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Open A Different World

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She stopped for a few seconds and she was shaking while holding him and she yelled and she threw him to the ground as hard as she can so that he can get knocked out and if he wasn't knocked out she sat down "I have no one hydri......your gone....your way too dark to be considered the hydri I once knew and loved.....sun is.....everyone I used to know Is dead.....and now your dark...I barley recognize you your like a different person..." she looked off in the distance "Adrian really did a lot more than he think he did....for that he will have to pay..." she wasn't paying attention to hydri and was looking in the distance
He managed to stay conscious from the attack. The darkness quickly overtook him again. "You fool...." He detached a blade from one of his glaives and attempted to stab Kyu in the chest with it. There was a low chance that he would actually hit her with it with how weak he was. He finally stopped the blade a few inched from her chest and dropped it. "Lock me up....." He kept his hand over the blade. "The evil is too much for my mind..."
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Bezukhov stood a few feet behind the two.
"... Ok then... How about we chillax and grab a bite over at that one restaurant?" He suggested, leaning against the slightly damaged door frame. The trainer rolled his sleeves up, for the heat from the two recent battles had worked Bezukhov up quite a bit. "I could buy the meals too, if you'd both like..." Bezukhov said, chuckling awkwardly afterward.
She sighed and didn't move and waited for it to hit her but then she realized that he stopped and she said "well......I'll just have to knock you out for now hydri,you haven't rested and you have a tendency to keep on not resting and always losing since your tired,so either let me knock you out or you won't destroy anything ok?" She said to him

Ooc (@KoishiTheRockruff they are kinda far away so he couldn't see that :v)
"Just put me in a damned cage like he did." He picked up the blade again but didn't try to hit her with it. "I can't hold it back for much longer Kyu....." He was shaking violently as tears streamed down his face. He started to growl as dark energy radiated off of his small frame. "Forgive me...."
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She punched the side of his head as hard as she can so that she can knock him out "just get knocked out and I'll find a way!!! Just stay down!" She said as she kept hitting him until he passed out from the pain but she made sure not to kill him
She breathed heavily after that and she picked him up by her shoulder and she teleported to mark "do you know where the jail cells are?" She asked him and mark pointed to the jail,not wanting to ask what happened and kyu passed by Ben, she nodded to him and put hydro in the cell
He shook in pain from what had just happened. He kept trying to fight the darkness in himself. He was slowly losing who he actually was.
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Bezukhov nodded back and proceeded to approach the restaurant nearby, taking a seat at one of the tables in the front. A waitress approached him and set down a menu on the table.
"Would you like a drink, sir?" The waitress offered, holding a jar half full of cold, clear water.
"Yes please. I'll be having someone joining me later on, so pour them a cup too." Bezukhov said, pointing at Kyu in the distance.
"Of course sir, please let me know when the two of you are ready to order." The waitress nodded and poured two glasses full of the water, setting them on either side of the table the trainer had been sitting.
Kyu went back to the table and groaned loudly "seriously why does today have to be soooo stressful" she said as she sat down and started drinking her water "thanks,a lot of guys in this food place here like flirting with me and it's annoying as hell" she said while waiting for the waitress

Adrian was sipping tea on his throne that he made that was very special to him wen all of a sudden a robot bursts through the door and is panting even though it's a robot and it quickly bowed to Adrian "S-s-sir I have important information for you" it said and Adrian sighed "your a scout robot yes? Well what did you find,a resistance area? A group of surviving trainers? Trainers are illegal in my world,there too much of a threat so no ones allowed to carry More than one Pokémon so it'll be good if you found a few" he slowly drank his tea and the robot said "two fellow scout robots of mine have been destroyed,by a trainer who said he was going to a town" Adrian spat out his tea and slowly wiped himself "THE town? The legendary town I've been looking for?!" He yelled and then kept himself calm and collected "tell me,where is this town?" He asked and the robot began shaking "u-umm actually sir I don't know,I only know he mentioned a town" he said and Adrian rubbed his chin "hmmmm i may have an idea,tell me where your last scout location was" he said as he chuckled to himself darkly
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Bezukhov chuckled.
"I see, so you must be pretty popular if others flirt with you." He replied, smiling. Picking up his glass, Bezukhov took a quick swig and set it down, reading off the list of meals on the menu. Soon after reading the menu, he chose a meal for himself. Leaning away from his chair, Bezukhov cupped a hand around his mouth and called out to the waitress.
"Excuse me miss, we're ready to order!" The trainer managed to catch the attention of the waitress who was now walking toward the table. Pen and notebook in hand, the waitress seemed friendly enough.

