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Private/Closed Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy RP

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Oh! I know, I’ve been working SO hard as the head of Obelisk blue. But I can sacrifice and work myself a little harder to act as a stand in principle...and eventually permanent One. it would be my honor to take over in your stead sir!”

He leaned in to the principle, seemingly containing his excitement to get his hands on that position he wanted so badly.

"It's... a complicated job being principal. A lot of things have to be managed. And... not a lot of people can be trusted with this job. The decision can't be made at the top of a hat. This school will have to go principal-less for a little while until... well, something happens."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“To bury Bix in blankets for hibernation.” Braxer answered bob, having hoisted A rather depressed Bix over his shoulder. “Girls. Am I right?”

Shaking his head, Braxer carried on towards the Silfer red building. It had been a tough day for all those involved...student morale couldn’t be lower.


“Out of the question.” Tobias rebutted to the Principle. “The leader of this school holds a vital role. We cannot afford to simply have an open seat as it were. Morale would not stand it. I would not stand it.”

“Well said boy!” Crowler grinned, taking advantage of the situation. “But as to respect our principle’s wishes, I will take the burden of being a substitute while I look for the right candidate for the job! Bear in mind it may take some time to secure one, but I will!”

“Hmph. Then our job seems done here. We should go, Jira.”

With a new head of office in power and the old one being removed, the school would hopefully take a turn for the better and begin to heal.


Not even an hour had passed and Crowler wasted no time getting to work. His first acts of office were rules that stated that Obelisk Blues were allowed free reign on exploring the grounds at night, while the other houses were forbidden. This also came along with many other rules that favored the Obelisk Blues such as getting extra dueling permits to use the central dueling arena, segregated Sport sections reserved for Blues, and many more.

This also came with a lot of new legislation against actions taken against a principle, including things such as name calling being punishable offenses by detention. Now Principle Crowler sat behind his desk, mulling over a difficult Delia he was left in

“Hmmm...student spirit seems to be at an all time low. How to change that so that they might praise me for rescuing them from their dire straights? Think...think... What do duelists like? They like cards and...that’s it!”

Crowler stood up, his lips curling in satisfaction of his idea.

“More cards! So why dont we kick up Duel Monsters Spirit Day a week early eh? I’m sure those geeks would be gloating about their costumes and completely forget about the threat that’s out there! Muhahaha! Crowler you. Are. A. GENIUS!”

“Doctor Crowler!”

A guard ran inside, saluting to Crowler, which made the blonde haired man growl.

“That’s Principle Doctor Crowler now!”

“Erm...ah...yes.” The guard sweatdropped. “We made a count of all students and there’s still one missing. A certain Weasel K. Whestle?”

“Whaaaaat?! Weasel is missing?! Send a search party! It would be such bad press to have a student turn up missing! Just Imagine the lawsuits!”

“Yes sir! Right away!”


The next day came around, and with prior noticed of the day’s festivities, the island was filled with hustle and bustle. Students from many different dorms were dressed like their favorite duel monster cards. Celtic guardians, Lord of D.‘s, Koumori Dragons and more littered the grounds, bright displays of colors we strewn across lampposts and pillars, decorations all about in a joyous manner.

It was announced that there would be a costume rating competition, and that the two winners of the competition would receive a special prize, along with the pair being able to duel in front of the entire school. Needless to say, everyone was excited. Weather you were Red, Yellow, or Blue, the chance to show off your best costumes was one that very few would ever pass up.


*Knock Knock*

“Y-Ya think he’s home?”

Bix and Braxer knocked on Bob’s door, all dressed up for the big day. Braxer seemed to be shirtless, wearing brown folded up pants and a large bone club hoisted over his shoulder. He also had two fake canine teeth jutting out from him lower jaw.

Bix meanwhile wore a black eyepatch over himself, a yellow shirt and black pants going with his outfit along with a rag he held in his right hand. They were going as ‘Giant Orc’ and ‘Coach Goblin’, being a duo till the end. They were prepared for bob to open the door so they should give him a **Ta-Da** with their costume choices.
Kenny had never felt so exhilarated yet embarrassed as he did when he exited his room wearing his costume.

Before coming to the academy, he'd known about the celebration of Duel Monsters Spirit Day. He thought he'd be able to one-up his fellow students by bringing the costume he'd used for parties before...but of course he only brought the props, and promptly forgot about the clothing.

His props were impressive, though. At least he thought so, anyway. Last year, he'd repurposed an old biking helmet, painting it blue with red stripes and adding two red horns, mimicking Gaia's helm. It didn't cover his face like the real helm would, and lacked two red spikes, but it was still close enough.

His second and favorite prop was his seventy centimeter-long red "lance", attached to his left arm. Though it looked pretty sharp, it was a completely harmless imitation of Gaia's spear made out of papier-mâché. He'd spent almost an entire day preparing it for one of his very first costume parties ever. Sure, it wasn't as beautifully shiny anymore as it had been the first time he'd used it, but it was still pretty cool. And as a fun extra, he additionally wore his duel disc underneath the lance. By cutting out a small part in the middle, he could actually fit his duel disk through the papier-mâché, making it look like he dueled by playing his cards on Gaia's lance. Although it was a nice trick, it wasn't very functional- as long as the lance was attached to his left arm, he wouldn't be able to use his left hand at all. Fun while trying to eat or shuffle a deck, for example. Still, that was more than worth it for Kenny.

Unfortunately, he still lacked his armor. So there he was, standing in the Ra Yellow dorm's hallways, dressed in an assortment of blue clothing, in a pale imitation of Gaia's armor. If anything, he hoped that his props would be good enough to secure him the victory, because his armor sure wouldn't do the trick.
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Bob sighed, his tastes made this festival a pain to work with. He planned on going as Blowback Dragon, but the lack of arms was a big issue if he was going to do anything other than standing around looking pretty. All his other cards either had the same problem or were not cool enough, dressing up as a Gadget was not going to win him any prize. Thankfully, one card in his deck was both cool and humanoid, Powerhold the Moving Battery. Although the costume ended up to look pretty good, the cannon had to be shortened significantly to avoid slamming people in the face and the face was not covered so that the Ra Yellow could see what was going on. He'd never noticed just how little the trap monster could see, but it didn't really need to see with a cannon that size. Attaching his duel disk to the part of his arm that did not have added bulk because of the costume, he stretched both of his arms out and yawned. He spent way too much time on this costume and his room was a mess, but that was a concern for future Bob. Right now, there was someone knocking on his door. Opening the door, the machine user looked at Braxer and Bix' costumes and leaned against the doorframe. "Well well well, look at you two. Like two peas in a pod and not too extravagant, I like it." Complimenting the two Slifers, he cracked a small smile at the two of them.


