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Private/Closed MHA: Next generation of Heroes discussion

Class 1-A’s teacher?

  • Hitoshi Shinsou

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Fumikage Tokoyami

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • Tenya Lida

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Mezo Shoji

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hd

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Previously PrincessPika~chan
Purplish-pinkish colors do also remind me of psychic powers, but I guess that's probably coming from Pokemon lol
I generally stick to pink-ish colours to represent psychic abilities and stuff.

I appreciate the offer ,but I'll be fine... Its mostly just copying and pasting. anyways i'm probably just going to do just one or two pages a day. I ain't doing it all at once so i'm fine...
Ah, um, my suggestion from earlier still stands, it'd help so much.
Oh, could also add in who the characters belong to? To make it easier...
Name: Kazue Isamu
Age: 15
Height: 5’11”
Personality: Kazue...doesn’t get along with the rest of the world. The young man was abandoned as a child due to both of his parents being high level villains. This, coupled with the strange bandages that coat his body, formed plenty of ammunition for other children to tease him with.
Due to this ridicule, the boy has grown cold and distant, ready to snap back in anger if anyone so much as considers giving him a hard time.
However, this ridicule also fueled his desire to be a hero. He wants to outgrow his parents evil ways, and do so on his own terms.
Strong minded, distant, and determined.
Casual Clothing: Kazue typically wears an off-white hoodie that helps his bandages blend in. His legs are covered by a pair of dirty, black, boot-cut jeans. His feet are protected by a bulky pair of matte black boots.
Hero/Villain outfit: Kazue doesn’t necessarily have a ‘hero costume’. He prefers to simply remove any clothing from his torso, allowing easier use of his quirk.
Quirk: Mummy (Mutant with Emitter Qualities)
Quirk Description: Mummy provides a plethora of common abilities portrayed in an interesting way.
Kazue has greatly enhanced physical abilities, but not simultaneously.
His bones are encased in an organic bandage-like material that increases his defense against blunt force trauma, but heavily limits his mobility.
These ‘bandages’ can be emitted through two slits between his shoulder blades, which allows full use of his enhanced speed, but greatly lowers his durability as a trade off.
Furthermore, said ‘bandages’ can be manipulated as extensions of himself.
The flaw in this quirk resides in his loss of durability. If Kazue extends his bandages too far, his body will become too frail to handle his strength, leading to a bone-shattering outcome.
Occupation: Student
Other Details: N/A



Previously AceTrainerGold
Name: Kazue Isamu
Age: 15
Height: 5’11”
Physical Appearance:
Kazue...doesn’t get along with the rest of the world. The young man was abandoned as a child due to both of his parents being high level villains. This, coupled with the strange bandages that coat his body, formed plenty of ammunition for other children to tease him with.
Due to this ridicule, the boy has grown cold and distant, ready to snap back in anger if anyone so much as considers giving him a hard time.
However, this ridicule also fueled his desire to be a hero. He wants to outgrow his parents evil ways, and do so on his own terms.
Strong minded, distant, and determined.
Casual Clothing: Kazue typically wears an off-white hoodie that helps his bandages blend in. His legs are covered by a pair of dirty, black, boot-cut jeans. His feet are protected by a bulky pair of matte black boots.
Hero/Villain outfit: Kazue doesn’t necessarily have a ‘hero costume’. He prefers to simply remove any clothing from his torso, allowing easier use of his quirk.
Quirk: Mummy (Mutant with Emitter Qualities)
Quirk Description: Mummy provides a plethora of common abilities portrayed in an interesting way.
Kazue has greatly enhanced physical abilities, but not simultaneously.
His bones are encased in an organic bandage-like material that increases his defense against blunt force trauma, but heavily limits his mobility.
These ‘bandages’ can be emitted through two slits between his shoulder blades, which allows full use of his enhanced speed, but greatly lowers his durability as a trade off.
Furthermore, said ‘bandages’ can be manipulated as extensions of himself.
The flaw in this quirk resides in his loss of durability. If Kazue extends his bandages too far, his body will become too frail to handle his strength, leading to a bone-shattering outcome.
Occupation: Student
Other Details: N/A
Accepted! Glad your back, you still on board with that idea you had for a villain and first arc?
Name: Kazue Isamu
Age: 15
Height: 5’11”
Physical Appearance: Personality: Kazue...doesn’t get along with the rest of the world. The young man was abandoned as a child due to both of his parents being high level villains. This, coupled with the strange bandages that coat his body, formed plenty of ammunition for other children to tease him with.
Due to this ridicule, the boy has grown cold and distant, ready to snap back in anger if anyone so much as considers giving him a hard time.
However, this ridicule also fueled his desire to be a hero. He wants to outgrow his parents evil ways, and do so on his own terms.
Strong minded, distant, and determined.
Casual Clothing: Kazue typically wears an off-white hoodie that helps his bandages blend in. His legs are covered by a pair of dirty, black, boot-cut jeans. His feet are protected by a bulky pair of matte black boots.
Hero/Villain outfit: Kazue doesn’t necessarily have a ‘hero costume’. He prefers to simply remove any clothing from his torso, allowing easier use of his quirk.
Quirk: Mummy (Mutant with Emitter Qualities)
Quirk Description: Mummy provides a plethora of common abilities portrayed in an interesting way.
Kazue has greatly enhanced physical abilities, but not simultaneously.
His bones are encased in an organic bandage-like material that increases his defense against blunt force trauma, but heavily limits his mobility.
These ‘bandages’ can be emitted through two slits between his shoulder blades, which allows full use of his enhanced speed, but greatly lowers his durability as a trade off.
Furthermore, said ‘bandages’ can be manipulated as extensions of himself.
The flaw in this quirk resides in his loss of durability. If Kazue extends his bandages too far, his body will become too frail to handle his strength, leading to a bone-shattering outcome.
Occupation: Student
Other Details: N/A
Nice to see familiar faces around here
Three character slots...just enough to fit my triplets~

