Possessed Lyna: 2650 ATK/ 1500 DEF
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Previously Breon
(Pineko POV)

Pineko frowned to see that is favorite card was destroyed so early as it's pixels explode everywhere. "So you rely on your spells and traps to give your monsters a boost in battle, fun idea, but it won't save you from my monsters, but go ahead and try anyways it will be entertaining to watch or is that the end of your turn?"


Previously Kid_Nukas
"Oh, are you implying that you want more of a beating than you've already taken? Well, so sorry to disappoint you, but that will indeed be the end of my turn." Raven's heart was racing, she was actually winning this duel so far. It might have only been by 150 Life points, but it was huge to know that her strategies were actually paying off.


Previously Breon
(Pineko POV)

"During your end phase I'll activate my most powerful trap card, eternal soul, with this I can bring back the Dark magician from my graveyard." A stone tablet then appeared in front of Pineko with drawings of the Dark magician, it then began to glow as the said figure then emerge from the tablet.

"My turn, I draw, hehehehehe, sorry kid it looks like this is the end of the line, it's always nice to meet someone who appreciate spellcasters, but I'm far more Superior."

Pineko then began to develop a dark aura around him while having a sinister face. "I activate the spell card, bond between teacher and student, with this card if I have dark magician on my field I can bring out his apprentice, the Dark magician girl and then I can set one specific cards from my deck to my field and I'll set dark burning magic and activate it, if I control Dark magician and Dark magician girl, I can destroy every card on your side of the field."

"Say goodbye to those pathetic excuses of mages." Both Dark magician and Dark magician girl held their staffs together and fired a magical blast towards ravens field, destroying all the cards on your field." The blast then incinerated all of what was left of Ravens field as all remained was Pineko spellcasters.

"Now it's time to obliterate you, I sacrifice my dark magician and Dark magician girl to bring out the king of dark magic, the sorcerer of evil, I summon mysel-......The sorcerer of dark magic." Pineko snarled before calming down slightly as the two magicians had dead looks on their face as they began to disappear for a older figure of the Dark magician with nothing but black robes appeared onto the field with the same Aura as Pineko

"Kycoo the ghost destroyer will attack you directly!" As Pineko said that, the monster then threw a talisman at raven which exploded I'm only a few meters in front of Raven, not to deal a serious injury but to knock her back on the ground and actually feel it.


Previously Kid_Nukas
Raven watched as all of her setup was destroyed in the blink of an eye. Lyna's familiars were both blasted into oblivion before she too was enveloped by a scorching dark flame and destroyed. Next to go was solidarity leaving her with nothing on the field. In most situations, she would be helpless without a single chance of defending herself. This however was not most situations. "Not so fast, I summon battle fader from my hand!" A pendulum-type creature was summoned to the field in defense mode. As soon as it was summoned the pendulum started to swing and it halted Kycoo's attack. "If attacked directly, I can end the battle phase immediately. allowing me to live another turn."

Raven hoped this would work, she didn't expect the tide of battle to change so suddenly, but this was her final option. She tried to stay cool, but her hand was shaking more than ever.


Previously Kid_Nukas
"I might be little, but size doesn't matter in a duel. All that matters to me are my monsters and my pets. With that in mind, I'll draw!" She had to hope for something that would get her out of this situation, she didn't have many options, she just had to hope. She drew her card, looked at what she got, and smiled. "Alright, I play pot of greed from my hand in order to draw two more cards from my deck." A large pot with a sinister smile appeared and out of it popped two more cards. "Now I will activate the spell card Masters of the Spiritual Arts. This allows me to discard one card in order to choose two cards in my deck that are either "Charmer" cards or "Possessed" cards. I then get to add one of those cards to my hand and set another one on the field. I'll choose to discard my Wynn the Wind Charmer in order to get this effect in motion." Suddenly Wynn materialized and started to cast a spell. A magic circle formed around her and a card appeared on the field in the spell/trap zone. She continued casting the spell and another spellcaster with blue hair and a large reptile familiar (Familiar-Possessed Eria) appeared beside her and went into Raven's hand. After the spell was completed Wynn was destroyed, having given up her life for the ritual.

"Rest assured, her sacrifice will not be in vain. I'll summon Familiar-Possessed Eria from my hand in attack mode." The same girl with light blue hair appeared once again. Her face was mostly stoic and she looked to the side. Meanwhile, the giant reptile to her side seemed raring to fight. "I also noticed you got rid of one very capable magician before and I thought it would just be a shame if he were to stay gone. I use Monster Reborn in order to bring back your Dark Magician to my side of the field."
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Previously Breon
(Pineko POV)

"You think I'm going to allow you to take my magician away from me, fool did you forget I have eternal soul, a continuous trap card that allows me to bring it back to the field on either of our turns, you won't get the chance because I'm chaining it's effect with monster born, bringing Dark magician onto my field." The stone tablet then glowed once more as the Dark magician emerged from it, siding with Pineko.

(??? POV)

"And since the target for your monster reborn isn't in the graveyard anymore you wasted it for nothing, foolish girl." A mysterious voice said from out of nowhere.