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Search results

  1. G

    DPPt/HGSS Wi-fi Battles

    Would Lvl50 not be just as even though as the game cuts all levels down?
  2. G

    Ideal Ash Team

    I would say Pikachu, Charizard, Sceptile, Swellow, Kingler and Pupitar (if I knew what ever became of him that is).
  3. G

    Next catch/evolve/leave- Anime (Potential Spoilers)

    It would have been nice if Ash's Squirtle evolved and to be honest I never understood why it didn't. It was at a high level, knew a full move set, it was set for it but never came close. P.S. I think that Paul guy is an ass.
  4. G

    Ranking Ash's pokemon

    Whatever happened to old Larvitar? I remember he evolved into Pupitar, but then what happened? The one thing I didn't like about Ash is he hardly ever tried to catch Pokemon and the one's he did catch, most of them just decided to go with him rather than him actually catching them. And to make...
  5. G

    What would you be in the Pokemon World?

    Trainer without a doubt.
  6. G

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    I would have to say Blaziken is my favourite Pokemon, though Charizard, Dragonite, Salamence, Metagross, Grovyle, Pikachu and Hitmonlee are all close seconds.
  7. G

    DPPt/HGSS Wi-fi Battles

    Thanks Sunny. I felt some of the entries in the tiers lists were a bit odd to say the least but then again, I'm new enough to the whole Wi-fi community and haven't had a Wi-fi battle yet.
  8. G

    DPPt/HGSS Wi-fi Battles

    What sort of rules do most people play by others than the obvious no legendaries? Do people only play the Lvl100 power-fests that I have seen on other sites or do people rather play something lower?
  9. G

    DPPt/HGSS DA's Trade Stop

    Oops my mistake, I apologize :-[
  10. G

    DPPt/HGSS DA's Trade Stop

    Just finished a trade for Deoxys with DA there and can vouch that this guy is legit, good guy to trade with.
  11. G

    Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver remakes confirmed - Autumn release in Japan

    If I remember correctly you could get both Lugia and Ho-oh in both games. In other news, I was delighted to hear about this remake as my Crystal's save battery just went. Now our next dream, just imagine they make a game with all four regions in them.
  12. G

    DPPt/HGSS Looking for event Pokemon

    I'm in Ireland and so have no access to events to get the event Pokemon. What I am looking for is a trad/trade-back of the event Pokemon just to have them on the Dex, I wouldn't have to keep them. If there is anything I could do in return for anyone who could help me out, then please just ask...
  13. G

    DPPt/HGSS Future WiFi Tournament Interest - Looking for names

    I'd do it dependent on levels, my guys are all in their 50's and I usually don't bother training past 60. Also would depend of wi-fi capabilities. Is there a proximity range on linking to other people?