"Ok, may I take your order?" She asked, showing off her friendly smile. The waitress stood patiently by the table.

"Yes, I'll take the Miltank steak please." Bezukhov said, looking back at the waitress from his menu. "I'll take a pint of Pinap juice as well."
She looked at the waiter and smiled "yes may I get umm two of everything in the menu? Thanks" she said and she looked on
To Ben "yeah I guess,being a savior and symbol of hope makes people like ya and stuff,it's just that there usually not my type anyways so" she shrugs "oh well"
She began stirring her drink with the straw "so...what made you want to come here anyways?" She asked
The waitress nodded and scribbled down the their requests, retreating back to the kitchen inside the wooden building.
"Ok, please expect your meals to be ready soon."

Bezukhov shrugged in response and sipped some more of the cold water.
"Not too sure, just getting some nice vibes from here." He set the now half-full glass back on the table. "Plus the people here are pretty nice, so I thought I'd try this restaurant out." The trainer smiled and patted his knee. A rustling could be heard from the bushes nearby and Kim the Kommo-o emerged from them. "Ah, Kim. I expected you to be back soon, nice job." Bezukhov grinned and returned Kim back to her Pokeball.
She snickered "I meant to this TOWN like why did you come to the town not the restaurant" she said giggling slightly "and ummm the food unless if they cook extremely fast it may take a while,I have the appetite of a few anime Characters" she said smiling and happy to see Kim coming back safe
Hydri is attempting to pry the door of the cell open so that he could escape but he didn't even have enough strength to bend it at all. "I will get out of here eventually." He started running his claws against the bars of the cage, making a loud clanking noise.
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Bezukhov realized his mistake.
"Oh, why I came to this town..." He chuckled awkwardly at his own mistake. "... Well, while under Adrians rule, I just couldn't handle his malicious ways and so I bribed the border guards to let me free. During my travels, others have told me of a town that is completely isolated from Adrians land and is peaceful. So, I thought I could perhaps find this town and live the rest of my life in peace with my Pokemon." Bezukhov explained, patting the Pokeballs latched onto his belt. Unlatching a Pokeball, he set it in front of him. "This is Stephens Pokeball. I first caught him when he was a mere Starly when I was younger. He helped me get here, along with the rest of my Pokemon."
Mark walked to hydris cage "your a terrible creature,always trying to instigate something and never getting a rest," he said as he knelt down near his level but far from the cage "I suggest you calm down for once,I sense great evil in you,you can rival even Adrian's dark aura,I don't know why kyu is your freind but she seems to know what she's doing so I trust she'll make sure you won't try to destroy the town" he said while sternly looking at him

Kyu smiled "ah I see,your quite a formidable trainer,I can't wait to fight you with my full power" she said with a grin on her face "your pretty brace to be walking around with Pokémon,Adrian hates trainers since he thinks that they might overthrow him so he made it illegal"
The robot said "the coordinates of the trainer was 19.8968° N, 155.5828° W in yee abandoned city your lordship" it said and Adrian rubbed his chin "huh the abandoned place huh? Well if this place is so legendary than there's a lot of trainers and Pokémon there.....my regular robots will have too much trouble and it'll be a waste of resources to use my entire army but.....I could go alone....in my mech suit...." he sat up and went to his lab "I have a few experiments and upgrades to do,thank you for this vital information scout robot"
The robot sighed in relief as Adrian walked off "thank god im not getting dismantled"
An aura sphere started to form in his mouth. "Take your words back right now...." He managed to say through the ball of energy. "I will find a way out and then kill you." There was darkness swirling in his eyes. "There is ricochet as soon as I launch this in the cage Mark...."
Bezukhov smiled back and placed Stephens Pokeball back in its former place.
"Yeah, I can't wait too." He replied, crossing his arms.

After an hour of conversing with Kyu, several waitresses and waitors streamed out from the door, many of them holding plates of Kyu's meals, and one carrying over the plate of steak which Bezukhov had ordered an hour prior.
"We apologize for the wait. Please enjoy your meals." The waitors and waitresses said in unision before returning back to their former postitions in the restaurant.

