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  1. pfreaking unbelievable

    Crush a wish!

    Granted, But Sam Puckett comes and steals it (I love iCarly) I wish for TF2
  2. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    @Doubled: Jigglypuff? @Prof. Pokabu? @Prof. and Kerauno: Yes, Mr. Mime. @Doubled: No Mr. Mime I have no name but the others do, who am I?
  3. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Grimer or Muk And what about my riddle. Yes it's a riddle. What pokemon acts like that or is close to acting like that?
  4. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Remoraid - Octilery ............(Acts like is in a box getting smaller).................
  5. pfreaking unbelievable

    too obsessed with pokemon!?

    OK I ADMIT IT! I tried but failed, I am addicted to pokemon. I can't stop thinking about it that I fuse pokemon games with other games like L4D, TF2, SSB, etc. I'm mostly addicted to Turtwig, the cute, 100% capture, tiny turtle, pokemon. I AM ADDICTED!
  6. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Beldum? I am the only starter with a secondary type. Who am I?
  7. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Again no question? Eh, oh well. Yeah chansey. WAIT! You asked two riddles? I was thinking about eevee. Anyway. I evolve from a nearly useless pokemon. You can always have a chance to find me in HG/SS. Who am I?
  8. pfreaking unbelievable

    What Type Are You?

    I'm more like a psychic. I have a smart mind for I have gotten pretty good grades at school, and I guess I'm pretty good at designs. I like drawing.
  9. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Nidoran o->, Nidoran o+, Nidorino, Nidorina, Nidoking, or Nidoqueen? I don't know. I will take care of other pokemon. Which pokemon am I? @Zoroark: No. The answer is Zoroark, the ILLUSION pokemon, but good try.
  10. pfreaking unbelievable

    Crush a wish!

    Granted, but it gets boring and you don't know when that fire is gonna get you. I wish for a spy
  11. pfreaking unbelievable

    The Suicide Game!

    Dies of food poisoning Drops dead kenny (you Ba**a*d
  12. pfreaking unbelievable

    Roll The Dice!

    You earn a Seviper (you may wanna keep it away from Lord Zortn) Rolls...Spider snake eyes, 10 (ATLA reference)
  13. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon ABCs Game

  14. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    So no question? Oh well. I may be this, I may be that, but still, I'm not really it. I am not ditto. What pokemon am I?
  15. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon ABCs Game

  16. pfreaking unbelievable

    What would you do for a...

    Oh sorry, don't know roadrunner that well. Make an anvil drop out of nowhere. What would you do to skip homework?
  17. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon ABCs Game

  18. pfreaking unbelievable

    What would you do for a...

    Who? IDK howl? What would you do to tell me who Wile E. Coyote is?
  19. pfreaking unbelievable

    The Suicide Game!

    Dies of penny drop. (Yes it's possible) Drops $1,000 in cash
  20. pfreaking unbelievable

    Crush a wish!

    Granted, but they keepthrowing mudat you. I wish for no more surprises.