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Sorry for my recent deadness!! Just got my wisdom teeth out, what a pain in the ass (and mouth)
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I really, really want to make a Railgun RP but I have no clue on what the plot should be... I do have time for it and motivation wouldn't be a problem... but I just don't have plot ideasss...
I may have something.

A level 5 Esper got loose, and not a good one when it comes to Alignment and Power. It's up to the Characters to get this Esper back into custody.
Eh, the level 5s are generally left to their own devices a lot of the time already, anyway, least as far as I know... I do appreciate the help though~! In fact, that might've given me an idea... one that works with a character I've already got an idea for but was planning to just put as an NPC... I'll need to work out some more details but I think I could be on to something here~
Fast food three days in a row. I am so happy. Except I’m not, I don’t want fast food anymore please. LOL!!
The SV epilogue being the silliest damn thing you ever did see is actually awesome. They could have made it so much more horrifying, but no. Chicken dance time baby.
The dlc epilogue comes out today and I haven't even bought the actual dlc yet. I want to, but...did you know the Nintendo Switch eshop doesn't take american express? Very weird.
I've made an anime opening quiz~!
[WHISPERS OF THE NIGHT] folks, apologies for the week long silence, I'm spending time abroad!

You can expect 2-3 chapters up in the next week or so >v<
Have that burning desire to RP again, just need to talk it out with whatever demon is handling my schedule first