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Private/Closed Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy RP

The principal bit his lip. "Indeed. I am not saying anything that I do is correct. However..." he cut off for a few seconds, "I haven't the slightest idea what to do. This whole island is in danger, and there's nothing I can do about it." He took a second to make sure Tobias was listening. "I... can't address this situation."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Tobias crossed his arms, looking down at the man before him. He should have learned from the first attempt and put acceptable measures in place. Seeing as how he refused to do that, Tobias didn’t leave his argument.

“Then step down. Your time as principal only put people in danger. It is time for someone else to fit the guardian role. Nominate who you choose, but you are stepping down today. Is that clear?”

He looked over to Jira to make sure he agreed with this assessment, trying not to resort to violence.
"Right, there you two are. Where've you been? I got the nurse and you two were gone without a trace, leaving me with that creepy kid. I swear, he's gonna sacrifice something to summon a demon and I don't mean in Duel Monsters. This kid can also interact with unseen forces or something and said that they'd love to meet me, he's gonna be the death of me!" Bob was clearly not a fan of Goule's antics and was looking for support by the two people in the building that he knew and that were somewhat sane. He still had some questions marks next to Bix, but those were not important right now. Letting out a sigh, the Ra Yellow practically deflated. "I assume the girl is going to de-cursed or something? As much as I don't like, I think it is probably for the better if we're there. Have some eyewitness reports should it go wrong and all. One of these packs is for Zomboy by the way, don't want to risk getting on his bad side." Bob shuddered before resigning himself to the fact that he'd have to see this ritual and get no sleep tonight.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Summon a...demon??”

Braxer was normally a bit more level headed, but that’s with dealing with people. He knew people. Demons and ghosts? You could hang it up.

“Bob, maybe we should stay clear of this one...I dunno, that mumbo jumbo never set well with me-“

“Raven is going??”

Bix hardened his resolve, shaking his fist in the air. She had gone to that creepy kid! What was she thinking?! Curses weren’t real. Looks like he’d have to be her knight in shining armor, rescuing her from a horrible fate.

Without any permission, Bix blitzed off toward the cursing sight. Or rather, guessing around. After her sprinted in that direction, he came pacing back.

“Uh...where is this happening again?”
The nurse looked over Kenny carefully for a few moments before reaching into her first aid kit.
"I don't see any injuries. Looks to me like a migrane. Is this a usual thing for you?" The nurse asked. The woman produced a painkiller and a small bottle of water. "Swallow this and drink this. It should help."


Jira seemed to relax slightly at the response of both the principal and Tobias. Who knew the leader of the academy was such a pushover. Granted, this is an insane situation. But Jira had thought the man would be... he didn't know, a little more stoic? Jira met Tobias' eye, nodding and giving the Ra Yellow a small smile. The Slifer Red then put on a tough look once again, looking back to the principal and nodding along with what Tobias was saying.
Bob couldn't stop a chuckle from sneaking out. The Slifers might not be the brightest minds, but they helped to take the edge off of things. "It's right where we find her, so the main entrance. In the meantime, you two can tell me where you went to. Braxter, I am not a fan of this stuff either. Lucky for you, I've gotten an insurance policy. I've chatted this dude up and although I would not call us friends by any stretch of the imagination, he seems pretty chill. Should this curse thing be real, which I doubt even is a thing, that kid can probably keep it under control or keep us out of danger. Especially since he seemed very excited at the idea of me helping him with some experiments, whatever those mean. Not exactly thrilled about that, but anything to stay on his good side." Beckoning Braxer and Bix to follow him, he lead the way to the possibly crime scene-to-be.
Kenny nodded, obediently swallowing the painkiller. As he pondered over the nurse's question, Kenny tried to remember the last time he suffered from a headache this painful. Or even a headache in general, really. He'd assumed he accidentally hit his head while falling after his duel, but apparently that wasn't the case. Maybe it was something about the strange aura of his previous opponent. Hell if he knew. He was already glad his skull didn't feel like Battle Ox had used it for cutting practise anymore. "Not a common occurrence, no," Kenny replied to the nurse, softly shaking his head in response to her question.

