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  1. pfreaking unbelievable

    Tun's Sprite Stuff! REQUESTS OPEN

    Re: Teh Shiny Sprites of Tun .:The Home of PokePlush™:. thanks, looks great, thought you would never make it, thank you. :) Stars: *****
  2. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Munchlax And no, it was Carnivine. It's ability is levitate and it's a grass type. I should've said I'm not a Dragon. I am the enemy in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Time, Darkness, and Sky, but everyone thinks I'm good. Who am I?
  3. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Ranculus And no, it was magikarp. And you changed your name again didn't you Amethyst/Zoroark? Oh well, nice name anyway. Even though I'm not a Ghost, Psychic, Steel, or electric, I still levitate. What pokemon am I?
  4. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    IDK. A legendary or something? And it was Mushama, Munna's evolution. See here I am useless until I evolve. What am I?
  5. pfreaking unbelievable

    The Pokemon Nickname Game 2

    Named it Starling. You just caught a Dialga
  6. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Ampharos? Also: The answer was Shedinja, splits from ninjask when it evolves. I have sleeping gas, and I'm an evolution. Who am I?
  7. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon ABCs Game

  8. pfreaking unbelievable

    The Pokemon Nickname Game 2

    Revival, yet again. The rules are simple: 1.) I as the first poster shall identify a species of Pokemon 2.) The next poster is going to give that Pokemon a Nickname. 3.) After naming the Pokemon, he/she must identify another species of Pokemon. 4.) Next poster after that shall repeat step 2. Ex...
  9. pfreaking unbelievable

    Roll The Dice!

    Good I'm hungry. Shaymin gets a wolf spider. Rolls 12
  10. pfreaking unbelievable

    New Pokeballs

    Worth a shot: Shine Ball: has 100% capture of catching shiny pokemon. Single Ball: X5 chance of catching pokemon with no evolution. False ball: X40 chance of catching Ditto or Zoroark. Pac-ball: Adds X1 to the chance of capturing a pokemon every time it uses a drain move.
  11. pfreaking unbelievable

    Cody's Photography

    Those look very beautiful. To me, that water actually looks like hair. LOL. All of them look great. High quality, clear picture, etc.
  12. pfreaking unbelievable

    Crush a wish!

    Granted, but I slap you with it and it's radioactive (By the way, Hacks are cheats) I wish for Cheats.
  13. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon ABCs Game

  14. pfreaking unbelievable

    Crush a wish!

    Granted, but you battle a tough gym leader and you have a bad move set from leveling up. I wish for Hacks.
  15. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    I always post after no question. This pokemon parts from another pokemon.
  16. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Cresselia. I am grateful. Who am I
  17. pfreaking unbelievable

    Crush a wish!

  18. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    @Doubled: Abra! @Prof: Ho-oh? @Doubled: No Tsutarja. I am the heaviest pokemon.
  19. pfreaking unbelievable

    Crush a wish!

    I wish Zoroark made a wish
  20. pfreaking unbelievable

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    IDK @Everyone: No, that pokemon from the unknown trio. I have yet to figure out my evolution. Who am I?