Name: Gwenrhian Rhyfel Scathach
Hero Name: Holy War Maiden
Age: 15
Height: 5”02’
Weight: 108 lbs
Gender: Female

Personality: The eldest of the triplets, Gwenrhain, is the voice of reason, the first to release the war cry, and the undisputed leader of the trio of sisters. She’s bold, competitive and the embodiment of the term ‘free-spirited’, leading her sisters through wherever their fancy may take them. Radiating an air of confidence, hedonism, and mischief —which hasn’t failed to infect her siblings— Gwenrhian is at the forefront of every battle, eager to milk every situation dry of its enjoyment. Her extreme intimacy with her weapons is almost maniacal and often attracts a few queer glances, and Amazonian nicknames.

Appearance: The triplets are almost perfectly identical, save for their quirks and personalities. Their looks, voices, height and build being carbon copies of each other. They each have bone-white hair that cascades down to their legs, providing contrast with their honey-brown skin. Of a rather waifish build, the triplet’s physical ability often betrays their appearances. Even without mentioning the school’s uniform, the triplets still have a habit of regularly wearing identical clothing and setting their hair in similarly identical styles (Much to the distress of people trying to tell them apart).

Casual Outfit Desc: N/A

Hero Outfit: The apparel of the War Maiden consists of numerous small and large pieces of equipment and accessories. Boasting a white & silver coloration, Gwenrhian wears a thin, fur-collared duffle coat that covers only her torso when buttoned and a short thigh-length combat skirt. The coat is styled much like a trench coat, in that it extends to her lower body, cutting off just a few inches lower than her skirt. The duffle coat is flared towards the end and will ‘twirl’ if Gwenrhian were to shift directions abruptly- which she often does to utilize the fine blades than line the bottom of the coat’s hem.

Apart from the ‘main’ two pieces of her suit Gwenrhian wears a matching set of black gloves and knee-length boots, each concealing a set of needles and daggers respectively. Slightly above her knees, black thigh-high socks protect her skin from a quartet of leather straps, two to each leg. These straps lock in place a quartan of short baton-like sticks. A closer look will reveal them to be a pair of nunchaku, which can be further connected to form a four-segment collapsible staff.

At her waist lies a series of three crisscrossing ‘belts’, none of which are actual belts. The outermost ‘belt’ is, in fact, a coiled whip whose handle is positioned underneath Gwenrhian’s skirt, making it quite difficult to spot. The next belt in series is the holster for one of Gwenrhian’s favorite weapons, a pair of curved scimitars with customized handles that can be connected via a chain. The chain is extendable and can either be used to wield one Scimitar from a distance or to lock both together into a two-sided sword-staff. The last of the belts is a roll of steel thread in a leather, belt-like casing.

Unsurprisingly, the underside of her duffle coat has sewn-in holsters for a bevy of flying daggers, all containing modified handles that allow her to weave her steel thread through them. These, however, aren’t the only weapons the coat conceals. The fur collar hides two halves of a chakram, which can be wielded separately or connected to form the complete, circular, bladed weapon.