Looking over to the right of the nurse, he'd noticed the brown-haired girl that had kneeled next to him earlier. "Hey, were you the one that called the nurse over here earlier?" Kenny rubbed his temples. Even if the pain was subsiding slowly, he still very much felt it. "Thanks for that. I think I needed it."
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“So he’s a zombie that deals with curses...and your telling me he’s chill?” Braxer arched brow. “I don’t think I’m buyin’ that big man. If I didn’t know any better, I’d he has you under some kind of mind control or somethin’.”

At this point, Braxer was going just to make sure this guy didn’t doom Raven’s soul rather than to just watch the results. This was not the type of school he thought he signed up for.

As they got to the scene, Braxer spotted the pentagram on the floor right and Bix spotted Raven. Braxer instinctively gave Bob a ‘really?’ Expression, showing his discomfort. Meanwhile, Bix tried to remain as quiet as possible, making sure Raven was alright.
"Look, I am not sure that he is a zombie, he just looks like one. I am not a fan of it either, but I'm not taking any risks. I'd be lying if this occult stuff didn't creep me out, and knowing he is in my dorm doesn't help soothe my nerves either. Should I be under some kind of mind control, feel free to punch me." Noticing the glance that Braxer gave him, he simply shrugged. "I'm not sure why, but apparently he needs the help of Satan or something. If, when, we survive this, I'll let the two of you get some free cards of your choice from my collection. I think you two need something positive to look forward to today, maybe I'll throw in some food as well. Anything to keep the spirits lifted." Bob looked at the ritual that was about to take place and subconsciously took a step back to hide behind Braxer.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Summoning Satan aside...” Braxer muttered. “We don’t need charity, but I wouldn’t oppose to you handin’ over that kid cache you were promised from the boss.”

He chuckled despite of the possibly hazardous and odd situation they found themselves in. That’s when Bob stepped behind him.

“Wait- What are you hidin’ behind me for?!”
"When I find Weasel or one of those caches, you'll get it." Bob said with an incredibly forced grin on his face. "Sorry, you're the biggest thing I could find." A forced chuckle left his throat before the grin dropped and became a frown. "This is terrifying, how are you not hiding? I'm a pragmatic person who works with machines and programming, the only curses I have to deal with are the curses I say at stuff that doesn't work! I did not sign up for the climax of a horror movie!" Sweat began to pool in his hands as he knelt down a bit to make himself smaller. "God, why am I here? I can barely handle scary movies, this is so much worse!"


Previously Kid_Nukas
Raven was obviously still hesitant about the entire process, as Goule mentioning curses didn't exactly help, and neither did the growing audience who was didn't seem capable of staying silent during this somewhat stressful time, but she stepped on to the edge of the drawing just as Goule had instructed. Now she just had to wait for whatever weird ritual Goule was trying to do.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Goule watched as she stepped on her point on the pentagram. His face began to creak a smile. Pulling a vial out of his pocket filled with an odd green solution, he coughed out dust.

“Ha... *cough* Now that you are here, in order to complete the curse removal, we must recreate the same conditions as that of which you faced when cursed. So you and I must have a duel...but not just any duel...”

He poured out the green solution, and upon contacting the powered below, causing a plate green mist to arise from the symbol, hovering around the entire zone. He held out his hands in a clawed fashion, his smile becoming more of a looming snicker.

Ha Ha...! No ritual comes without a cost. And the cost is a gamble. If you win, your curse is removed. If you lose...the curse shall be increased upon you tenfold! That is the terms the spirits require! Can’t you hear them now...?!”


Previously Kid_Nukas
All Raven could think was What the actual hell. She had just gotten done with her duel with the creepy mage guy, only to get herself right back into an even creepier duel. Green mist started to surround the area, and she didn't even want to think about what would happen if she didn't duel this kid; however, she did still think it best to attempt reason before just jumping in. "What happened to you not wanting to curse me? This feels a lot like a curse, isn't there some other way to do this? I don't really feel like risking any curse ten times worse" Despite her words, she still proceeded to get out her duel disk, just in case there was no other way out. She was worried there would be no reasoning with this zombie kid.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“That’s not how it works. You stood in the circle and accepted the terms, you are in contract! If you breach the contract...you suffer what the spirits deem fit for your impertinence! Ha Ha Ha-Ack!!”

