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Private/Closed Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy RP

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Tobias carefully eyed the obelisk Duelist before him. He appeared sincere, or at least had no reason to lie. Debating his next move, Tobias closed his eyes, crossing his arms.

“No. No it does not.” He spoke methodically. “One could easily misinterpret ancient traditions or simply lost technology with that of magic, such concepts do not easily allude me as they do on the common eye of man.”

He opened his eyes, his golden orbs staring into Lance’s experienced ones. He was impossible to read or determine. For now.

“Tobias. Tobias Kodai. I am an Archaeologist first, duelist second. While the cloud of intrigue on such an idea brings questions to my mind, one part of this takes precedence. If it’s the reason why we have been put at risk, they why is it stored here without the knowledge or consent of those here? Does the student body not deserve to know what put their lives at risk?”
Lance adjusted his glasses.
"To be honest... I do not know the answer to that question. I only know that there are secrets, not what they are or why they are here. I have a few theories, but nothing too solid. Nothing that would be good to discuss... here." Lance said, before looking at the crowd of costumed students.
"As for the secret that I know of, well... It's rather complicated. As secrets usually are." Lance said. "Perhaps it would be something that would be easer explained if shown, rather than explained. Do you have any plans tonight?"


Tracy grinned confidently as Bob powered up his attack. As his attack grew closer and closer to fully charged, she took a more readied position to dodge out of the way. Sure enough, once Bob announced that his Sol Cannon was fully charged Tracy leapt out of the way of the invisible attack, hitting the ground in a dodge roll. The plan was for her to simply roll back to her feet, but... Tracy wasn't exactly the D.D. Warrior Lady. Her exit of the dodge roll was a little less elegant, and she had to quickly scramble back to her feet.
"Too slow, tin can!" Tracy called over to Bob. The Ra Yellow girl ran towards Bob, her 'laser' sword in hand. Twirling it once, she slashed at Bob while a good distance away.
"Take this! Dimensional Slash!" Tracy yelled.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The battle had been roaring, the audience was into the fight as if they were watching the actual monsters in motion. Bob had fired a powerful shot that Tracy barely outmaneuvered. Some in the crowd knew very well what the warrior lady’s effect was, so when they saw her rearing her signature attack, they awaited it’s impact, or to see if the mechanical beast had some sort of retaliation.

“Whoooooo go Trace!!” Bix cheered.

“Ya know...they both are our competition...” Braxer sighed.

“Shhh! Cant you see I’m busy?”


Tobias stared at his senior, eyes locking with his. Not a word was spoken in response. It was like he was attempting to read his mind.

His offer seems genuine, but why would he tell me of all individuals now of all times? Truly a Obelisk blue would be more attune to others of his caste? How curious.

“...Hm. Very well. Tonight it is. We shall meet at the Harbor. No one wanders there in the dead of night. Then we shall see what skeletons lie in the closet of this ever mysterious school.”

The archaeologist side of him was gnawing at the bone, awaiting this mystery to be solved, but the guardian side of him was cautious, willing to do what it took to stop the raiders from coming back. But both of those sides should be satisfied if they were bestowed this knowledge...ideally.
"Target missed." Bob stated dryly, tracking Tracy with his eyes. He wasn't too familiar with D.D. Warrior Lady, but he knew that D.D. stood for Different Dimension and he did not want to get hit by it. 'Powerhold' got up and attempted to dodge the slash, but couldn't fully avoid the attack. "Cannon disabled, switching to melee mode." The cannon had been banished to another realm, which was not a good sign for Bob. Powerhold as a card might have a higher attack and defense value than D.D. Warrior Lady, but it was slower than the girl and it had no defense against banishment. If this went on any longer, Tracy would get the upper hand fast. Rolling his shoulders in a stiff fashion, the boy practically stomped over towards Tracy and attempted to grab her wrist and get rid of her sword. "Neutralize threat at all costs." If he was going to lose, at least he'd try to leave an impression and stay in character for as long as possible. He didn't know if that mattered at all for this part of the festival, but he had nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Seeing that Bob had lost his cannon, Tracy began to backtrack to keep her distance. Still, Bob attempted grapple had managed to knock Tracy's sword out of her hand. The plastic weapon clattered to the ground, deactivating. Tracy backed up even further, now attempting to keep her distance from the massive robot. But even though she had lost her sword, the D.D. Warrior Lady wasn't out of tricks yet.
"Alright you big calculator. I didn't want to have to use this so early in this tournament, but you've left me no choice. The technique that cut off my own arm!" Tracy thrust her 'mechanical' arm towards Bob, the skintight sleeve seeming to reflect in the sunlight like metal. "Take this! Karma Cut!"


