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  1. ProfessorJeff

    Well, I'm not quite well now but I'm still going to online here but with reduced Rpying. Sorry.

    Well, I'm not quite well now but I'm still going to online here but with reduced Rpying. Sorry.
  2. ProfessorJeff

    Open Three Elements School

    Pearl saw a Dragonite entered the room but when he looks at Mr Doyle, he backed up and went to leave the room. Pearl tries to call him by waving her hands and point to the table behind her. "Here, come in," Pearl whispers to the Dragonite. She saw a Dragonite for the first time in reality and...
  3. ProfessorJeff

    Internet.... Problems always!

    Internet.... Problems always!
  4. ProfessorJeff

    Open Three Elements School

    (OOC: Sorry for late reply, Internet Issues. @Charlespark You can add Dragonite as long you have the reason to put him in the school) "Yes! Another A+! I'll keep it up, teacher!" Pearl jumped on her chair then sit back down. He saw Mr. Doyle writing down something on the board probably...
  5. ProfessorJeff

    Because it will make my day happier when I'm fighting using Vaporeon during rain.

    Because it will make my day happier when I'm fighting using Vaporeon during rain.
  6. ProfessorJeff

    Today is Raining and I would like if a Vaporeon sat next to me.

    Today is Raining and I would like if a Vaporeon sat next to me.
  7. ProfessorJeff

    Hi there! Welcome to PokeCharms! It's nice to see you! My name is ProfessorJeff and I'd love to...

    Hi there! Welcome to PokeCharms! It's nice to see you! My name is ProfessorJeff and I'd love to talk with you!
  8. ProfessorJeff

    Open Pokemon Nursery

    Starkite reached the nursery a bit late because his trainer wake up late today. "Bye Starkite, hope you'll be fine here!" Starkite waves to his trainer with his wing and proceed to his favourite sandbox. He jumps in the box and grabbed the star bucket and filled it with sands. He then started...
  9. ProfessorJeff

    Open Pokemon Nursery

    It was 7:30... probably because the Starkite's Trainer came to pick him up. Starkite immediately went to where he was sent and he saw the the guy at the counter picked him up and gave him to his trainer. "I hope you found some new friends here. Tomorrow, I'll send you here again." his trainer...
  10. ProfessorJeff

    Open Pokemon Nursery

    "Thanks, and your aura has gone! Well, I hope you don't have to be like that anymore." Starkite went near the tree where Razi told earlier. Starkite saw Clay crying behind it and he started to ask him curiously. "Clay! You're here, I took sometime finding you. What's wrong?" he asked.
  11. ProfessorJeff

    Open Pokemon Nursery

    Starkite immediately noticed that Clay has gone. He was panicked and he tried to find him. "Where? Where is Clay? I think I must be like the Detective in the TV at the morning!" Starkite tries to find Clay and leaves the Helioptile alone in the sandbox. He started to be like a detective but for...
  12. ProfessorJeff

    Open The Real World

    Seems there were no taxi passed by. Fred went back in the the building and sits near the window of the restaurant waiting a cab to pass by. He putted his suitcase below the table where he thought it was safe enough. He saw the... blind guy from the restroom recently walked slowly using the...
  13. ProfessorJeff

    Open The Real World

    Fred went out from the bathroom with his suitcase containing a MSR Sniper rifle. He sat at a table, ordering a wine from the waitress. He drinks the 'Grape 1914 Wine' as he noticed the guy that sat on the corner looked at him. He drinks the wine and paid it to the waitress. "Thanks for the...
  14. ProfessorJeff

    Open Pokemon Nursery

    Starkite saw a Helioptile was hiding infront of him and when he look at his right, he saw a nurse with a syringe. "Hey, what are you doing?" he whispers to the Helioptile.
  15. ProfessorJeff

    (12 staff is needed!)...

    (12 staff is needed!) http://eternityislandphase2.forumatic.com/index.php?sid=835260882eeb4bbd3e6b0f00f15e4475
  16. ProfessorJeff

    I've created the phase 2 of my forum which is better and more compact! It's not done yet but...

    I've created the phase 2 of my forum which is better and more compact! It's not done yet but staff is needed!
  17. ProfessorJeff

    Open Paradise Island

    She saw Logan deploying his Pokemon as she saw two Team Flare grunts running and yelling around. She got an idea. "Hey Logan, how about we make the grunts gave us their clothes, how about that?" she whispers to Logan.
  18. ProfessorJeff

    Open Pokemon Safari Zone

    "No thanks, I don't really like sweet things. I just.... wanted to rest a bit." Jully then grabbed her pokedex from her pocket and tried to find what type of pokemon is in the bush.
  19. ProfessorJeff

    Open Pokemon Nursery

    Starkite sleep in the sandbox for a night and he didn't care about it because he like stars. He saw Clay sitting in a sandbox. He saw the tears of Clay and he went near Clay for asking. "Hey Clay, why are you crying?" he asked curiously.
  20. ProfessorJeff

    Open Paradise Island

    Emerald crouched as she heard what Logan has said. She feels curious when she saw nothing at the view. "Logan, what is it? I didn't saw any grunts." she whispers.