He seemed to choke on something in the back of his throat, hacking and coughing until whatever was blocking it was dislodged. Breathing a little strained, he gave a sigh of relief.

“Phew...got myself a bit worked up there...been a while since I’ve done curse removal. Hope you forgive that. Either way, there is no backing down now, unless you risk them unleashing the negative outcome by default. If you wish to do this, then by all means go first.”

Goule revealed his duel disc. It was a bit slimmer in design but worse for west. It had scratches and odd powder and paints splatter on it at random. It had a story to tell for sure.
"Okay, maybe this guy is more than a little deranged. This has to be a dream, it just has to be. Braxer, punch me! I need to wake up from this nightmare!" Bob began tugging on Braxer's sleeve in utter fear of what was to come. "Who came up with the sentence 'scary, scary, quite contrary'? They must be a lunatic!" His knees were shaking and his breathing began to get shallow, wanting to run but unsure if his legs would even be able to take a step. Not to mention the chance that he'd might get cursed should it all go to hell. "Oh, where is Weasel when you need him? He better show up and say it is a prank, but he'd never prank a fellow hooligan. Would he?" Shaking his head, Bob began talking to him again. "Okay Bob, stay calm. Think of machines, math, science, other explainable things and if I do that, then I'll be happy." It was almost pathetic to see the machine user who was far from worried in the finals demoted to a trembling mess hiding behind one of his friends.


Previously Kid_Nukas
Just like Raven assumed, she had no choice in the matter. She readied her deck and steeled herself, or at least pretended to. Her last duel had not gone exactly as she had hoped, so it was natural to be nervous here, especially with so much on the line. Yesterday she would've told anyone that curses were a hoax created to scare the general populace into being sheep and easily manipulated, but here she was about to duel to get out of one.

"Alright then, I'll Draw. I summon one monster face down in defense position, and set 2 cards face down. That'll be it for my turn." She decided she needed to be a little defensive with this new opponent, there was no telling what he had up his sleeve. If he was anything like her last opponent, he would be a force to be reckoned with.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
3 cards in hand
Facedown monster
2 facedown cards

Goule analyzed his opponent’s mannerisms, watching their eyes dart and the stress levels increasing in Raven’s stance.

“Fufufu...Your curse has made you lose confidence in who you are, and in your monsters. Perhaps the spirits will teach you this. I will draw a card as well. Prepare to see yourself in a world of dark magic...we are going to Zombie world!”

He placed the field card down, the green mist becoming purple as tombstones littered the battlefield. The hills and buildings in the distance vanished from the terrain in place, fading into the dark misty haze.

“Now I shall play call of the mummy...and this allows me to special summon one creature from the afterlife to assist me as long as I’m alone. And I call upon my dear friend, Zombino!”

A monster was placed on the field, and just as it was, a tombstone began to move. Out from the ground a skeletal hand erupted! It dragged out the from of a zombified boy, wearing a well put together vest and dress shorts. The monster stood up, adjusting it’s bow tie and giving one sweep of his hair to knock off the dirt from it’s delicately combed locks.

Zombino: 2000 ATK. 0 DEF.

“Now Zombino, if you could be a darling and show Raven here what faith in a monster is?”

Zombino bowed their head in respect before turning to the facedown monster in play. It traced a pentagram in the air before a demonic white hand was called forth from it’s summoning circle, reaching out to choke the monster to death.

Braxer couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Was magic and all that stuff real? Before he could comment on it, Bob began to freak out, asking him to punch the rapper.

“Punch you...? I mean, if you say so...but I don’t see how that would help-“

“H-He doesn’t mean literally, big guy!”

“Oh...well...I think he’s broken. Maybe we should be taking Bob to the infirmary.”

“No! I’m not leaving Raven! Even if it’s rather spooky...and c-c-creepy....EEEEEK! Did you h-hear that??”

“We gotta get Weasel back...”


