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Search results

  1. Pandora Hearts

    Nikki's Sig and Userbar Place - Read first post

    Re: Nikki's Sig and Userbar Place (taking requests) Userbar and preferbly residing within the border in the middle.
  2. Pandora Hearts

    The Vending Machine Game!

    *Gets Magikarp* Score! : D I shall call it, Arceus. *Inserts Caterpie*
  3. Pandora Hearts

    Nikki's Sig and Userbar Place - Read first post

    Re: Nikki's Sig and Userbar Place (taking requests) Pokemon: Kirlia Theme/Preferred colors: Purple Text: Beauty Of Dancing. Anything additional I should know(optional): Black Border, D/P Kirlia on the right, Plat/hg/ss facing right placed on the left? Prefered white bold printed T with black...
  4. Pandora Hearts

    Your cell phones!

    The phone i currently have now is a Pantech Impact (Camera on the back) I find the phone easy to use, consisting the use of AIM and Windows live messenger. I don't really call people to much but then again i usually use it for alarms/messenger/texting. For my plan it actually has free...
  5. Pandora Hearts

    The Vending Machine Game!

    ^Ohnoes that can only lead to one thing. Gets Lelouch Vi Britannias Ego. Inserts Ketchup. (If its cool and deadly and makes explosions, its lelouchs ego.)
  6. Pandora Hearts

    Medium sized trainer sprite request shop!

    So cute ♥ Thank you, much appriciated. : D
  7. Pandora Hearts

    Medium sized trainer sprite request shop!

    Loving the brown haired example ♥ Would you be able to make me a medium sized trainer off of my display picture? it'd be much appriciated if you could.
  8. Pandora Hearts

    Crush a wish!

    Granted but its a home made burned chocolate chip cookie. I wish i'd get a raise.
  9. Pandora Hearts

    What would you do for a...

    Trade a Magikarp for it : D What would you do for a Caterpie?
  10. Pandora Hearts

    Top six pokemon

    Althought im not to fond on kanto pokemon, i do like a few. 6. Lapras. When i first received it i thought, "Awesome :D" its design is interesting as well. 5. Nidoqueen. Tough. Strong. Green/Blue, need i say more? 4. Arcanine. Its just so badass, when i first i saw it i instantly fell in love...
  11. Pandora Hearts

    Your favourite Pokemon

    Difficult question, i actually only liked a few pokemon back then, but over the pass 2 years i've come to like so much more making it difficult to find a favorite. If i had to choose a favorite it would be, Eevee, its designs for eeveelutions is stunning, I was amazed when i first saw it with...
  12. Pandora Hearts

    Favourite Legendary?

    I don't really like legendarys but there a few i like, but in this case as my all time favorite its Rayquaza, For myself i find it unique and it surely stands out from a crowd (it even stopped Groudon and Kyogre from fighting :P) getting to it is a real pain as well its the first high level...
  13. Pandora Hearts

    It's all in the name

    I didnt really start nicknaming anything until the hoenn series but even then i didnt nickname alot of things, the follow list are pokemon that have nicknamed overtime: Lucario - Rukario Probopass - Mario Shaymin (skyform) - Rider Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu(F) - Sparkii Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu(M) -...
  14. Pandora Hearts

    What would you do for a...

    Shout "ITS OVER 9000!" Along with breaking a chip in my hand. What would you do for a mudkip?
  15. Pandora Hearts

    What are you listening to - Right Now

    Blackbirds - Linkin Park Right Here - Staind Such amazing songs, such amazing songs.
  16. Pandora Hearts

    Easy, Medium or Hard?

    As most i usually start on medium however games are starting to introduce only medium modes with a unlockable easy mode. Adding it up i start with medium especially on horror games which would introduce me to a challenge, i rarley find myself doing easy on games and after i complete medium i'd...
  17. Pandora Hearts

    What would you do for a...

    Give 100 pennies. What would you do for a Riley?
  18. Pandora Hearts

    The Crtl+V Game 2!

    Pfft who doesnt have riley on there copy and paste? : D Actually it was a pose chosen for the request.
  19. Pandora Hearts

    Blisk's Sigs/Userbars

    Interesting work,i would to like to request something please. Userbars Subject: Lucario (Platinum/hg/ss) Heatran (D/P) Metagross (HG/SS) Empoleon (HG/SS/PLAT) Mangezone (PT/HG/SS) Scizor (HG/SS) Text: Battle Colosseum - Sync Colour scheme: Silver
  20. Pandora Hearts

    Create a frontier brain

    Location: Ore - Cypher City. Battle Facility: Battle Colosseum Trainers: 24 Then 49 (Re-entry starts off on 26 match if beaten first time) Appearance: Name: Sync Age: 17 G: Male Clothing: *White Emo Hair With black colored electric pattern on sides. * Brown Tan Colored Short distanced with long...