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Private/Closed Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy RP


Previously Kid_Nukas
Raven was shocked to see her plan derailed just because she forgot about one little thing, but there it was. Dark Magician, the monster in which she thought she'd have an ally, back once again from the grave on her opponent's side. She was terrified, her breathing started to get heavier and she was starting to panic, but she kept on with her turn. "W-well I'm just going to have to do without your magician then. I still have plenty to power myself up. I'm going to equip Wonder Wand onto Eria to give her a 500 attack point boost, and then I'll activate my face down, Awakening of the possessed giving Eria another 300 point boost." Eria's staff turned into a magic wand with a green orb on top and then she started to chant a spell, a blue ring formed around her indicating the 300 attack boost. "It may not be enough to do much about that sorcerer, but it will certainly take down one Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer." Eria's aqua ring was extended to her Familiar, Jigobyte. She then sent off Jigabyte who ran towards Kycoo to destroy it.


Previously Breon
(Pineko POV)

Pineko LP:3000

As the attack landed Pineko was then sent spiraling back as his dark powers worked both ways during the duel.

He grunted while getting up before smiling once more. "If that's the end of your turn, I'll start mine now, I draw." As Pineko drew his card he licked his lips before looking at Raven. "Sorry to do this to you kid, but I have my orders and you're in the way of them. I can only summon this card by sacrificing a spellcaster I have on the field, therefore I'm going to sacrifice my dark magician to summon Silent magician (1000/1000)." As dark magician disappeared what took his place was a feminine figure wearing white and blue robes with a large white wizard hat.

"She doesn't seem intimidating at first, but you can trust me to say that she's the reason I'm going to win right now, next I activate Eternal soul to once again bring back Dark magician, and now it's time for battle." Pineko said as The sorcerer of dark magic smiled maliciously.

"First I'll have my Dark magician attack Battle fader." Dark magician then destroyed the battle fader with a magical attack. "Next I'll activate my face down card the quick play spell card illusion magic, with this card I'm allowed to tribute one spellcaster on my field and add two copies of Dark magician, I'll tribute my dark magician that just attacked for the two copies and add them to my hand." Once said the Dark magician began to appear transparent as two others appeared beside Pineko before materializing into cards in his hand. "And since I have two cards in my hand Silent magicians effect is now in play, for each card in my hand she gains 500 attack points and since I have two cards my hand right now her attack points are now doubled." Silent magician then began to glow with a light aura around her. "She's still weaker than your monster yes, but that's what I want, Silent magician will now attack your Eria." Silent magician then fired a magical blast at Eria, who countered with her own magical attack overcoming silent magician.

Pineko LP: 2350

"Silent magician effect now activates, when she's destroyed in battle by opponents monster or card effect, I can special summon one Silent magician from my deck ignoring it's summoning conditions, I call forth Silent magician lvl8 (3500/1000), Silent magician lvl8 will now attack Eria." The upgraded silent magician lifted her wand lazily before firing at the water charmer before destroying the creature and girl.

Ravens LP: 4000-950=3150

"Look at that, just enough for me to attack for game, Sorcerer of dark magic attack, darkness sphere!" The sorcery then raised its staff creating a sphere of dark magic and then launched it at Raven landing right in front of her onto the ground as it exploded.

Pineko LP:2350
Raven LP:3150-3200=0000

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Previously Kid_Nukas
Raven watched as Eria grabbed onto her familiar in fear before they were both destroyed by the Silent Magician, the ray also hitting her. This was her first time taking damage and she noticed, it hurt. She was forced into a kneel because of the pain. Then came the Sorcerer's attack and it felt like her entire body was on fire. Her mind started to panic and couldn't think straight and eventually, she passed out. A duel she felt like she was winning, taken over in the blink of an eye. She didn't know what would happen next, but she couldn't help but feel like she had let her pets and everyone else down.


Previously Breon
(Pineko POV)

Pineko smiled as he walked towards the unconscious body of Raven as then the Sorcerer of dark magic stand beside him. Pineko crouch down and placed two finger tips on the girl neck to check for a pulse, and when he found one, he smiled. "Guess I need to adjust the power a bit more."

Pineko then started to walk away from the girl before stopping and turn his head back towards her. He took a glance back at the sorcerer as the sorcerer then grinned back at him.

Pineko then walk back in front of the unconscious girl as he brought out his deck to pull out two cards from it, silent magician and Silent magician lvl8. "You're still just a noob, maybe these cards will help you with the power gap, and maybe just maybe you'll be more entertaining next time we meet, sleep tight little mage." Pineko said as he dropped the two cards in front of her.

Pineko then left the girl as the Sorcery entered Pineko boby and the dark aura finally disappeared. The admin then went to complete his objective for the boss.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Shantezu growled as his foe unveiled his trenchcoat’s insides, no antidote to be found on his person. Taking a hand to make sure nothing was in his scarf, there was indeed no antidote.

“The Hell! Where is it?!”

“If you want it...then it is in my shoe...” The Ra yellow huffed.

As the man knelt down to examine Tobias’s shoes, the boy took it as his opportunity to leap on the man’s lowered shoulders, and then kicked off him. He flew toward the man that held Jira, decking him in a punch of his metal gauntlet.

As the lackey fell, he grabbed the unconscious Jira from the man bridal style, looking at the path ahead. He darted into the treeline, Shantezu growled as he was duped.