Previously Kid_Nukas
"No Wynn!" As the white hand approached, Wynn, the Wind Charmer, was flipped face-up. She looked different than normal, patches all over, and looked almost stitched up. It wasn't the same happy spellcaster Raven had come to know. Petit Dragon tried to step in to save her, but was swatted away as it reached for Wynn. She struggled against it, but in the end, was pixelized via asphyxiation and sent to the graveyard. This panicked Raven, but she tried once more to keep her cool. She waited for her opponent to finish her move.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Zombino returned the clutches of death into the seal, it vanishing into silver dust. The boy touched his sternum with the tip of his fingers before raising his hand up, bidding the monster farewell.

“Your monsters a twisted version of themselves... not just physically, but spiritually. They are broken up inside, the curse gnawing on them just how it’s gnawing away at you. In the end? It will turn you too into a monster...if the curse isn’t broken.”

He ended his turn with that, Goule’s monster, Zombino, looked back at Raven, a small smile forming on his face. It was as if he understood a joke that flew over her head.

3 cards in hand
Zombie world
Call of the mummy


Previously Kid_Nukas
Raven thought she was going to feel sick with all this talk about how the curse was affecting her, as if it wasn't the field spell affecting her monsters. She took some time to evaluate the situation, and then she drew her next card. With the current set up of the field, Raven had a few ideas, but she wasn't sure if they would be any good. She decided to risk going on the offensive since that seemed like the most likely to produce a positive outcome. "Alright, I'm going to bring out a good friend of mine, come on out Lyna!" With that, a strong, happy-go-lucky spellcaster was brought to the field but was quickly overtaken by the field's effect. She earned stitches all over her body and looked like a hollow shell of her self. This didn't instill confidence in Raven, but she forged ahead with her turn. "I play the spell card Solidarity. With it, if I only have one original type of monster in my Graveyard, then all monsters on my side of the field with that same type get a boost straight to their ATK points. Usually, I like to play this card with the spellcasters I've come to know and love, but since you've decided to turn them all into undead soldiers, I'll just have to make do." Petit Dragon rose out of the grave and joined Lyna's team, giving her a significant boost in power alongside her two friends. Alright Lyna, attack Goule's monster, show this creep we won't be knocked around." Lyna with a groggy groan, devoid of her usual lively personality, sent out the two familiars, who raced to slam hard straight through Zombino.

Familiar-Possessed Lyna: 1850 Original ATK/2650 Current ATK/1500 DEF

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Solidarity stood firm, despite the fact zombie world would naturally render it useless. A faint glow emanating from the card. It was like there was an unseen resolve...fighting back. Goule grinned to himself as he saw this.

it’s working.

The hostile 2650 monster attacked, their familiar’s joined together to pierce right through Zombino, the zombie falling into pieces back into the grave

Goule’s Life Points: 3,350

“Slaying your demons is impossible, don’t you know?” Goule chuckled. “Hardships always come weather you like it or not, they don’t truly vanquish. Will you and Lyna. Be able to overcome it I wonder?”
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Previously Kid_Nukas
Despite being behind, Goule didn't seem phased that his monster was destroyed before his very eyes. Instead, he just left Raven to question herself. Did she make the right decision letting Lyna out there alone? She had other options, and she wasn't sure if Lyna could handle the hardships in her current state. The statement left Raven slightly rattled, and the more the duel dragged on, the more it became visible. "I- I end my turn."

2 Cards in Hand
2 Facedowns
Solidarity (Wynn in GY)
Familiar-Possessed Lyna

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Goule drew a card, smiling at the look on his opponent’s face. The placed the card he drew on the field, what appeared to be swords of revealing light was played.

“This card is very much like the soul. It only takes one crack...”

Suddenly, the swords got a spider crack across them. The crack grew and grew, spreading further along the swords before-


Three black swords revealed themselves, falling down and lodging into the ground rather than flying with holy light.

“...Darkness takes over. No monster you have can ignore the anguish this card, swords of concealing light, will give them, fracturing their spirit. It will force them into a deep depression, going into facedown defense.”
The nurse smiled softly as it looked like Kenny was beginning to recover. The nurse stood back up, brushing herself off.
"Well, migranes will sometimes just... occasionally occur. It's not too uncommon of an occurrence, especially here at duel academy where things can get rather stressful for students. If this begins to happen more, you should be quick to let me know. Okay?" The nurse said. With that, the woman turned and began to head back to the school.