Lance considered Tobais' preposition for a moment, before nodding.
"It will be a bit of a walk, but that should work." Lance said. He gave a small smile to the Ra Yellow. "Very well. I shall see you then. In the meantime, enjoy your day."
With that, the Obelisk Blue turned and made his way back into the crowd of students watching the competition. He hoped he was making the right decision here. It was a risky move, trying to pass on his secret to another student so early in the year. Lance had been hoping to wait until the end of the year... but the way these raids have been happening, his own timetable had been pushed up.
Bob cursed inwardly, he did not expect Karma Cut. He'd seen what it can do, his brother liked to use that card. If the sword could be treated as the discard cost, then the banish was incoming and there was no way to dodge that attack. Gritting his teeth behind his lips, the Machine user grabbed Tracy's sword from the ground. If he was going down, he'd make sure she'd go down with him. "Threats to humanity must be neutralized, no matter the cost." Throwing the sword at Tracy's chest, he hoped to injure her or somehow banish her alongside him. The weapon was made of plastic, so it could not do much damage if it hit or missed. As the sword left his hand, he shut down. Powerhold the Moving Fortress was banished to a different dimension, one that was completely unknown to him and that had no escape. All he could do was hope that his last effort was not in vain.
Tracy reacted quickly, shielding herself with her robotic arm. The sword bounced off her arm, but still Tracy flinched back and pulled her arm to her chest. An attack like that would have cut off her hand just below the wrist, but at it was better than getting stabbed in the chest with her own weapons. That, and it was her robotic arm as well. It could always be repaired. A sword to the chest? That would be a bit more difficult.

Tracy stepped back, letting out a breath and still holding her arm. A quick match, but one that had been incredibly close.
"That mechanical moron... It's gonna take days to repair this." Tracy said, a pained grin on her face. That seemed like the end of the match, and Tracy's smile turned more legitimate as she waved to the crowd and the judges.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The crowd was amazed how devoted the two were to their parts, quickly getting lost in the fight. As Tracy stepped out, albeit injured from the engagement, she was met with an amass of cheers. A swordsman fighting a evil monster several times it’s size was definitely a crowd pleaser, enough for the judges to all nod in unison towards Ms.Dorothy.

“And there we have it! The winner for this match is D.D. Warrior lady! But remember! A duel requires two monsters! Let’s give a round of applause to our mechanical monster too!”

Clearly trying to be a peace keeper and not play favorites, she lead the crowd into an applause for Bob as well.

“Alright! Now as those two recover from battle, we shall summon two more monsters to the field! Let’s bring out Gaia the Fierce Knight and Gladiator Beast Attorix!”

@Fructus @DarkHydraT


“Whoooooo! Go Tracy!!!” Bix cheered.

“Oi, Bob did a pretty good job too.”

“Yeah yeah, sure.”

Man she looked so cool! Beating a mech monstrosity with just a sword strike! Man I pick ‘em good!
Tracy waved at the crowd again before making her way off stage. The Ra Yellow girl picked up her sword and put it away, making her way back over to Bix and Braxer. The next duel sounded exciting, with the Gladiator Beast facing off against Gaia the Fierce Knight. The girl that had dressed as the Gladiator Beast, Willow, had done extremely well with her costume and acting. Tracy couldn't wait to see how she was going to fair in this part of the competition.
"So, what did you guys think?" Tracy asked Braxer and Bix.


Jira applauded at the fight between Powerhold the Moving Battery and D.D. Warrior Lady. While the monsters weren't as big and wild as the Slifer liked, but it was still a very exciting show. And now it sounded like Willow was up next!
"Alright, knock em dead!" Jira said to his friend, giving Willow a thumbs up.
As the match ended, Bob returned to organic movements and left the stage as he waved at the. Tracy was quite possibly the worst opponent to go up against, but he tried his best and had no regrets. "Well done Tracy, you really got me in a nasty situation. That Karma Cut really messed with me, and just banishing one arm would not sit right with me. Hopefully you're gonna get far in this tournament." Patting Tracy on her shoulder, he grinned at her. Thankfully she was still able to have fun after losing her deck. "Hopefully I didn't hurt you too much, it was a desperate move."


Willow's eyes had practically been glued onto the stage, D.D. Warrior Lady put up an amazing fight against Powerhold and even won! If that wasn't an underdog story, what was? If she could fight with her, what a fight that would be. Two women fighting to survive, one bound to an unknown destiny and one bound to the whims of the audience. Truly, it would be a fight where both fighters could not afford to lose. A glimmer of passion appeared in her eyes as she turned to Jira and smirked. "I will. Go for the throat, no? I'll put on a show that puts the original gladiators to shame." Returning the thumbs up, the Slifer Red walked onto the stage and put a hand on her hip. "Who is my opponent? The crowd is hungry for a good fight, let's give them panem et circenses!" Drawing her sword, she stood tall and waited for her opponent to arrive. Why would the acting only begin when both parties are on stage? It would give the crowd someone to root for or against, and the crowd would be a factor in deciding who would win.
Kenny definitely was among the group applauding Powerhold and D.D. Warrior Lady for their performance. This was what the performances were supposed to be like! A mechanical titan and an otherworldly warrior duking it out- what more could he have wished to see? Kenny wondered how well Gaia would have matched up against either. He wasn't as nimble as D.D. Warrior Lady, and didn't have as much raw firepower as Powerhold. But surely he would have had other edges against them!

"Let’s bring out Gaia the Fierce Knight and Gladiator Beast Attorix!"

