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Ask to Join Pokémon Discussion Thread

I got another one. Last one I promise. Pinky promi- well maybe not that, but... We'll see! Probably my last one.

Name: Buck Gamble
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Trainer Class: battler/rancher
Physical Appearance: pale freckled faced boy with bright red slicked back hair, green eyes, and somewhat muscular corn fed boy that worked on a ranch and never missed a meal. 6'5" ft. 245 lbs.
Clothing: he wears a red and white plad shirt, a tauros leather vest, worn old faded jeans with rips on the knees, an old cowboy hat his old man gave him and a sandaconda belt and boots. His belt features his name in the back and a large silver and golden Ho-oh belt buckle. In his vest holstered smithson and Wesson .44 magnum "Dirty Harry"(it's registered and he has a carry permit. Concealed so not to cause unnecessary attention), he keeps a 2.5 inch pocket knife on his belt, pepper spray, a ka-bar knife strapped to his ankle, and a backpack filled with an assortment of camping supplies such as a lighter, couple bottles of water, sleeping bag... ect...

Personality: He talks loud!!! YEEEEEHAWW!! He's a winner. Even when he loses, he wins. You cannot defeat him no matter how bad you beat him and he won't take no for an answer. He's got a big heart, but he's stubborn and got his temper from his father's side off the family and you cannot convince his mother otherwise. Thank arceus he didn't pick up his drinkin' problem. World got plenty drunks without Buck being one of em.

Backstory: Buck was raised on a ranch. His family raised cattle. His father was also a horse breeder and trained them. His father was a 6'8" 300 pound slab of muscle and a mean s.o.b at that. He hitcha when you misbehaved and if he did you probably deserved it too. His mom was a house wife and did most of the chores around the house. She worked harder than anyone else in the family. She made sure you had clean clothes, full bellies, and would just as quickly knock the hell outta you like the father. If you did bad enough even granmama is gonna get her turn.

Buck had six siblings. Buck was the eldest. Thus the 'responsible' one. Then there were the triplets Jim, Jack and Johnnie. All three are hell raising trouble makers through and through. They are two years younger than Buck(16). Then you Alice. Her brothers will viciously defend her. She's the smart kid, and two year younger than the triplets(14). Lastly are the twins. Michael and Michelle. They're the babies that can do no wrong. They'll probably grow up real spoiled. They're five years younger than Alice(9).

Back to Buck. He did household chores in his younger years the moment he learned how to walk. He later on started helping his father on the ranch when he was 7. The triplets took on his household chores at this point. He learned to ride horses at 8, shoot guns and gun safety at 11 and got his first pokémon at 12. A rufflet named Marshal.

Buck learned a lot about pokémon and how to raise pokémon. Skiddo/gogoat, wooloo/dubwool, mareep/flaafy/ampharos, lechonk/oinkologne, mudbray/mudsdale, ponyta/rapidash, milktank, tauros/combat/blaze/aqua, ducklett/swanna, pidove/unfezant and combee/vespiqueen. He learned a lot about pokemon dietary needs, medicine, grooming and even some anatomy. He became quite a skilled pokémon chiropractor.

He got strong from lifting square bales and 50 pound feed bags. Building picket fences, chopping and collecting fire wood, always some sorta manual labor to do around the ranch. He even pushed around old tractor tires and split logs for fun. He learned quite a bit about fixing trucks, tractors and time management. By the age of 19 his dad gave him a mudbray so he could begin a proper adventure and enjoy his time away from home.


Species: Braviary
Name: Marshal
lvl: 55
Ability: defiant
Personality: Marshal is extremely stubborn. Maybe as stubborn as Buck. Stubborn to the point that he doesn't follow orders very well unless it's a life or death situation.
Moves: aerial ace, slash, crush claw, roost, hone claws, tailwind, superpower, fly

Species: Mudbray
Name: Tony
lvl: 8
Ability: Inner focus
Personality: Tony is a shy little donkey and has never been outside the family farm. Before Buck started his adventure, Tony never even seen a wild pokémon or been in a serious pokémon battle and gets startled easily.
Moves: Rock smash, iron defense, double kick, smack down

References: Marshal is a reference to Marshal Reuben J. Cogburn from True Grit and Tony is the name of Django's horse from Django unchained/Jamie Foxx's horse Cheetah.
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If we are talking WCS, if he had joined in the beginning, he'd probs be Great Class at the moment. Other wise, he is mid-level, Pokemon are in the early 50's
Yea, that's a bit stronger than the Kalos group would want to have. They're more teens to early 20s
I'm already working on bringing one of Felix's siblings, and bringing em into the craziness.

Do you mind if he has a secondary evo Pokemon?
A second stage is alright, long as its not too strong
Now, before you make your Kalos character there are a few concerns.

Kalos is the grittier edgier group and sometimes we're going to delve into some mature topics and themes that we aren't comfortable involving a younger audience. It's PG16.

If you can clear that hurdle, then the next thing we'd like to ask is that you make longer posts for the Kalos Group. Aim for a paragraph or two as a standard, the mods will hit the thread if repeated short posts are made and nobody wants that.

Prepare for Cayde Winchester, the one who hails from Malie City!

Name: Cayde Winchester
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Trainer Class: Battler
Physical Appearance: Cayde stands at 6 foot 7 inches, with fair skin. His hair is silver (fashion statement) and he has green eyes. His hair is short and ruffled, and he has a average body build. He has a very light tan.
Clothing: It depends on the region. His main clothing options are a light grey sports jacket, a orange t-shirt and blue jeans. He wears black shoes.
Personality: Cayde is a chill guy. Much like Felix, his half-brother, he is friendly, and a little hot-headed.
Backstory: Cayde has always loved Pokemon, and his image reflected that. He began his journey when he was 18, when he accidentaly caught a Sprigatito. Together, they obtained a Z-Ring from Kahuna Hala after arriving on Melemele Island, and completed the Normal Trail, obtaining a Normalium-Z. They caught a Haluwcha, and defeated Hala in a Grand Trail, collecting a Fightium-Z They entered 10 Carat Hill, and ended up getting a Flyium-Z and obtaining a Rockruff.

They later arrived in Kalos, where they beat 2 gyms. Along the way, Sprigatito evolved! We find him heading to Gym 3, where he will begin...

Name: Myst
Species: Floragato
Gender: Male
Appearance: Myst is your average Floragato.
Personality/Background: Very much refuses to evolve. Myst likes other Pokemon, and it's an insane battler. It is loyal to it's trainer first, everyone else second.

Ability: Overgrow
  1. Razor Leaf
  2. Play Rough
  3. Protect
  4. Thunder Punch
  5. Energy Ball
  6. Hone Claws
Name: Uses Species name
Species: Hawlucha
Gender: Female
Appearance: Hawlucha wears a band on it's arm. It's green
Personality/Background: Hawlucha met Cayde while he was in Alola. Cayde was taking photos, when he was ambushed. It was testing Myst's strength. After that, Hawlucha was caught and they have been together since. Hawlucha is a fierce figher.