Dahlia blinked, relaxing slowly as Kenny began to recover.
"Hey, it's no problem." Dahlia said. With this situation slowly beginning to resolve, Dahlia's panic about Tracy was slowly beginning to return. The Obelisk Blue girl looked around nervously, scanning the area for any sign of her Ra Yellow friend. She looked back to Kenny. "Hey, um... Have you seen my friend? She's a Ra Yellow student named Tracy. Longer, brown hair? Kind of shy? Uses a Different Dimension Deck? I haven't been able to find her since the raid, and I'm starting to get scared. But I haven't checked the Ra Yellow Dorm yet, so.. Maybe you've seen her?"


Previously Kid_Nukas
Lyna started to become fidgety. The darkness was surrounding her and there was nowhere she could turn so she took Happy Lover and held it close to her as the card was flipped over and put in defense mode. Meanwhile, Petit Dragon went back to the graveyard since there was no longer anyone he could help. There was nothing she could do to help Lyna now, all she could do was wait.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Goule chuckled in a half attempted way, seeing the scared charmer go into defensive posture.

“It’s that fear you must tame, or else it’ll be the end of you. Like this. I summon Tristan, knight of the underworld!”

Fading into existence through the mist like a spectral entirety, the armor clad horseman galloped into the scene.

Tristan, Knight of the underworld: 1800 ATK / 0 DEF.

“Due to his ability, he can bring one monster with zero defense in my graveyard to my hand, and i think I will play it. Ha...didn’t I say nothing truly dies? Welcome back my dear friend Zombino!”

Zombino pieced itself back together from the graveyard, placing it’s head back into it’s shoulders, cracking it back into place.

Zombino: 2000 ATK / 0 DEF.

“Now, Tristan shall eliminate the charmer that once protected you. You’d be surprised how much damage fear can do...!”

The monster neighed before rushing toward the cowering monster, ready to slay it where it stood.
Kenny frowned, sensing Dahlia's worry about her friend. "Sorry, haven't seen anyone," he replied, slowly shaking his head, "You're the only person I've seen since..." The memory of Sky Galloping Gaia the Dragon Champion being destroyed played through his head once more, making Kenny scowl. "You know."

Was there a duelist in Ra Yellow with a Different Dimension deck? Probably, but one couldn't blame him for not knowing every single duelist in the dorm. Still, just leaving the girl hanging felt wrong. Even if he didn't know Dahlia's friend, he couldn't help but feel a little distressed. Given the state he ended up in, he wondered how many more students got hurt during the raid- or worse.

Also, Dahlia had helped him -or at least attempted to- so it felt only fair for him to return the favor. "I could help you look, I guess. I know the Ra Yellow dorm better than you after all." He pulled himself to his feet unsteadily thanks to his admittedly rapidly declining headache, but put on a brave smile. "My name's Kenny, by the way."


Previously Kid_Nukas
"Zombino's back? Well, that's fine, I won't let you destroy another one of my friends, no matter how they've turned. I activate my facedown card, negate attack!" It wasn't a lot, but it would be enough to allow Raven some time to figure out her next move. It was still a winnable duel after all, no matter how creepy it seemed.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The negate attack activated, opening a rift that swallowed Tristan, spitting him back out the way they came. As the battle phase was forced to end, Goule snickered.

“You protect your charmers even though they’ve been turned into monsters from the here after. Ha... how interesting. I wonder if they would feel the same away about you. I’ll let you go now.”

Keeping an eye on solidarity to determine the monster’s state of trust, his creaking frame leaned to one side, looking on to Raven’s next move
"Since the raid?" Dahlia said. This was not good, not good. Then again, it was entirely possible that Kenny hadn't ever met Tracy before. It was a big school, and Dahlia didn't know a majority of her Obelisk Blue dormmates. Tracy was more on the shy side as well, so that was also a probably good reason she hadn't been noticed.

Okay, Dahl. Just calm down. Focus. You'll find Tracy. She's okay.

