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Private/Closed MHA: Next generation of Heroes discussion

Class 1-A’s teacher?

  • Hitoshi Shinsou

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Fumikage Tokoyami

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • Tenya Lida

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Mezo Shoji

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hd

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Previously 5DigitNeb
Name: Donia Zaki
Age: 16
Height: 5'11
Physical Appearance: A dark brown girl from Egyptian descent with brown eyes and sleek brown hair that goes past her shoulder, she always has black eyeliner that extends out into the crease at the side of her eyes. Her left eye has a tattoo surrounding it that makes her eye resemble the eye of Horus. She is taller than most girls around her age, but she doesn't mind it and in fact likes her height.
Personality: Donia is a proud girl who refuses to bow down just because she was told to. She wants proof of the superiority of the person giving her orders, although she is willing to swallow her pride when lives are on the line. She can be humble, most of the time this is after someone proved their superiority or if she's talking to children.
Casual Clothing: Donia tends to wear brightly colored tank tops and shorts, along with an armband that is made of red coral. She prefers sandals over shoes, even if it isn't the most practical in some situations.
Hero/Villain outfit: Taking inspiration from her homeland, her outfit resembles that of traditional Egyptian clothes. A dress that looks like it is made out of linen that reaches her chest and two leather straps covering her shoulders. The dress is actually made out of painted sheet metal, allowing Donia to take a lot more physical abuse than one would expect. On the dress a sun-disk surrounded by a cobra is portrayed at the location of her abdomen.
Quirk and description of it: Ra's Blessing. Donia can create and control fire and change its size to the size of a candle to that of a burning log. She can also use pre-existant fire if it is nearby. When she is in a dark or cold area, she can't conjure up fire and she has severe trouble controlling pre-existing fire. Conjured fire can't hurt Donia with the biggest effect it has on her being warming her up, but it doesn't discriminate between friend or foe so others can be burnt by her.
Occupation: Student
Other Details: Her hero name is Egyptian Empress. Her stats are below.

Technique: 4
Physical Power: 3
Intelligence: 4
Cooperation 2
Speed: 4
I'm a fan of this OC, I like her uniqueness
I don't know about you guys but I get a little confused with the discussion thread and the RP thread since they both have the same title...
(not a real complaint... just wanted to bring it up.)

while im posting here I figured id go ahead and say I'll put page threes characters on the list later today since page two only had two characters that I noticed.
Only difference are that a few letters in the RP thread are capitalized when they’re not in the discussion.
I've been wondering - what should I say happens if someone hits Gosa while he's "lagging out?" On one hand, it would be cool if he seemed invulnerable at first, but when he starts moving again, all of the damage takes effect, but I'm not sure how balanced that would be. Thoughts?
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Previously AceTrainerGold
I've been wondering - what should I say happens if someone hits Goso while he's "lagging out?" On one hand, it would be cool if he seemed invulnerable at first, but when he starts moving again, all of the damage takes effect, but I'm not sure how balanced that would be. Thoughts?
I don’t see it as unbalanced, as he is taking the damage in the end anyway, just depends how long this invulnerability lasts for.


Previously Kid_Nukas
I was just starting to catch up on the rp thread and I noticed this
He was off to U.A to witness the entrance exams. Yusuke actually is going to be attending U.A due to being recommended by his middle school.
I didn't think that was how the recommendations work. While I could be wrong, I was under the impression that they were recommended by someone influential in society and then had to take their own type of exam after being recommended. For example: Todoroki most likely got recommended by Endeavor to go to UA, and while I don't know who recommended Momo, her parents are rich so she most likely has friends in high places. I just don't think it was as simple as being recommended by their middle school. If I'm wrong please forgive me.


Previously AceTrainerGold
I was just starting to catch up on the rp thread and I noticed this

I didn't think that was how the recommendations work. While I could be wrong, I was under the impression that they were recommended by someone influential in society and then had to take their own type of exam after being recommended. For example: Todoroki most likely got recommended by Endeavor to go to UA, and while I don't know who recommended Momo, her parents are rich so she most likely has friends in high places. I just don't think it was as simple as being recommended by their middle school. If I'm wrong please forgive me.
I might’ve been wrong, I’m not sure, I thought previous schools could also recommend people. If it’s wrong I’ll change it I just wasn’t sure.
I am here!


Just gotta make a bio.
I thought you were using Asami?

I have her bios if you want it xD

Edit: Though it's the one from like...last year.
Name: Asami Natsuko
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Rather tall for her age (5'11), usually a head above other girls & guys her age with a athletic build. Strong, but streamline. Body is covered with green, fish like hide that covers their body and has some visible gills on the sides of her neck, along with a long shark-like tail, dorsal fin and sharp teeth. Has blue eyes, along with long blue hair. Wears a grey t-shirt underneath a black jacket with a hoodie & an opening on the back for her dorsal fin along with a pair of blue jeans. When not wearing the standard U.A. uniform.
Personality: Normally a rather shy, reclusive girl. Due to teasing about her appearance from bullies through her school life, is rather insecure about herself and faces doubts. However, she tries to be nice and friendly to everyone; willing to give the benefit of the doubt. Has a natural impulse to help others, and a constant desire to try and prove herself as more than the cruel words her tormentors have given her. This clashes with her normally shy personality and fear of general social settings. Also has a fear of cats.

Quirk: Freaky Fish (Mutant). Gives the user the traits of various sharks. These traits include the ability to breath underwater through gills along with a body covered by fish hide that grants her an abrasive skin quality. The ability to swim at high speeds due to a dorsal fin on her back along with a tail that can cat as a baseball bat. General lighter and more agile body due to cartilage instead of hardened bone skeletal structure. The ability to sense the faint electrical pulses released by living creatures as they move. Which grants her a sonar-like ability albeit with a limited range (Which is greater on dry land as opposed to the sea) and a limited capacity for prediction of an opponent's movements, though she is far from experienced in that utility. A row of sharp teeth that can bite through metal and are able to regrow if damaged or broken. An enhanced sense of smell that can pick up a drop of blood from long distances, though this does lead to a case of her animal instincts taking over as she may lose control of herself. Her elbows can jut out elongated appendages that took the shape of bio saws that can be folded up back into her forearms along with a hardened skull that simulates that of a hammerhead. However, Asami's capabilities such as her electro receptivity are far more limited on dry land and she must keep herself hydrated at all times of risk being a dried-up husk.

Other: Daughter of pro-hero Octivilia and a sailor. One day she saw her mother save some people by the coastline which proved to be the spark to light her heroic fire as she desired to follow in her footsteps and become a pro hero. Was often teased for her appearance through grade school by a trio of bullies who also happened to be led by an aspiring heroes himself which proved to be a shot to her self-confidence and caused her to develop deep insecurities, but her desire to help people outweighed that and she pressed on hoping for things to change on her heroic path.