A million thoughts went through Kenny's head that in the span of a second and a half settled on the simple words "Well then".

Given some of the other performances, Kenny was partially surprised he made the cut. Then again, he didn't see anyone else summon a dang dragon, so that might have played too. He gave a thumbs-up to Dahlia. "Seems like I'm up next!" he said, a huge grin plastered onto his face as he jogged towards the stage.

His opponent had taken her spot on the stage before him and seemingly was already riling up the crowd. Kenny wasn't entirely unfamiliar with Gladiator Beasts, but he couldn't exactly be called an expert on the subject either. To his knowledge, Gladiator Beasts mostly focused around contact fusion and substituting themselves with other Gladiator Beasts from the deck. Probably meant that Attorix would be a nimble opponent to fight, much like D.D. Warrior Lady had been?

"Your-" Kenny cleared his throat as he climbed upon the stage. His voice came out a few octaves too high for his liking. "Your opponent is right here!" he continued in a deeper voice. "I am Gaia the Fierce Knight, the original knight born of chaos! The warrior that tamed the cursed dragon! I bear countless generations of experience on my shoulders!" He provokingly pointed his lance at his would-be opponent. "And what does my opponent have to offer?"
"Oh, a cocky one? The crowd will enjoy that!" Pointing to herself with her thumb as she held her sword horizontally, Willow spoke up. "My name is Gladiator Beast Attorix, the sole female gladiator beast and bringer of your demise. I have gone toe to toe with countless opponents, from Secutor to Vespasius. I have survived in the slaughterhouse known as the colosseum, I have won matches that I shouldn't have won and taken the lives of honorable gladiators and lowly scum whose sentences were to die by my blade. Dragons, Sea Serpents and Dinosaurs all fall in the end after I am done with them, and so will you. Let's make this fight one that the crowd will remember, Gaia the Fierce Knight, and we shall find out if your taming of the cursed dragon was anything more than a fluke." Turning around towards the crowd and judges, she saluted before taking a defensive posture. That lance would do a lot of damage, but it was also unwieldy and required the user to fully commit to an attack. Gaia would probably try and finish this match quickly, if he charged she could let the attack roll off of her shield and counter attack. "Vivamus, Moriendum Est. Let us live, since we must die. The only place where one truly feels alive is in the heat of battle. We shall fight until one yields, there is no way out now. The first strike is yours, Gaia. Make it count."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“It was okay-“

“It was AWESOME-“

Braxer and Bix spoke over each other, giving the other a glare before Bix forced his way in front of the the giant of a duelist.

“Best act yet! Y-You’ll win it easy I’m sure!!”

Braxer meanwhile decided to abandon the clown show Bix presented himself like, making his way over to Bob.

“Yo. You did good. Robots are pretty dope.”

He gave a thumbs up, small, but a pleasant gesture of support for his comrade in pranks.


“Oh? Those are fighting words said by both sides!” Ms.Dorothy exclaimed. “But will their actions speak louder??”

The crowd awaited what came next as the battle was about to break out any second, presumably with Gaia or rather Kenny taking the first attack.
"It will be as you say, Attorix." Kenny grinned, but internally he was screaming. It was so obvious that she was baiting him to attack, and was probably already preparing a counterattack, yet he had no choice but to make the first move nonetheless. The question was how he would choose to attack. His only weapon was his lance, and as much as he hated to admit it, immediately starting with Gaia's signature Spiral Spear Strike would likely backfire on him. From this position, she would be able to dodge or block his attack easily, leaving him wide open to a counterattack. No, that move was a finisher, not a lead. Maybe if he managed to hamper Attorix's agility somehow...

He gripped his lance tighter as an idea started to form in his mind. Unconventional use of his lance, maybe, but that was the best opening move he could come up with for now. "En garde! Let us see how you handle the charge underneath which monsters and evildoers alike have been vanquished!" Kenny charged at his opponent, pointing his lance at her, though the weapon seemed to be pointed a bit lower than it normally would have been. As Kenny came within range, he quickly lowered his weapon even more and swiped at the gladiator's legs with the blunt side of his lance in an attempt to knock her off-balance.
"Told ya they were cool. I did my best, Trace was better than me, I have no regrets. I could've had her banish my arm, but that's just being a sore loser. She outmatched me in agility and versatility, so she deserved the win in my opinion. We'll see who wins, but my vote's on Tracy for now. If you two passed, you're gonna have to try your best to win me over. Don't disappoint me boys, I've got high hopes for the both of you." Flashing a grin at the two Slifer Reds, Bob put his hand on his hip.


"The best offense is a strong defense, surely you know that." Willow knelt down and attempted to block the attack with her shield. Whilst she wasn't brought off balance, she could confirm her theory. The attacks would be powerful and Gaia had the range advantage, she'd have to utilize speed. Rolling to the side to get away from the lance and to Kenny's undefended side, she lunged forward and prepared to strike with a shield bash. She'd not been in immediate danger yet, but a direct hit would probably hurt her a lot. There were no spell or trap cards that would help her at the moment, but maybe she could come up with one later in the fight.
Jira cheered on Willow as she made her way towards the stage and began her performance This was going to be awesome, he could tell. The Slifer Red aimed his phone at the stage so that Tobias would be able to watch this performance as well, but when Jira checked his phone he found that Tobias was left the video call. Had his phone died? No, that wasn't it, Jira had seen quite a few ways to keep their phone charged inside their little base. Strange. Jira sent another video call to Tobias' phone. He didn't want his friend to miss Willow's act.