Finally the big day was here! Duel Monsters Spirit Day had arrived a week earlier than expected, but Willow was not complaining. Last year her costume was not finished yet, but this time the whole outfit was ready to be worn. Her plan was to go as Gladiator Beast Attorix, the sword and shield were painted as accurately as possible and the armor pieces were as light as they could be without becoming tin foil. The only thing she needed to fully sell the picture was a pair of cat ears, thankfully her sister was willing to give a pair to Willow for personal use. Donning the apparel, the second year Slifer put the sword away in its holster and grabbed her duel disk. The plan was to have it be behind the shield so that she could duel with it, but it was pretty cumbersome. The shield had to be held horizontally to effectively use it and one of the straps had to be behind the duel disk whilst the other one had to be in front of it. The detail she wanted to put in the shield and the careful cutting that had to be done was the reason her outfit was not completely finished by her standards last year, but now that would change. Putting on the duel disk and shield, she grinned and opened her dorm room. Today was going to be a good day.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“N-Not to extravagant?! What do you mean?!?” Bix looked himself over. “I thought I would win Raven over in this costume!”

“Psht, you wish.” Braxer crossed his arms. “Looking might mechanical there Bob, I’m surprised you can move under all that, you won’t find yourself walking into a wall on the way out will ya?”


“How Interesting.”

Inches behind Kenny, Goule stood with a finger to his chin to examine their costume. Goule himself wore a ragged look, going as ‘Zombie Master.’ He had died his hair white and wore a black cloak over what seemed to be an improvised asylum jumper. A smile creaked across is face as he looked at him.

“I would assume your playing the role of...Gaia I presume?”
"From what I've seen from behind Braxer, Raven does not seem to be the type who likes expensive and flashy displays. If you're yourself and just be nice, I'm sure she'll come to like your presence. Just don't get your hopes up and expect her to swoon for you in no time, that only works in books and the like." Bob gave Bix some advice, inwardly sighing at the desperation he kept showing to get Raven to like him. "Personally, I find duels to be a good way to connect with someone. Have you tried challenging her to a duel or have you just been leering from the side lines?" Chuckling to himself, the Ra Yellow turned to the tall Slifer Red.

"I did have issues moving around when I wore this for the first time, but cutting down on the cannon size really made it more mobile. I would've gone with Blowback Dragon instead, but I actually want to be able to do stuff today so Powerhold it is. The fact that it is plastic rather than metal really helps with moving around as well. By the way, is Weasel going to join us or is he on his way to spike the drinks with laxatives?" He leaned forward to look through the hallway, though he was unable to see anything on the right side due to the cannon. "Oh joy, that's an issue. I know the lay-out of the Ra dorm, but I am probably going to bump into something on my right side today. Place your bets now on what it will be."
Nervously, Tracy made her way out of her dorm room. The Ra Yellow girl had dressed up for the Duel Monsters Spirit Day as well. This wouldn't be the first time Tracy had dressed up for an event like this, as the Different Dimension Duelist had gone to quite a few Duel Monster Conventions over the years, and had spent quite a bit of money building this costume. She was dressed as the D.D. Warrior Lady. She had pretty much everything, the black leather jacket, the boots. Even the 'robotic left arm' was a skintight cloth glove with a robotic design on it. Even her natural blonde hair fit with the character. It was a rather simple costume when compared to other duelists, but it was clear a lot of work had been put into it.

Still, Tracy was a little nervous. At the conventions, it had always been with random strangers. Here, these were her fellow students and peers. Tracy couldn't help but to feel a little nervous about how people would react. She began to make her way through the dorm, walking past Bob's room. It appeared that his two Slifer Red friends were there too.
"H-hi... Hi, Bob." Tracy said to Bob as she walked by.


Jira made his way towards the Slifer Red dining area in a costume of his own. He was supposed to be going as his favorite monster, Dogoran, but it really looked like it could be any red dragon monster (like Winged Dragon Guardian of the Fortress #2). Jira was wearing a red version of the godzilla hoodie he normally wore, with some pieces of paper that looked like flames attached to the side of the hood as well as the top. Two makeshift cloth wings were attached to the back of the hoodie, as was a red tail attached to the pants. The costume looked very DIY, and it was clear that it wasn't going to win any awards. But Jira felt good about the amount of work he had put into it.

Seeing Willow walk out of her dorm room, the Kaiju duelist approached her.
"Hey Willow! Awesome costume!" Jira said.
"Hmm?" Bob instinctively looked to the right and saw nothing. "Starting to question my costume choice already." He turned around with his whole body and saw Tracy in an impressive costume. Looking at her from top to bottom, the Ra whistled in approval. "Dang Tracy, that looks great! If I didn't know better, I'd say the card came to life." Giving the girl a thumbs up, he compared his own costume with hers. It was clear that the card Tracy dressed herself after was practically made for her, but even so the quality of her costume was high-end stuff. It made him a bit self-conscious, as he knew that his outfit was not nearly as professional. In an attempt to take his mind off of the quality of the costume, the machine user looked down and found a flaw in his outfit. "Knew I was forgetting something, no gear slot. Eh, can't win them all." He shrugged in nonchalance, smacking the cannon against his head. Holding in a couple of words that were not exactly child friendly, he rubbed his temple. "Now I know why Powerhold just does not move, it is an absolute pain. Literally at that."


Willow looked at Jira and smiled. "Thank you Jira, totally worth not having a costume in my first year! Nice costume by the way, let me guess. Dogoran? I remember you saying that it was your favorite card during our duel. I must say, that's quite ambitious. Dogoran is not exactly the easiest to pull off, but I'm sure people will recognize it. After all, I doubt anyone would assume that you'd use anything other than your beloved Kaiju aside from maybe Darkfire Solder #1, but he doesn't have wings and you lack the sword that he uses." It was hard not to laugh at the immense difference between her costume and Jira's, but it was hardly fair to expect a first year Slifer to have a perfect costume of a giant dinosaur. Besides, it was clear that he put atleast some effort into it, if only because no store would sell a costume like that.
A familiar shudder ran over Kenny's spine as he heard a voice behind him.