Ability: Unburden
  1. Acrobatics
  2. Flying Press
  3. Rest
  4. Hone Claws
  5. Sleep Talk

Name: Rocky
Species: Rockruff
Gender: Female
Appearance: Rocky is a normal-looking Rockruff
Personality/Background: Rocky met Cayde while he was in Alola. Cayde was celebrating his recent win by entering 10 Carat Hill. Rocky LOVED him After that, Rocky was caught and they have been together since. Rocky is a timid Pokemon.

Ability: Keen Eye
  1. Rock Throw
  2. Protect
  3. Bite
  4. Tackle

Alright, we have a small problem with Genger riding itself of paralysis then using 3 moves in one turn. The problem is... pokemon can't actually do that. Unfortunately, the RP does not work on BDSP friendship mechanics.

I can understand a strong desire to win, but please do it in a more reasonable fashion.

It wouldn't be fair if Emery's Aurorus also rid itself of Cursed Body and then just used Echoed Voices 3 times, right? This is also just a casual NPC battle so I didn't plan to have Emery win anyway, you'll be fine.

Oh that. Yeah, I'll be ok with the age stuff. I'm actually old enough, not gonna brag
We're thinking at least 16, but if you meet that requirement then welcome aboard! The ideal place to meet up would be in Calanthe Town, you'll need to encounter Monty & Azumi.

Also because this is more of a beginner group, we're not trying to go too crazy on Tms/Trs. Egg moves are alright though.
Name: James Samuel Montgomery "James" Argentston

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Trainer Class (What goal do you have in mind for your character? Contests/Battler/Breeder/etc.): Coordinator

Physical Appearance: James is around 5'10" on a swimmer's build, his hair is in a Short Ponytail, platinum blonde, like his mother, and blue eyes, typically seen in the Argentston Family. James has several Scars from trying to treat his Scizor after an illness.

Clothing: James has a few different outfits based on what his appeal will be. For the first contest in Alola, he will be wearing a mostly red and orange suit. I will plan out more of these as I go through Alola.

Personality: James is a bit shy, the most Awkward of his siblings, but when he does the contests, he feels at home, and is usually confident. There are things that have scared him during contests, like the Rhyperior or Having to Fight his brother's Ace Pokémon.

Backstory: James is one of Four children of the Maze Guardian. He was born with his brother Jason and sister Lana. He lived a normal Childhood for someone with connections of the Battle Frontier, and when he was around 11 years old, there was a mix-up on the number of children receiving their starters, and Professor Birch had 3 starters for eight children. James selected his starter last and got stuck with Treecko. He and Treecko, which was Nicknamed Hussar, headed off to start some contests.

In Petalburg Woods, James found an Injured Scyther, and was helping him recover when the Scyther joined him. As the Scyther, Nicknamed Blade, Recovered, Hussar had been training for a Contest in Verdanturf town, and at some point before Verdanturf, James Rescued a Pichu from the Jaws of A Sneasel, during a Sneasel Pandemic, and trainers were getting bounties for any Sneasel caught. He turned over two to the Rangers, and headed on his way to Verdanturf. He had been rehearsing his Appeal with Hussar and was going to Use Blade if he got into the Battle Round. When the Contest came, Hussar nailed the appeal, and Blade won his battles, as most of the opponents were around his level.

The next two contests put James into a bit of a Funk. He struggled to get past round one of the battle Phase. His Pichu got through appeals, but the first match of the First Contest was met with a Rhyperior. Blade got Promptly knocked out in one hit. James then prepared harder for the Second Contest, but didn't even get past the Appeals. He spent two months preparing for the next Contest, and caught a Turtonator, which he nicknamed Gator, and when the day came, he put together Pichu's appeal, and then went on to the Battle Phase, however he faced the toughest challenge up to that point, even scarier than the Rhyperior. His Triplet brother, Jason had seen James's funk and joined this contest, to get him out of said funk, and had put Ptera as his Battle Round Pokémon. James was alarmed, naturally. His thought process was pretty much how he was going to deal with that, especially with Blade. It was during this Battle that Blade learned Vacuum Wave, which allowed for a bare victory at time. That was James's third Ribbon and was around Grand Festival time, which gave him another year to train, find new teammates, and get Ribbons four and five.

After Gold and James got out of that cave on Cinnibar Island, James prepared to head back to Hoenn to get his fourth Contest Ribbon. He went over his Appeal plan for Hussar, who was a Grovyle. He was going to use Blade in the battle stage if he got that far. Gold was going to watch, to learn how things ran with Gold's New Trainer. When the contest came, James did well, landing in the battle Phase, and Blade won. He would have Gold out, so he wouldn't be cooped up all the time. As the two worked on an appeal, they found that the battle Phase was easier on Gold. The last Contest was a breeze, especially after the addition of Gator and Pichu to the team. Gold made his Battle Debut, leaving Slacked Jaws all around the stadium. Most of James's opponents were running various Flying Types, so Gold had 2 Battle Ends out of three battles. So claimed was James's Fifth Ribbon, which landed him in the Grand Festival.

He opened the Appeals with a recently fished Up Tynamo named Spark. When he went to the Next Appeals, Gator and Pichu did a Pyrotechnic Spark appeal. This grabbed the Judges' attention, which sent him to the Battle Rounds, he blew through his first Two Opponents, then the third was a Doozy, James had Gold and Hussar on the Field, and had to face down a Goodra and a Dustox, Gold took out the Dustox, but The Goodra soloed both of them, even with Hussar Evolving mid match and immediately learning Dual Chop. James was satisfied, knowing it took the most experienced competition in the entire Grand Festival to take him out, and they had only one Pokémon left at the buzzer. The Competitor was surprised at James, and gave him a Recommendation to someone who can help someone like James. James looked at the Card and realized it was his own mother. He went to see his mom, who gave him some pointers from her Master Class Semifinals. After the pointers, he went off to various places across the world to get ideas for his next contest Region.

First stop, Sinnoh, as James and Gold went around, they were getting ideas while they were there. With how cold it was, he was worried about an egg he received before he left for Sinnoh. Gold looked at him to reassure James things will be fine. As they toured Sinnoh, the egg hatched into a rambunctious Pancham. James and Gold had their hands full with Boxer, training the small, panda-like fighting type. It was at this time that James heard about a Metal Coat in the shops. James looked down at what he had, and managed to sell a few extra things, getting the Metal Coat. As they traveled, they came across another trainer that needed a Scyther evolved, they traded the mons, put the metal coats on and traded them back, which triggered the Evolutions to their original trainers, especially since James already had a Scizor. As James and Gold, now a Steelix, traveled more through Sinnoh. James and the team worked on Appeals while they were traveling, with Gold the Steelix helping James with Boxer. Late In Sinnoh, Gold let James ride on his head for the first time. Eventually, he got an idea to visit a family friend in Unova, even though he might not give the best advice.

As he and Gold traveled through Sinnoh to catch the boat to Unova, people would try to challenge James and Gold, this was met with around a sixty percent win rate. He and Gold arrived in Canalave City for the boat, preparing to leave with Gold, having to stay on the deck of the ship. Gold got seasick, and James made sure he was as good as he could be, keeping Gold Calm. His decision to keep Gold out was made on the basis that he could treat seasickness easier with his Pokémon out and in front of him. Those traveling on the ship were quite surprised to see a Teenager with a large Pokémon looking seasick, and even more surprised to see the Pokémon was a Shiny Steelix. James was petting Gold as he fed the medicine and medicinal herbs and berries to help Gold keep his seasickness down. When the Ship Docked, James got Gold up so they could get off last. When he got off, he and Gold started looking for Signs. Apparently, his Family Friend was last sighted in Nimbasa City. As soon as he stepped foot onto Route 4, Gold saw a Ducklett, who quacked and looked at Gold confusedly, not at all bothered by a thirty foot long metal snake. The Ducklett then motioned for James to Follow him. James and Gold were curious, and naturally followed, leading to a Ducklett farm. The family who owned the farm and the Duckletts all were worried. They explained something was in the water and was eating their Duckletts.