“You...! I bet there wasn’t even any poison to begin with!” He barked. “Men! After him!”
Willow slammed the dorm door shut behind her and locked it, shutting herself inside until it was safe to go outside. She was not going to risk staying outside and get challenged by a duel, the lockdown was definitely caused by a big threat that was stronger than her last opponent in the tournament and she got absolutely destroyed by them. They were a Slifer Red and a Ra Yellow, two dorms that she was confident she could put up a fight against. Yet here she was, cowering in her room after getting absolutely crushed by them. Letting herself fall on her bed, she let out a sigh and thought about her actions in the tournament. As she expected, she got carried a lot by Noah. Her moment of fame was what, activating Swords of Revealing Light? Not exactly something to be proud of, especially since it was destroyed in no time flat. She laid in silence before throwing her pillow across the room, quickly followed by her deck. Cards flew everywhere, yet the Slifer Red did not seem to care. In the aftermath of her tantrum, a card fell on the pillow with its art fully visible. Gladiator Beast Laquari, a reliable card and wielder of flames, but even mighty flames die down to merely ash if left burning for too long.


Permission to drag Braxer and Bix around given by @Shen: King of the Mist

"I'm telling you, you should stay still as much as possible when throwing darts. Only your lower arm and wrist are allowed to move, so no fancy swirling. Not only does it make it harder for you to actually hit the board, you'll also be a general health hazard. Once you keep that in mind, you'll be hitting way more frequently." Bob was telling Braxer and Bix tips on how to get better at darts, for reasons unknown to science. "If you want proof, just ask my dad. He'd won plenty of matches by accidentally freezing up from performance anxiety, which is ironic really." Chuckling at the memory, the Ra Yellow suddenly stopped in his tracks, There was an unconscious body in front of the dorm, which was unsettling to say the least. Running over towards the body, he pressed two fingers against her neck. There was still a heartbeat, good. Flipping her over, Bob's eyes ran across her body, there were no visible injuries. Maybe she skipped breakfast or something? To his surprise, there were two cards next to her. Silent Magician and Silent Magician lvl 8, odd. Raising an eyebrow, he picked them up and put them in his pocket. He couldn't use them unless he had Time Wizard on the field, which was about as likely as Weasel making sense. Time Wizard only entered the field to gamble, that was all. Maybe he could make some money off of them though.

Picking up the girl's body bridal style, the Ra Yellow nodded at the other two hooligans. "Let's get this girl inside, could you two open doors until I reach door 109? We'll drop her off there, then you two can get some food. After all, what would Weasel say if we were not law abiding citizens?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Y-Yeah, I kinda get what you mean. My stepdad is a rampant gambler, and H-He- THERES A DEAD GIRL!”

Bix got all shuddery when seeing her layed out on the ground, her fair hair and delicate arms...with protruding but not too imposing thighs...

Braxer popped Bix lightly on the back of his head, snapping the scrawny boy back into Reality. Turns out, she wasn’t dead, but was just unconscious. This wasn’t exactly a usually incident for the two hooligans, who shrugged their shoulders at the request. But after a second, Bix jumped to the door, opening it wide.

“M’ lady.”

“...Dude.” Braxer shook his head. “Let’s just get her taken care of, okay?”

“I-I-I-I can do that too!”

“Bix NO-“

This was going to be a long walk


Pineko swept in to the Ra dorms as the girl he laid out played the perfect distraction for their theft. Sneaking in with the grace of a cat and the intentions of a locust, the man snuck into the left wing of the dorms. They pulled out a paperclip, expertly picking the lock of a door, pulling it open to see a sleeping Raikiri. Perfect

He put his paperclip up next to the student’s deck, Pinching the card they were after between the two ends of it, retrieving it. Not sure why boss man wants this old thing, but hey, orders are orders. Walking out of the room and down the corridor, he got on the come.

“Tekikika, I got the thing!”

“Excellent, take Helicopter J-12. We got what we came here for. I’m ordering a withdrawal. Is that clear?”

“But Tekikika, dont ya think it’s a bit weird to do all this for one card? Aren’t there-“

“I said. Is. That. Clear?.”

Pineko gulped, barley uttering a ‘Mhm’ from their mouth. Then his superior hung up. Boy was she scary...would hate to get on their bad side. Alright! To the helicopter!


The men all around campus grounds began to retreat abruptly, loading up in their helicopters and vacating the premises. Tekikikia was the last to load up, climbing the ladder of their helicopter. Before they finished climbing up, they looked back at duel academy, giving a smirk across her lips.

They have no idea...

After basking in the glorious win today, the leader of this invasion front climbed up to their helicopter, but that’s when a familiar face greeted them.

“Well Howdy!”

There was Weasel, legs sprawled out on the helicopter seats and arms on the tops of all three. Tekikika shook off her momentary surprise, turning it into annoyance.

“Those imbeciles...they should have knocked you out.”


“Look.” Tekikika growled, looming in closer. “I don’t know who you think you are, but if your looking for a death wish, then I-“

“I’m gonna stop you right there hun, Sorry if I didn’t get a PHD in Raggedy Bitch.” Weasel mocked, shifting personalities. “Now that we are alone, I have a proposition for you. One that you can’t deny.”

Taken off guard by his shift from annoyingly innocent to outright dripping sass, she just blinked at him. Staring at him, she let out an aggravated sigh, sitting down on the other side of him.

“Fine. Spit it out. What is it that you so DESPERATELY want to chase me down for kid??”

“Ah, funny that you ask. Thing is...i want you...”


