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Search results

  1. Nachoman

    Myouki's pwnzor sprites (taking sprite/cosplay requests ^^)

    This topic explains it all. Topic
  2. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    Relax.It was a fake taco belldumbass...Besides,they ran out of meat.The real taco bell was next door XD.*bricks artiste*
  3. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    *stops at taco bell*Hi can i get a t8 with a dr pepper....WTF DO YOU MEAN YOUR OUT OF MEAT??*blows up Taco bell*TO PIZZA HUT! *gets pizza*Dude,relax.Wanna slice of pizza?
  4. Nachoman

    ParamoreRiot!'s Fantabulous Sprites Of Warped Chaos*Now Making Chaos!*

    *puts head back*dont do it again.or you wont be thinking for a while. >:)
  5. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    k,ill get to it later.i have to clear my name from the FBI taco bell.and i gotta see why the hell apathetic giraffe took my sprite thread name.
  6. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    Except for the last list. Please read next time.
  7. Nachoman

    ParamoreRiot!'s Fantabulous Sprites Of Warped Chaos*Now Making Chaos!*

    Your evil.Spriteapalooza was MY sprite topic title.*chops apathetics head off*
  8. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    Any time.Any time.Your welcome.
  9. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    Your Prize: Congratulations.
  10. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    64x64 each.Besides,i gotta fit your name :P
  11. Nachoman

    Teh Drawings of Firefox

    Fire fox,you rock at drawing.
  12. Nachoman

    Artiste's Works of art.

    O_O You,artiste,rock at drawing point blank.
  13. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS Perish song vs Spite

    True,if you wanna search in the fricking underground for a few hours for a damn heart scale :P
  14. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    Sorry to burst you buble artiste,But only three sprites will fit. :P
  15. Nachoman

    Shiny_Eevee's Spriting Office (can't think of a good name...)

    I changed the title because your sprites rule S_E!And,can i request a shiny espeon cosplayer(male) please?
  16. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    How about Matt Palmer?That could work.Plus Dracosteel,that would look sweet.
  17. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    Uhhhh,you can use it whenever you want.
  18. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    It means you can request whatever you want.One time use though. EDIT:Tori,now you have a free request.
  19. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    All i did was use the colors from the trophy :P YAY!!im a master.I have presents for the dedicated people who have posted here more than once. Artiste:Banner/Free Request(NO RESTRICTIONS) Juan:Free Request(NO RESTRICTIONS) Stevie:Free Request(NO RESTRICTIONS)(BTW,for putting the trophy i made...
  20. Nachoman

    Stevie Steel's Hall of Sprites

    Any time Stevie.Requests are always taken. Sweet im a master now.