James and Gold waited for the creature to surface up, when it did, a Huntail popped out of the water, looking for Ducklett to eat when all it got was a bite onto a now annoyed Steelix. James had Gold use Thunder Fang on the Huntail as it tried to go back in the water, shocking anything that was in the lake, which revealed six more Huntails. James then threw a few Pokéballs to catch the Huntail, and let the family know that their pond had a Huntail Infestation, and he found seven Huntail. The family gave him a decent sum of money, a TR for Breaking Swipe, and the Ducklett that grabbed his attention. Ducklett waved his wing at the family as he joined James and Gold. James then Nicknamed the Ducklett Quackers. Gold and James went on towards Nimbasa City, with a new Teammate on hand. When he arrived, he was immediately met by a man with black and white hair. The man immediately recognized James, to James's surprise. James looked up to realize that Retired Elite Four Member Grimsley was in front of him. Grimsley looked at Gold, and then at James, then back at Gold, then back at James. James asked if he knew of any ideas about helping Gold with learning new Moves. Grimsley then suggested that he eventually visit Wikstrom at the Castle of Chivalry in Kalos. Grimsley then gave James an Egg, noting that he has Eggs for each of the Argentston kids for their fifteenth Birthday as a promise made at his father's Wedding. James then Called Jason and Lana about the eggs and let them know to go to Unova and ask for Grimsley. Grimsley headed off in his usual manner as James explored more of the city, especially being his mother's hometown. He and Gold went around the City, seeing the sights. Gold took in what was around him, especially with people looking at him and Gold. James rested in town, visiting his Aunt and his cousin Regulus. He got on his Steelix and headed off to Kalos to talk to Wikstrom.

When James went to Kalos, he went to See Wikstrom, on Route 10, his egg hatched into an Impidimp. James figured the dark type, the person who gave the egg was Grimsley after all, but the young Dark and Fairy type started causing problems, which prompted James to Nickname him Hazard. When James arrived at the Castle of Chivalry, Wikstrom was standing there. James explained that Grimsley sent him and was trying to get ideas for Gold. Wikstrom was a bit confused, then he saw Gold and Hazard, realizing this was a Child of a man whose wedding he attended about 18 years earlier. They then started training. To help James think like Gold, Wikstrom put James in a Suit of armor, and gave him these Challenges. Run ten Laps around the Castle, make it through the Labyrinth of Doubt, and fight him and Aegislash while looking for a key on his Klefki.

James steeled himself for the challenges to come. He got on the armor and he and Gold ran around the castle, which was very exhausting, due to the armor, but James persevered, making it through. The Labyrinth was next. James and Gold navigated the Labyrinth, not easily at first, but eventually figuring out that they needed to work together. As the two traversed the Labyrinth, challenges in the form of worry and doubt came in, but James and Gold Persevered. Eventually, after the Labyrinth, Wikstrom had his Aegislash fight Gold while James went to get a key off of Klefki. It was a long fight, but eventually, James and Gold got the Key. James was awarded a Knight Medal for his efforts. He then went home to put the ideas to some sort of workable Appeals, putting thoughts to paper, and paper to practice.

Steelixite: The Lunchtime Rumors

It was on a trip to Kalos to get some medicine after his seventeenth birthday for another Pokémon that he heard of Mega Evolution, and wasn't sure if any of his Pokémon could Mega Evolve. As he went through Kalos, finding the items he needed for his ill Pokémon, he was contacted by Professor Sycamore that he should come by the lab in Lumiose City. He made headlines when he landed top four in The Hoenn Grand Festival, especially with his family, and his father's rank in the WCS. While he was eating lunch, he heard of Rumors of a Strange Stone in the Mines of Iron Island in Sinnoh. When he went to see Professor Sycamore, he brought up the rumors of The Strange Stone in Iron Island. Professor Sycamore suspected either Steelixite or Metagrossite being that Strange Stone. He told James it would be a good idea to get on this Expedition team. As he left, He had Gold pop out when he left town, as people don't want to get spooked by a guy with a thirty odd foot Shiny Pokémon. He then found the expedition team, with a message from Professor Sycamore.

"So Professor Sycamore sent a teenager to help with the Expedition to Iron Island, I need you to prove you and your Pokémon are worthy."

"Understood, Gold, be ready."

"Tyranitar, Take them on!"

The Steel and Ground Type prepared for combat with this Tyranitar.

"Too Easy, Fire Blast!"

"Gold, Aqua Tail on the Fire Blast!"

When the five pointed fire star came towards Gold, he sent it right back with Aqua Tail. The Expedition head was Flabbergasted that his Tyranitar's move was blocked like that. The Young Coordinator prepared for what the next move was.

"Dragon Dance!"

James was surprised, not expecting that move on the Tyranitar.

"We need to stop that, Earthquake!" James responded.


The Tyranitar had to fight the event that was losing his balance from the incoming Earthquake. The Rock and Dark Type glared at the Iron Snake Pokémon. Gold was unamused at the Tyranitar and looked to James.

"Smack Down, don't let it move!"

"Iron Tail, split the attack in half!" James responded to the incoming.


Tyranitar prepared a large rock to whack on the Ground and Steel Type's head, only for Gold to turn to his tail and with a glowing sheen, split the rock right down the Middle.


James and Gold couldn't react as Tyranitar was pretty much on top of Gold. Gold felt the attack, but still had his unamused face on.

"Gold? Are you good?"

The Shiny Steelix looked back to James, and gave a nod. The Expedition head looked back at James and his Steelix.

"Ha, I'm not sure you're worthy of this Expedition Team."

"That was the only hit you've landed, I've managed to stop or block every other move." James responded.

"That Aqua Tail, how did you get that idea?"

"As a Coordinator, I've had to come up with ways to use my Pokémon's Moves skillfully and creatively, along with finding ways to use my opponent's Moves against them." James explained to the Expedition, "I've used Earthquake to disperse the idea of someone's Machop of running up stones created by a Stone Edge attack in the Round of 32 in the Hoenn Grand Festival."

"Sir, it's that kid who made it to the Top four of the Hoenn Grand Festival a couple of years ago. His dad is Rank 38 in the WCS." One of the expedition team responded to the head.

"I'm impressed with this kid, and Professor Sycamore gave him a Recommendation." The head responded, "If the strange stone is Truly Steelixite, you get to keep it, if Metagrossite, what is supposed to happen to it."

"Professor Sycamore will take it." James responded, "I go on with my daily life. It's a good thing I had a Pelipper with a Package tied to it sent off to Hoenn, I was here getting medicines for another Pokémon, who has an illness."

The expedition team all looked at James with surprised faces.