Should her opponent somehow disarm her off all these weapons, hidden in Gwenrhian’s gloves are bracelets that act as spatial storage units, where she keeps whatever members of her ‘collection’ can’t be outright hidden on her body. They include various ‘headpieces’ which can be attached to her staff to transform it into one of a plethora of polearms, an assortment of swords, a composite bow, a bundle of Javelins, and a chain whip.

Should the opponent be skilled enough to evade the walking arsenal of Gwenrhian’s suit and storage units, most of Gwenrhian’s hair accessories are disguised throwing weapons and/or needle-thin daggers.

Apart from her weapons, Gwenrhian wears a visor that protects her eyes from sensory overload while her quirk is activated. Attached to the handles of this visor are a pair of foamy earbuds which server a similar purpose. Of course, the handles can also be removed to reveal blow-darts.

Her weapons are sometimes coated with Gweneira’s concoctions and can leave her opponent somewhat debilitated.

Quirk: Impulse Overdrive

Quirk Desc: Impulse Overdrive is an augmentation quirk that targets all the user’s attributes, specifically their senses. It enhances the basic 5 senses, intuition, instinct, perception, and reaction speed, amongst others. Because the quirk predominantly enhances the user’s senses, the boosts to the physical body are comparatively smaller only allowing the user to achieve feats slightly above the level of a peak athlete.

The quirk's initiation can easily be seen from the eye shadowing that manifests when the quirk is activated. The color of the eyeshadow is dependent on the color of the user’s Iris’, in Gwenrhain’s case, both her eye-shadow and pupils are a soft, shimmering ocean green.

Due the heighten senses granted by her quirk, Gwenrhian is susceptible to sudden and intense stimuli that can disorient her.

Occupation: Student (Kendo Club member if possible.)

Name: Gweneira Rhosyn Scathach
Hero Name: Snow Rose Alchemist
Age: 15
Height: 5”02’
Weight: 108 lbs
Gender: Female

Personality: The second of the triplets, Gweneira, is -for lack of a better term- an eccentric genius. While certainly the boldest of the trio, Gweneira doesn’t hold the same type of boldness as her elder sister. Whereas Gwenrhian thrives on ‘the thrill of the moment’, Gweneira lives for a different kind of thrill, the thrill of discovery! A mad scientist at heart, she’ll never pass up a chance to do some good old’ fashion experimentation, even at the expense of herself and others (usually her sisters). She can sometimes get overly excited when she sees new and interesting things, particularly quirks, and has a bad habit of getting worked up —as if she couldn’t wait to rush over and dissect inspect whatever or whoever she’s observing. With curiosity as her bosom buddy and ‘organized chaos’ as her motto, she can be quite the handful for all who are acquainted with her.

Appearance: The triplets are almost perfectly identical, save for their quirks and personalities. Their looks, voices, height and build being carbon copies of each other. They each have bone-white hair that cascades down to their legs, providing contrast with their honey-brown skin. Of a rather waifish build, the triplet’s physical ability often betrays their appearances. Even without mentioning the school’s uniform, the triplets still have a habit of regularly wearing identical clothing and setting their hair in similarly identical styles (Much to the distress of people trying to tell them apart).

Outfit Desc: N/A

Hero Outfit: Gweneira’s costume is composed of a tight-fitting ensemble of gear consisting of a white half-sleeve cardigan, and ash grey breeches that merge into abyss black high-boots. Besides her outfit, she constantly wears numbers sets of intertwining belts and straps that serve as holsters for potions, powders, salves, and pills.

Though, most of this is hidden by a billowing cloak which she can use to disperse any of her creations secretly. The cloak is quite non-descriptive simply being large and black. However, stitched into an almost unnoticeable corner of the cloak is the image of a crimson rose, shrouded by white snow-flakes. This symbol appears much more vividly on the breast of Gweneira’s cardigan.

Her gear is extremely resistant to changes in temperature, and is very effective at insulation altogether, whether from heat, electricity, or chemical spills. Attached to her back is a medium-sized canister filled with an assortment of things she’s created. The canister has flexible tubes that run through her suit and end in nuzzles strapped to her arms which allow her to ‘squirt’ her creations at her foe. The nuzzle itself can be adjusted to modify the nature of the squirt, from liquid to mist, to a wide-area spray, or otherwise.

Quirk: Mirage Alchemist

Quirk Desc: Mirage Alchemist is a ‘spatial-creation-type’ Quirk that, as the name suggests, allows the user to create mirage/phantom projections of materials and tools for a variety of alchemical purposes. The Quirk also gives her access to a personal Herbal Garden of sorts, which she can use to collect and store ingredients.