"Err... Goule, was it?" Kenny said as he turned around, remembering his name thanks to Bob. Somehow he looked even more sickly and zombie-like than he normally did. For a second he pondered whether Goule's new look was actually a costume, or if it was the result of some new demonic ritual, much like his duel with Raven had been.

"Yeah, Gaia the Fierce Knight is right," Kenny replied, doing his best to block out his previous thoughts, "Obviously can't get a horse in here, so I make do with what I can get." Kenny slightly tilted his head to the right, thinking about what Goule was dressed up as. Obviously some kind of zombie monster, knowing him, but he wasn't too knowledgeable about that type. "And you're..." Zombino? No, his hair was white, and Zombino's hair was multicolored. Reborn Zombie then? Nah, he didn't quite look dead enough for that... Oh, wait. Kenny snapped his fingers as a fairly well-known zombie monster came up in his mind that seemed to fit the bill. "Zombie Master, right?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Hummm...you-you think so?” Bix pondered. “Well...maybe. But I’m still messed up after I tried giving her those cards...”

Braxer scratched his head. “Eh, How you are able to get all that stuff for your costume is beyond me. All I got is this bone thing, which I got from the Halloween store.”

They were never the richest duo as far as backgrounds go, their imaginations always bigger than their pocketbook.

That’s when Weasel was mentioned by Bob, Bix and Braxer looking at each other and then back to him.

“Uh...think he’s still missing’. There’s like search parties and everything.”

Right as they were talking about Weasel, a familiar Ra yellow walked up to them, dressed as D.D. Warrior lady, something that made Bix feel a mix of emotions.

“Gah! I mean- H-Hey lady! Warrior lady that is.”


He he he...that’s right. The master of zombies. But hey, if you are looking for a horse...I can help with that.” The boy wheezed. “There is a horse buried on campus grounds, belonging to an old explorer expedition in the 1600s... feel like grave digging? Kekeke....”

It seemed that he had missed the point as to why he was referencing having a horse. He wriggled his fingers about like a zombie would, cocking his head.

He he he...So then who am I speaking to? What’s your name?”
“There is a horse buried on campus grounds, belonging to an old explorer expedition in the 1600s... feel like grave digging? Kekeke....”

Kenny blinked once. Blinked twice. Was...was that supposed to be a joke?

"I'm Kenny," he quickly replied, trying to shake the mental image of Gaia riding a skeletal horse, "Kenny Conroy. I, uh, we met when you were dueling that girl, Raven. Kinda, anyway." He awkwardly tried to scratch the back of his head, but stopped in his tracks when his spear smacked lightly against his head. Right. Occupied hand. "It was an..." Kenny tried to think of a word to accurately describe the events he witnessed. "...interesting duel, to be sure. A zombie deck, right?"
Bob raised an eyebrow at the mention of the cards. "Hmm? What happened? Didn't she like the cards? Surely she must have recognized those cards and even if she didn't, they weren't bad cards. I would be happy with them and I don't use spellcasters save for Time Wizard. Maybe you can ask her that if you see her? It is a good conversation starter." He attempted to scratch the back of his head, but the helmet prevented him from truly touching his skull. It didn't seem to bother him though, as he soon turned his head to face Braxer. "I've had a lot of spare materials from my days of searching the island, it has its benefits to get perfectly fine materials for free. I'd be lying if it was easy to stash sheets of plastic and cardboard, but I've managed to work it out."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Ah, yes. Were you the crying I heard, or was that someone else? Forgive me, so many voices sometimes it’s hard to distinguish them. Though I’d rather call them the formerly living...but you can call them whatever you like if it makes you feel better...heh.”

A straight toothed smile shown back to Kenny upon the reference of his special duel. His hips cocked slightly to the left as his gram teetered.

“O—h? Is that so? Is it that you are curious of the occult? Or is it a morbid sense of the unknown? Heheh...tell me Kenneth, have you been as well been blessed with the heart for the immaterium?”


Bix was about to respond before he remembered Tracy was still there. He didn’t want to respond about this stuff next to a girl! Cupping his hands, he whispered over to Bob, turning his back to her.

“How would I know? I was just being nice! That creepy kid gave her cards but was treated p-p-perfectly fine! I could as her...b-but what if she doesn’t want to talk??”
"If she doesn't want to talk, then don't push it. She'll talk when she is ready to talk about it, in the meantime just be a good friend. Something about those cards rubbed her the wrong way, I can imagine that she wants someone she can trust and gain strength from in these hard times. Be kind, don't be super awkward like usual and most importantly, do not force her into talking. That only makes things worse, it's like attacking in Duel Monsters with a weaker creature. You can try and force your way past an obstacle, but it will not work. Patience is a virtue Bix, make sure you don't disrespect it. If Weasel can be patient, so can you. I wouldn't worry about him by the way, he is resourceful. Annoying and a headache, but resourceful. Next thing you know, he's gonna be lounging amidst Obelisk Blues and sipping some apple juice or something." Bob gave Bix some advice on how to talk to Raven, seemingly not too bothered by the disappearance of Weasel. He probably was enjoying the silence that was a rarity these days. "What's the plan by the way? Lounge around here or go check out what else there is to do? Tracy, feel free to join us if you want. If you want to hang out with Dahlia though, I won't force you to stick around with us. It's your choice."
Goule could have just as easily held up a sign in neon letters that said "Hello! I'm a creep! You best get away from me as quickly as you can, or else!".

"Okay, okay, okay, back up here, buddy." Kenny took a few steps back, narrowing his eyes to slits. He didn't even use his real name, ever. Well, apart from when he registered at the academy. His birth name was required then. But excepting maybe some staff members, nobody should have even been able to know that Kenny was just an abbreviation of Kenneth, least of all this guy. The amount of danger signs coming from Goule were actually unreal. And that meant something, coming from a guy who fearlessly jumped into a dangerous duel yesterday against a mysterious opponent just to protect two people he wouldn't even recognize afterwards.