"Sir, I've looked up his profile, there's a Scizor listed on his Pokémon, but it says retired on the Pokémon's Profile."

"That's the exact Pokémon the medicine is for."

The Expedition head nodded as he let James board the ship that they were taking. There were a bunch of people preparing the ship for Sinnoh. However, there was a girl, no older than him, sitting with Larvitar.

"James, you will be tasked with keeping my daughter entertained during the boat ride. And, no, Gold is not to be on the ship."

"I figured that." James responded to the head.

James then turned to the girl, she was a bit nervous. James had been starting to get nervous when a Pokéball opened up, revealing a Sceptile. Larvitar looked at the Sceptile.

"Hussar?" James asked the Sceptile.

The girl spoke up for The first time since James's Sceptile appeared. She looked confused, unlike Larvitar, who was surprised.

"W-where a-are y-you f-from?"

"H-hoenn," James responded.

"M-my n-name i-is Arabella, m-my father is i-in c-charge o-of this e-expedition t-team."

"I-I'm J-james Argentston, my d-dad d-doesn't g-get m-many c-challengers, h-he's a F-frontier B-brain."

Arabella looked at him Incredulously, a Frontier Brain's kid on an expedition like this. What life did this cute boy no older than her lead?

While they were on the ship, the ship stopped in several places, Including Battle Maze Island, Hoenn, which allowed Gold to get out of his Pokéball. James and Arabella had bonded a bit over their lives, with both having seen different places, and some places that both have seen. When the ship docked to Iron Island, he and Arabella, alongside the Expedition team all prepared to enter the Abandoned Mine.

Steelixite: The Abandoned Mine

James and the Expedition team entered the mine, but as James and Gold got in a bit further, a section of the Mine Collapsed right on top of where James was. When James came to, all he saw was Yellow, the glint of a Shiny Steelix could be seen in James's view.


The Steelix gave a determined Roar as he shuffled out of the rocks, keeping James close to him as they entered an non collapsed section of the Mine. As James Navigated in the Dark, Gold kept close to James, helping him get around the Mine. Eventually as they navigated, Gold spotted something. James also saw what Gold was going on about, but something else was also after it. Another Steelix popped out of the ground, preparing to fight James. Gold prepared for Combat as well as James. The two Steelixes, with Gold under the Instruction of James, went blow for blow until the one that attacked James and Gold, sent a Rock Slide for James. Gold put his tail in front of the Incoming attack, roaring worriedly for his trainer. The Wild Steelix did not falter when the Roar was heard, however, the wild Steelix tried to attack James again. That was when something happened, something that James had been trying to teach Gold for a while. Gold's Tail started swinging wildly, smacking the wild Pokémon multiple times, then blue sparkles on the opposing Steelix.

"Breaking Swipe." James responded.

The Wild Steelix attacked again, but James and Gold had enough.

"Aqua Tail!"

The Wild Pokémon came down with a Heavy Slam, but James, using his Coordinator skills, he would have Gold go around The Opposing Steelix, and spin his tail from behind to surprise the wild Pokémon. The opponent backed off as James Picked up the Stone, as he held it up, Gold reacted by poking it with his tail.

"Find us a way out, Gold."

As Gold felt around the walls for a spot, he suddenly started digging, motioning for James to Follow. When they got out. He was met with the surprised faces of the expedition team.

"We're heading back to Kalos." James told the crew, "Professor Sycamore should be able to test this with a Machine he has back at his Lab."

When he went back to Kalos, he and the Expedition team went to see Professor Sycamore.

"Here's the strange stone that I unearthed from Iron Island."

James handed over the stone to be tested, during Testing, Gold poked the machine with his tail, careful not to tip over the machine.

"Well, good news, it's Steelixite."

James got the stone back and thanked the Professor, at that time, he got a text that the Pelipper arrived with the medicine.

Keystone: Route 111

Six Months after his Expedition to Iron Island, James had been thinking, getting no ideas on where to look when his notes started pointing towards Route 111, particularly on the Top of a mountain in the Desert area. When he realized it, he made a Phone call, to Arabella, about possibly going to Route 111. Arabella had sent that to her father, and they would provide a base at the foot of the mountain that the Keystone would provide. Half the expedition team arrived when James was at the base of the Mountain.

"We're here to provide a shelter for post expedition, and also, beware of the Sandstorm on this part of Route 111." Arabella looked at James before doing one thing.

Arabella kissed James on the cheek, making James blush immensely. The Expedition team looked at them funny. James then, headed off with Gold, leaving The rest of the Team behind with Arabella, knowing he and Gold have to do this Alone. James boarded Gold and went off into the desert.

The Sandstorm was Intense, for James that was, as Gold really didn't mind it at all due to being a Steel and Ground Type. James and Gold were trying to find the right pace to go through this Sandstorm that James and his goggles can see through. As they came to an agreement, a herd of Camerupt came through. James told Gold to hold up as the Camerupt came through with their Numel children as well. Gold was ready to Earthquake them, but James told his Steelix to calm down, and be patient, and wait. Gold was watching the herd pass as James watched Gold to make sure he didn't attack the herd.

When the herd Passed, they went on their way, at the pace that they agreed upon. The Sandstorm got worse, as Gold slowed down to account for James's apparent blindness in the storm. When they reached the mountain. James started thinking about a Game plan. He whispered it to Gold, who then went off, slowly. When they got about Halfway up, a land slide occurred and James Fell off of Gold, only for Gold to catch James before he could fall into the land slide, by his tail. James trusted Gold enough for him to fling James back on his head.

As James Landed, he held on, preparing for Gold to do some heavy and sudden movements. However, that did not come as Gold got his Tail stuck in a Pile of rocks. James climbed back down and started undoing some of the rocks so that Gold could get moving again. Gold looked back to James as he started Removing the rocks, making sure James doesn't fall off again, and let him know when to stop removing rocks. After about half of them were removed, Gold bent down to let James onto his head. James climbed on as Gold lifted his tail to remove the remaining rocks. The two then worked their way further up the mountainside. When they got to the top, there was a Stone buried in the rubble of the landslide. James and Gold started clearing out rubble, with James and Gold working together to move some of the smaller rocks and Gold using Iron Tail to split bigger rocks until they unearth a Keystone.

They then went back down the mountain, meeting with the Expedition team at the camp after a very long trip back. When James got off of Gold, the Expedition team checked him out to make sure there were no injuries.

The next Day, James got a call from his mother, stating a Contest circuit was starting in Alola. James decided to get his stuff packed and head off to Alola. He then put the Keystone on his right Glove for his main contest clothing, and the Steelixite on a Handkerchief big enough to tie around a Steelix's neck. He then prepared for his flight.

After the events of Kalos, he got wind of a Contest circuit in Alola after treating his Scizor, who does not like needles, he then took his flight, having arrived about two weeks before it started, and would catch a Rowlet during the preparations for the first contest. Rowlet's nickname is Robin Hood.