Mirage Alchemist requires constant maintenance from its user as the Herbs can and will decay if left unattended. Any concoction is dependent on the skill level of the user, and requires the utmost concentration. Failures during concoction can cause 'accidents' which can injure the user.

Occupation: Student (Part-time Mad Scientist | Member of the Science Club if possible.)

Name: Gwenerys Saeth Scathach
Hero Name: White Arrow Noblesse
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Personality: The youngest of the triplets, Gwenerys, is the most sensible of the trio. Neither as hedonistic as her eldest sister nor as inquisitive as her second sister, she usually considers herself the only ‘normal’ one out of the three. Refined and graceful, she’s easily the most feminine of her sisters but her noblesse extends to more than just her poise. Gwenerys can be…prideful and haughty. She’s got quite the tongue on her and puts it to good use lashing out against things that are displeasing to her eye.

Appearance: The triplets are almost perfectly identical, save for their quirks and personalities. Their looks, voices, height and build being carbon copies of each other. They each have bone-white hair that cascades down to their legs, providing contrast with their honey-brown skin. Of a rather waifish build, the triplet’s physical ability often betrays their appearances. Even without mentioning the school’s uniform, the triplets still have a habit of regularly wearing identical clothing and setting their hair in similarly identical styles (Much to the distress of people trying to tell them apart).

Outfit Desc: N/A

Hero Outfit: As one who doesn’t intend to see much of the front line Gwenerys’ costume is ‘lightly armored’ at best. It consists of a white miniature mask that covers her eyes, followed by a similarly colored bodysuit that extends from her neck to her thighs. Her main suit is covered by a large, red, cape-like scarf which much like Gwenrhian’s coat, is host to a length of throwing knives, and daggers. On her back she totes a compound bow, while on her waist she carries a compound quiver for arrows. Another bow, a concealable crossbow, is strapped to her left wrist and fires smaller darts.

The belt that attached her quiver to her waist also pins a large shawl that drapes around her legs and is used to conceal a few leather pouches strapped to her legs, all which contain either smaller ranged weaponry such as shuriken, or items to help hinder an opponent’s approach, such a makibishi spikes or bolas’.

Her last piece of clothing is a small, sleeveless coat that covers the upper half of her torso. Secured on the inside of her coat, on either side, are 3 sets of chakram, which can be thrown to hinder opponents at close range.

Quirk: Grand Puppeteer

Quirk Desc: Allows the user to see and manipulate the trajectories of objects they’ve come into contact with. Quirk is limited by the size/weight of the object being manipulated.

Gwenerys can become disoriented if there are multiple objects flying through the air, as her quirk will try to process all their trajectories simultaneously.

Occupation: Student (Member of the Archery Club if possible)
Last edited:


Previously AceTrainerGold
Three character slots...just enough to fit my triplets~

Name: Gwenrhian Rhyfel Scathach
Hero Name: Holy War Maiden
Age: 15
Height: 5”02’
Weight: 108 lbs
Gender: Female

Personality: The eldest of the triplets, Gwenrhain, is the voice of reason, the first to release the war cry, and the undisputed leader of the trio of sisters. She’s bold, competitive and the embodiment of the term ‘free-spirited’, leading her sisters through wherever their fancy may take them. Radiating an air of confidence, hedonism, and mischief -which hasn’t failed to infect her siblings- Gwenrhian is at the forefront of every battle, eager to milk every situation dry of its enjoyment. Her extreme intimacy with her weapons is almost maniacal and often attracts a few queer glances, and Amazonian nicknames.

Appearance: The triplets are almost perfectly identical, save for their quirks and personalities. Their looks, voices, height and build being carbon copies of each other. They each have bone-white hair that cascades down to their legs, providing contrast with their honey-brown skin. Of a rather waifish build, the triplet’s physical ability often betrays their appearances. Even without mentioning the school’s uniform, the triplets still have a habit of regularly wearing identical clothing and setting their hair in similarly identical styles (Much to the distress of people trying to tell them apart).

Casual Outfit Desc: N/A

Hero Outfit: The apparel of the War Maiden consists of numerous small and large pieces of equipment and accessories. Boasting a white & silver coloration, Gwenrhian wears a thin, fur-collared duffle coat that covers only her torso when buttoned and a short thigh-length combat skirt. The coat is styled much like a trench coat, in that it extends to her lower body, cutting off just a few inches lower than her skirt. The duffle coat is flared towards the end and will ‘twirl’ if Gwenrhian were to shift directions abruptly- which she often does to utilize the fine blades than line the bottom of the coat’s hem.