“To take me hostage!”
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"Oh relax, she's not dead." Bob told Bix as he rolled his eyes. "I checked, her heart is beating and there are no injuries. Braxer, can you try and keep Bix from losing his mind to his hormones? I'll get you something if you do, not sure what yet." Entering the Ra Yellow dorm, the machine user made a beeline for his dorm and avoided eye contact as much as possible. He didn't exactly want to answer the question why he was holding an unconscious girl in his arms and why he was taking her to his room, there was no way he would be ready for that in any point of his life. Bob used his elbow to open his dorm door and dropped the girl on his bed before waiting for Braxer and Bix to show up. Did it look suspicious and highly illegal? Yes, but what was he supposed to do? Just leave her outside during lockdown? He'd rather be branded a creep than a heartless monster, but that was a concern for later. He assumed that his fellow hooligans were going to the mess hall for that good food, so that gave him some time to do whatever he needed to do. The Ra Yellow let out a sigh as he let himself fall in a beanbag on the floor. The six darts were still in the dartboard on the wall next to his bed with the holes in the wall being evidence that he used it regularly, the little robots were still looking out of the window and his laptop was stashed underneath his bed.

"This day just got a whole lot weirder, and where the hell is Weasel? There's a lockdown going on, yet he is just waltzing around wherever he deems fit for his presence!" A foot stomped the floor as Bob got up again, walking back and forth across the room before yanking a drawer in his nightstand open and grabbing a card tin and a bundle of cards kept together by a rubber band. They were spare cards and a side project, but he never truly finished it. He had no use for them and he was thinking about selling them, but maybe Braxer and Bix could use some cards in it? His second deck was off-limits though, he paid too much money getting the whole clutch together.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Braxer snorted. “Trust me, I was gonna do that anyway.”

As they somehow made it all the way to Bob’s dorm, the door was opened as he layed her down on his bed. Bix snapped his fingers and raised a finger up.

“O-Oh! So that’s what we are doing! Gee Bob, that’s kinda bold even f-fo-for me.”

“Tch! C’mon, get out of here!”

Braxer grabbed him by the back of his collar and yanked him out of the doorway, allowing the door to close. Patiently waiting outside, Braxer crosses his arms and propped himself up on the wall, only arching a brow when he heard rummaging. Just what was he doing...?

“Day....got...is Weasel?”

“I can’t really m-make out what he’s saying in there.”


Bix gave him a snickered before Braxer Sighed, deciding to drag him away from the scene by force.

“Alright, that’s enough.”

“But! But...! Noooo!”



Tekikia had to admit. That was a new one. This kid wasn’t the courageous sort that would take a bullet for his classmates, nor the goody two shoes that would Fake sacrificing themselves to show off to the teachers. Out of morbid curiosity, she tapped her foot on the ground.

“I’ll bite. Why do you want to be captured?”

“Oh that’s simple honey, I want a cut of the pie.”

“...Excuse me?”

“Ya see, with a name like ‘Weasel’ I learned out to sniff out where the goods are. And so when I see you and your goons running about all crazy like my senses ping all over the place. Y’all want something. And I want a percentage.”

“Out of the question.” She stomped. “You know what I see? I see a Kid that got too big for their britches and sat at the big kid table hoping for scraps. We have a term for that. A Leech.”

“Hehehe, call it what you like sugar pie, but you and your weakling cohorts don’t think you can actually get anything done just by runnin’ around all scary looking do ya? From the looks of thing, you guys had no idea what you were doing at all, that’s why it took you two tries! Ha! What a joke!”

She slammed her fist into the armrest of the seat. “And you think you can do better, pipsqueak?”

“I’m my dreams, snuckums.” He giggled. “I have contacts. I can getcha the info you need wheneeeever you need it. All the while, I run the guise of a hostage, acting from behind the scenes. So with me, you get leverage and an expert in this field, which you so desperately need. Sound good?”


“‘Hm’ what, sweetheart?”

“I need to talk about this with my superior. When we arrive back at base. Until then, your fate is uncertain.”

“Oooh I like that. Makes it sound so mysterious. Your a fun little thang, arentcha?”

“...Shut your trap or you will be swimming back.”


Tobias had returned back to the Slifer red dorms right as the helicopters flew away in the distance. Laying Jira down in his bed, he squinted at the leaving helicopters.

Twice. They had invaded twice.

He then returned his attention to the school building. There was a fury in his eyes.

He needed a little talk with the principle.
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Previously Kid_Nukas
Raven was slowly drifting in and out of consciousness. She heard voices around her, but she couldn't even tell if the voices were familiar or not.

"You're just a noob"

"Sleep tight little mage"

"What would Weasel Say"

"There's a Dead Girl!"

Was she dead? She didn't think this is what death would feel like. There was a lot more pain than she imagined if it was... No, she had to still be alive. Who had ever heard of someone dying from a duel after all? Why did the duel hurt her so much? She couldn't think straight voices started to blend together. Her senses were distorted, she couldn't even tell up from down. She felt movement, but couldn't tell why. She tried to open her eyes, but they felt so heavy. She just... wanted... to sleep...

It took her a while, but she finally started to open her eyes. When she came to, she was on a bed. It felt like her bed, but the decor didn't look familiar, and there weren't animals all around the room. She felt dizzy, but she started to try and get up. "Ugghhh wh-where am I."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
*Knock Knock*

There was a knocking on the Ra yellow’s door. With Raven and Bob inside, the one who knocked on the door didn’t spend much time waiting. Instead, they turned the handle slowly, pushing it with an eerily slow pace.

“Why hello, I don’t mean to intrude.”