"Good luck, Kenny!" Dahlia called after Kenny as he made his way towards the stage. The Gladiator Beast girl was going to be a difficult opponent to defeat. Her costume looked very high quality and professional, and she had done pretty well in the first round. Not to mention, Dahlia wasn't sure if Kenny was going to be able to pull of the same trick he had pulled off in the first round with summoning his Curse of Dragon.


Tracy once again smiled sheepishly at Bix's continual praises. When Bob patted her on the shoulder, Tracy turned and smiled to the robotic duelist.
"Thanks! It really didn't hurt. But you did great!" Tracy said to Bob. "If that Sol Cannon, or any real attack would have hit me, I would have gone down for sure. I had a lot of fun!"
Tracy turned her attention to Bix, her smile become more sheepish once again. She wasn't used to getting all this praise.
"Uh... thanks. I'll try my best." Tracy said to Bix.
A young woman stood at the edge of the bridge of a large ship as it made its way to the docks of Duel Academy. The premier Dueling School least in this side of the globe, and as a new transfer Obelisk Blue this caused a bit of nervous anticipation. There had been much buzz about Duel Academy, some exciting first years, some spectacular duels and a more ominous presence that hung between rumor or "need to know" info but it led to a beef in security as an escort ship came with the foreign transfer students. Majority thought this seemed excessive, and while they had largely been kept in dark of the details if there was any truth to the recent "incidents" at this island than perhaps it had been warranted.

Though for Bella, her minds focused not on that. As the ship prepared to make dock, she glanced at her silver pendent which seemed to have the photo of a younger man inside of it as she looked upon it with a feeling of comfort. A sigh escaped her lips as she closed it up just when she felt the ship settle in and the loading bridge for the passengers was provided to them. I will do my best to make you proud, just watch me I'll show everyone what it means to face a HERO...

She soon made her way to the dock as she seemed to get ahead of the pack and with perhaps a bit of an unnecessary display of athleticism jumped from the landing bridge to the dock below as she prepared to greet the members of the Staff tasked with seeing off the new arrivals as she had a big grin that showed her excitement for this new chapter in her life.

At last, she arrived at Duel Academy.​

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Now maybe try one of these-“

Principle Crowler was interrupted tending to Weasel’s new arrangements when a phone call came to his desk. Giving a dramatic sigh, he answered the call.

“Hello? I’m kind of busy here!”

“Principle Crowler-“

“Doctor Principle Crowler to you!”

“Uh...Doctor Principle Crowler. A new student has arrived. They are expecting someone to show them around, namely a teacher. Will you be available?”

“What? Heavens no! I’m not a chauffeur! The teachers are all busy with this contest, so I’ll just get an obelisk to do it! Have any other questions, hesitate to ask!”

Slamming the phone down, he growled. What? Am I some sort of grunt helper? Don’t they know I’m the principle?!Hmph! The nerve of some people! I’ll have someone trustworthy to it instead, someone like...

Crowler got an idea. Smiling his ugly smile, he picked the phone back up, dialing a number. As instantly went to voicemail, he cleared his throat.

“Oh Lance? Hope your not too busy! There’s a fellow obelisk blue that just arrived on the island! Hope you can show them around and show the old duelist island hospitality! Alright now, Bye-bye!”

Hanging up, he went back to work. Pulling out a light blue thread, holding it up.

“And this one?”

Weasel eyed it with false stary eyes. “Golly! I think that’s just peachy keen Doctor professor!”

@Captain Cardboard
Kenny certainly felt the Gladiator Beast's shield make contact with his ribs. He stumbled back a little, but couldn't help but grin. For one, it wasn't a particularly heavy attack. He'd definitely be able to take a few of those. Secondly, it seemed like Willow's focus would be on blocking his attacks with her shield rather than dodging them, and that worked out perfectly for him. Even if his previous strike had almost been completely blocked and he'd suffered a counterattack in return, it was definitely worth it to return a bigger hit. Because now he knew that Gaia's favorite technique wouldn't misfire. "Take this!" Kenny declared, charging in a second time from much closer range, with the tip of his lance pointed at Attorix. This time he would try to deliver a direct hit rather than use a scouting move. "My signature technique! The defense position-piercing Spiral Spear Strike!"
"If, indeed. Powerhold hits like a truck, but its attacks take a while to charge up. It doesn't matter that much in a duel, but when the monsters can dodge, it becomes a nasty piece of work. I thought about just throwing punches after losing my cannon, but that plan was dead in the water as soon as you used Karma Cut. You're lucky you have spells and traps in your arsenal, Powerhold is not as lucky. That, and I'm pretty sure D.D. Warrior Lady has an effect that involves banishment. I'm going to have to do some research on that, I'd be lying if it didn't sting that Powerhold lost to banishment twice in a row." Bob admitted as he scratched the nape of his neck.