Apart from the ‘main’ two pieces of her suit Gwenrhian wears a matching set of black gloves and knee-length boots, each concealing a set of needles and daggers respectively. Slightly above her knees, black thigh-high socks protect her skin from a quartet of leather straps, two to each leg. These straps lock in place a quartan of short baton-like sticks. A closer look will reveal them to be a pair of nunchaku, which can be further connected to form a four-segment collapsible staff.

At her waist lies a series of three crisscrossing ‘belts’, none of which are actual belts. The outermost ‘belt’ is, in fact, a coiled whip whose handle is positioned underneath Gwenrhian’s skirt, making it quite difficult to spot. The next belt in series is the holster for one of Gwenrhian’s favorite weapons, a pair of curved scimitars with customized handles that can be connected via a chain. The chain is extendable and can either be used to wield one Scimitar from a distance or to lock both together into a two-sided sword-staff. The last of the belts is a roll of steel thread in a leather, belt-like casing.

Unsurprisingly, the underside of her duffle coat has sewn-in holsters for a bevy of flying daggers, all containing modified handles that allow her to weave her steel thread through them. These, however, aren’t the only weapons the coat conceals. The fur collar hides two halves of a chakram, which can be wielded separately or connected to form the complete, circular, bladed weapon.

Should her opponent somehow disarm her off all these weapons, hidden in Gwenrhian’s gloves are bracelets that act as spatial storage units, where she keeps whatever members of her ‘collection’ can’t be outright hidden on her body. They include various ‘headpieces’ which can be attached to her staff to transform it into one of a plethora of polearms, an assortment of swords, a composite bow, a bundle of Javelins, and a chain whip.

Should the opponent be skilled enough to evade the walking arsenal of Gwenrhian’s suit and storage units, most of Gwenrhian’s hair accessories are disguised throwing weapons and/or needle-thin daggers.

Apart from her weapons, Gwenrhian wears a visor that protects her eyes from sensory overload while her quirk is activated. Attached to the handles of this visor are a pair of foamy earbuds which server a similar purpose. Of course, the handles can also be removed to reveal blow-darts.

Her weapons are sometimes coated with Gweneira’s concoctions and can leave her opponent somewhat debilitated.

Quirk: Impulse Overdrive

Quirk Desc: Impulse Overdrive is an augmentation quirk that targets all the user’s attributes, specifically their senses. It enhances the basic 5 senses, intuition, instinct, perception, and reaction speed, amongst others. Because the quirk predominantly enhances the user’s senses, the boosts to the physical body are comparatively smaller only allowing the user to achieve feats slightly above the level of a peak athlete.

The quirk's initiation can easily be seen from the eye shadowing that manifests when the quirk is activated. The color of the eyeshadow is dependent on the color of the user’s Iris’, in Gwenrhain’s case, both her eye-shadow and pupils are a soft, shimmering ocean green.

Occupation: Student (Kendo Club member if possible.)

Name: Gweneira Rhosyn Scathach
Hero Name: Snow Rose Alchemist
Age: 15
Height: 5”02’
Weight: 108 lbs
Gender: Female

Personality: The second of the triplets, Gweneira, is -for lack of a better term- an eccentric genius. While certainly the boldest of the trio, Gweneira doesn’t hold the same type of boldness as her elder sister. Whereas Gwenrhian thrives on ‘the thrill of the moment’, Gweneira lives for a different kind of thrill, the thrill of discovery! A mad scientist at heart, she’ll never pass up a chance to do some good old’ fashion experimentation, even at the expense of herself and others (usually her sisters). She can sometimes get overly excited when she sees new and interesting things, particularly quirks, and has a bad habit of getting worked up —as if she couldn’t wait to rush over and dissect inspect whatever or whoever she’s observing. With curiosity as her bosom buddy and ‘organized chaos’ as her motto, she can be quite the handful for all who are acquainted with her.

Appearance: The triplets are almost perfectly identical, save for their quirks and personalities. Their looks, voices, height and build being carbon copies of each other. They each have bone-white hair that cascades down to their legs, providing contrast with their honey-brown skin. Of a rather waifish build, the triplet’s physical ability often betrays their appearances. Even without mentioning the school’s uniform, the triplets still have a habit of regularly wearing identical clothing and setting their hair in similarly identical styles (Much to the distress of people trying to tell them apart).

Outfit Desc: N/A

Hero Outfit: Gweneira’s costume is composed of a tight-fitting ensemble of gear consisting of a white half-sleeve cardigan, and ash grey breeches that merge into abyss black high-boots. Besides her outfit, she constantly wears numbers sets of intertwining belts and straps that serve as holsters for potions, powders, salves, and pills.