But more than fearful, he felt...annoyed? Outraged was maybe a better word. His real name was a pretty well-kept secret, and Goule had no right to go around snooping about his secrets, least of all without Kenny's consent. "I don't know how or why you know," he hissed, ignoring the Zombie Master wannabe's blabbering about the occult, the unknown and all that other jazz, "But my name's Kenny. Got that?"
Tracy smiled shyly when Bob complimented her costume. To be honest, the other student's costumes looked very good as well. Tracy recognized Bob's costume as the Trap Monster he would occasionally use, Powerhold. While it did have a bit of a home-made look to it, Tracy admired the amount of effort that had gone into it. Actual plastic and paint, it was impressive. And then there were Bob's friends, the two Slifer Reds. Tracy remembered that they had used Goblin decks, or something similar. And their costumes reflected that. In fact, as Tracy looked closer, she could see that they were doing a partner costume! Coach Goblin and Giant Orc, monsters that were commonly depicted together in card art. Well, most card art. Tracy was more reminded of the D.D. Trainer and D.D. Crazy Beast. But still, their costumes worked. She gave Bix a small wave when he said hello.

Tracy was about to head out when Bob invited her to hangout with them instead. Tracy considered for a moment before deciding.
"Sure, I'll come with you guys." Tracy said. She turned to Bix and Braxer, introducing herself. "Um... Hi. I'm Tracy. I like your costumes."


Jira smiled a toothy grin, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.
"Aw, thanks. I'm glad you were able to recognize it." Jira said. "I'm assuming yours is a Gladiator Beast? I know we dueled, but I'm still not too keen on all the different names of those fighters. But yours looks amazing! I'm sure that you've got a great shot to win the costume competition."
Jira continued walking, and the Slifer Red took a moment to think about Tobias. Was he going to even wear a costume for this event? If he was, then what would it be? Jira began to envision Tobias dressed up in different costumes. The Guardian Golem? Stone Statues of the Aztecs? Guardian Sphinx? Each thought made Jira chuckle a little bit, as each thought had Tobias practically dressed as a wall. Coming out of his thoughts, he looked back to Willow.
"So, do you have any ideas on what the prize is going to be? Or how they are going to determine the winner?" Jira asked Willow as he walked.
Bob smiled at Tracy, happy to see that she's in a significantly better mood than last time they spoke. "Alright! Let's go have some fun then, it isn't every day that we get to dress up after all. What do you think Dahlia dressed up as, Tracy? I frankly have not even the faintest idea." Turning to face the Slifer Reds, he cupped his chin. "Didn't you two duel her? Maybe you can figure out what she's dressed up as? For all I know, she could be dressed up as a Blue-Eyes White Dragon and admittedly cool, it sounds like an absolute pain to pull off. Come to think of it, plenty of cards are absolute nightmares. Blowback Dragon for example, how would anyone pull that off? The lack of hands is impossible to work with, unless you have someone helping you at all times. Another fun one is Blast Sphere, circular monsters just don't work with human bodies. Though if someone can pull that off, they've earned my respect. I just wonder if others share the same thought?"


Willow flashed a toothy grin at Jira. "Boy, how hard was that to guess? It is Gladiator Beast Attorix, I've been working on this outfit for two years now. As much as I would love to go as Heraklinos, I simply do not have the time or resources to pull that off. Getting a functional shield that allows for duels was difficult enough, I can't imagine having to make accurate armor for all the different body parts." Shuddering at the thought and the immense amounts of work, she shook her head. "No thank you, I want to have a life." As Jira questioned what the prize was for the costume contest and how the winner would be chosen, the girl stroked her chin. "Hmm, maybe by a popularity vote? Every student gets their picture taken and people can vote throughout the day for their favorite? As for the price, personally I'd like a rare card or two, but it's probably gonna be a cup. Can't complain though, a prize is a prize. What do you think?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“But like...wait. Did you just say a-awkward?? I’m s-super swauve! Like...maybe. I don’t know, I’m sure I can find something that works...”

That’s when he saw Tracy looking them over, giving a petite wave as she did so. A twinge of pink rushed to Bix’s cheeks and he attempted a small wave back.

“D-Did she just wave at me...?” He whispered to Braxer.

“Oh god.”

“H-H-Hi! Um, you might remember me. I’m B-B-Bix!” He stuttered out to her, awkwardly joking out a hand to shake.

Braxer judged him hard with his eyes, almost pitying his endless crush chasing quest. That’s when Bob asked the question of who could guess her costume, almost immediately Bix responded.

“D.D. Warrior lady! ...I-I...uh...know because I’ve seen the card once or twice...three times.”

Bix spoke even though he didn’t know Bob was actually referring To Dahlia and not Tracy, adding more into the cringe factor for the bigger one of the duo.


“Kehehe...it’s not like it’s a hard guess.” Goule snickered. “But I’m more surprised at your defensive reaction to the term. Now isn’t that interesting... feels like there’s a dark aura around this issue. My curiosity is never satiated, so do tell me what plagues the inner reaches on your mind? Or do I have to wait till you keel over to find out? Heheh-Hack!”

Goule’s lack turned into a raspy cough, the boy’s ever dry mouth ever in a smile. It seemed like he was reading Kenny’s face almost hungrily. In the same way a fat man stared at his desert.


“Cosplay. A hobby that those with no substance partake in in order to escape from their ever degrading reality. Would I ever partake? Certainly not. Not for any simple waste of time...”

Tobias’s voice spoke through the hall near Jira and Willow. His body hidden in the shadows.

“But a traditionalist such as myself cannot pay a blind eye to tradition. It would be the same as spitting at the feet on those that welcome me in such a place. It would be improper of me to do so. unacceptable.”

Tobias walked forward, lighting beginning to shine upon his frame.

“So I partake! Knowing the laws of this tradition, I must choose one within the foundation of my heart of hearts, my ideals. So with this in mind I have chosen...”

He walked forward into the light. What was revealed was a...concrete slab? A 6 foot tall Concrete slab. The slab spoke.

“...Giant soldier of stone! 100% size appropriate! While I could only do the foot, The measurements were done to be uncanny, exactly in line with how tall the monster is. I have personally sculpted this elaborate piece to be like the holographic size, right down to the texture! Truly this is Duel Monster’s spirit!”

He was concrete. He went as concrete.
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Tracy blinked at the Coach Goblin's stammering, as he introduced himself as Bix. It was kind of good to see that there were other students that could be shy at times too.
"Hello, it's nice to meet you." Tracy said, shaking Bix's hand gently. Tracy was about to respond to Bob's question when Bix suddenly responded. Tracy gave Bix a curious look before speaking.
"Um... No, I don't think that Dahlia would dress up as D.D. Warrior Lady. To be honest, I'm not too sure. She uses a lot of Trap Monsters, and most of the time they're not exactly... humanoid? I doubt she's going to go as her Statue of Anguish Pattern card or something. Although, that would be kind of funny seeing Dahlia walk around as a giant spider statue." Tracy said. The Ra Yellow paused a moment, thinking. "Well, I think she said something like trying to go as this one card, Krystal Avatar? Then again, she was really on the fence about it. Said it was way too armored and bulky, and would probably look silly. Actually, she said that about most of her cards from her deck that she was considering cosplaying as. So I think she might be trying a card that's not in her deck?"
She smiled at the thought of people trying to cosplay Blast Sphere and Blowback Dragon.
"Perhaps some monsters just aren't meant to be cosplayed." Tracy said.