Starter: Treecko (Now Sceptile)

Species: Sceptile

Nickname: Hussar (Polish Cavalry Unit)

Ability: Overgrow

Nature: Careful


Dual Chop

Leaf Blade

Swords Dance


Scale Shot

Cross Poison


Dragon Dance

Species: Steelix

Ability: Rock Head/Sand Force (If Mega)

Nickname: Gold

Notes: Shiny

Nature: Adamant


Thunder Fang

Ice Fang

Rock Slide

Stealth Rock

Iron Tail

Aqua Tail

Breaking Swipe


Non BR:


Species: Turtonator

Nickname: Gator

Ability: Shell Armor

Nature: Brave


Shell Trap

Brutal Swing

Fire Spin



Wide Guard (Avalugg Father)

Scale Shot

Dragon Pulse

Species: Eelektross

Nickname: Spark

Ability: Levitate

Nature: Adamant


Wild Charge

Acid Spray

Flash Cannon

Volt Switch

Eerie Impulse

Dragon Pulse



Species: Rowlet

Nickname: Robin Hood

Ability: Long Reach

Nature: Hasty


Roost (Oricorio Father)






Shadow Sneak

Species: Pichu

Ability: Lightning Rod

Nature: Impish


Nasty Plot


Play Rough

Electric Terrain

Volt Switch

Electro Ball


Sweet Kiss

Species: Pancham

Nickname: Boxer

Ability: Iron Fist

Notes: Close to Evolving

Nature: Naughty



Circle Throw

Low Sweep

Ice Punch

Thunder Punch

Storm Throw (Pinsir Father)

Work Up

Vital Throw

Species: Morgrem

Nickname: Hazard

Ability: Prankster

Nature: Impish


Nasty Plot (Taught by Pichu)

False Surrender


Light Screen


Dazzling Gleam


Leech Life

Species: Ducklett

Nickname: Quackers

Ability: Keen Eye

Nature: Careful



Wing attack

Feather Dance

Aqua Ring

Steel Wing


Bubble Beam


On Firey's Preserve (His PC is linked to There)

Pyroar, Scizor (Blade).


Huntail (7)

Turned in to the Rangers

Sneasel (2)

RP link: https://forums.pokecharms.com/threads/pokemon-discussion-thread.28773/ (Ask to Join - Pokémon Discussion Thread)

Last edited:
Adrianne's Crystal Onix Bio

Name: Crystal Onix
Type: Ice/Ground
Ability: Water Absorb
HP: 60
ATK: 45
DEF: 120
Sp. ATK: 50
Sp. DEF: 60
Speed: 50
Total Stats: 385

Leanset (Leveling Up)
Powder Snow​
Ice Shard​
Dragon Breath​
Sand Tomb​
Aurora Veil​
Iron Tail​
Adrianne's Crystal Onix Bio

Name: Crystal Onix
Type: Ice/Ground
Ability: Water Absorb
HP: 60
ATK: 45
DEF: 120
Sp. ATK: 50
Sp. DEF: 60
Speed: 50
Total Stats: 385

Leanset (Leveling Up)
Powder Snow​
Ice Shard​
Dragon Breath​
Sand Tomb​
Aurora Veil​
Iron Tail​
Looks good, I'd recommend using Excel or Google Sheets and then just linking the document, it'll save you a lot of formatting. Charms might allow embeds again at some point, so that could be great too.
@Merciless Medic I plan on having Felix meet Nakano at some point. Is that ok?
Uh, when? She's in 3 different areas, and 2 of which are not open to other RPers coming in (both being in Sinnoh). She's only able to be met in Johto, but currently she's in a female-only public bathhouse at 5:30 am on July 25th. It's not wise to meet her right now lmfaooo. But let me know what you have in mind and we can make that work. Also, when and where was Felix in your last Felix post?
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Uh, when? She's in 3 different areas, and 2 of which are not open to other RPers coming in (both being in Sinnoh). She's only able to be met in Johto, but currently she's in a female-only public bathhouse at 5:30 am on July 25th. It's not wise to meet her right now lmfaooo. But let me know what you have in mind and we can make that work. Also, when and where was Felix in your last Felix post?
He was in Galar. My idea was that at around 7:30am, you hear Pokemon fighting. You may rush out to see Felix in a WCS battle, and that's how they meet. I haven't a clue if that works tho... all of Felix's posts are in the past, before July, about late June-early July time. He hadn't gone into a WCS battle during that period... no one took interest
Name: James Samuel Montgomery "James" Argentston

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Trainer Class (What goal do you have in mind for your character? Contests/Battler/Breeder/etc.): Coordinator

Physical Appearance: James is around 5'10" on a swimmer's build, his hair is in a Short Ponytail, platinum blonde, like his mother, and blue eyes, typically seen in the Argentston Family. James has several Scars from trying to treat his Scizor after an illness.

Clothing: James has a few different outfits based on what his appeal will be. For the first contest in Alola, he will be wearing a mostly red and orange suit. I will plan out more of these as I go through Alola.

Personality: James is a bit shy, the most Awkward of his siblings, but when he does the contests, he feels at home, and is usually confident. There are things that have scared him during contests, like the Rhyperior or Having to Fight his brother's Ace Pokémon.

Backstory: James is one of Four children of the Maze Guardian. He was born with his brother Jason and sister Lana. He lived a normal Childhood for someone with connections of the Battle Frontier, and when he was around 11 years old, there was a mix-up on the number of children receiving their starters, and Professor Birch had 3 starters for eight children. James selected his starter last and got stuck with Treecko. He and Treecko, which was Nicknamed Hussar, headed off to start some contests.

In Petalburg Woods, James found an Injured Scyther, and was helping him recover when the Scyther joined him. As the Scyther, Nicknamed Blade, Recovered, Hussar had been training for a Contest in Verdanturf town, and at some point before Verdanturf, James Rescued a Pichu from the Jaws of A Sneasel, during a Sneasel Pandemic, and trainers were getting bounties for any Sneasel caught. He turned over two to the Rangers, and headed on his way to Verdanturf. He had been rehearsing his Appeal with Hussar and was going to Use Blade if he got into the Battle Round. When the Contest came, Hussar nailed the appeal, and Blade won his battles, as most of the opponents were around his level.

The next two contests put James into a bit of a Funk. He struggled to get past round one of the battle Phase. His Pichu got through appeals, but the first match of the First Contest was met with a Rhyperior. Blade got Promptly knocked out in one hit. James then prepared harder for the Second Contest, but didn't even get past the Appeals. He spent two months preparing for the next Contest, and caught a Turtonator, which he nicknamed Gator, and when the day came, he put together Pichu's appeal, and then went on to the Battle Phase, however he faced the toughest challenge up to that point, even scarier than the Rhyperior. His Triplet brother, Jason had seen James's funk and joined this contest, to get him out of said funk, and had put Ptera as his Battle Round Pokémon. James was alarmed, naturally. His thought process was pretty much how he was going to deal with that, especially with Blade. It was during this Battle that Blade learned Vacuum Wave, which allowed for a bare victory at time. That was James's third Ribbon and was around Grand Festival time, which gave him another year to train, find new teammates, and get Ribbons four and five.

After Gold and James got out of that cave on Cinnibar Island, James prepared to head back to Hoenn to get his fourth Contest Ribbon. He went over his Appeal plan for Hussar, who was a Grovyle. He was going to use Blade in the battle stage if he got that far. Gold was going to watch, to learn how things ran with Gold's New Trainer. When the contest came, James did well, landing in the battle Phase, and Blade won. He would have Gold out, so he wouldn't be cooped up all the time. As the two worked on an appeal, they found that the battle Phase was easier on Gold. The last Contest was a breeze, especially after the addition of Gator and Pichu to the team. Gold made his Battle Debut, leaving Slacked Jaws all around the stadium. Most of James's opponents were running various Flying Types, so Gold had 2 Battle Ends out of three battles. So claimed was James's Fifth Ribbon, which landed him in the Grand Festival.

