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  1. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire is active and looking for competitors! (Sign Ups/Discussion)

    @ThatJustin’sASpy! I'm waiting on your post. No rush or anything, though. Everyone still participating, @Foxex in particular - It might be a good idea to get to the island sooner rather than later, to give people more material to work with.
  2. TheWanderer

    Private/Closed MHA: Next generation of Heroes discussion

    I'm still in, but I'm waiting for the exam to end to post again.
  3. TheWanderer

    Private/Closed MHA: Next generation of Heroes discussion

    That's... actually a really good idea. Then again, I'm a manga reader, so there aren't really any spoilers for me and my opinion might not be the best judge of what is right for this RP.
  4. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join My Hero Academia: The Next Generation Of Heroes

    CRASH. Another robot toppled, increasing Gosa's score by one. This time, the 'bot had only taken a single blow to the legs to defeat, leaving Gosa relatively unscathed. Since the first robot, he had been trying to avoid using his quirk as much, and his blows had become more carefully chosen to...
  5. TheWanderer

    Private/Closed MHA: Next generation of Heroes discussion

    I'm going to be more busy than usual today and tomorrow, so my post is going to be set closer to the end of the exam, just so it's more clear how Gosa's been doing up to that point when everyone else gets to that part of the exam.
  6. TheWanderer

    Private/Closed MHA: Next generation of Heroes discussion

    I'd say Gosa would score okay overall - definitely not particularly close to the top, but passing by a good margin. He would definitely try saving people that he ran across, but wouldn't go out of his way to look for them, instead focusing on hunting robots.
  7. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join My Hero Academia: The Next Generation Of Heroes

    Gosa gulped. Somehow, he had gotten turned around, and now a hulking, tank-like robot loomed before him. This appeared to be one of the more difficult, three-point 'bots, and would likely prove more than a little difficult to take down. He could run and try to engage a weaker one, but... No! A...
  8. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join My Hero Academia: The Next Generation Of Heroes

    "... plus ultra." Gosa wasn't entirely enthusiastic, but he did join in on the motto to a lesser degree. He wasn't really comfortable with the loud noise, but it soon passed. Fighting robots? That'll be kinda tough. He followed the crowd outside, and didn't quite make it to the box of weapons...
  9. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    {Morgan} "Hee Hee Hee! Hello, Vodric! It's been a while since I've met another of our kind." The Dusknoir grinned even wider. "I'm curious - what are you like? I have my various curses and hexes, but what are your hobbies?" She noticed that Vodric appeared a little awkward and chuckled...
  10. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join My Hero Academia: The Next Generation Of Heroes

    Gosa worked his way into the lecture hall, occasionally bumping into people as he went and calling out apologies to them. He was a little bit intimidated by the fact that just about everyone was taller than him, but he was used to that by now. He entered the auditorium, grabbing a seat closer to...
  11. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join My Hero Academia: The Next Generation Of Heroes

    Gosa was startled by the sudden tapping on his shoulder. "Oh! Hi the-" he froze for a moment while turning around, eyes flickering all different colors. "-re!" he finished, resuming his turn. "You surprised me! Did I get stuck a second ago? That sometimes happens when people surprise me." The...
  12. TheWanderer

    Private/Closed MHA: Next generation of Heroes discussion

    I've been wondering - what should I say happens if someone hits Gosa while he's "lagging out?" On one hand, it would be cool if he seemed invulnerable at first, but when he starts moving again, all of the damage takes effect, but I'm not sure how balanced that would be. Thoughts?
  13. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join My Hero Academia: The Next Generation Of Heroes

    Gosa really had no clue why he had chosen to become a hero. Sure, he wanted to help people, but there were other professions where he could do that. He shrugged to himself as he jogged towards the UA campus. Whatever. I can figure that out sometime in the future. For now, I'm gonna try to do my...
  14. TheWanderer

    Private/Closed MHA: Next generation of Heroes discussion

    If we're choosing themes for our characters, Gosa's theme would probably be something like:
  15. TheWanderer

    Private/Closed MHA: Next generation of Heroes discussion

    Jeez! This discussion passes by quickly! For Goso's stats, I would have to say something like: Quirk Power: 3 Physical Power: 2 Intelligence: 4 Cooperation: 5 Speed: 2
  16. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Kay delivered a semiformal bow to the other Gallade, marginally annoyed at Q's seemingly carefree nature. "<I await your challenge eagerly. I am known as Kay, by the way.>" --- Edward turned about once more as someone else came over to talk. This new fellow was intimidating to say the least...
  17. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire is active and looking for competitors! (Sign Ups/Discussion)

    Arrgh. Sorry, guys. I stopped receiving notifications from this for a while, so that's why I haven't been posting recently. Gotta love technical difficulties.
  18. TheWanderer

    Private/Closed MHA: Next generation of Heroes discussion

    Name: Gosa Kousoku Age: 15 Height: 5'1" Physical Appearance: Gosa is unusually small for his age, with medium-length grey-blond hair. He is not particularly muscular either, a bit of an odd trait in the hero course at UA. Personality: Gosa is typically very kind to those around him, but...
  19. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire S1

    Kay turned about to see another Gallade running towards him. Instinctively, he dropped into a defensive stance, but relaxed into a less combative - but still respectfully formal - stance when the other Gallade stopped. "Gal' Gallade <You look familiar>" He smiled a little at Q's grin. ---...
  20. TheWanderer

    Ask to Join The Battle Spire is active and looking for competitors! (Sign Ups/Discussion)

    @Captain Cardboard That would actually be pretty cool! Let's do that. Edit: Also, Ed doesn't have his Absol with him right now - he left him in the PC so he could bring the Dreepy with him on the boat.