Willow reacted as fast as she possibly could, but she couldn't fully defend herself from the attack. The lance caused the top of her shield to bend, making it less durable than it used to be. If she could only get rid of that lance, then Gaia would be unarmed. "You're more than just big talk, that's what I like to see. That lance of your seems to be your only attack though, and it is not exactly easy to wield. I've seen Retiari struggle in close quarters, let's see how you will handle that!" Deciding to go in for the attack, Willow was going to make sure to keep her shield between her and that lance. It probably was made of paper mache or plastic, so there was not much risk of getting hurt. Still, it was meant to be a show and she was going to put up one that would be remembered for a long time. Banging her sword on her shield, she began taunting Kenny. "Come on, Gaia. You are not living up to the title of fierce knight, maybe Gaia the Sleepy Knight is more fitting? You better wake up soon, because you might just not wake up after I am done with you!" Charging forward, Attorix prepared to stop her blade mere inches away from Gaia's throat. After all, you couldn't touch the other person. There were no such rules against threatening someone though.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Faces in the crowd smirked at Willow’s gumption. She was holding strong, and even making witty comebacks at the fierce Knight. Her cool reflected well thus far, but Gaia still remained quite the obstacle to overcome. Some were expecting Gaia to pulverize the annoying cat girl, while others wanted the snarky gladiator to show the classic monster who ruled the arena.

Goule snickered in the crowd, putting a creaking hand to his face.

Ha Ha Ha... Such enthusiasm in the air...!” He wheezed out of his throat. “It’s as if they are actually going to send each other to the great beyond...!”
Damn it. She wasn't wrong- his advantage was power and range. But now that his opponent had closed the gap between them, his lance wasn't of much use to him. He jumped back as quickly as he could when he saw Willow's blade close in on his throat. "You boast well, Gladiator Beast!" Kenny declared loudly, "And yet all you rely on is mere taunting! Your light strikes cannot phase one such as myself! I, on the other hand, can do more than enough damage in one hit! Experience my Spiral Spear Strike once more!" Though Kenny tried to keep up a façade, the taunts of Willow hadn't actually missed their mark. Spiral Spear Strike was a risky attack that required its user to fully commit to the move- even if that left Kenny wide open to a counterattack.
"I am here to entertain, and every fight needs someone to root against. You might do a lot of damage, but you must hit me first. Tell me, audience of Duel Academy! Are you not entertained? Do you not long to see one of us getting struck down? Does your blood not boil, knowing that the one who you despise is still standing? Gaia fights with honor, but will it be enough to survive against a fighter who has known nothing but the sword and the shield since birth? Let us fight Gaia, and let neither of us yield until we can no longer fight. Have at you!" Raising her shield, the Spiral Spear Strike bashed against it and caused the shield to dent. It wouldn't take much longer for a hit to actually break off a piece of the shield, after all it was just thin plastic. "Rah!" Pushing the lance away with her shield, Willow once again closed in for the attack and slashed at the knight. Kenny was more heavily armored, but humans have taken down mammoths before. This was basically the same, just this time the mammoth was armed and the human was alone.
Lance listened to the message Doctor Crowler left with him, then closed his phone. A new Obelisk Blue to the island. And so close to when the raiders had attacked the island. This was something Lance thought was a little suspicious. Still, perhaps it really just was a new student. Duel Academy had always been quite good at keeping these unusual occurrences close to the chest. Benefits of being backed by a large company, he supposed. Lance would just have to see for himself what type of person this student was.

The third year Obelisk Blue student changed out of his simple green cloak costume and back into his school uniform. He made his way over to the dock. From a distance, he spotted the new student. A girl, with black hair tied back into a ponytail and black gloves. She had an... interesting aura about her. One that almost seemed like the aura around Tobias. No, that wasn't quite it. Not a wall... but a mask. Interesting...

Lance approached the new student, bowing politely to her.
"Welcome to Duel Academy." Lance said to Bella. "My name is Lance Lanthorn. I've been assigned to show you around the campus. Usually that is a task for the staff, but they are a bit busy with today's celebrations. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Now that he was closer, Lance was able to get a better look at Bella. She was slightly tanned, and toned. Athletic. Blue eyes. Perhaps a good pick for one of the school sports.


Dahlia looked over to Goule, taking a break from cheering on Kenny.
"Well, yeah." Dahlia said to Goule with a smile. "That's the whole point of acting, right? I think they're pretty incredible. It's like we're actually watching the monsters duke it out!"
Dahlia turned her attention back to the match.
"Go, Kenny! Take her down!" Dahlia cheered.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Goule snickered in turn to Dahlia, whom he didn’t expect to pay him much a mind. He read her expression and her mannerisms, as if this knowledge about acting was a matter of fact.

“Heh...I’ve personally never found value in faking your craft to be popular. Acting is generally a realm of pretend fantasy, but it seems the feelings of these specific participants are very real. Kekeke...perhaps I judge too quickly.”