Dahlia looked back over to Kenny as he offered her a brave smile. The Obelisk Blue student managed to smile weakly in return.
"I'm Dahlia. Thank you, I really could use the help." Dahlia said. With that, she started to make her way towards the Ra Yellow dorm.
"Cool," he muttered, following after Dahlia. "We'd best head over to the dorm first. Chances are that she'll be there if-" If she made it out alright. Kenny gulped. Best not to speak those words aloud. Wouldn't want to make his new acquaintance worry even more over her friend than she undoubtedly already did.

That was before he saw green mist rising near the main entrance of the Ra Yellow dorm.

He clenched his fists. Were those invaders still around? "Be careful, Dahlia," he growled, preparing his duel disk as a pre-emptive measure. He doubted that he'd be able to put up a good fight given the circumstances, but it'd be better than just standing by idly.

Whatever was going on there, he sure hoped Tracy wasn't involved, for her sake.


Previously Kid_Nukas
"Of course I protect them they're my friends, they wouldn't let me down... right?" She didn't know why but she felt something waver in her. There was no reason to doubt them, but then she thought back to the mage guy who dueled her. The way he praised her on being a mage like him, but she wasn't anything like him. She didn't want anything to do with him, and the only reason he said anything about it was because of her love of her charmers, it was just starting to confuse her.

"Ugh whatever, I draw. I now activate my other face down, Masters of the Spiritual Arts. With it, I can start a bit of a ritual of my own." A magic circle that alternated between six different colors appeared around Raven. "First I can discard one card... I'm sorry about this Eria. Then I can use it to add Dharc the Dark Charmer to my hand and set one card from my deck." Eria appeared and was immediately overtaken by the spiritual art. The circle surrounded her and destroyed her, producing 2 new cards in her place. One went straight to the field and the other was placed in Raven's hand. "With that, I set one monster face down and end my turn."

2 Cards in hand
1 Facedown
2 set monsters (including Familiar-Possessed Lyna)

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
He he he...You aren’t gonna win this by being defensive you know. With this next move, I shall summon Master Kyonshee in attack mode. And he will pay a visit to Lyna, personally sending her to to afterlife with his spiritual arts of sealing...!”

He played the monster, and out if the summing circle came the undead man. They were dressed in a traditional Japanese summoner fashion with a paper talisman draped to block their face.

Master Kyonshee: 1750 ATK / 1000 DEF.

The man put his hand together, making hand seals before procuring a paper talisman in his right hand. He would thrust it onto Lyna, aiming to send her to the underworld.


Previously Kid_Nukas
"While Lyna's death will be tragic, I won't let it go in vain. I activate the trap card Unpossessed" The trap flipped over, but seemingly nothing happened. Kyonshee was still gunning for Lyna, just as before. Lyna flipped over, her light still being shrouded in darkness She clutched on to Happy Lover as a talisman was placed on her and her soul was sent to the graveyard. "Because you destroyed my monster, I get to set a new monster from my deck" A different monster took Lyna's place, hidden from the world. "Maybe playing defensively won't win me the duel, but it gives me time to think against all of this craziness."
"What?" Dahlia said, looking towards the Ra Yellow dorm. She saw it too. Swallowing nervously, the Obelisk Blue student began to make her way down the trail towards the Ra Yellow dorm.

However, upon turning the corner, Dahlia relaxed. It appeared that a group of students were having a duel. A pair of Ra Yellows, by the looks of it. One of them, a girl, seemed to be using a charmer deck. The boy was rather pale and strange looking, and appeared to be using some sort of zombie deck. But the longer Dahlia watched, the more strange details started to stand out.

The Field Spell in play was Zombie World. She recognized that much. However, she didn't remember the effects of this card creating so much... darkness and mist. Then again, it was a zombie field spell. Also, it had been a while since she had seen this spell in use. She was probably misremembering these things.

Dahlia looked over to the students watching the duel. It was that trio that associated themselves with that Weasel kid! Bob, Bix, and Braxer. Which one was Bix, and which one was Braxer? Dahlia was having trouble remembering.
"It's alright. It's just a duel between students." Dahlia said to Kenny. The Obelisk Blue student made her way towards Bob and the two Slifer Reds. For some reason, as she made her way closer to the duel she began to get a strange feeling. It almost felt unnerving, to be honest. But Dahlia just chalked it up to being stressed about Tracy.
"Hey, you three!" Dahlia said to Bob, Bix, and Braxer. She was unable to hide the slightly panicked expression on her face and in her tone. "Have any of you seen Tracy? She hasn't been answering her phone and I couldn't find her in the main building."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Heh...crazy is nothing more than augmented reality. Creatures that adapt to the unusual thrive, others...get sent to the grave!”