The voice pushed the door the rest of the way open. There was a student dressed in a tattered black vest and green bow-tie placed atop his slender frame. He had ruffled hair and deep set eyes that looked as if he hadn’t slept in days. The pale skinned man gave his resting smile as he lurked inside the doorframe.

“I heard there was a dead girl here from the shouts in the hall. While it would be morbid to say I’d be disappointed, I think a better thing to say or ask is...what happened?”
"Good morning, Sleepin Beauty. You're in room 109, you were brought here after you decided to take a nap on the ground. From what I've seen, you have no injuries. I'd recommend taking it easy, but I'd assume that you already know that. The name's Bob, how're you doing?" Bob closed the tin and faced Raven, taking a good look at the girl. Now that he didn't have to worry about her being alive or not, the Ra Yellow could attempt to recognize her. It was to no avail, he never saw her before or if he did, he couldn't remember. Not that it mattered too much, but it would've been nice to know. A knock was heard on the door and expecting Braxer and Bix, Bob didn't pay too much attention to it. "Come on in."

The voice of the visitor didn't match either of his fellow hooligans. Instead, it belonged to someone who looked like he didn't have a full night's sleep ever since he was a baby. Pushing down the shivers that climbed up his spine, Bob turned to his second visitor in full. "Dude, you look terrible. Shouldn't you worry about yourself instead? I don't know what happened though, I was walking back to my dorm from the arena and suddenly there's this girl out cold on the floor." Getting up from his chair, he gestured to his room. "Since I am apparently a host now, make yourself at ease. I'm going to get the other eyewitnesses, maybe they saw something I didn't." He put his card tin and second deck away, he didn't quite trust this living shell of a person, and left the room in search of his hooligan buddies. "BRAXER! BIX! GET YOUR LAGGING BUTTS OVER HERE!" He shouted through the hallways, possibly pissing off everyone within earshot.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The disheveled student laughed at Bob’s words, his static smile getting slightly wider. One could almost see the dust coming from his mouth from his laughter.

“Hehehe...your a funny man, aren’t you?” He wheezed our. “How about I ask her what she saw instead of us guessing? Hmmm?”

He approached Raven as Bob left to get more eye witness accounts. He arched his back over her body, his small pupils tracking down and locking her eyes.

“So then...what brings you back to the land of the living?”


“Almost got it...”

Bix was attempting to snatch a bag of chips from a vending machine by sticking his hand in. He was just an inch or two from his prize, Braxer keeping watch. That’s when they heard Bob call out.


Bix jumped, his arm being caught in the vending machine, making him hit his head on the frame. Braxer sighed as he grabbed his chest, dragging Bix the rest of the way out of the machine.

“Huh? We’re over her Bob! Whatcha want?” Braxer called out to him, getting Bix back to his senses.
Bob walked over towards the two hooligans and noticed the vending machine they were next to. "Of course." Kicking the side of the vending machine, a bag of chips fell down. "This thing is exploitable as all hell, not sure why they still keep it around. Shake it a bit and kick the side, after that it is simply luck. The girl's awake and there's some guy that is as dusty as the floor between my bed and the wall, not to mention he looks like a reanimated corpse. To my knowledge he doesn't bite, so I'd assume that it is safe to have him around. Rha!" The Ra Yellow shook the vending machine and kicked it, granting him a packet of chocolate balls. "Hmm, not bad. Come on, let's find out why that girl was knocked out in front of the dorm." He turned on his heel, walking back to his dorm as he flicked a chocolate ball into his mouth.
Letting out a small groan, Jira began to stir. Things... did not feel right. It felt like the Slifer Red was fight his way out of a deep sleep. But why was he fighting again? His head felt woozy, and his limbs felt heavy. Still, Jira slowly pushed himself up in bed. His vision seemed to fade in and out as well, yet Jira was able to recognize that his surroundings were familiar. Back in the Slifer Red dorm? The last thing he could remember was him and Tobias facing off against that lady.... then everything got fuzzy. Speaking of Tobias, it appeared that the Ra Yellow was here as well.

"Uh... Tobias?" Jira said woozily, rubbing his eyes.


Meanwhile, back in the school Dahlia had done her best to make sure all the students in the main buildings made their way to their classrooms. But the Obelisk Blue girl was not one to go into hiding with them. At least, not yet. Among the students that Dahlia had helped, she had gotten separated from Tracy and Elizabeth in the confusion. While she had no doubt that Elizabeth and her brother could handle themselves in this, Dahlia was still concerned about Tracy. She didn't want to bunker down until she knew her friend was safe.

So as quietly as she could, Dahlia made her way through the school. She was careful to move stealthy and lock doors behind her, because although the school was locked down, there was still a possibility that the raiders could have made their way into the main buildings.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Bix seemed far too concerned with the fact that their triangle shaped flakes of carbs and nacho cheese dropped rather than the lesson that Bob was trying to impart. He thieves the bag and tore it open like a savage animal.

Braxer meanwhile was more concerned with this guy that Bob was talking about. He scratched his chin and tilted his head.

“Say...this weirdo guy. How do we know he ain’t one of those thugs? Don’t ya think the timing is a little weird?”

As Bob began to walk back to the room, Bix and Braxer were quick to catch up to his movements, going to his left and right. It was similar to how they would be placed around Weasel.



Tobias turned around, his amber eyes meeting Jira’s waking ones. He approached him, lowering his body a bit to be on eye level with his friend.