He opened the Appeals with a recently fished Up Tynamo named Spark. When he went to the Next Appeals, Gator and Pichu did a Pyrotechnic Spark appeal. This grabbed the Judges' attention, which sent him to the Battle Rounds, he blew through his first Two Opponents, then the third was a Doozy, James had Gold and Hussar on the Field, and had to face down a Goodra and a Dustox, Gold took out the Dustox, but The Goodra soloed both of them, even with Hussar Evolving mid match and immediately learning Dual Chop. James was satisfied, knowing it took the most experienced competition in the entire Grand Festival to take him out, and they had only one Pokémon left at the buzzer. The Competitor was surprised at James, and gave him a Recommendation to someone who can help someone like James. James looked at the Card and realized it was his own mother. He went to see his mom, who gave him some pointers from her Master Class Semifinals. After the pointers, he went off to various places across the world to get ideas for his next contest Region.

First stop, Sinnoh, as James and Gold went around, they were getting ideas while they were there. With how cold it was, he was worried about an egg he received before he left for Sinnoh. Gold looked at him to reassure James things will be fine. As they toured Sinnoh, the egg hatched into a rambunctious Pancham. James and Gold had their hands full with Boxer, training the small, panda-like fighting type. It was at this time that James heard about a Metal Coat in the shops. James looked down at what he had, and managed to sell a few extra things, getting the Metal Coat. As they traveled, they came across another trainer that needed a Scyther evolved, they traded the mons, put the metal coats on and traded them back, which triggered the Evolutions to their original trainers, especially since James already had a Scizor. As James and Gold, now a Steelix, traveled more through Sinnoh. James and the team worked on Appeals while they were traveling, with Gold the Steelix helping James with Boxer. Late In Sinnoh, Gold let James ride on his head for the first time. Eventually, he got an idea to visit a family friend in Unova, even though he might not give the best advice.

As he and Gold traveled through Sinnoh to catch the boat to Unova, people would try to challenge James and Gold, this was met with around a sixty percent win rate. He and Gold arrived in Canalave City for the boat, preparing to leave with Gold, having to stay on the deck of the ship. Gold got seasick, and James made sure he was as good as he could be, keeping Gold Calm. His decision to keep Gold out was made on the basis that he could treat seasickness easier with his Pokémon out and in front of him. Those traveling on the ship were quite surprised to see a Teenager with a large Pokémon looking seasick, and even more surprised to see the Pokémon was a Shiny Steelix. James was petting Gold as he fed the medicine and medicinal herbs and berries to help Gold keep his seasickness down. When the Ship Docked, James got Gold up so they could get off last. When he got off, he and Gold started looking for Signs. Apparently, his Family Friend was last sighted in Nimbasa City. As soon as he stepped foot onto Route 4, Gold saw a Ducklett, who quacked and looked at Gold confusedly, not at all bothered by a thirty foot long metal snake. The Ducklett then motioned for James to Follow him. James and Gold were curious, and naturally followed, leading to a Ducklett farm. The family who owned the farm and the Duckletts all were worried. They explained something was in the water and was eating their Duckletts.

James and Gold waited for the creature to surface up, when it did, a Huntail popped out of the water, looking for Ducklett to eat when all it got was a bite onto a now annoyed Steelix. James had Gold use Thunder Fang on the Huntail as it tried to go back in the water, shocking anything that was in the lake, which revealed six more Huntails. James then threw a few Pokéballs to catch the Huntail, and let the family know that their pond had a Huntail Infestation, and he found seven Huntail. The family gave him a decent sum of money, a TR for Breaking Swipe, and the Ducklett that grabbed his attention. Ducklett waved his wing at the family as he joined James and Gold. James then Nicknamed the Ducklett Quackers. Gold and James went on towards Nimbasa City, with a new Teammate on hand. When he arrived, he was immediately met by a man with black and white hair. The man immediately recognized James, to James's surprise. James looked up to realize that Retired Elite Four Member Grimsley was in front of him. Grimsley looked at Gold, and then at James, then back at Gold, then back at James. James asked if he knew of any ideas about helping Gold with learning new Moves. Grimsley then suggested that he eventually visit Wikstrom at the Castle of Chivalry in Kalos. Grimsley then gave James an Egg, noting that he has Eggs for each of the Argentston kids for their fifteenth Birthday as a promise made at his father's Wedding. James then Called Jason and Lana about the eggs and let them know to go to Unova and ask for Grimsley. Grimsley headed off in his usual manner as James explored more of the city, especially being his mother's hometown. He and Gold went around the City, seeing the sights. Gold took in what was around him, especially with people looking at him and Gold. James rested in town, visiting his Aunt and his cousin Regulus. He got on his Steelix and headed off to Kalos to talk to Wikstrom.

When James went to Kalos, he went to See Wikstrom, on Route 10, his egg hatched into an Impidimp. James figured the dark type, the person who gave the egg was Grimsley after all, but the young Dark and Fairy type started causing problems, which prompted James to Nickname him Hazard. When James arrived at the Castle of Chivalry, Wikstrom was standing there. James explained that Grimsley sent him and was trying to get ideas for Gold. Wikstrom was a bit confused, then he saw Gold and Hazard, realizing this was a Child of a man whose wedding he attended about 18 years earlier. They then started training. To help James think like Gold, Wikstrom put James in a Suit of armor, and gave him these Challenges. Run ten Laps around the Castle, make it through the Labyrinth of Doubt, and fight him and Aegislash while looking for a key on his Klefki.

James steeled himself for the challenges to come. He got on the armor and he and Gold ran around the castle, which was very exhausting, due to the armor, but James persevered, making it through. The Labyrinth was next. James and Gold navigated the Labyrinth, not easily at first, but eventually figuring out that they needed to work together. As the two traversed the Labyrinth, challenges in the form of worry and doubt came in, but James and Gold Persevered. Eventually, after the Labyrinth, Wikstrom had his Aegislash fight Gold while James went to get a key off of Klefki. It was a long fight, but eventually, James and Gold got the Key. James was awarded a Knight Medal for his efforts. He then went home to put the ideas to some sort of workable Appeals, putting thoughts to paper, and paper to practice.

Steelixite: The Lunchtime Rumors

It was on a trip to Kalos to get some medicine after his seventeenth birthday for another Pokémon that he heard of Mega Evolution, and wasn't sure if any of his Pokémon could Mega Evolve. As he went through Kalos, finding the items he needed for his ill Pokémon, he was contacted by Professor Sycamore that he should come by the lab in Lumiose City. He made headlines when he landed top four in The Hoenn Grand Festival, especially with his family, and his father's rank in the WCS. While he was eating lunch, he heard of Rumors of a Strange Stone in the Mines of Iron Island in Sinnoh. When he went to see Professor Sycamore, he brought up the rumors of The Strange Stone in Iron Island. Professor Sycamore suspected either Steelixite or Metagrossite being that Strange Stone. He told James it would be a good idea to get on this Expedition team. As he left, He had Gold pop out when he left town, as people don't want to get spooked by a guy with a thirty odd foot Shiny Pokémon. He then found the expedition team, with a message from Professor Sycamore.