Though, most of this is hidden by a billowing cloak which she can use to disperse any of her creations secretly. The cloak is quite non-descriptive simply being large and black. However, stitched into an almost unnoticeable corner of the cloak is the image of a crimson rose, shrouded by white snow-flakes. This symbol appears much more vividly on the breast of Gweneira’s cardigan.

Her gear is extremely resistant to changes in temperature, and is very effective at insulation altogether, whether from heat, electricity, or chemical spills. Attached to her back is a medium-sized canister filled with an assortment of things she’s created. The canister has flexible tubes that run through her suit and end in nuzzles strapped to her arms which allow her to ‘squirt’ her creations at her foe. The nuzzle itself can be adjusted to modify the nature of the squirt, from liquid to mist, to a wide-area spray, or otherwise.

Quirk: Mirage Alchemist

Quirk Desc: Mirage Alchemist is a ‘spatial-creation-type’ Quirk that, as the name suggests, allows the user to create mirage/phantom projections of materials and tools for a variety of alchemical purposes. The Quirk also gives her access to a personal Herbal Garden of sorts, which she can use to collect and store ingredients.

Occupation: Student (Part-time Mad Scientist | Member of the Science Club if possible.)

Name: Gwenerys Saeth Scathach
Hero Name: White Arrow Noblesse
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Personality: The youngest of the triplets, Gwenerys, is the most sensible of the trio. Neither as hedonistic as her eldest sister nor as inquisitive as her second sister, she usually considers herself the only ‘normal’ one out of the three. Refined and graceful, she’s easily the most feminine of her sisters but her noblesse extends to more than just her poise. Gwenerys can be…prideful and haughty. She’s got quite the tongue on her and puts it to good use lashing out against things that are displeasing to her eye.

Appearance: The triplets are almost perfectly identical, save for their quirks and personalities. Their looks, voices, height and build being carbon copies of each other. They each have bone-white hair that cascades down to their legs, providing contrast with their honey-brown skin. Of a rather waifish build, the triplet’s physical ability often betrays their appearances. Even without mentioning the school’s uniform, the triplets still have a habit of regularly wearing identical clothing and setting their hair in similarly identical styles (Much to the distress of people trying to tell them apart).

Outfit Desc: N/A

Hero Outfit: As one who doesn’t intend to see much of the front line Gwenerys’ costume is ‘lightly armored’ at best. It consists of a white miniature mask that covers her eyes, followed by a similarly colored bodysuit that extends from her neck to her thighs. Her main suit is covered by a large, red, cape-like scarf which much like Gwenrhian’s coat, is host to a length of throwing knives, and daggers. On her back she totes a compound bow, while on her waist she carries a compound quiver for arrows. Another bow, a concealable crossbow, is strapped to her left wrist and fires smaller darts.

The belt that attached her quiver to her waist also pins a large shawl that drapes around her legs and is used to conceal a few leather pouches strapped to her legs, all which contain either smaller ranged weaponry such as shuriken, or items to help hinder an opponent’s approach, such a makibishi spikes or bolas’.

Her last piece of clothing is a small, sleeveless coat that covers the upper half of her torso. Secured on the inside of her coat, on either side, are 3 sets of chakram, which can be thrown to hinder opponents at close range.

Quirk: Grand Puppeteer

Quirk Desc: Allows the user to see and manipulate the trajectories of objects they’ve come into contact with. Quirk is limited by the size/weight of the object being manipulated.

Occupation: Student (Member of the Archery Club if possible)
Three character slots...just enough to fit my triplets~

Name: Gwenrhian Rhyfel Scathach
Hero Name: Holy War Maiden
Age: 15
Height: 5”02’
Weight: 108 lbs
Gender: Female

Personality: The eldest of the triplets, Gwenrhain, is the voice of reason, the first to release the war cry, and the undisputed leader of the trio of sisters. She’s bold, competitive and the embodiment of the term ‘free-spirited’, leading her sisters through wherever their fancy may take them. Radiating an air of confidence, hedonism, and mischief -which hasn’t failed to infect her siblings- Gwenrhian is at the forefront of every battle, eager to milk every situation dry of its enjoyment. Her extreme intimacy with her weapons is almost maniacal and often attracts a few queer glances, and Amazonian nicknames.