Jira paused at the sound of Tobias' voice. He wasn't surprised that the Ra Yellow was lurking around the Slifer Red dorm. At first, what Tobias was saying had confirmed Jira's thoughts that he wouldn't be cosplaying. But as the archeologist's flowery speech continued, it sounded like Tobias was indeed participating in cosplaying! Excited, Jira turned to find...

A wall.

The Slifer Red blinked. His friend was nowhere to be seen. In fact... Jira didn't remember this wall being there, either. Jira looked around, trying to see if Tobias was just hiding from him. There was no way. No way. A massive grin spread across Jira's face as he made the connection between Soldier of Stone and the wall in front of him, and the Slifer Red tried his absolute best to keep himself from laughing. His face seemed to contort for a few moments, before Jira slowly let out a breath.

"Giant... Soldier... of Stone... huh?" Jira managed to wheeze out. "My dude... I respect the effort, but... where is your face?"
Bob looked at Braxer and shook his head as he sighed. "Honestly big fella, I'm impressed by the amount of patience you have for Bix. Kudos to you. Bix, buddy, pal, I think you misunderstood. I know Tracy is D.D. Warrior Lady, it is almost perfectly accurate to the card in my opinion, I was wondering about Dahlia. Obelisk Blue girl, pretty sure she dueled you two in the tournament? Does that ring any bells? You did mention you saw D.D. Warrior Lady before, and you've gotten my attention. When did you see her? I didn't exactly peg you as a Warrior fan, with the Fiend theme and all." Curious about Bix' previous encounters with the card, the Ra Yellow asked some questions to keep Bix talking whilst making it a lot harder to make a fool out of himself. He really did not need to see him fooling around this early, there would be plenty of opportunities later down the line.


Willow blinked twice as Tobias walked into the light. Whilst Jira's costume was cheap and not exactly the highest quality, you could make out what it was supposed to be with a little time spent looking at it. Tobias on the other hand just looked like a slab of concrete, even with the explanation. "I...see. It can't have been easy to recreate Giant Soldier of Stone, after all it is giant. I admire your dedication though, not many students would have gone into that much detail. How long did it take to get everything perfect? A week at minimum I'd guess?" Deciding to keep the conversation positive and not offend Tobias and by extension Jira, the Slifer girl asked questions about the production process of the Giant Slab of Concrete. It couldn't have been easy for him to pick a monster to dress up as, though Willow seemed to remember a monster that was also a slab, but had a bit more to it. Surely Tobias could pull off a decent Golem Sentry, no?
Kenny's expression turned into something akin to disgust after hearing Goule's raspy cough. "The 'inner reaches of my mind' are private property, thank you very much," Kenny snapped, "So if you'd stop trying to pry, that'd be much appreciated. And for the record, I don't intend to keel over anytime soon."

Kenny also did not care for that expression on Goule's face. He did not care for it at all. Vampires were fictional beings, but if they existed for real, Kenny imagined this would be the face they would make when interacting with another human being aka their next meal.

Good god. Today was supposed to be fun and games and something to make him forget the events of the day before, and instead some unholy divine being had decided that, no, fun was not allowed in this house, and said being subsequently must have sent Goule in Kenny's general direction.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Um I-I knew that! I though he was asking about you and stuff...yeah that’s it.”

He held his breathe as his hand was shaken by Tracy. Remember this moment Bix, make it last. Carefully lowering his hand after the handshake, he felt his heart pound in his chest. That’s when Bob began to press the issue about where he had seen the card before. Braxer responded by immediately and swiftly bonking Bob on the head with the bone club and giving a scowl. Looks like he didn’t approve with the teasing.

“I-I- uh...Art appreciation class...?” He cleared his throat. “ANYWAY, I know! S-She could have gone as a a snake guy! The snakey thing with the sword and the snake body....and snake head. That snake thing.”


He he he, I hardly think you have a choice in your expiration date.” Goule chuckled fatalistically. “Secrets mean nothing when your dead. The dead can’t lie. That’s why I refer talking to them rather than the living specimens.”

Goule took what appeared to be a green vial from his pocket, drinking straight from the vial. He coughed some kind of white mist before wiping his mouth.

“Sooo what’s the point in avoiding in? All life is is a prepping for the afterlife. Heh, but you don’t care about that, huh? Suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. Most don’t have their eyes opened, you are no gypsy.”

Goule appeared to be talking to both him and to no one at the same time...seeming to speak of matters that didn’t quite make rhyme or reason.


“My face is not a part of giant soldier of stone, so there is no face slot! I memorized the school grounds, so I have no need to see! My hearing alone should be enough to tell where I should course correct! This took only two days of all night work, devotion can be a strong motivator for a quality result!”

While he couldn’t see their faces, he picked up on...laughter? This caught him off guard.

“...What is humorous? Is someone wearing a joke costume...?”
Fen walked out of his Ra Yellow dorm, having dressed up as Mekk-Knight Avram, one of his favorite cards. He had spent forever making the costume, having gone through the trouble of making the armor out of wood and covering it with plaster, adding a spot where he could rest his duel disk. He did have trouble making the cape, but he managed to make it work. The twin swords were the hardest part, but he managed to make them to where he could attach them to his back magnetically as they were right then, otherwise he would get tired of holding them. He was about to walk through the halls to show off his costume, but instead saw two people having a conversation, one of which didn't seem to like being around the other.

Fen walked up to the two, noting the one who looked awfully predatory, and introduced himself.
"Hello there, I'm Fen. Fen Tyrfell. Nice prop," he said, looking at one of them who looked to be going as Gaia the fierce knight.
"and you are zombie master i assume?" Fen questioned, looking at Goule, who's very presence make Fen uncomfortable.
For once, he wasn't wearing his sunglasses, revealing his Reddish-Brown eyes, which seemed to stare into the depths of peoples souls.
Fen inched slightly farther away from Goule, sharing Kenny's sentiment of dislike of Goule.
Kenny's face crunched up when he saw Goule down the entire bottle of... God, what even was that? Did he even want to know?