“So you wake...are you unharmed? You have been through quite the ordeal...”
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Bob shrugged. "It is pretty suspicious, but I am not planning on annoying anyone involved with the lockdown causers. Not planning on dying or getting kidnapped today, so might as well get him on our good side, Maybe he'll do us a favor, maybe he's just a creepy kid that means no harm. For now, let's keep an eye on him." Taking another chocolate ball out of the packet, he put it in his mouth before offering Braxer the packet. "Want a chocolate ball? They're not bad." Eventually they reached dorm 109, although Bob stopped right in front of it. "It might be a little cramped, but it should fit. The girl has the bed, creepy dude was standing last time I checked, so that leaves two chairs and a beanbag as seats. Oh, and Bix? Try to keep the flirting to a minimum, she only just woke up. Give it a day or two, then you can get rejected by her." Snickering to himself, the Ra Yellow opened his dorm door. "Everyone still awake in here or do we need to get the nurse?"


Previously Kid_Nukas
Raven was hesitant to tell all of these people what had happened. First of all, it would mean admitting to them that she had failed and let the thug get away. Secondly, she didn't understand why or how she had fainted, so they might think something odd was happening there. Finally, she just wasn't used to talking to people, and now all eyes were on her. She didn't want to talk to the creepy boy alone, so as soon as Bob got back she would explain, although she wasn't expecting him to bring two more people.

"Yes I'm still awake, although a nurse might be appreciated, my entire body still aches after all. My name's Raven, and if I'm to be completely honest, I'm not entirely sure what happened. When the lockdown was called I tried to rush back to the Ra Yellow dorm so that I could check on my pets because I was worried about them. But just outside of the dorm I saw someone about to go in, an unfamiliar man who seemed to be with the thugs. He was after a card of some kind. I'm not really sure why a singular card held so much value, but I didn't want him anywhere near the dorm. I dueled him and... and I lost. After that, my body was flooded with pain and I collapsed, I don't really know what else happened. I- I'm sorry." She hung her head, obviously upset at the situation and herself.
Jira rubbed his head, moving to a sitting position on the bed and looking over to Tobias.
"I don't... feel hurt. Just kinda tired. And foggy." Jira said. The Slifer Red blinked before looking around the room once again. Try as he might, he was having difficulty recollecting exactly what had just happened. "How long was I out? What happened? Where did that woman go?"
A rising sense of concern was beginning to build. Had they been captured? Was that what had happened? It looked like he still had his deck and duel disk though. What was going on?

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Heh...I wouldn’t worry about that...I know the human body inside AND out...” the boy explained. “So I’d be delighted to examine you...!”

He gave a chuckle that seemed like it was trying too hard to be nice, wheezy and exasperated. Bix and Braxer looked to each other in confusion about him. Braxer shoved a chocolate in his mouth, clearing his throat.

“Anyway. No one expected ya to take on all those guys anyway. Wasn’t it lock down? Ain’t no place to play hero, y’a know? You could have been hurt worse.”


Tobias balled his fist, looking out toward the window. He sighed, allowing his anger to leave him. Crossing his arms, he responded.

“I am unsure. Though it would appear that their forces have withdrawn for now...what they were after still remains a mystery. What is for sure however is that this school is run by incompetent fools.”
"Easy there, zomboy. Let's go to someone with actual medical training first." Bob placed a hand on Goule's shoulder to signal he was not okay with him checking Raven out. "How about you introduce yourself before you try to get your hands on Raven here? I am Bob Lerdwich, the big guy over there is Braxer and the goblin looking guy is Bix. As for your loss, we'd be more surprised if you managed to win. There have been two invasions of the academy now, so surely those guys know what they're doing. I'm not sure why they wanted a card though, no Ra Yellow has super strong or rare cards. The only one I can think of that might be a target is that kid with the Red-Eyes monsters, but they were nothing special since Weasel and I were able to beat him like a sandbag." He cupped his chin before handing Braxer the packet of chocolate balls and getting his second deck from the bedside table. "I'm gonna go get the nurse, you three take care of Raven until I'm back and no funny business. If any of you do anything she's not okay with, I will personally kick you all out. I am not willing for my dorm to be a crime scene quite yet." The machine user quipped as he put his second deck in his pocket before opening the door again. "That also includes you Bix, remember what I said in the hallway." With those words, he went to get the nurse.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The odd kid dusted off a odd powder from his vest sleeve, giving a low laugh at Bob’s suggestion.

“Heh...but certainly, where are my manners? My name is Goule, head of the occult club.” He wheezed. “Quite unfortunately, I am it’s only living member.”

He gave an odd quiver, scratching his wrist thoroughly. Bix and Braxer began to sweat, looking back at Bob with unsure looks on their faces.

“Y-Yeah I get that but-!”

But it was too late, Bob had left, shutting the door in their faces. He was acting like a replacement leader while Weasel was MIA...it was a bizarre change. Gulping, he looked back at the situation, Braxer shrugging.

“Meh...guess it can’t be helped.”

“O-Okay...I can do this.”

A-Alright big guy...I was always terrified of ghosts and zombies and nasty creatures...but I gotta stick here to protect Raven. Y-Yeah! Chivalry and all that jazz! Raven would appreciate me being here! S-Soon enough w-we’d go on a d-d-date! Eeeeeee!!!

