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  1. G

    DPPt/HGSS Future WiFi Tournament Interest - Looking for names

    That was posted before I had Wi-fi'ed ever, so I had no idea about anything. But I learned quick, had two battles, and lost both times, albeit one was unbalanced.
  2. G

    DPPt/HGSS GM's trade shop

    Yea I have Surskit alright.
  3. G

    DPPt/HGSS Raichu help

    I've got a Raichu that I need to select two moves and an item for. He is high attack, spc. attack, and speed, low defenses, already has Thunderbolt and Volt Tackle, what other two moves should I give him do you think, and what item?
  4. G

    DPPt/HGSS AshWind's merchantry outpost

    There's no way to know as the four squares in which you can catch it are randomly generated and change every time the popular phrase changes.
  5. G

    DPPt/HGSS AshWind's merchantry outpost

    Thanks for the Feebas Chris.
  6. G

    DPPt/HGSS AshWind's merchantry outpost

    That's great thank you, but I don't see any friend code in the OP.
  7. G

    The Most Impressive Use of a Regigigas

    Master of battles is right. A team like that is in total sync, must have taken a lot of thought. Makes me ashamed of my run in and smash 'em hard team, I've never really tried out defensive moves.
  8. G

    Platinum Hall of Fame

    I beat them on my second try, though even then, I needed to save and reload a few times for Cynthia.My team was the following: - Torterra Lvl51 - Staraptor Lvl51 - Luxray Lvl53 - Garchomp Lvl55 - Golduck Lvl52 - Giratina Lvl50 No EV training. Definitely the most difficult league to beat so far...
  9. G

    Your most hated area of the pokémon games is...?

    I'd say one of two places, either Silph Co. or the Mahogany Town/Goldenrod Rocket bases.
  10. G

    Missingno, The PC Black Hole and the Wild Mystery Mark...

    Some inaccurate information AFAIK. From what I know and have read/tried this glitch only works in Red and Blue and in Yellow caused the game to crash if you try it as it was taken out.
  11. G

    DPPt/HGSS Doctor Bob's Trading Post- Now with shiny and battle requests!

    Would you be interested in Dex trading Deoxys for Lugia, as in trade and then trade back for Dex purposes?
  12. G

    DPPt/HGSS GM's trade shop

    Don't have Huntail I'm afraid. I can get one, but it will take some time, maybe around a week as I'd have to find a Clamperl and get a Deep Sea Tooth/Claw (which ever does the job).
  13. G

    DPPt/HGSS AshWind's merchantry outpost

    I could certainly do with a Bold natured Feebas or failing that, a Modest natured one.
  14. G

    Your Ideal Team

    I would go with the following: Blaziken: My favorutie Pokemon for sure, but also hard as nails with some savage moves (Blaze Kick, Sky Uppercut, Overheat all kick ass). Swellow: A flying type is necessary in any team any I think Swellowis just the coolest of the bunch. Dragonite/Salamence...
  15. G

    DPPt/HGSS GM's trade shop

    Ok the first three Bulbasaur are hatched. All three have Overgrow and were born knowing Tackle and Giga Drain. One is sassy, another is calm, and the final one is relaxed.
  16. G

    DPPt/HGSS GM's trade shop

    So I have updated this thread to include more information. I am fairly laid back about trades, so if you need anything just ask, I won't ask for much in return. All the lists are below. Go to the bottom of the thread to read about the Mystery Egg give away. Important: First thing is first, if...
  17. G

    DPPt/HGSS Wi-fi Battles

    Oh right, I didn't know it boosts them to 100. That's sort of cool.
  18. G

    DPPt/HGSS Wi-fi Battles

    Sent you a PM there. I just couldn't see myself training something that high.
  19. G

    DPPt/HGSS Wi-fi Battles

    Yea I would be more of a Lvl50 person myself alright. And do you think it would be standard practice that people teach moves to offset disadvantages, example would be a grass Pokemon with Surf to offset Fire pokes?
  20. G

    DPPt/HGSS LoN's Battle Thread

    Friend Code: 4640-5726-1912 Team I would like to battle: Your Frontier Team Open Level, 50 or 100: 50 My msn is shoelace6@hotmail.com so you can add me if you want to arrange stuff there.