"If you prefer interacting with the dead, why are you here talking to me right now?" Kenny asked, not half as snarky as he intended to be, "Last I checked, I'm far from dead. And besides..." Kenny glanced at the spear hanging from his left arm. "Today I'm Gaia. And Gaia doesn't die. Not in the traditional sense, anyway."

He raised his left arm, pointing the tip of his lance at the zombie duelist in front of him. "When Gaia passes, be it through battle, sickness or old age, his soul returns to chaos. And chaos grants him new life, rebirthing him as a new Fierce Knight. So no, as long as I'm Gaia, death means nothing to me. 'Cuz I'll always return, even stronger than before."

"Hello there, I'm Fen. Fen Tyrfell. Nice prop."

Thank the heavens they sent someone else to ease the burden of being around Goule.

"Thanks, I've worked pretty hard on it," Kenny said, grinning as he accepted the new boy's compliment. "I'm Kenny Conroy, though for today I'm also Gaia the Fierce Knight!"

He studied Fen's outfit, wondering what the boy was dressed as. He knew quite a few warrior-type monsters wielding two swords, but none of them seemed to fit. The boy's armor wasn't black enough to belong to Dark Blade, which was his first thought. Celtic Guard of Noble Arms? Maybe, but he lacked the helm. "I'm sorry, I don't think I know the monster your costume is based on," he eventually said sheepishly.
"Ow!" Bob yelped before taking his helmet off and rubbing his head. "A nudge would have been enough, no need to actually become your card. This helmet is not super strong y'know, next thing you know I have a big dent in it and the thing is stuck on my head." Scowling back at Braxer and putting his helmet back on, he thought about the card Bix was describing. "I'm not too well-versed in trap monsters aside from Powerhold and Stronghold, but I think I know which one you mean. Embodiment of Apophis, right? I'm not quite sure how the snake bit will work without it flailing about, but it sounds more plausible than dressing up as my ace card. I just know I'll trip and can't get up. Must admit, never thought I'd hear about an art appreciation class for Duel Monsters, but it is not the weirdest thing I've heard. It actually sounds kinda interesting, though I have no clue what will be discussed. Probably color combinations or brush stroking techniques, which isn't exactly the most interesting stuff in my opinion but hey, each to their own." Turning towards Tracy, he put a hand on his hip. "Not a card from her deck huh? That might make it more difficult to find her, but it's as you said. Not every card is meant for cosplay, my entire deck can vouch for that. I'm sure we'll see her eventually, what cards does she like aside from trap monsters? If she wants a less clunky cosplay, my first thought is something like Dark Magician Girl. I know my sister once dressed up as her for Halloween, so it's a pretty popular card." As Bob spoke, he cast a glance at Bix that had a very clear message. Do not hit on the Obelisk Blue unless he had a death wish.


"Jira just thought of a bad joke, the costumes so far look fine." Willow smoothly interjected as she stepped on Jira's toes to get him to shut up. "What made you go for Giant Soldier of Stone? I'm not too caught up on your deck, but I do know you have a strong defense-oriented playstyle. Why not go for, I dunno, Golem Sentry or a monster that is easier to make a costume for? As impressive as Giant Soldier of Stone is, its size is, sorry for the pun, a big thing to keep in mind." The Slifer Red tried to cross her arms, but had to adjust her shield a bit to comfortably do so.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“In the...Flesh. He-he...” Goule responded to Fen. “You’ve got an eye, but unfortunately I’m not quite as versed in every monster...mind telling me what monster you are?”

That’s when he was pointed at by Kenny, or rather ‘Gaia’s’ Lance, the duelist before him giving him a speech about the undying nature of the knight, Goule arching a brow. He closed his eyes, laughing darkly.

“The pursuit of life is more dangerous than a life in pursuit. Trust me. I know.”

He began scratching his wrist and twitched slightly, acting a bit off, not for Goule’s standard’s though.


Bix gave a sigh as Bob believed his lie. Phew...that was close. He must never know. Though it seemed Bob was clearly not approving of his hound-dogging, sending him signals that gave ‘I can crush this attempt’ in a moment vibes, making him gulp.

“I dunno what any of those are, but I assume they are women.” Braxer scratched his head at the name of the cards. “What about that guy who used all those flower cards? What’s he gonna be? A giant rose? Bwhaha!”

He gave a hearty laugh from his large gut, Bix chuckling with him. The scrawny boy looked at Tracy, chuckling while staring into her eyes.



“Hm! Golem sentry was an option, but I do not have the means to create such functioning mechanisms for the doors and for the staff. I want anything creation of mine I make to be 100%, not half accomplished. Make them as realistic as possible! Besides. Giant soldier came to mind because he was my first card I ever obtained. So! I respect it by paying it forward! Now...what are you two dressed as? I cannot see. I’m starting to see the fault in this decision for a visually based event...”


**Knock Knock**


Someone knocked on the door of Raikiri’s dorm room, someone short and in costume...as some kind of small magician. They seemed insistent on coming in whoever they were...

"You raise an interesting point Braxer, a couple of monster types are incredibly hard to cosplay. Rock, Insect, Plant, Sea Serpent, Fish, Aqua, Pyro, Reptile kinda, same with Dinosaur and Dragon, the three Egyptian Gods save for like Obelisk and Thunder are all not exactly the easiest to dress up as. The other types have a decent amount of humanoid-esque monsters, especially Spellcasters and Warriors." Bob noted, refusing to join in the chorus of laughter and keeping an eye on both Bix and Tracy. He wasn't opposed to Bix trying to find love, it was human nature after all and after enough rejections he should eventually get the hint to stop going after every girl around, but it didn't sit right with the Ra Yellow that his friend was looking at Tracy. Whilst she looked amazing in her costume, he wasn't going to deny that, the knowledge that Tracy no longer had her banishing deck made the outfit a bit painful to look at. Her mental state was not known to Bob, she could very well be holding up a front that she's fine. The machine user rolled his eyes, Bix better not mess this up unless he wanted to get a cheated Twin-Barrel Dragon blast at his face.