Goule looked over toward the duel in progress, Kenny clashing back with his own sharp words, almost as sharp as his attack however as he broke off fragments of his enemy’s shield. The crowd was ecstatic as it heated up fast, the time ticking down to 30 seconds.

However, all hope wasn’t lost for the champion of the gladiatorial arena. Targeting the crowd directly, she riled them up, many chanting with her and cheering her on as she went in for her possibly final attack.
Kenny grunted as the Gladiator Beast slashed at him with her sword. He feared the battle was less entertaining than the showdown between Warrior Lady and Powerhold had been, as they essentially were just striking each other with the same moves over and over. Maybe if he somehow could disarm Willow...

"I must say, I applaud your style!" Kenny boomed, "It is obvious that one such as yourself has been trained in the art of combat since your youth. But that is still nothing compared to me! I was crafted to be the champion of chaos in times long past! Before you were even conceived, I had already put down many a dragon! And now you will be grinded down by this superior power! Spiral Spear Strike!"

By this point, Kenny had realized what the Gladiator Beast's usual movements were. He put less force in the forward thrust, immediately distancing himself after the attack made contact with her shield in order to make it tougher for Attorix to close in on him.
"Chaos huh? Chaos is an interesting thing, and I thrive within the chaos of the battlefield. For example, you can do this!" As soon as Willow heard the lance make contact with her shield, she dislodged her duel disk to drop her shield and attempted to grab the lance with her free hand. It was unorthodox, but she wasn't making contact with Kenny, so there was no disqualification for her. "Lances do not have sharpened sides, only the tip is the business end. Now, prepare to fall down from your high horse and wallow in the mud!" With the lance being attached to Kenny, Willow hoped to get a clean hit on the Warrior monster.
"Foolish girl. The chaos you speak of is merely a state of affairs, a temporary event! The chaos I hail from is an union of light and darkness! It is a primordial core of this universe that no mere mortal could truly grasp!"

His lance getting grabbed was...unfortunate, to say in the least. By taking Kenny's only weapon out of the equation, Willow had essentially paralyzed him. If only he had brought another weapon with him! It wasn't like the lance was easy to detach from his arm either- his entire left arm was essentially useless now.

On top of that, the continuous blows of Attorix were undoubtedly taking their toll. Shaking Willow off his lance would be a near impossible feat at this point in the match. Even Gaia's stamina was getting drained. Turning the situation on Attorix would be tough, if not outright impossible. So in that case...

"You have performed spendidly, Gladiator Beast!" Kenny declared, "To think I would be forced to return to chaos..." He pointed at his opponent. "Make no mistake, I shall just reincarnate, as I have done many times before. However, can the same be said of you? Chaos Burst!"
Bella seemed to wait as the boat that brought her to the island departed, she figured someone would have already been waiting on the dock for her but it seemed that was not the case. Though soon enough someone came who seemed to wear one of the Obelisk Blue outfits so she presumed he had to have been a student which only raised more questions as to why not a member of the staff was here to greet her. Perhaps this recent incident she had heard on the rumor mill had something to do with it but she had not been about to jump the gun on presumption.

As it stood, someone had come to greet her so she figured she'd be friendly as she extended a warm smile and waved the way of the student. "Hello there. My name is Isabella Williams. Though I prefer to go by Bella, nice to meet you. I take it you are a fellow Obelisk Blue? Not to ask the obvious just want to be sure the uniforms are as self-explanatory as they appear to be." Bella said, somewhat sheepishly as least she met someone who'd she'd be sharing a dorm with. That could help with building a relationship out of the gate, which as the new face on campus could only have helped her.
Lance returned Bella's smile politely, nodding to the new student.
"You would be correct. I am an Obelisk Blue, and this is my third year at the Academy." Lance informed Bella. "It's unfortunate that Doctor Crowler had to move up the Duel Spirit Day by a week, but if we're quick you might still be able to participate in some of the celebration. Follow me, and I'll show you around."
Lance turned and gestured for Bella to follow him.

As the two made their way off the dock, Lance gestured down a trail to the right the led to what appeared to be a small apartment building.
"Those are the Slifer Red dorms. Not much to look at." Lance said as the pair made their way towards the school. Pointing to another path that led to another building in the distance, Lance identified those as the Ra Yellow dorms.
"Duel spirit day?" Bella asked, as she seemed not clued in to that custom of Duel Academy but none the less followed the third-year student as the tour seemed to have began. As they got to the dorms, the Ra Yellow Dorm seemed respectable enough; about what Bella had expected though when her eyes fell to the Slifer form she had her eyebrow raised. That was a dorm? It looked like an old shack you built when you had around 20 bucks to spend at a hardware store.