Appearance: The triplets are almost perfectly identical, save for their quirks and personalities. Their looks, voices, height and build being carbon copies of each other. They each have bone-white hair that cascades down to their legs, providing contrast with their honey-brown skin. Of a rather waifish build, the triplet’s physical ability often betrays their appearances. Even without mentioning the school’s uniform, the triplets still have a habit of regularly wearing identical clothing and setting their hair in similarly identical styles (Much to the distress of people trying to tell them apart).

Casual Outfit Desc: N/A

Hero Outfit: The apparel of the War Maiden consists of numerous small and large pieces of equipment and accessories. Boasting a white & silver coloration, Gwenrhian wears a thin, fur-collared duffle coat that covers only her torso when buttoned and a short thigh-length combat skirt. The coat is styled much like a trench coat, in that it extends to her lower body, cutting off just a few inches lower than her skirt. The duffle coat is flared towards the end and will ‘twirl’ if Gwenrhian were to shift directions abruptly- which she often does to utilize the fine blades than line the bottom of the coat’s hem.

Apart from the ‘main’ two pieces of her suit Gwenrhian wears a matching set of black gloves and knee-length boots, each concealing a set of needles and daggers respectively. Slightly above her knees, black thigh-high socks protect her skin from a quartet of leather straps, two to each leg. These straps lock in place a quartan of short baton-like sticks. A closer look will reveal them to be a pair of nunchaku, which can be further connected to form a four-segment collapsible staff.

At her waist lies a series of three crisscrossing ‘belts’, none of which are actual belts. The outermost ‘belt’ is, in fact, a coiled whip whose handle is positioned underneath Gwenrhian’s skirt, making it quite difficult to spot. The next belt in series is the holster for one of Gwenrhian’s favorite weapons, a pair of curved scimitars with customized handles that can be connected via a chain. The chain is extendable and can either be used to wield one Scimitar from a distance or to lock both together into a two-sided sword-staff. The last of the belts is a roll of steel thread in a leather, belt-like casing.

Unsurprisingly, the underside of her duffle coat has sewn-in holsters for a bevy of flying daggers, all containing modified handles that allow her to weave her steel thread through them. These, however, aren’t the only weapons the coat conceals. The fur collar hides two halves of a chakram, which can be wielded separately or connected to form the complete, circular, bladed weapon.

Should her opponent somehow disarm her off all these weapons, hidden in Gwenrhian’s gloves are bracelets that act as spatial storage units, where she keeps whatever members of her ‘collection’ can’t be outright hidden on her body. They include various ‘headpieces’ which can be attached to her staff to transform it into one of a plethora of polearms, an assortment of swords, a composite bow, a bundle of Javelins, and a chain whip.

Should the opponent be skilled enough to evade the walking arsenal of Gwenrhian’s suit and storage units, most of Gwenrhian’s hair accessories are disguised throwing weapons and/or needle-thin daggers.

Apart from her weapons, Gwenrhian wears a visor that protects her eyes from sensory overload while her quirk is activated. Attached to the handles of this visor are a pair of foamy earbuds which server a similar purpose. Of course, the handles can also be removed to reveal blow-darts.

Her weapons are sometimes coated with Gweneira’s concoctions and can leave her opponent somewhat debilitated.

Quirk: Impulse Overdrive

Quirk Desc: Impulse Overdrive is an augmentation quirk that targets all the user’s attributes, specifically their senses. It enhances the basic 5 senses, intuition, instinct, perception, and reaction speed, amongst others. Because the quirk predominantly enhances the user’s senses, the boosts to the physical body are comparatively smaller only allowing the user to achieve feats slightly above the level of a peak athlete.

The quirk's initiation can easily be seen from the eye shadowing that manifests when the quirk is activated. The color of the eyeshadow is dependent on the color of the user’s Iris’, in Gwenrhain’s case, both her eye-shadow and pupils are a soft, shimmering ocean green.

Occupation: Student (Kendo Club member if possible.)

Name: Gweneira Rhosyn Scathach
Hero Name: Snow Rose Alchemist
Age: 15
Height: 5”02’
Weight: 108 lbs
Gender: Female

Personality: The second of the triplets, Gweneira, is -for lack of a better term- an eccentric genius. While certainly the boldest of the trio, Gweneira doesn’t hold the same type of boldness as her elder sister. Whereas Gwenrhian thrives on ‘the thrill of the moment’, Gweneira lives for a different kind of thrill, the thrill of discovery! A mad scientist at heart, she’ll never pass up a chance to do some good old’ fashion experimentation, even at the expense of herself and others (usually her sisters). She can sometimes get overly excited when she sees new and interesting things, particularly quirks, and has a bad habit of getting worked up —as if she couldn’t wait to rush over and dissect inspect whatever or whoever she’s observing. With curiosity as her bosom buddy and ‘organized chaos’ as her motto, she can be quite the handful for all who are acquainted with her.