"So Professor Sycamore sent a teenager to help with the Expedition to Iron Island, I need you to prove you and your Pokémon are worthy."

"Understood, Gold, be ready."

"Tyranitar, Take them on!"

The Steel and Ground Type prepared for combat with this Tyranitar.

"Too Easy, Fire Blast!"

"Gold, Aqua Tail on the Fire Blast!"

When the five pointed fire star came towards Gold, he sent it right back with Aqua Tail. The Expedition head was Flabbergasted that his Tyranitar's move was blocked like that. The Young Coordinator prepared for what the next move was.

"Dragon Dance!"

James was surprised, not expecting that move on the Tyranitar.

"We need to stop that, Earthquake!" James responded.


The Tyranitar had to fight the event that was losing his balance from the incoming Earthquake. The Rock and Dark Type glared at the Iron Snake Pokémon. Gold was unamused at the Tyranitar and looked to James.

"Smack Down, don't let it move!"

"Iron Tail, split the attack in half!" James responded to the incoming.


Tyranitar prepared a large rock to whack on the Ground and Steel Type's head, only for Gold to turn to his tail and with a glowing sheen, split the rock right down the Middle.


James and Gold couldn't react as Tyranitar was pretty much on top of Gold. Gold felt the attack, but still had his unamused face on.

"Gold? Are you good?"

The Shiny Steelix looked back to James, and gave a nod. The Expedition head looked back at James and his Steelix.

"Ha, I'm not sure you're worthy of this Expedition Team."

"That was the only hit you've landed, I've managed to stop or block every other move." James responded.

"That Aqua Tail, how did you get that idea?"

"As a Coordinator, I've had to come up with ways to use my Pokémon's Moves skillfully and creatively, along with finding ways to use my opponent's Moves against them." James explained to the Expedition, "I've used Earthquake to disperse the idea of someone's Machop of running up stones created by a Stone Edge attack in the Round of 32 in the Hoenn Grand Festival."

"Sir, it's that kid who made it to the Top four of the Hoenn Grand Festival a couple of years ago. His dad is Rank 38 in the WCS." One of the expedition team responded to the head.

"I'm impressed with this kid, and Professor Sycamore gave him a Recommendation." The head responded, "If the strange stone is Truly Steelixite, you get to keep it, if Metagrossite, what is supposed to happen to it."

"Professor Sycamore will take it." James responded, "I go on with my daily life. It's a good thing I had a Pelipper with a Package tied to it sent off to Hoenn, I was here getting medicines for another Pokémon, who has an illness."

The expedition team all looked at James with surprised faces.

"Sir, I've looked up his profile, there's a Scizor listed on his Pokémon, but it says retired on the Pokémon's Profile."

"That's the exact Pokémon the medicine is for."

The Expedition head nodded as he let James board the ship that they were taking. There were a bunch of people preparing the ship for Sinnoh. However, there was a girl, no older than him, sitting with Larvitar.

"James, you will be tasked with keeping my daughter entertained during the boat ride. And, no, Gold is not to be on the ship."

"I figured that." James responded to the head.

James then turned to the girl, she was a bit nervous. James had been starting to get nervous when a Pokéball opened up, revealing a Sceptile. Larvitar looked at the Sceptile.

"Hussar?" James asked the Sceptile.

The girl spoke up for The first time since James's Sceptile appeared. She looked confused, unlike Larvitar, who was surprised.

"W-where a-are y-you f-from?"

"H-hoenn," James responded.

"M-my n-name i-is Arabella, m-my father is i-in c-charge o-of this e-expedition t-team."

"I-I'm J-james Argentston, my d-dad d-doesn't g-get m-many c-challengers, h-he's a F-frontier B-brain."

Arabella looked at him Incredulously, a Frontier Brain's kid on an expedition like this. What life did this cute boy no older than her lead?

While they were on the ship, the ship stopped in several places, Including Battle Maze Island, Hoenn, which allowed Gold to get out of his Pokéball. James and Arabella had bonded a bit over their lives, with both having seen different places, and some places that both have seen. When the ship docked to Iron Island, he and Arabella, alongside the Expedition team all prepared to enter the Abandoned Mine.

Steelixite: The Abandoned Mine

James and the Expedition team entered the mine, but as James and Gold got in a bit further, a section of the Mine Collapsed right on top of where James was. When James came to, all he saw was Yellow, the glint of a Shiny Steelix could be seen in James's view.


The Steelix gave a determined Roar as he shuffled out of the rocks, keeping James close to him as they entered an non collapsed section of the Mine. As James Navigated in the Dark, Gold kept close to James, helping him get around the Mine. Eventually as they navigated, Gold spotted something. James also saw what Gold was going on about, but something else was also after it. Another Steelix popped out of the ground, preparing to fight James. Gold prepared for Combat as well as James. The two Steelixes, with Gold under the Instruction of James, went blow for blow until the one that attacked James and Gold, sent a Rock Slide for James. Gold put his tail in front of the Incoming attack, roaring worriedly for his trainer. The Wild Steelix did not falter when the Roar was heard, however, the wild Steelix tried to attack James again. That was when something happened, something that James had been trying to teach Gold for a while. Gold's Tail started swinging wildly, smacking the wild Pokémon multiple times, then blue sparkles on the opposing Steelix.

"Breaking Swipe." James responded.

The Wild Steelix attacked again, but James and Gold had enough.

"Aqua Tail!"

The Wild Pokémon came down with a Heavy Slam, but James, using his Coordinator skills, he would have Gold go around The Opposing Steelix, and spin his tail from behind to surprise the wild Pokémon. The opponent backed off as James Picked up the Stone, as he held it up, Gold reacted by poking it with his tail.

"Find us a way out, Gold."

As Gold felt around the walls for a spot, he suddenly started digging, motioning for James to Follow. When they got out. He was met with the surprised faces of the expedition team.

"We're heading back to Kalos." James told the crew, "Professor Sycamore should be able to test this with a Machine he has back at his Lab."

When he went back to Kalos, he and the Expedition team went to see Professor Sycamore.

"Here's the strange stone that I unearthed from Iron Island."

James handed over the stone to be tested, during Testing, Gold poked the machine with his tail, careful not to tip over the machine.

"Well, good news, it's Steelixite."

James got the stone back and thanked the Professor, at that time, he got a text that the Pelipper arrived with the medicine.

Keystone: Route 111

Six Months after his Expedition to Iron Island, James had been thinking, getting no ideas on where to look when his notes started pointing towards Route 111, particularly on the Top of a mountain in the Desert area. When he realized it, he made a Phone call, to Arabella, about possibly going to Route 111. Arabella had sent that to her father, and they would provide a base at the foot of the mountain that the Keystone would provide. Half the expedition team arrived when James was at the base of the Mountain.

"We're here to provide a shelter for post expedition, and also, beware of the Sandstorm on this part of Route 111." Arabella looked at James before doing one thing.

