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Search results

  1. Nachoman

    Myouki's pwnzor sprites (taking sprite/cosplay requests ^^)

    Hell.Fricking.No.Ive heard random crap now and then,my little sisters room is next to mine.
  2. Nachoman

    Myouki's pwnzor sprites (taking sprite/cosplay requests ^^)

    Your welcome.Rico says hi.
  3. Nachoman

    Myouki's pwnzor sprites (taking sprite/cosplay requests ^^)

    *takes out shotgun*No more thwacking!Or i will introduce you to mah little friend here*points to kid standing next to him*This is Rico.
  4. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    Wrong.Try again :D
  5. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    CONTEST TIME! Guess the bases of Barelking here.There are seven.(note:There are TWO parts for the tail) Ill give two giveaways. 1.Shiny Genger(shading) 2.Bibarel(head,duh :P) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (ps,tail is nearly impossible to figure out,if you can,i will give you a SCRATCHED pokemon/trainer of...
  6. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    AHEM. New Sig(made by me)(fusion made by Juan)
  7. Nachoman

    Your Favorite Game/Region!

    Kanto for sure.Yeah,im an old school pokemoner.(if leaf green counts any way XD)
  8. Nachoman

    Solaceon Ruins

    Thats not all.The catch rate of Geodude/Hippopotas goes from(respectivley)95/5 to 90/10.
  9. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    Agreed.Why Nintendo?Why did you have to make the mugshots suck?WHY?!?!
  10. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    Thank you.I will now do FE mugshots.
  11. Nachoman

    Artiste's Sprites~

    The scratch is good Artiste.You should submit it to the tc maker.
  12. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    idve said something else,but i dont feel like getting a warning.
  13. Nachoman

    Most used Poketch App?

    I use the digital clock the most.
  14. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    Always sucks to have showboaters on your team,doesnt it? Sprite: Hey.Simple Recolor/head splice,made to look like myself.I can sprite:Just dont expect the best right now. *cough*hisnamewasraymondandhesanoob*cough*
  15. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    Basketball.Some showboating dumbass (note:he was twice my size) jumped for a rebound headed straight for me and ran me over(kinda)
  16. Nachoman

    Nachomans funtime spriteapalooza

    ATTENTION! i ripped a couple tendons in my arm and probably wont be spriting for a bit. SHWACKA!
  17. Nachoman

    Why do you visit Pokecharms?

    i came here because of the TCs,i made 20 of them,and i signed up for the forums.Also,i used to never know how to sprite...then i found the topic with the link to freewebs' section on how to sprite,and i thought that this could be a good forum(espesially with the admins(and sem)on n00b patrol ;D)
  18. Nachoman

    Myouki's pwnzor sprites (taking sprite/cosplay requests ^^)

    Yeah.Can i request a Blissey Cosplayer?