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  1. Scarletghost

    Open Pokemon: The Island Discussion

    Character - Name:crow Gender: male Appearance: red eyes, black hair, and has reds outfit from Kanto Where you're from (Region): Kanto Backstory: is the younger brother of red and wants to follow in his footsteps he was born mute unlike his brother who could talk but chose not to as he had been...
  2. Scarletghost

    Private/Closed The Twisted Minds (Pokemon RP)

    Name:raven Species:gardivior with gallade blades on her arms Personality:cold, and distant from everyone around her, she is fearful of being hurt and captured by even pokemon due to her black/purple coloring as to many it is a mark of her being a shadow pokemon when it was caused by the humans...
  3. Scarletghost

    Open Outcasts Discussion

    I'm going to have to quiet the rp because I am becoming so busy to the point I can't do much of what I like to do sorry
  4. Scarletghost

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    It's fine and I think it's because Idaho's went off my rocker" she said taking out a device that was only able to be hears by werewolves and angels
  5. Scarletghost

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    Winter glared at her "will you stop that and please answer me why do I fell like someone had fun stabbing me over and over, ugh I'm hurting so badly" she growled the let part to herself
  6. Scarletghost

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    Winter soon started to become fully conscious as she looked around "ugh what happened and why does it feel like some desised to make me a living pin coucen" she groaned as she tried to sit up
  7. Scarletghost

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    Winter went in and out of consciousness every now and then saying odd frazes and random words that held no meaning to those that weren't like her
  8. Scarletghost

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    Winter remained unconscious as they did so whimpering ever once in a while
  9. Scarletghost

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    Winter whimpered in pain as she felt grace rub one an area that had a bullet in it, many of her scales where destroyed from the bullets that entered into her body when she fought the guards
  10. Scarletghost

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    She growled but soon enough she calmed down only to collapse for where bullets managed to get past her scales , it was hard to tell if the blood was hers or not as she was covered in it
  11. Scarletghost

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    Winter walked towards her slowly still growing as she got to grace the girl could fell winters breath from how close she was , "g-gra-" she growled cluching her head trying to remember where she was, and who the girl in front of her was
  12. Scarletghost

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    Winter burst into the room snarling as she spotted grace she turned to her and growled ready to pounce if she moved
  13. Scarletghost

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    Winter entered the mansion growling covered in dirt, and blood as she ran through the mansion she ended everything that moved
  14. Scarletghost

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    Soon winter was finished with the solders and destroyed the device, as she made her way back to grace and the girl ,lilly she believed was her name as she did she was still in a rage unable to tell friend from foe
  15. Scarletghost

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    Winter soon found the solders and howled in anger and pain, as she did so the solders started to shoot at her which only made her angerer as she started to attack them without mercy
  16. Scarletghost

    Open Outcasts Discussion

    @Jagson winter sent there she left to make some solders stop using a device....more like destroy it and probably try to kill the solders if they try to stop her
  17. Scarletghost

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    Make it stop make the noise STOP" she roared as she ran towards the sound unknowingly heading towards a group of solders who where testing a device
  18. Scarletghost

    Open Outcasts Discussion

    Winter is hearing something else not fae
  19. Scarletghost

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    Winter whimpered as she held her head in pain, why did she hear this noise it hurt her ears badly, but it sounded sad and in pain she soon howled from the pain
  20. Scarletghost

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    I....see your point grace if nothing else I'll be able to defend them if worse comes to worse is,.....that what your trying to say?"