"Uh, not to be rude or anything but the Slifer Dorm seems to...well it leaves a lot to be desired. Is there reinventions or something?" Bella asked as she figured nobody could make a deliberate choice to stick students in something like that to sleep & live in. She figured she could use this tour to get insight into what this academy was like and hopefully get answers to the many questions she had on her mind since getting off the boat.
"My name will be remembered for eternity, for I am the only female Gladiator Beast and the one who pushed Gaia the Fierce Knight to us drastic measures! If you do not kill me, someone else will rise up to attempt it. Death is as natural as breathing, for I have seen and inflicted it ever since I wielded a sword. I will strike you down, even if it costs me my own life! The audience shall remember us, now let us fight for eternity in the Elysian Fields!" Whilst Willow could use either Disarm or Parry to cancel the attack, she didn't know if Chaos Burst was a trap or a spell card and she wasn't exactly in the optimal position to do either of the two moves. Fully commiting to her attack, the Slifer Red prepared to slash the throat of the knight. It all came down to this, she knew that she would lose as she did nothing to stop the attack, but maybe she could take Gaia with her.
Kenny grinned. "Since you've just declared an attack, Chaos Burst allows me sacrifice myself." He spread his arms -well, arm, given his lance-arm was still incapacitated- dramatically. "In return for my sacrifice, you will be sent to chaos alongside me! I quite enjoyed this little dance, Attorix. Let us meet in another life, someday!" Before the Gladiator Beast's sword could even reach his throat, Kenny slumped down, in hopes of showing that he went down on his own terms, rather than by her sword. Whether or not Gaia's final trap effect would go through against Attorix, Kenny was finished.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The turnout was most unexpected for many, Gaia the fierce Knight was taken out by the new gladiatorial contender. A series of applause followed suit, the crowd loving the seriousness and the epic performance given by both. Even though Gaia was defeated, he was sure to make his downfall a dramatic one.

Ms.Dorothy took the stage, a handkerchief out padding down some sweat on her cheeks.

“Phew...that one was a hot battle. Hope no one is hurt.” She gave her optimistic, yet worried smile. “While our contestants get ready and are sent back to their hands, please welcome the last act of the evening! Warrior lady of the wasteland against the combination of Coach Goblin and Giant Orc!”

There were some head scratchers in the crowd. Sure the two buffoons managed to get a laugh out first round, but would they really do well in combat?


“We uh....we actually made it further Big guy.”


They gave each other looks as if they weren’t quite ready for that, especially after the embarrassing last performance. Looking to Bob, Bix shook his scrawny fist.

“Y-You’ll see though! Us Hooligans gotta keep going! ...That’s what Weasel would say right?”

“Whatevs, let’s just do it already.”

Braxer gave an impartial wave back as he dragged Bix out with him to the stage. Last round of the evening? Hard to imagine that. Would be difficult to be the finale that’s for sure. Bix crossed his arms, waiting for the warrior lady to reveal herself. Surely it would be be TOO bad, right?
"Unfortunately, no." Lance said to Bella, noting her concern about the Slifer Red dorm. A good sign, as most other Obelisk Blues didn't show much concern for other dorms. "I wish it were otherwise, but renovations of the Slifer Dorm hasn't been high on the school's priorities. However, I can say from experience that the inside is not as bad as the outside. It's small, but homey. Some complain about the food, but I didn't think it was too bad."

They continued down one of the academy's trails, passing by the school. Lance pointed out a few of the trails that led to the school's main buildings. In the distance, the crowd gathered for Duel Spirit Day could be heard cheering on the contestants of the cosplay competitions.
"Duel Spirit Day is a tradition at Duel Academy. It was based on the day people believed the spirits were closest to our world. Nowadays, its more of a day for the students to dress up as their favorite monsters and have the day off. There's games and food stands as well, as well as cosplay competitions." Lance explained. "This year has been rather rough so far, so the Doctor decided to move it up a week."

The trail led the pair out of the forest, revealing a large castle-like building painted white with blue roofs next to a lake.
"This is the girl's dorm for Obelisk Blue. As to be expected, your room is inside." Lance turned and pointed to another trail heading in the opposite direction of the school. "Over their is the trail to the Obelisk Blue boy's dorm. Both dorms have a dining room, plenty of recreation areas and living spaces as well. Internet, TV, quite a few good things."

Lance paused for a moment, considering if there was anything he was missing.
"There's a few beaches on the island, but the trails to get to them are well marked. The island is deceptively large, so it's not the best idea to go wandering alone in the forest or to the volcano. I believe that's about everything, unless you would like a tour of the school buildings as well? Or if you had any other questions?" Lance asked Bella.


Dahlia let out a small groan as she was called up for the second competition as well. Just great. She had really been hoping she had been filtered out in the first round, and now she had to keep competing. Dahlia gave Kenny a nervous smile and a thumbs up as she passed him on her way to the stage.
"Good job, Kenny. You did great!" Dahlia said quietly as she passed the knight.

Making her way onto the stage, Dahlia blinked as she recognized the two goblins.
"You two?!" Dahlia said, pointing to Braxer and Bix. The same two Slifer Red boys that had been with Weasel, and the same two her and Elizabeth had dueled in the doubles tournament!