Willow nodded once as she heard the reasoning behind Tobias' decision to be a walking block of concrete. "I can see your reasoning, after all you're probably going to wear your favorite card and that does not necessarily have to be the strongest or rarest card. Jira's dressed up as Dogoran, his big flaming Kaiju, and I am dressed up as Gladiator Beast Attorix. I don't know if you have any image of her in your head, but I'll do my best to describe her. Take a lynx, make it bipedal, give it a large shield and a sword along with armor that covers her torso. After this whole festival, I can show you the card. Quick question though, how are you going to get out of that costume? I don't see a way for you to eat, drink or breathe for that matter, what if you need to go to the toilet?"
Tracy couldn't help but to giggle at the back-and-forth between Bob and Bix. It seemed like the trio really were good friends. She didn't really seem to notice that Bix was staring at her.
"I don't think that she's going to go as the Embodiment of Apophis. She might just end up going as something like Dark Magician Girl, or one of the Amazoness cards, or one of the Harpie Lady cards. I really don't know." Tracy said. The Ra Yellow walked with the group, looking around at the other student's costumes.


Jira nodded with what Willow was saying, the ridiculousness of the costume beginning to change more to concern.
"Yeah, man. How are you going to duel in that? Is it, like... Hollow in the inside, as well? I mean, it's got to be, since it would weigh a ton if it wasn't." Jira said. The Slifer Red began to walk around the large concrete wall, trying to get a full gauge of the costume. Giant and Stone alright, but it looked like Tobias forgot the soldier part. Didn't the monster usually have two stone swords? Jira shook off the criticisms of the costume. Who was he to judge? As long as he would be able to, well... function.
"How long did it take you to make this?" Jira asked Tobias.
"I'm willing to bet a card that she's not going as Amazoness' Tiger or Harpie's Pet Dragon, who's with me? Knowing my luck, I'll win that bet and if I lose, we're gonna see an incredible costume." Bob chuckled as he stuck to the left side of the group, his right side was a blindspot and he'd rather have someone he knew walk next to him to tell him if someone was coming than bumping into anyone. "What do you three think will be the winning costume? I've heard the older Ra's talk about some impressive costumes, but for all I know they're trying to make the first years nervous. Personally, I'd give my vote to someone who managed to make a costume of an impossible card to recreate. Not to be biased, but a high quality Ra costume would be amazing, let's be honest. It has to be a pain with those giant wings though, but guess that's just part of the costume." He threw his hands behind his head, the cannon angling upwards.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Hm...! Quite interesting designs...perhaps I may see the result in the photographs after the event has dwindled to a near close.”

Tobias began to sense the concern in the air and questioning about his choice of costume. He closed his eyes under the slab, giving a mild eye to the subject.

“Through the two days of sleepless nights of work, I sculpted this piece for my and the soldier’s exact designs and specifications in mind. For inside I do have means for nourishment and hydration...and how I expel excess matter should never be a subject for question, even outside of this event. But this design also acts as a most tactically aware piece, so if there ever is a situation in which requires a quick defensive, this costume can house up to 5 people in an impenetrable defense! Knowing how dangerous the school grounds have been lately, one cannot be too cautious.”


Bix wasn’t much paying attention to what costume that the flower guys ACTUALLY had, but rather the exchange back and forth, the dialogue fading into the background as he was further mesmerized by the voice of the girl before him.

Braxer huffed. “Ha! Imagine what the big rich guys would have. What would Kaiba himself dress up as anyway? And how elaborate? They’d get stupid expensive and stuff.”
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"Are there really any options other than Blue-Eyes White Dragon or Kaibaman? I mean, we all know that he loves that dragon and Kaibaman is basically an attempt at making himself a trading card. He might try and act all high and mighty in the eye of the public, but there's no way that he doesn't have a costume of either monster. After all, he needed a model for Kaibaman no? You think that he'd have anyone other than himself be the model for his self-insert?" A smirk decorated Bob's face, imagining Seto Kaiba wearing the Kaibaman outfit and giving pointers to people managing spotlights. "If he wants to waste tons of money on that stuff, I ain't gonna stop him. As long as he doesn't hurt anyone with his hobbies, he can do whatever he wants. Personally I prefer the charm of self-made suits, but each to their own."


"I wouldn't mind showing you the outfit itself after all this, what about you Jira?" Willow offered Tobias the option to see the outfits whilst they were being worn, nudging Jira in the attempt to peer pressure him. As she listened carefully to the Ra's spiel, she made a couple of bullet points. "So you can eat and drink should it be needed and from what I'm going to assume with the information given to me, it's easy enough to take off. Some people forget that detail and it can be awful. I do wonder about this so-called 'impenetrable defense', what material is it made out of to be tough yet light enough for you to carry around? Is it aluminium or something?"
Tracy grinned as well, imagining a terrifying and serious duelist such as Kaiba dressing up to be Kaibaman. But while it was funny, Tracy just couldn't see it actually happening. He was such a stoic and intense duelist that it just didn't line up.
"I don't really have any clues on who's going to win. I haven't seen anyone's costume really, but I'm excited for it. Surely there's going to be quite a few interesting ones. You might have a chance with it too, Bob." Tracy said. The costumed girl thought for a moment, trying to remember if there was any events planned today.
"Was there anything that was happening today? Like a dance, or a tournament or something? I can't really remember." Tracy asked the three.


Jira was shaken out of his thoughts as he was nudged by Willow.
"Uh, right! Yeah, of course!" Jira said. "It's good to hear that you'll be able to still move and do stuff. I didn't know that the Giant Soldier of Stone was your first card! It really does fit you, though. I do have to say, your costume's really interesting! Dude, if you were to just stand still in the middle of a field or something, people wouldn't even realize there's a person there! They'd just think it was a rock statue, that's so cool."
Jira was already imagining using it to suddenly jump out and surprise people, or a quick hiding place if need be. Pretty funny.
Bob blinked twice in surprise. "A dance? God, I hope that won't happen. All those costumes will make a giant chaotic mess. I know the winners of the costume thingy get to duel, but I've yet to see the other outfits. For all I know, Braxer and Bix win or you and Dahlia do. We'll just have to wait and see, and we can always have our own little tournament if we're bored out of our minds. I think that there might be stalls for food and such, maybe there's some games as well. I have to admit, I didn't pay too much attention when it was explained. My mind was too occupied with other things." Though he appeared to be pretty relaxed, inwardly he was anxious as never before. What if there was indeed a dance? Even without his clunky suit, he was as graceful as a flailing brick. He was good at welding and programming, not dancing of all things. Preparing himself for a party by his lonesome at the edge of the designated dance area, the machine user let out a sigh as he let his head droop.