"Thank you." Bezukhov said, waving them off. He took a fork and knife and began to cut through the steak into strips.
Kyu instead of eating formerly decided to eat extremely fast and she started eating through plate after plate after plate extremely fast showing no sign of stopping,it seems she was REALLY hungry

Mark scoffed "please,im not afraid of your little aura sphere,and I won't since you nearly destroyed this beautiful and only safe haven due to a stupid reason if you getting pissed,I am surprised after all that damage kyu has done to you that you can still preform energy attacks,but there's a couple reasons why you can't strike me,first the cell your in would cut the aura sphere in half and I could easily dodge it,even though I'm just a normal human it's called reflexes,secondly during the years I've been with kyu she knows my thoughts and such so she'll stop you anyways,and even if you DO hit me what is that gonna accomplish? You'll kill me,the leader of the resistance against Adrian who is just trying to help everyone and fight back against Adrian's cruel ways and you'll end all of that just to get satisfied? and kyu will never forgive you anyways and think what this would do to her mentality,your anger makes you selfish and cruel, I'm not saying this to be mean,I'm saying this so that you could wake up and clear your mind,threatening to kill me makes you EXACTLY like Adrian" he said sternly "so just relax and get a grip on yourself and get some damn humility already" he said
"I don't want to hurt you Mark,....But I am going to preform self harm as soon as I angle this against the bars...She will blame you for angering me and then she will realize how bad of a person you are for insulting a Shadow Pokemon." The ball of energy was growing continuously in front of him. "It's not nice to threaten me. I am a nice Pokemon afterall..."
Bezkhovs steak was reduced to nothing but fat and juice within a minute. Heck, even the plate had cuts on them from the trainers vigorous cutting.
"Heh, so you eat fast as well? I've always been poked fun at for that." He chuckled, squinting his eyes into a happy-ish look. Bezukhov took a few swigs of his Pinap juice to wash down the grease that stuck around in his mouth, and looked back at Kyu. "So, anything else you wanted to talk about?"
She was still eating extremely fast eating all of the food and when she was finished she sighed in relief "ahhhhhhh now THAThit the spot" she rubbed her full stomach and was in harmony and then realized he was there and she has a pink blush and she rubs the back of her head sheepishly" hehe ummm pretend you didn't see that"

Mark looked at him not buying it "ok but there's two big flaws in your plan,one she can read my thoughts so she'll know you did it anyways, and two let's say she CANT find out for some reason,your behind bars,I'm just a regular guy,how the hell are you gonna explain the burn marks on you? That I held a match against you and burnt you?" he chuckled but then went back to being serious "I can care less of your origin,in fact it just makes me think further of why she chose you as a freind,you nearly killed innocent lives,your threading a peaceful leader who just wants you to calm down we can just consider this water under the boat,you killed two Pokémon when it wasn't neccasary,they wouldn't be able to fight us again anyways so you did that out of maliciousness,your a dark evil shadow Pokémon,your basically Adrian if he was a Pokémon" he shook his head "I want to think the best of you,really I do,but how are you gonna explain the burn marks on you and blame me?" he said getting frustrated with the dark Pokémon in front of him
Bezukhov waved his hand as if saying; "Don't worry about it.". He smiled and set his plate aside with the heaping piles of other plates which used to have held Kyu's meals.
"Don't worry, I won't." The trainer stretched, yawning after he felt various cracks emit throughout his body. "Anyway, what did you want to talk about now? Unless if you wanted to go back to my place after I pay for our food." Bezukhov asked, pulling out his tattered wallet stuffed with Pokedollars.
"I don't have to explain......I just want to wipe that grin off of Adrian's face.....Yet here I sit in a cage with only enough energy in me to use a single move." He grabbed the aura sphere and shaped it into a knife. "Either you are going to let me out or I will break out myself, Mark.....Make the smart decision please....It's bad enough that I am trying to fight the evil and help others but it is difficult when I don't have full control over him. Just let me out and I will leave this town...."
He sighed "whatever,you think your fighting for good,but think what good your doing if you'll mindlessly hurt others,you do as you please but I swear if you hurt anyone of our village and I'm not a violent man,I'll make sure you will only have enough energy to breathe,I need to protect this tow and what your doing is suicide but I can't stop you" he said as he unlocked the cage "now if you try attacking me right now kyu will stop you Andy you will be more than hurt by her,so I suggest you either leave or get a grip,you barley have energy so for once just sleep or eat something before you leave,or else you'll be beaten by the weakest orbit he has,I still care for others so to an extent I care about you" he said as he turned around and walked out of the door