Realizing she was on a stage in front of a crowd, Dahlia quickly straightened up.
"I, mean, um..." Clearing her throat, Dahlia quickly drew her prop sword. "Uh... prepare yourselves, monsters! I'm going to, uh... take you down!"
Dahlia watched Bix and Braxer carefully, trying to develop a strategy. The two monsters worked together as one. So if she focused on avoiding the attacks from the Giant Orc and going after the Coach Goblin, she'd have a better chance at winning this.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Bix, leaning on Braxer’s but waited for their fighter to arrive, and arrive they did! it was none other than Dahlia, the chick from the hot spring! Bix’s eyes went as big around as plates before turning to whisper to Braxer.

“That’s the lady from the Clothes Caper!”

“...You saying you didn’t watch her when she was on stage before?”

“I-I-I had other priorities!!”

“Right...so what’s the play?”

The pipsqueak cleared his throat, looking over to Dahlia. Looking up and down at her, he spoke from his gut.

“Hey! Is that dark Magician girl?!” He called out. “Actually, I don’t think so. She’s a gal that’s better in attack, defense, and on the eyes!”

There were a couple chuckles given out as Bix decided not to attack her physically...but with words? It was unorthodox but it seemed to be his angle.
"You are kidding?" Bella asked, as she seemed taken aback by this revelation. They seriously just considered one of the three major student dorms an afterthought? That seemed a touch questionably irresponsible from her stance though it seemed it had its charm even if far from an ideal situation.

As they continued along the path, Bella was informed on the meaning of Duel Spirits Day as well as the cosplay aspect to it though it seemed recent events forced it to move up ahead of schedule which caused Bella to raise an eyebrow. "Rough? In what sense if you do not mind me asking?" Bella asked Lance, as she had been curious if this had anything to do with those rumors she had head of recent "invasive" guests on the island. Still the far from formal event seemed fun and as it happened she might have had on something that was fitting for the occasion in her clothing bag though would wait for approiate time to change before she considered it.

Her eyes soon focused on a rather large castle with a lake as her eyes shinned, something which only intensified when she heard that this was but the girl's dorm as she had not expected something like this. "W-wow, it is amazing!" Bella called out, though she had a touch of guilt when she saw this near palace and remembered what the Slifer students had been stuck with. "T-though this seems a bit, excessive compared to other dorms..."

When Lance had asked about other questions, she thought it over. "I suppose the one thing I should be familiar with is dueling policy. Are out of class duels allowed and if so under what restrictions if any? And when or where do I get my academy dueling disc?" Bella asked, as she figured the main appeal to draw from a dueling school is the chance to take on many opponents in her spare time to sharpen her skills.
At Bella's inquiry into what he meant by a 'rough' year, Lance cocked his head slightly and a small smile crept across his face.
"Well, I suppose you would learn soon enough. A band of ruffians has been harassing the school. Hopefully they won't be coming back. Supposedly the school is still looking into it. But I should say that this school has seen stranger things than those ruffians and still pulled through." Lance said. His expression went back to normal, and he adjusted his glasses when Bella asked about the dueling policy.

"Yes, out of class duels are allowed and encouraged. The only limits their are is a ban on Ante Duels. Meaning, you're not allowed to wager cards on duels. Being caught doing so would result in punishment, or even expulsion in extreme cases. So if you're going to, don't get caught." Lance stated matter-of-factly. "As for your academy dueling disk, if you haven't received it already then it will be in your dorm room, along with a few spares."

Lance paused for a moment.
"Any other questions?" Lance asked.


Dahlia was a little... confused by Bix's attempted insult. Was it supposed to be an insult? Didn't make much sense for the Obelisk Blue girl.
"Talking won't save you, monsters! Feel the wrath of my blade!" Dahlia called over to the pair. She ran towards them, attempting to keep Bix between herself and Braxer. Perhaps she could get them to trip over each other. The Warrior Lady attempted to slash at Bix with her prop sword.
The battle was over, but at what cost? Both monsters were down and out, so who won? The audience probably did, they had a great match to watch. Willow had gotten off the stage to make way for Warrior Lady of the Wasteland and a duo of goblins, but she didn't really recognize them. She'd totally forgotten to thank Gaia for the match, she'd have to do that later. "Welp, let's see what the judges think of that acting." Willow quipped at Jira as she looked at the stage. Two against one felt unfair, but the goblins were fighting with themselves in the previous round. Maybe the girl stood a chance.


"Now this is a match that will be fun, Dahlia versus Braxer and Bix. Who should I root for?" Chuckling to himself, Bob turned to look at Tracy. "Don't feel forced to root for Braxer and Bix, I know Dahlia and you have some history together. Just enjoy the match and let's watch where this ship will strand." Looking back at the stage, he chuckled again. "If those two oafs start fighting themselves again, Dahlia might just wipe the floor with them. Wouldn't that be interesting to see?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Oh crud.

Bix’s attempt on turning it into a verbal fight failed fantastically, the poor boy running cowardly away from the slashing maniac. Braxer could help but feel amused that Karma was giving the pipsqueak his due.

“Ah! Ah! What’s wrong with you?! Eeeep!”

A stray slash knocked him off Balance, sending him rolling to the ground. Braxer figured that was his cue. He lumbered forward, taking out his club.

“Sorry bout’ this lady.”

He then swung his club down toward her, very similar to the giant that he dressed as. Brute force could help where tricks couldn’t.