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Search results

  1. G

    DPPt/HGSS Ninjask Speed/Baton Passer build

    I think you would be better served with pumping those Defense EVs into Speed. With Protect and Substitute you won't be taking damage too much.
  2. G

    DPPt/HGSS Fire team

    I was thinking maybe something like this: Leafeon (Jolly) 252A/252Sp/6HP Leaf Blade Sword's Dance Baton Pass Roar
  3. G

    DPPt/HGSS Fire team

    Yea that's my favourite one and the one I use the most. I was thinking Vaporeon or Leafeon alright.
  4. G

    DPPt/HGSS Fire team

    Looks nice, and it means I am half way there. Where do you get a White Herb?
  5. G

    Your best Pokémon

    My Platinum Milotic has probably been my best so far. Has never suffered a defeat yet though I have yet to try him out in Wi-fi. Aside for EV trained, I would put the money on my Golduck or Blaziken from Platinum, or my Kirlia from Emerald.
  6. G

    Strange Hippopotas

    The problem with a lot of the shinies of g4 is that they look barely any different than the original and is easily mixed up. Shellos and Gastrodon come to mind.
  7. G

    DPPt/HGSS Fire team

    Hi guys, I have an event coming up soon where I need an all fire team and I have started EV training for it. I started on Charizard, who is still a Charmeleon. So far stats are as follows: Lax nature 252D/252SpA/6HP Flamethrower Not sure what other moves to give him nor an item. I decided on...
  8. G

    Shinies: First ever, ones you want, have seen, or own

    My first shiny ever was back in the "red" days of GSC, when I caught a shiny Graveler and Raticate. Since then, the only shiny I have found is Zubat, though I was seconds away from a shiny Floatzel before a glitch in the game cost me it by breaking my chain. My GF found a shiny Wingull and...
  9. G

    Your least favorite thing about the pokemon games (PMD too)

    Same answer as in the most annoying thread, the huge rocket bases to go through in g1+2. Also the legendaries have gotten out of hand.I like how in g1 there was one and then three minors, one became two in g2 which was ok. Then I come back to the game in g3 and there are 3 main and 5 minor...
  10. G

    DPPt/HGSS Raichu help

    Actually looking at that Raichu build again I couldn't help notice that you suggest to max EVs on SpA yet half of the moves are physical attacks. Any particular reasoning behind this?
  11. G

    DPPt/HGSS Raichu help

    Well unfortunatley that's not possible as I already have defense maxed out, which I thought would have worked great to top up with the Bold nature and Marvel Scale. Perhaps it may go OTT, but at least Milotic's SpD is raising quickly still and is quite high. I think I might take a risk of the...
  12. G

    DPPt/HGSS Raichu help

    Yea you are right. While I am talking about my team I might as well ask some advise on my Milotic. It's got a Bold nature, Marvel Scale, spread is currently 255D/130HP and I want to know should I max the HP even though it is high, or should I put a little into SpA or SpD even though they are...
  13. G

    DPPt/HGSS Raichu help

    That certainly sounds like a plan, I'm just very reluctant to get rid of Volt Tackle after trading to get it, if you understand what I mean.
  14. G

    Natures and EV Training: love it or hate it?

    I only found out about it after joining up here. I only started trying it out yesterday on my Milotic. It is Lvl46 now and more powerful stat wise than most of my in-game team of Lvl63. You really do see the difference. But it could be annoying on a Pokemon that isn't traded or with Pokerus as...
  15. G

    DPPt/HGSS AshWind's merchantry outpost

    AshWind cheers again, just thought I'd let you know that the Feebas you gave me earlier has turned into a kick ass Milotic, so glad to have it.
  16. G

    DPPt/HGSS GM's trade shop

    OP now edited after two successful trades.
  17. G

    DPPt/HGSS GM's trade shop

    I PM'ed you.
  18. G

    Strange Hippopotas

    While training in Rune Maniac's Cave I found a brown Hippopotas. It was not the normal colour and according to Psypoke's Psydex it's not the shiny either, so I am wondering if anyone knows what it might be? Is there an alternate form Hippopotas, or are there multiple versions of a shiny?
  19. G

    DPPt/HGSS Raichu help

    Guess that is a good way to put it, thanks. Well, I was considering taking Iron Tail or Focus Punch in case someone swaps in a Rock type so I guess then I could do that, drop Thunderbolt, and focus some more EV's on Attack.
  20. G

    DPPt/HGSS Raichu help

    Mild nature, haven't spread EV's yet, but will probably focus on speed and attack. I'm not the most competitive so am new enough to this. The reason with two attacks of the same kind, suppose he runs out of one? And one is physical while the other is special.