Braxer couldn’t help but feel Bix was having some unpure thoughts. He couldn’t tell when would be an appropriate time to slap him back to his senses.
Jira stood up, the effects of whatever he had been hit with slowly fading. Even he could see that Tobias looked quite upset.
"This... this shouldn't be happening. Not again, at least. I don't get it." Jira said. Rubbing a hand through his hair, he let out a sigh. He really was at a loss of what to do now. Do they go look for help? Try to find other students? Find what happened to the raiders? Maybe security had shown up, since it sounded like Tobias said the raiders had ran off.
"So should we, uh... go look for help or something? Try to find others? Do you have a plan?" Jira asked.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“A plan? Why, I was going to have a talk with our dear principle about the state of this school, and the state of his job. Last time I asked politely. This time I won’t be so quaint. His gross incompetence and lack of guardianship over those he has taken the trust of sickens me.”

He turned his attention toward the door, his gauntlet at the ready. He gave off the aura of someone who had enough.

“If you wish to come, then be my guest. You have every right to be as disturbed.”


Previously Kid_Nukas
Raven was appreciative of Bob's help, but wondered was a little bit concerned about being left with the other three... characters in the room with her. There was the creepy kid, Goule. He had come in unannounced and was quite, for lack of a better word, disturbing. Next was the tiny guy, who she remembered Bob called Bix. He looked harmless, but she was slightly disturbed by him, she couldn't really tell why though. Finally was the giant. Braxer was intimidating, but he seemed the most harmless of the three. She sat there in silence for a few seconds, still feeling awkward because she wasn't used to being the center of attention.

Raven then remembered something, the very reason she had gone to the Ra Yellow Dorm in the first place. "Umm, so I just remembered, I need to get to my dorm. I need to check on my pets, it should be around time to feed them, and I've been worried about them ever since the lockdown hit." She attempted to get out of the bed, but the pain hit her in a wave again. It wasn't completely unbearable, but she thought it best to just lie down for now. "Scratch that, could one of you go for me? Just to check in on them? I hate to impose, but they are quite important to me and I want to make sure they are taken care of." She usually didn't like people going near her pets, especially ones she didn't know very well, but this was a special circumstance. Once Bob got back with the nurse she was sure she would be right as rain once again.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“I-I can do it for ya miss!” Bix was quick to answer. “Cats, dogs, buffalos, I got it! Be back in a jiffy! You’ll see!”


Bix ran off out the door, quick to prove himself to be worth of Raven’s affections. Braxer grunted, raising a hand to stop him as he ran after him.

“Do you even know where you are going??”

“I-I Dunno...but I have a strong whiffer, I can find the smell of fur in no time!”

“This day is turning into a drag...”

As they left, Goule turned to her, being alone in the room with the recently unconscious student. He gave an ominous laugh, gesturing his hand to her.

“Hahaha...you don’t seem comfortable there. It’s like you’ve seen a ghost. Want me to preform a Seance?”
"I can't believe you didn't go immediately to my office, don't you know what situation we're in? She could be seriously hurt!"

"Hey, listen up buddy. When I see the possibly dead body of a fellow student who turns out to be alive, I don't think 'Oh golly, let us go back to the nurse office!' Instead, I got her to the closest safe place I knew of and made sure she had no external injuries before running the risk of someone seeing me and capturing me. Excuse me for being human and therefore unpredictable. In a situation like that, I'd rather not take the gamble as God is on the roulette wheel and he has brakes on that thing." Bob complained as he opened the door of his dorm with the nurse right behind him. "Everyone still ali-, hold on." The Ra Yellow looked around and put his hands on his hips. "Where are Braxer and Bix? Did they go for more snacks or something?"

The nurse didn't bother to introduce themselves before opening a window for fresh air and using the blanket of the bed to lift Raven's feet up. "Okay, I'm going to ask you some questions and I want you to be completely honest with me. Got that? So, have you ever fainted before? Did you see blood or anything else you are uncomfortable with, like needles? It isn't incredibly hot out, so were you perhaps standing upright for an extended period of time? Did you feel unstable today or earlier this week?" Firing question after question at Raven, the nurse grabbed something that looked like a kitchen timer with a strap attached to it. "This is going to measure your blood pressure. Whilst your fainting might be caused by a different variable, I would like to be sure that this doesn't happen again."
Jira watched Tobias closely as he spoke.
"Yeah, of course I'm going to come with you." Jira said. "There still might be raiders around, and I'm not going to let you go alone."
Jira meant what he said. However, he couldn't help but to feel a bit of concern about what exactly Tobias had in store for the principal. He dearly hoped that it was going to be something like... well, murder or assault. Jira didn't want to assume that his friend was going to do such a thing, even if Tobias had been close to doing similar things in the past. But he decided to keep his faith in his friend. Jira grabbed his duel disk and deck, looking around for the metal bar.
"Did you pick up that metal bar, or did the lady grab it?" Jira asked.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Hm. A wise move. Very well, you may accompany me.”

That’s when Jira asked the question about where his weapon went. Tobias blinked for a moment, recalling the incident. Turning briefly back to him, the scarf wearing duelist spoke.

“I am unsure. Perhaps it fell during the conflict. I just barley got you out without pursuers. I didn’t think of your weapon. You could find it when we are done with him. Let’s go.”

He opened the door, stepping out of the dorm room. It was time to pay someone a visit.
"Right, just a moment." Jira said to Tobias. Reaching under his bead, the Slifer Red took a moment to dislodge something from between the mattresses. Jira pulled from under his bed a sturdy-looking tree branch, one that was a little shorter than Jira's arm. The bark and smaller branches had been scraped off, and small pictures of kaiju had been drawn on it with permanent marker. It appears that Jira hadn't just been sitting around in the down time he had. Leaning it on his shoulder, he gave Tobias a toothy grin.
"Alright, let's go." Jira said, following after Tobias.

