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  1. pfreaking unbelievable

    Crush a wish!

    Granted, but now they're all smothered
  2. pfreaking unbelievable

    The Pokemon Nickname Game 2

    Birdy! Caught a Leafeon
  3. pfreaking unbelievable

    Amethyst's Pokemon Sprite Contest!

    Here's something I made Name: Mewbaby Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Type: Psychic Entry: It is rare, but if a Togepi egg hatches, it may turn pink and out comes Mewbaby. I used Togepi for Base, hands, and feet. I used Mew for head and Tail.
  4. pfreaking unbelievable

    Roll The Dice!

    Get's 1, 2, 3,... I stoped counting after twenty. Gets millions of fingers. Roll, got snake eyes 2
  5. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Jirachi @Hibiki: Yes Porygon. Me and my fire counterpart are seen in platinum when you battle Volkner and that fire E4 at the frontier. We are not dog like. Who are we?
  6. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    @Hibiki: IDK ??? @vulpix: No, Arceus. Also, Vulpix, Ninetails, and Flareon (Hence eevee can learn shadow ball) The only way to evolve me is trading while holding something twice.
  7. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Graveler. You can find me in more than 3 different forms. Who am I?
  8. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon ABCs Game

  9. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Chatot? My evolution line learns a move that includes the light ball. Who are WE?
  10. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    IDK. And I thought this was about pkmn not pkmn cities. The correct answer was Piplup. Pikachu didn't want to evolve in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh and not just sinnoh. I am small but I have a big appetite. Who am I?
  11. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Graveler. And no, I should've said english! >.< The answer was Monfreno-Infernape. In the sinnoh anime, I didn't want to evolve. All three of my evolutions appeared with different trainers.
  12. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pictures, please ~

    Here's a picture I just Took! Came out better then I thought. Me And Twiggy
  13. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Jigglypuff. Check this song I am a most recent evolving pokemon in the anime. Who am I?
  14. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon TCG Discussion

    My deck is 22.0 CM = 3.5 In. = 266 cards. O_O. I have a lot of cards don't I. Pretty big. Keep the cards mostly in 60 decks. Whoa. Here are some of my card designs I like: Turtwig, my favorite of all pokemon. I started collecting when sinnoh was out. Shaymin looks cute!
  15. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Tentacruel I was created by a pokemon's DNA.
  16. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon ABCs Game

    Restart Ampharos.
  17. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon ABCs Game

  18. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Seaking? Sloking? IDK. And I AM ADDICTED TO TURTWIG! I should've said, "This poster is addicted to me. My bad. Anyway, I planned to be a starter but it was dropped. The only way to get me is via egg.
  19. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Again, no question. >____> Oh well. Sorry for the confusion. Yes, Pre evolution. Raichu defeated Pikachu in that one episode that guy wanted a Pikachu to complete his Pichu Evolution family. This is easy. My trainer is addicted to me.
  20. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    IDK, that new black goth pokemon? And my answer was Dusknoir. Everyone thought Grovyle was BAD! And Drowzee was only seen at one point. I once defeated my prevo in sinnoh in the anime. Whoa am I?