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Search results

  1. Pandora Hearts

    Fond Memories of your first Pokemon games~

    My first game was Pokemon Gold i remember receiving it christmas morning, i was aware of the show pokemon (Still in kanto) but it confused me greatly when i realized there was No bulbasaur charmander squirtle or pikachu. All i saw was three names i couldnt pronounce heheh... So randomly choosing...
  2. Pandora Hearts

    EpicFlare's Sprites(Taking trainer sprite and trainer card requests only!)

    Been a few days since i requested from here : D well im back with a request if you would please do so it might be abit challenging. Trainer Name: Torii Gender: Male Age: 16 Clothing: Special Features: *May i please request the blue to be black? *Without that symbol and fishnet shirt...
  3. Pandora Hearts

    The Crtl+V Game 2!

    To be honest i don't even remember why possibly team planning which i think that picture resides in.
  4. Pandora Hearts

    What was your biggest pokemon fail?

    I have a bundle of fails, my recent one is as followed: I restarted platinum, I chose Piplup, It became a prinlup, i caught a geodude, then parachisu followed by a bunery and gastly. Going for my second badge remembering Gardnias a grass type trainer my plan for battle success had easily...
  5. Pandora Hearts

    EpicFlare's Sprites(Taking trainer sprite and trainer card requests only!)

    Thank you it looks fantastic and i laughed seeing, I to find gamer girls attractive as well. Over a messenger discussion it turned out what i decribed had a picture made already, so bothering you again would you be able to make another with something similar to thursday? Name: Friday...
  6. Pandora Hearts

    The evil team

    Indeed to the alittle off topic. I don't really see a weather based team happening since weather changing pokemon had already made a appearance. I actually like what was said eariler, Team Solar/Luna, Day changing and Night changing pokemon haven't been done yet. However im expecting to see...
  7. Pandora Hearts

    The PokéCharms E3 Conference Party

    Thats kind of a bummer, the horror movie joyride as a motion sensed game seemed exciting, dodging a truck and so forth. Personally from experience of motion control it went from. I-toy -Playstation (Which had better success then the wii remote..) Wii -Wii Kinect- Xbox 360. Kind of showing...
  8. Pandora Hearts

    The PokéCharms E3 Conference Party

    The Horror movie joyride? interesting i'd like to test that out. I may purchase Star Wars althought im not a big fan of it, I do think another sports game is poor, since the wii did the same thing practicly, with Wii Sports. pet training just sounds like Nintendogs. Let us hope that disney game...
  9. Pandora Hearts

    What are you listening to - Right Now

    Recently its been: Hello - Evanescence Papercut - Linkin Park Place For My Head - Linkin Park The Unforgiven 2 - Metallica
  10. Pandora Hearts

    The PokéCharms E3 Conference Party

    Thats pretty bad itself, including tax it would add about another 28$ meaning its price would just be 427.99 , and i would expect the normal xbox price to either increase or decrease by a small number, around 7%.
  11. Pandora Hearts

    The PokéCharms E3 Conference Party

    A tear for microsoft making the xbox dream come true with built in wifi and 250 gbs, although its long overdo and needed. The only problem is how much is this going to cost, we don't need another 500$ Playstation price like system upon release. Then again leeks aren't always 100% correct.
  12. Pandora Hearts

    Reshiram and Zekrom

    I've personally taken a interest of Reshiram, it just looks so unique, so based off that mascot i'll probably claim Pokemon White, Zekrom doesn't really give off anything of interest to me and just looks like a dailga and palkia splice colored black. : D
  13. Pandora Hearts

    EpicFlare's Sprites(Taking trainer sprite and trainer card requests only!)

    Seeing how its open i'd like to request another, im quite fond of your skills. Name: Thursday Gender: F Age: 17 Clothing: *Short Sleeve black shirt with logo showed below, colored emerald green, along with the shirts length to be abit above belly button. *Charcol colored jeans. *Black shoes...
  14. Pandora Hearts

    EpicFlare's Sprites(Taking trainer sprite and trainer card requests only!)

    Stunning, the request are just beautifully done. Thank you for your work its much appriciated.
  15. Pandora Hearts


    Interesting, if it is based off new york that would prove to be a common choice of place however i still ponder if it well have the same feeling as it does with the other games.
  16. Pandora Hearts

    The evil team

    They made double in Johto and Kanto :P, Team Rocket seems to old, Giovanni Is probably in his 50s, late 60s at the momment, Unless silver shows up as the new Team Rocket Commander i doubt they'll make a comeback.
  17. Pandora Hearts

    What SHOULDN'T they bring back? (again)

    As most say, the Hms arent really needed and there just a waste of a attack slot, i also think they shouldnt bring back zubats,golbats that you run into constantly, along with that i think we could do without a long victory road.
  18. Pandora Hearts

    The evil team

    I'd personally enjoy seeing /a/ new team/s/ that are challenging, based off sun and moon light, ying yang, so forth. Hopefully not seeing the names of the Teams being, Team Sun and Team Moon, ugh the horror of poor names.
  19. Pandora Hearts

    Animated Sprites - Your Favourite

    Looking forward to the Scizor animation, along with the Reshiram and Zekron animation, i'd imagine a wing stretch animation along with it comming toward you, It would be unique if it would actually fly in example would be, Seeing no enemy pokemon then you see a white(Reshiram) blur flying behind...
  20. Pandora Hearts

    Upcoming Videogames

    Im excited for left 4 dead 3 and resident evil six that are suppose to come out although resident evil six may take awhile. Hopefully left for dead 3 well bring back the first survivors, Louis Bill ect. Reading game informer Resident Evil Six is said to bring back the old classic system which is...