Arabella kissed James on the cheek, making James blush immensely. The Expedition team looked at them funny. James then, headed off with Gold, leaving The rest of the Team behind with Arabella, knowing he and Gold have to do this Alone. James boarded Gold and went off into the desert.

The Sandstorm was Intense, for James that was, as Gold really didn't mind it at all due to being a Steel and Ground Type. James and Gold were trying to find the right pace to go through this Sandstorm that James and his goggles can see through. As they came to an agreement, a herd of Camerupt came through. James told Gold to hold up as the Camerupt came through with their Numel children as well. Gold was ready to Earthquake them, but James told his Steelix to calm down, and be patient, and wait. Gold was watching the herd pass as James watched Gold to make sure he didn't attack the herd.

When the herd Passed, they went on their way, at the pace that they agreed upon. The Sandstorm got worse, as Gold slowed down to account for James's apparent blindness in the storm. When they reached the mountain. James started thinking about a Game plan. He whispered it to Gold, who then went off, slowly. When they got about Halfway up, a land slide occurred and James Fell off of Gold, only for Gold to catch James before he could fall into the land slide, by his tail. James trusted Gold enough for him to fling James back on his head.

As James Landed, he held on, preparing for Gold to do some heavy and sudden movements. However, that did not come as Gold got his Tail stuck in a Pile of rocks. James climbed back down and started undoing some of the rocks so that Gold could get moving again. Gold looked back to James as he started Removing the rocks, making sure James doesn't fall off again, and let him know when to stop removing rocks. After about half of them were removed, Gold bent down to let James onto his head. James climbed on as Gold lifted his tail to remove the remaining rocks. The two then worked their way further up the mountainside. When they got to the top, there was a Stone buried in the rubble of the landslide. James and Gold started clearing out rubble, with James and Gold working together to move some of the smaller rocks and Gold using Iron Tail to split bigger rocks until they unearth a Keystone.

They then went back down the mountain, meeting with the Expedition team at the camp after a very long trip back. When James got off of Gold, the Expedition team checked him out to make sure there were no injuries.

The next Day, James got a call from his mother, stating a Contest circuit was starting in Alola. James decided to get his stuff packed and head off to Alola. He then put the Keystone on his right Glove for his main contest clothing, and the Steelixite on a Handkerchief big enough to tie around a Steelix's neck. He then prepared for his flight.

After the events of Kalos, he got wind of a Contest circuit in Alola after treating his Scizor, who does not like needles, he then took his flight, having arrived about two weeks before it started, and would catch a Rowlet during the preparations for the first contest. Rowlet's nickname is Robin Hood.

Starter: Treecko (Now Sceptile)

Species: Sceptile

Nickname: Hussar (Polish Cavalry Unit)

Ability: Overgrow

Nature: Careful


Dual Chop

Leaf Blade

Swords Dance


Scale Shot

Cross Poison


Dragon Dance

Species: Steelix

Ability: Rock Head/Sand Force (If Mega)

Nickname: Gold

Notes: Shiny

Nature: Adamant


Thunder Fang

Ice Fang

Rock Slide

Stealth Rock

Iron Tail

Aqua Tail

Breaking Swipe


Non BR:


Species: Turtonator

Nickname: Gator

Ability: Shell Armor

Nature: Brave


Shell Trap

Brutal Swing

Fire Spin



Wide Guard (Avalugg Father)

Scale Shot

Dragon Pulse

Species: Eelektross

Nickname: Spark

Ability: Levitate

Nature: Adamant


Wild Charge

Acid Spray

Flash Cannon

Volt Switch

Eerie Impulse

Dragon Pulse



Species: Rowlet

Nickname: Robin Hood

Ability: Long Reach

Nature: Hasty


Roost (Oricorio Father)






Shadow Sneak

Species: Pichu

Ability: Lightning Rod

Nature: Impish


Nasty Plot


Play Rough

Electric Terrain

Volt Switch

Electro Ball


Sweet Kiss

Species: Pancham

Nickname: Boxer

Ability: Iron Fist

Notes: Close to Evolving

Nature: Naughty



Circle Throw

Low Sweep

Ice Punch

Thunder Punch

Storm Throw (Pinsir Father)

Work Up

Vital Throw

Species: Morgrem

Nickname: Hazard

Ability: Prankster

Nature: Impish


Nasty Plot (Taught by Pichu)

False Surrender


Light Screen


Dazzling Gleam


Leech Life

Species: Ducklett

Nickname: Quackers

Ability: Keen Eye

Nature: Careful



Wing attack

Feather Dance

Aqua Ring

Steel Wing


Bubble Beam


On Firey's Preserve (His PC is linked to There)

Pyroar, Scizor (Blade).


Huntail (7)

Turned in to the Rangers

Sneasel (2)

RP link: https://forums.pokecharms.com/threads/pokemon-discussion-thread.28773/ (Ask to Join - Pokémon Discussion Thread)

View attachment 947471
He was in Galar. My idea was that at around 7:30am, you hear Pokemon fighting. You may rush out to see Felix in a WCS battle, and that's how they meet. I haven't a clue if that works tho... all of Felix's posts are in the past, before July, about late June-early July time. He hadn't gone into a WCS battle during that period... no one took interest
In late June to July, she's in Sinnoh and Johto. I can't make that fit. It'll have to be even sooner, like before June. Naka has the busiest schedule as she is constantly bouncing between Johto for events and Sinnoh for a journey with 2 peeps. You'll have to catch her in one of the events she'll be in because there is no way to safely move her to Galar without fucking over my timeline.

The earliest I have had her in Galar was in June 6th, right before a Masters 8 tournament that had Hunter J and the Mirage dude from that one special episode appear on June 9th. On the 10th though, she flew back to Sinnoh.

On June 6th, she'll be ready doing a survey of the local Wild Area and the routes near Motostoke so she can make a list of potential wild Pokemon for trainers to be careful of, since they be even more aggressive with an influx of trainers going to these routes to catch and battle wild Pokemon.

I can make her arrive earlier, like June 4 so she may prepare for her job, but that's all I got. If these don't work, then you'll just have to catch her during an event in Johto or wait until her schedule isn't so jam packed. She will also be gone in Hoenn as she hunts for her mega stone and key stone and train with Battle Maven Spenser, so mid Oct to mid Nov won't work either.
Small correction, the Yanma at the farm are already unconscious so you're attacking KO'd Pokemon. There are some other pokemon around if you check Koop's latest post.
@GLITCHSKULL I would also like to bring your attention to this. Currently, your character is attacking downed Yanma and possibly killing them. I doubt your character would do this, but if it's not changed, it might as well be canon and we would have to roll with it.
@GLITCHSKULL Just to reiterate what’s already been said but the Yanma that Cayde’s mon attacked is already fainted. Given the more mature nature of the story we’re running in Kalos specifically this would likely result in the Yanma’s death.

We’ve already touched on the topic in RP and most characters really despise the idea of killing a Pokémon. With Cayde only having briefly met Azumi and Monty and not having met the other three yet, it’s likely that killing the Yanma would alienate him from the rest of the Kalos group.

If it’s in-character for Cayde to be fine with killing the Yanma then it’s fine by me, but the other OCs will also remain in-character when reacting to it.

Not trying to harp on you or anything, but the Kalos post flow is starting up again and a few of the Kalos OCs will have a lot of strong opinions about it soon.
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