"Jira, I think atleast one person would notice the statue that appeared out of nowhere. Why would the school put a stone statue in the middle of a field? Target practice? I don't know what you're planning, but I doubt that would work. Though if you're planning to use it for a prank or something, a statue that moves when you're not looking sounds pretty scary. Maybe a plan for Halloween?" Willow tapped her chin with her free hand, thinking about the possibilities that Tobias' costume opened up. "Of course, we're not proposing that you do anything like that Tobias. It's just interesting to imagine what a different costume allows people to do, kind of like how the fighting style and name of a gladiator changes with different equipment."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Ha! No joke? That’s Actually a thing? Bro that’s so...stupid!” Braxer laughed. “That guy must be so egotistical to make himself a card...like sheesh...”

When asking what would happen with this whole costume party, Bix pipped up, eager to share what he knew.

“O-O-Oh-h? I know! There’s be food stalls and carnival games and stuff. But for the costume contest there’s a process for it! An a-acting contest to see if you can give an impression of your monster. Then there’s a Monster vs monster, where two cosplayers try to fight for the votes of people by striking poses, making disses, or even playing dirty! Then the last two get to duel for the best in house!”

Bix hoped to enter it as long as he’d be with Raven or Tracy. Things would really heat up then, in more ways than one.


“...I do not do practical jokes.”

Seems as though Tobias was somewhat distraught over the numerous uses of his costume as far as joke and for laugh, not for the marvel he thought it was. Reading the room, Tobias decided to make the best of the situation.

“Here, come inside the stone defenses!”

he decided to lift the the costume with both of his hands, struggling somewhat as he lifted the pure concrete. A two foot gap appearing underneath to welcome them inside. There appeared to be a light dangling down from inside, bags of chips and water seemingly taped onto the wall of stone.
"Guess when you're as rich as he is, you can get away with that kind of stuff. Besides, it takes the edge off of him in my opinion. Yeah, Kaiba is an absolute nightmare in the arena and in the business world, but he also likes the game so much that he made a card in his likeness. You can't look at that and be intimidated." Chuckling to himself, Bob listened to Bix explain the whole situation. A sweatdrop ran down the side of his face, though it was concealed by his helmet. "An acting contest? What am I supposed to do? Stand still and fire this 'cannon'? Machines kinda lack in personality, save for Blowback Dragon. God, I wish I could just rap or something to pass, I'm actually somewhat good at that." The Ra Yellow pressed a hand against his face as he shook his head. "I knew I should've paid attention but noooo, my dumb brain decided that this info was not important. Thankfully you paid attention, Bix. I probably would've frozen in fear if I found out what to do whilst I was on stage, not the best situation I've ever been in."


"You're letting us into your impenetrable fortress? I'm flattered." Willow quipped as she knelt down to enter the costume. "Dude, is this a costume or a shelter? You can live in this thing, I love it!" She exclaimed as she looked at all the resources Tobias had at his disposal. "No wonder you had no worries about needing to eat or drink, this is incredible." The Slifer Red said in awe as she entered the costume, making sure her cat ears stayed on and her shield was not breaking or breaking anything. She spent too much time on it to let it all go to waste.
"Food stalls?" Tracy echoed. That sounded pretty great! Food stalls and carnival games... Maybe this wouldn't be so different from some of the conventions Tracy had been to after all. And the winner of the costume contest would be decided by an acting contest and a monster fighting contest. It certainly would be interesting to watch.
"Maybe you could try to 'boot up'? Or move around robotically? Or do a pose for attack mode and defense mode?" Tracy suggested to Bob as the group walked. "I think a lot of people might have trouble acting as their monsters. It's one thing to see them as holograms, it's another to try to replicate them in a way that makes you not look silly. This should be fun to watch. Do any of you know what time it's going to be at?"


Jira ducked under the wall, entering to the inside of the costume. What he saw surprised the Slifer Red. Tobias had a really good set up in here!
"Wow." Jira said, looking at the snacks and the lights. "This... this is amazing, man!"
For the first time, Jira reached out and touched the side of the costume. It really was just as it looked, concrete. This was crazy ridiculous, and honestly really impressive. Sure, it wasn't going to win any prizes for design. But then again, neither was Jira. And Tobias' costume (it really was more of just a fort), had food in it!

Jira leaned against the wall, crossing his arms and grinning at Tobias.
"We'll have to bring you in some food from some of the food carts that are going to be there. Do you have a cell phone? If you do, I can try to video what's going on outside of your fort so you'll be able to at least watch a little." Jira offered.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“I dunno...maybe you can do the robot? I don’t know what your machines do other than blow stuff up bro.” Braxer scratched his head. “I’m more so wonderin’ what Bix and I are gonna do since it’s single entry. We can’t exactly tag team it.”

“Hehe, I-I’m sure I can do something...” Bix giggled with a newfound motivation. “In under an hour we’ll head out! I could only imagine the p-poor soul that has to act T-Trent out.”


Tobias hid his pride he began to swell with from the praise he received, however the vain attempt was. He leaned up against the concrete wall, tucking his scarf as he stifled a laugh.

“Ha, now you see that multi-utility of the design! Defense, nourishment, and tactical. No other costume may offer these positives!” Upon being popped the question by Jira. “Restocking the supplies of this fortress may be required, so your assistance in this matter would be greatly valued. I do possess a cellphone to be contacted with both visual and auditory capabilities to ensure no error will occur! ...And of course to take in the sights.”

Thats when he looked up and down at their costumes while they were inside his stone walls. He first spotted Jira’s, the hoodie like design and the paper attached to it definitely seemed hand crafted, but Tobias seemed to like it.

“Passion for a craft, especially representing one is one that brings such luster to those that view it. Yours has heart, Jira, for I recognize this as none other than Dorogan...the mad flame Kaiju! I would know this even if you would not have told me.”

Looking Willow, he smirked at the design. The air of a warrior, fitting for a gladiator beast costume.

“And your costume here, gives a aura of grace as well as the intent of a solider. Excellent work...but if I may ask. Are those...ears of the feline persuasion?”
"Ehhhh?" Raikiri, startled that someone would want to talk to him, of all people, stumbled over to the door and opened it. He was wearing two reddish-black wings reminiscent of the Red-Eyes Black Dragon. "Yeah? What do you want, magic man?"
Yohei sat up and left his dorm, wearing a large blue cape and holding a sword and bone shield, resembling the Fossil Fusion Skull Knight. He jumped down the stairs, repeating random quotes as he went.