Appearance: The triplets are almost perfectly identical, save for their quirks and personalities. Their looks, voices, height and build being carbon copies of each other. They each have bone-white hair that cascades down to their legs, providing contrast with their honey-brown skin. Of a rather waifish build, the triplet’s physical ability often betrays their appearances. Even without mentioning the school’s uniform, the triplets still have a habit of regularly wearing identical clothing and setting their hair in similarly identical styles (Much to the distress of people trying to tell them apart).

Outfit Desc: N/A

Hero Outfit: Gweneira’s costume is composed of a tight-fitting ensemble of gear consisting of a white half-sleeve cardigan, and ash grey breeches that merge into abyss black high-boots. Besides her outfit, she constantly wears numbers sets of intertwining belts and straps that serve as holsters for potions, powders, salves, and pills.

Though, most of this is hidden by a billowing cloak which she can use to disperse any of her creations secretly. The cloak is quite non-descriptive simply being large and black. However, stitched into an almost unnoticeable corner of the cloak is the image of a crimson rose, shrouded by white snow-flakes. This symbol appears much more vividly on the breast of Gweneira’s cardigan.

Her gear is extremely resistant to changes in temperature, and is very effective at insulation altogether, whether from heat, electricity, or chemical spills. Attached to her back is a medium-sized canister filled with an assortment of things she’s created. The canister has flexible tubes that run through her suit and end in nuzzles strapped to her arms which allow her to ‘squirt’ her creations at her foe. The nuzzle itself can be adjusted to modify the nature of the squirt, from liquid to mist, to a wide-area spray, or otherwise.

Quirk: Mirage Alchemist

Quirk Desc: Mirage Alchemist is a ‘spatial-creation-type’ Quirk that, as the name suggests, allows the user to create mirage/phantom projections of materials and tools for a variety of alchemical purposes. The Quirk also gives her access to a personal Herbal Garden of sorts, which she can use to collect and store ingredients.

Occupation: Student (Part-time Mad Scientist | Member of the Science Club if possible.)

Name: Gwenerys Saeth Scathach
Hero Name: White Arrow Noblesse
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Personality: The youngest of the triplets, Gwenerys, is the most sensible of the trio. Neither as hedonistic as her eldest sister nor as inquisitive as her second sister, she usually considers herself the only ‘normal’ one out of the three. Refined and graceful, she’s easily the most feminine of her sisters but her noblesse extends to more than just her poise. Gwenerys can be…prideful and haughty. She’s got quite the tongue on her and puts it to good use lashing out against things that are displeasing to her eye.

Appearance: The triplets are almost perfectly identical, save for their quirks and personalities. Their looks, voices, height and build being carbon copies of each other. They each have bone-white hair that cascades down to their legs, providing contrast with their honey-brown skin. Of a rather waifish build, the triplet’s physical ability often betrays their appearances. Even without mentioning the school’s uniform, the triplets still have a habit of regularly wearing identical clothing and setting their hair in similarly identical styles (Much to the distress of people trying to tell them apart).

Outfit Desc: N/A

Hero Outfit: As one who doesn’t intend to see much of the front line Gwenerys’ costume is ‘lightly armored’ at best. It consists of a white miniature mask that covers her eyes, followed by a similarly colored bodysuit that extends from her neck to her thighs. Her main suit is covered by a large, red, cape-like scarf which much like Gwenrhian’s coat, is host to a length of throwing knives, and daggers. On her back she totes a compound bow, while on her waist she carries a compound quiver for arrows. Another bow, a concealable crossbow, is strapped to her left wrist and fires smaller darts.

The belt that attached her quiver to her waist also pins a large shawl that drapes around her legs and is used to conceal a few leather pouches strapped to her legs, all which contain either smaller ranged weaponry such as shuriken, or items to help hinder an opponent’s approach, such a makibishi spikes or bolas’.

Her last piece of clothing is a small, sleeveless coat that covers the upper half of her torso. Secured on the inside of her coat, on either side, are 3 sets of chakram, which can be thrown to hinder opponents at close range.

Quirk: Grand Puppeteer

Quirk Desc: Allows the user to see and manipulate the trajectories of objects they’ve come into contact with. Quirk is limited by the size/weight of the object being manipulated.

Occupation: Student (Member of the Archery Club if possible)
That was honestly too much for me to read at this hour.