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I'd prefer Mario, preferbly more hero to him even though luigi doesn't get as much heroism as Mario, Despiting the fact i hate there character designs.
Re: Nikki's Art Place
Interesting, i'll be your first request and might i say, that articuno and glaceon splice is amazing~
Pokemon: Magmorter
Theme/Preferred colors: Preferbly something similar to yours with Red Yellow and Orange.
Text: Burning Passion Of My Heart.
As most this may end up being a favorited region by myself as well and most likely well be, im just hoping that the map itself is larger having more space to walk, explore with more trainers to fight however seeing images i think my hopes are correct.
Recalling, the best battle momments i've had where on platinum, The one i favor the most was the recent wireless battle i had with a friend on pearl, basically pearl versus diamond.
if i recall correctly we both had pokemon containing levels 30-35 as we agreed to have, Ignoring the unintense...
These sprites are without a doubt splendid especially the white and black heroes, very well done.
I to have a request,
Name: Kira
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Clothing: In picture.
Special Features:
May i request that short sleeve jacket to be extended to a long sleeve jacket?
along with bangs to...
I personally think the Dragon Gym Should be brought back, along with that to see a flying and grass elite four member would prove to be be a interesting change in elite four line up. Hoping for the list below to fall into play
1 - Flying
2 - Electric
3 - Rock/Ground/Steel
4 - Grass
Champ -...
Re: Your Favourite Gen V Pokemon So Far
I personally favor Tsutaja, its design is diffrent for a grass starter, even thought it looks like a cyndaquil
and treecko crossed. Im not to much for Zoroark its design looks abit poor to me, especially its shape and mouth observing the movie trailer of...
This looks interesting.
Place: Night time Park 6 pm - 2 am
What's in the gym:
You'll enter the park noticing a new path to enter, making your way through you'll discover a large field, in it you'll confront a young child with pink hair in a vast field of green surrounded with flowers. When...
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