Meanwhile, Dahlia was starting to panic slightly. As she looked from classroom to classroom, there was no sign of Tracy to be found. She had attempted to call her Ra Yellow friend, but there was no response.
"Tracy! Tracy!" Dahlia called out, making her way out of the main building. Perhaps she was back at her dorm? Hopefully. Still, Dahlia couldn't stop the rising panic she was feeling.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The choppers eventually found themselves descending. Their target was a small island that could be easily mistaken as a large sandbar. As they approached, one would only notice a single Boulder on this island, otherwise it was just flat sand. Each helicopter landed in a line formation, Tekikika hopped down the helicopter, Weasel boldly following suit.

“Tread lightly, rat. Would be a shame if you found a mousetrap.” She snapped coldly.

“Hearin’ your signals loud and clear sister.”

She kicked the base of the Boulder three times, a keypad revealing itself on it’s face. Quickly inputing in a way that obstructed Weasel’s Vision of the solution, she pressed the enter key.

*Rumble* *Rumble*

Out of the blue, the ground beneath them began to sink. Sand poured down where they were as their elevation sunk. Walls of steel began to reveal themselves as they went down. It was an elevator!

They sunk fifty feet down until the elevator stopped, revealing a hangar on one side and a series of doors on the other. The helicopters slowly drove into their housing area in the hangar as Pineko and Shantezu both came towards Tekikika.

“Wha- who’s the runt?” Shantezu scratched his head.

“Cool your engines buffy, you wouldn’t want me to say what thing of yours is runt sized now would ya?”

“Oh that’s it!!”

Tekikika put a hand up. “Cease the idiocy. We have to report to the boss.”

Pineko and Shantezu wised up quick, bowing their heads to her. “Yes Ma’am!”

As they both went to the doors, Weasel put a finger to his chin, examining the pair.

“Hummm...that Shantezu looks like he had a position of power, cause he looks the build to have led that biker gang.”

“Perceptive one. Shantezu was our Head’s chief enforcer. He was to be the boss to lead the assault on duel academy. Was. That is until his incompetence in the biker fisaco. Seems like the drugs he took religiously back in the day never quite left his system.”

It explained a bit as to why she acted the way she did. Putting two and two together, he realized SHE was now the second in command. Putting that in the back of his brain for later, Tekikika ushered him into the room that the other admins went inside.

The room’s floor was covered with red velvet carpet, the dimly lit room only give light by neon screens lining the walls. A large black desk was in the back of the room, a figure sitting behind it. Pineko and Shantezu stood at attention, Tekikika and Weasel approaching them.

“I take it the mission was a success?” The deep voice boomed.

“It went off without a hitch, under my leadership.” Tekikika responded. “Here is the item we have recovered.”

She approached him, handing him the Red Eyes black dragon card they had pilfered from Raikiri’s deck. Examining it, the dark figure turned his apparent back to them.

“It appears you also brought back something else...someone else.”

Pineko and Shantezu both took a step to the side, showing Weasel front and center. The Slifer Red gave a lazy wave.

“Heya chief, I’m Weasel the Kid, pleasure to meet’cha.”

“He claims to give us insider insight, and he was a stowaway on my helicopter sir. Weather his claims are valid or not are an unknown, that’s why I bring it to your attention.”


The shadowed figure, still not showing his face in the darkness, began to pace around the the back of the room, his arms behind himself.

“Do you like Puzzles, Weasel?”

“...Come again?”

“Puzzles are intoxicating. Pieces that number from dozens to countless trillions. From research breakthroughs to Landing a man on the moon, each requires a complex series of fitting puzzle pieces in order to create something marvelous. Alone however, these puzzle pieces seem meaningless. Take this card for instance.”

Holding up the reflective card for him and everyone else to see, the man ran a black gloves finger down it.

“Seemingly meaningless, pointless to focus on. But one must know where the piece of the puzzle goes and how to place it in order to make something marvelous.”

Taking out a rectangle shaped pad, he placed the card on it. A green scanning bar went up and down the card...revealing a single red dot alongside yellow scribbles. The main gave a long awaited sigh, holding up his treasure.

“This for instance is the final piece of a puzzle I’ve spent decades making...”

Pressing a button under his desk, the wall behind him flipped around, revealing a large glowing wall lined with cards. Each card had the yellow scribbles on them, just like the red eyes did. But the way all of them were lined...each one came together to form a massive puzzle. A map of the world! He man placed the card on the only void on the wall, completing the world map. The red dot was right where duel academy was on duelist island.

“So the tomb of the ancients is directly under the main building proper. We now know it’s direct location. But we still lack the means to enter it. For you see, the tomb was sealed away with seven keys...but due to us having this map, we can bypass that. Instead, we must sacrifice the souls of three. One of a vibrant red soul, another of a studious yellow soul, and another of a powerful blue.”

“So then that is referring to the the three houses on duel academy island?” Pinkeo spoke up.

“Correct. We must sacrifice three students, one of each house to the gods. But not just any. We must sacrifice the souls of those that are worthy, else we face a catastrophic consequence for failure...”

the three admins looked to each other, Shantezu scratching the back of his head.

“Well how do we find them boss? We can’t just guess right?”

“That is why you have gifted me with a piece of the puzzle...” The shadowed man spoke. “Weasel. You shall be our scout. You will be our eyes and ears, and you shall tell us which targets are the most befitting to be sacrificed to the gods.”

“Welllll. I didn’t quite expect this to get all culty on me. Before I do anything at all, I need to establish somethin’, an insurance policy. What’s stopping you from sacrificing my soul to these gods o’ yours?”