Kyu looked at his dollars confused and then realized it was money "oh,our town used no currency,we use bargains but for guests the first meal is always free,don't worry I'll pay" she said smirking "wow ya know how to treat a lady huh?" She said sarcastically but jokingly
"Nah, just common courtsey." Bezukhov chuckled in reply, closing his wallet and placed it back in his bag. "Sure, my mom taught me to treat ladies with respect and not act like dogs around them." He laughed at his own comment, his mind being flooded with past memories of his mother disciplining him as a little boy.
She smirked at him "oh? And how do you act like dogs around lady's in your guys terms? Basically just drooling at lady's" she chuckled "me I drool over sweet....succulent....juicy food" she said as she looked off in the distance thinking about it with her mouth drooling slightly
Bezukhov grinned goofily, nodding at Kyu's remark.
"Yeah, basically. Then again, I find food more enticing now since of how scarce it was when I first escaped the horrid city." He chuckled, and finished off the last of his Pinap juice, sliding it aside along with the rest of plates and bowls.
She shrugs "I mean I guess,we usually have a lot of foods but guys here just arnt my type,if like a guy who's confident enough and strong willed yet not cocky ya know?" She said as she messed with her black hair "so you find food more hot than girls now" she said chuckling "your just gonna fall in love with a steak and kiss it and stuff" she said snickering
"Oh yes, true love at first sight." Bezukhov laughed a genuine laugh and took his plate and held it close to him, completely ignoring the fact that grease was smearing onto his undershirt. "Steak, my one and only love, I all of a sudden snapped and... And... Ate you! Oh, my precious steak, come back to me!" He sung mokingly, chuckling as he did so and set the plate back next to the piles of platters. "Yeah... Plus in the city, women are often mistreated and this one time I saved this one gal and got thrown in prison because of that! Harsh, I tell you."
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She genuinely laughed at his little act that he did and she laughed good and hard before she started breathing and chuckling a bit "it's been so long since I've laughed like that and yeah I feel ya,but hey this is a new town and new people" she said and she has a playful smirk "maybe you'll find a girl you'll have a crush on here,there's plenty of girls and nice people here so who knowwwwsss?~?" She said playfully
He made the weapon dissipate into nothing and weakly walked out of the door. He stayed against the wall for support as he walked. He was really hoping that he would not run into Kyu.
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Bezukhov shrugged.
"Who knows. It's been a while since I've had one of them silly crushes." He chuckled and leaned back in his chair. "Sure, the ladies here are pretty nice, but I'd rather not dog on em'." He yawned again and sat upright. "So, did you wanna leave this place, or did you need to pay first?" Bezukhov asked, seemingly curious.
She looks at him "well there not really silly,I found my true love back when I was in highschool but now I'm all alone but hey,sometimes the lonely life is better" she said stretching "it depends on who you are and don't worry we can go" she said standing up

Adrian was in his lab and he took the white sheet off of a special robot and he chuckled "ahhh yessss this should give em a scare,I need to make a few improvements though" he said as he studied his robot
He made his way into the clearing of the small town and looked around for Kyu. Seeing as she was nowhere in sight he started limping off towards the forest again.
Kyu went to the guest house with ben and sat down on the couch and stretched "so what would you like to talk about?" She asked

Adrian laughed "Hhehehe finnaly my robot is ready,now all I have to do is put in the coordinates of that guys last location and he'll find the town himself" he said laughing as he pressed some buttons on the robot
He cautiously walked towards Adrian's lair. He was too weak to watch where he was going and tripped on a loose root. He sent curse words flying through the air like bullets. His voice echoed like a loud explosion.
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Adrian sat down as he drank his tea while his robot was charging up and he laughed "they'll never know what hit them,plus they are just so stupid,being peaceful and allowing a fool to expose there location" he said chuckling darkly
Ooc (Adrian's mansion is reeeealllllyyy far away and his true lair is undisclosed which is the place he is at now)
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