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Search results

  1. Toru

    The Out of Context Thread!

    Elise Prentice says ı grow body hair ɑt whatever pace ı wɑnt, whenever ɑnd wherever ı wɑnt! She's back folks.
  2. Toru

    'Charms Troping

    ConfusionFu This is mostly because, as Tan said, in most of the RPs I've seen you in, I never know what to really expect from you or your characters combat wise - I don't actually know what to expect of them in general(but that's a good thing :D)!
  3. Toru

    Strawberry Sprites

    "Sorry to pop in unannounced." Ohey, someone who is into TF2 quite a fair bit too :'D Alright, that's enough of that and more of the sprites xD I really like the some of the stuff you've done - I especially like your recolours - there is a lot more detail in them than the usual, like the...
  4. Toru

    Cactus Jack - An FFVIII RP

    (OOC: Chadwyk: This is my first time doing a really cold - hearted character, so keep in mind the talk the characters have isn't my judgement of your character, but Charles' - I just wanted to show an initial gauge of Charles' personality at the start of the RP ^^'') A 'cursed' test... what are...
  5. Toru

    Hurt and Heal: Legendary Pokémon

    [1/5] Mewtwo: 15HP Mew: 18HP Lugia: 19HP Ho-oh: 15HP Kyogre: 22HP Groudon: 18HP HEAL Rayquaza: 16HP Deoxys: 16HP Dialga: 15HP Palkia: 2HP HURT Giratina: 17HP Darkrai: 13HP Arceus: 13HP Reshiram: 13HP Zekrom: 15HP Kyurem: 13HP
  6. Toru

    Hurt and Heal: Legendary Pokémon

    1/5 Mewtwo: 15HP Mew: 17HP Lugia: 16HP Ho-oh: 15HP Kyogre: 16HP Groudon: 16HP HEAL Rayquaza: 15HP Deoxys: 15HP Dialga: 15HP Palkia: 14HP Giratina: 14HP Darkrai: 14HP HURT Arceus: 15HP Reshiram: 14HP Zekrom: 15HP Kyurem: 14HP
  7. Toru

    Charming Fantasy Tactics - Blue Grimoire of the Rift

    Aw yeah, everyone (especially me, I'm such an egotistical bastard)is portrayed so well in this fiction! The concept is really great, and I love your style of writing, it's really nice to read. The thing I love the most is all of the little moments individual characters are having. GIVE US...
  8. Toru

    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    Seconded. I feel like punching something down. I am not feeling myself at all.
  9. Toru

    The Chatlog Topic!

    BEWARE. THE FINAL PUN OFF BEGINS /HERE/. DysTuvai KoL: Not that it disrupts our dairy routine... DysTuvai for Pundora's Box has been unearthed and lo, it led to a crisis of ga-Lactic proportions. DysTuvai (it was just that cheesy) DysTuvai (Cream of the damn crop) KoL This is udderly...
  10. Toru

    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    My aching head, urgh Dx I have a terrible headache, and it won't go away :X
  11. Toru

    XBL Gamertags

    Tobias Aurelio -Halo 3 -Halo Reach -Assassin's Creed Brotherhood -Blazblue Calamity Trigger -Tenchu Z -Gears of War 1 (Like anyone plays it anymore) -Lost Planet 1 -Lost Planet 2 -Red Dead Redemption Let's roll, bitches.
  12. Toru

    Happy New Year!

    A very good job on the banner Datarface :> Here's to another good year, Pokecharms! Also, me and Karu made a little New Years gift for you all: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KWK4exB ... tube_gdata
  13. Toru

    The Vending Machine Game!

    I get FAAAAAABULOUS RAINBOWS. TWO FAAAAAAAABULOUS RAINBOWS. *Shoves Yosemitebear into the vending machine*
  14. Toru

    A Message of Merry Christmas from Me to Everyone

    D'awwwww, Tan you're such a nice guy. A thank you to you for having fun conversations with me and helping me with Touhou and other things :> A late Merry Christmas to you all!
  15. Toru

    PokeCharms Winter League 2011 Matches/Results Topic

    LoN vs Toru: I lose.
  16. Toru

    Refining Rune: Regirock Lead

    Hello, hello~ So yeah, I've started to get the hang of things CB wise now I've been taking part in a lot of PO battles, and I've been pondering a decent lead; so far, Regirock has done quite a bit of justice for me as a lead. I've had a little mess around with EV spreads, but I still think its...
  17. Toru

    PokeCharms Winter League 2011 Matches/Results Topic

    Toru vs trainertorterra: I won, really good battle :D Linkachu vs Toru: Loss
  18. Toru

    PokeCharms Winter League 2011 Matches/Results Topic

    Time for the other two: Bal vs Toru: Toru loses Carmen (Akira) vs Toru: Toru loses
  19. Toru

    The Chatlog Topic!

    So, me and Red were just having a battle on PO - and then we ended up having a stall off with his Sigilyph and my Umbreon which lasted 30 TURNS O_O - hilarity ensues, as per usual. Start of turn 66 The foe's Sigilyph used Stored Power! It's super effective! Vault lost 414 HP! (100% of its...
  20. Toru

    The Chatlog Topic!

    So, me and Red were just having a battle on PO - and then we ended up having a stall off with his Sigilyph and my Umbreon which lasted 30 TURNS O_O - hilarity ensues, as per usual. Start of turn 66 The foe's Sigilyph used Stored Power! It's super effective! Vault lost 414 HP! (100% of its...