“Nothing.” The man said coldly. “I am a firm believer in fate. So if someone shows up on my doorstep as conveniently of timing as this, I cannot spit upon the gift.”

Weasel shrugged. “Eh, whatever floats ya boat. But I need a little somethin’ in order to compensate me for this little endeavor~”

Tekikika stepped toward him with a stomp. “You dare make terms with us-“

“You seek an alibi. You shall be delivered it. The red eyes card is yours to bring back as evidence of your innocence, furthering planting yourself for our gain. Perhaps one day however, you shall put your heart to the cause.”

“Yeah, sweet digs.” Weasel said, half paying attention as he yoinked the card from the wall. “Imma go head out then, I’ll be keeping myself a window seat in the chopper. See ya later darth vader~”

Weasel strode out of the room, slamming the door behind him. The other admins looked to themselves before back to their boss.

“Should we really put our faith in someone so slippery master? I don’t know, he sounds unreasonable.” Pineko asked.

“The reign of a god is neigh, Pineko. You would be wise to respect that.”

“Y-Yes sir! We’ll go make preparations!”

He bowed quickly and left the room, the other admins giving their regards before departing as well. After everyone left the room, the man stood at his desk. Standing motionless for several seconds. That’s when the color appeared to vanish from the room. The lights went out briefly before the glimpse of something monstrous and contorted was seen twisting around his side of the room.

“Now starts the pilgrimage of God.”


Previously Kid_Nukas
The sudden directness of the Nurse who had just come in made Raven nervous, but she started to answer her questions knowing that she was only worried about her health. "I don't believe I've fainted before. I can handle blood and needles just fine, but I didn't see either. I wasn't standing an abnormal amount of time. I have felt fine all week. I understand you want to try and figure out why I fainted, but I will tell you there was no discernable reason. All that happened was that I lost a duel, a wave of pain flooded over my body, and my body couldn't take it so it shut down." Raven said all of this as her blood pressure started to get taken by the nurse.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Tobias burst through the doors of the principle’s office, his sword already drawn at the ready. Without a word to the man, he stabbed it right through the center of his desk, ejecting it from the gauntlet. The blade stood firm there as Tobias put his hands on the desk.

“Principle. Let’s have a talk.”



“Sounds like you got exposure to the underworld.”

Goule spoke up from near Raven. His deepset eyes locking with her’s, he gave a dark chuckle as he flicked his wrist about.

“When they say you are about to die or fear you are, the hands of the long since dead trace your body, and their chill lowers your blood pressure to the point where you pass out...”
"I doubt it is exposure to the underworld, though that duel might be the cause behind the fainting. Your blood pressure is 120/75, which is perfectly healthy. Medical school does not cover intense rushes of pain after a duel, but maybe the duel is not even connected to the sudden rush of pain. Was the rush of pain coming from your stomach or did it start somewhere else? If it came from the stomach, it might be appendicitis. In that case, you should get treated as soon as possible. I want all the details so that I can make sure I prescribe the right medication. I don't know anything about duels inflicting pain and fainting, the best advice I can give you in that situation is to get some rest and take it easy." The nurse said as they put away the blood pressure monitor.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Ah yes...I forgot modern medicine is so untrustworthy. But you know what they say, whatever solution remains, however improbable must be the truth, yeah? Kekeke...”

He seemed to find the nurse’s assessment laughable at best. Hence why he hasn’t gone to a doctor since he was 6 years old. He preferred solutions that took into account the spiritual side of the equation.
"I'm trying my best to figure out what happened to this girl and I want to check every possible option before I tread onto shakier ground for me. I do not see how that is untrustworthy, especially when you look at all the lives that get saved by modern medicine. I am not denying the existence of an other world with ghosts, so don't insult my job. If you don't believe in modern medicine, be my guest. Just don't make the situation seem worse than it is, the girl's been through enough already." The nurse responded coolly to Goule's claims, instead trying to figure out what happened to Raven as Bob whistled from the corner of his room. The nurse just got a lot more brownie points in Bob's eyes.


Previously Kid_Nukas
"Umm, I'm fairly certain I didn't connect with the Underworld or whatever you're talking about there. The pain didn't originate from my stomach, it was kind of everywhere at once. I guess one thing I should note is that there were two waves now that I think about it. The first not nearly as bad, but it happened right after I lost a good chunk of my Life Points, and then the second was after my life points went to 0. Do you actually believe that could be the cause?" It seemed ridiculous to her that she could've passed out from a duel, and the bickering between Goule and the Nurse was not boosting her confidence much, but as Goule said: whatever solution remains, however improbable must be the truth. She couldn't deny that possibility anymore.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Goule chuckled and shook his head at the nurse. Truly modern medicine has taken great leap backwards in this day and age. Instead of talking to the brick wall of a nurse, he turned to Raven, getting closer to her.

“Tell me, did your opponent say anything suspicious? Anything that implied spiritual, occult or dark forces in play?”


Previously Kid_Nukas
Raven was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable as Goule started to get closer to her, but then she actually listened to his question. "Well, I don't like fueling this Occult stuff, but the truth is the guy I was dueling was a bit of a lunatic. I think he actually believed he was some kind of mage and that it wasn't just that he used a bunch of magician cards in his deck. Honestly the guy downright creeped me out with some of his comments." She remembered just before she passed out she heard the guy say "Sleep tight little mage." The comment itself wasn't too much to worry about, but remembering that he was a thug and the occult crap he was into, it was hard for the phrase not to send a shiver down her spine.
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