Tristan attacked the facedown layed last turn first, galloping to spike the facedown monster whilst Zombino summoned it’s daemon’s clutches to choke to death the remaining facedown monster.

“Whoooo! You go girl! Take ‘em down!” Bix cheered Raven on.

“You know she’s losin’, right?” Braxer scratched his head.

“Pfffft, yeah right, someone like her is never caught off Guar-AHHHHH!!!”

Bix put up his hands defensively as Dahlia called out to him. Realizing it was only another student, he gave a long sigh. Braxer, seeing Bix’s state, decided to clear his throat and answer for him.

“Uh, no. Didn’t see ‘em.”


Previously Kid_Nukas
"Not so fast, I knew there was a reason I put faith in my charmers, and it's because they've never steered me wrong. Aussa, Dharc, reveal yourselves!" The two cards flipped over and out came two charmers, one with glasses, but looked sickly pale due to zombification, and one dark-haired boy who was missing his right arm, with the left not far behind. "You see, Unpossessed has another effect. It makes it impossible to destroy my Charmers by battle, allowing their effect to activate and allowing me to take control of your monsters. While something might never be truly dead, that doesn't mean it can't turn on you." The two still waved their staves putting their spell on Zombino and Tristan.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The undead charmers put the two monsters under a spell, Zombino leaped on Raven’s side of the field, the horseman joining them. This only left Master Kyonshee on Goule’s side of the field. This seemed to greatly please him.

“Ha Ha Ha...good! Your partners are invigorated enough to even change the hearts of my two monsters! While that is important to have faith in them...do they have faith in you to handle this next obstacle? I enchant master Kyonshee with that of mage power! Now he shall rise 1500 Attack and Defensive power...!”

Master Kyonshee began to glow in dark energies, symbols and tunes rotating around him erratically. He held the praying mantis fighting stance, ready to strike back.

Master Kyonshee: 3250 ATK / 2500 DEF

“You handled a swarm of foes, but will your faith remain when handling a single unstoppable target...? Kekeke...”

1 card in hand.
Mage power
Zombie world
Call of the mummy
Master Kyonshee
Bob slowly came out of his cover behind the almight Braxer, a careful grin on his face as Raven took control of Goule's monsters. That was what they were, monsters. Not spirits, real zombies or unseen forces, but holographic monsters. And if the monsters had a reason behind existing, then so did the other oddities. The pentagram on the ground was somewhat akin to an old Spellbinding Circle card his brother once showed him, maybe Goule had one that was damaged? It was a stretch, but Bob was willing to take any excuse to put his nerves to rest. The paint on Goule's duel disk only helped prove his theory, he must have tried to replicate the design of the card in the hopes that the drawing influenced the duel in his favor. There was no way that those cards and by extention Goule could do more than a paper cut, right? Stretching his legs to their full length, the Ra Yellow felt comfortable enough to stop hiding behind Bix, though he still clung to his sleeve. He wasn't afraid anymore, of course not! It just was better to be safe than sorry. "C-Come on, you can d-do it!" He cheered Raven on, albeit less enthousiastic than Bix which was unsurprising.

A new voice entered his ears and caused Bob to look at the newcomers. He smiled at the Obelisk Blue that he recognized, though the Ra Yellow was a new face. Not that it mattered, it was a nice break from the constant tension in the air and a reminder that they were not alone in the hellscape of that duel. "Hey Dahlia, I can't say I've seen Tracy. The last time I spoke to her was before the semi-finals, she might show up later though. She knows my dorm number and this is her dorm. Maybe she's taking a nap or something? That might explain why she's not answering her phone, and maybe it ran out of battery. I'm sure she's fine though, she's a tough girl. Should she still be missing at the end of this duel, I'm willing to go find her. She probably is either in her dorm or hiding though, you are sure you went through the entire arena? Even the hallway in which we spoke?"