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Ask to Join A Journey in Alola!

Trinity then took a breath. "You came to see if I was okay, right? Well, I'm okay, so you can go now. This is my fight, not yours." Trinity said, looking to Teiran, who seemed a bit hurt, but had to agree with her. "She is alright, guys. We should go serve our own journey, and leave Trinity for hers." Teiran said, as she walked outside the mansion. She then called for Akio, Daniel, Kemen, Glacier, Duke, Kyle, and Jonathan to come back.
Before Duke left, he glanced at Trinity.

"You really shouldn't push people away who want to help. I'll respect your desire to do this alone, but remember that accepting help from those who care is not a weakness." Duke said before he followed Teiran outside the mansion.
Trinity, quite frankly, didn't care, and knew that Teiran understood, and either way, Trinity was not one to accept advice from people she just met. Meanwhile, Teiran saw Kemen pushing Daniel in, and Duke as well, so she shouted, "Akio, Glacier, Kyle, Jonathan!" to grab the other trainers' attention.
(Oh, cute! I'll edit that)

Teiran nodded to both Glaciers response, Kemen's response, and Daniel's response. "I'll wait for everyone, but since Duke, you, and Kemen came on Duke's Charizard, you can head out whenever you want to." Teiran said to Daniel, before shouting, "Akio! Kyle! Jonathan!" again, hoping to gain there attention.
( @Akio and Cubone @Red_The_Champion
Duke nodded as he glanced at Charizard who got in position for Daniel and Kemen to get on as easily as possible.

"Ready whenever you guys are." Duke said to Daniel and Kemen. Then he heard Daniel's comment and decided to wait.
"Okay." Teiran said, a happy smirk on her face, as she continued to call the names of the missing trainers. Teiran got this strange feeling all of a sudden. It didn't seem as though Jonathan was coming back. He seemed pretty upset about something, and Teiran figured it was the group. Teiran signed, as this time, she just called out Kyle and Akio's name.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier hopped on Salamence's back and waited for Teiran and Akio. "Lets get going before the night hits us." He called to them. Zoroark was recalled back into her Luxury Ball and Salamence was getting impatient with Akio and Teiran. "Think Trinity is going to come with us?" He asked Teiran.
Kemen nodded, helping Daniel onto Charizard's back, before getting on himself.

"I have a room booked at a nice hotel in Paniola Town, for my bride and I, but I'm sure that if I put in a word for you, I could get you all rooms there," Kemen purred.
As Kyle heard the familiar voice, he gasped and slowly turned. "Is that.... KEMEN!" he exclaimed, totally fanboying out. "THE NITA KING! I'M A HUGE FAN OF YOURS!" Then, he calmed himself down a little. "I'm Kyle, a Coordinator, and a rival of your..... bride?" he half asked, remembering how he had held Daniel.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"I'm going to Ula'Ula Island and most likely staying there for two days. I'm not going to be in the contest because of....what happened there." Glacier said, recalling the memory of Kyle's Serperior taking down his Lycanroc. "That's why I'm heading off...just so you know...Trinity is ok and the help is taken care of.."
(We were in Po Town, near Team Skull's mansion)

Kemen chuckled dryly at the attention, used to receiving such displays. "That's me," he answered, "And if you are a coordinator, like you say that you are, I suppose that does make you a rival of my bride~" and he pinched Daniel's cheek.

"K-Kemen!" Daniel hissed, "I'm a guy! And we're only sixteen!"

"Guy or not, you're still gonna be my bride some day," Kemen snorted, "We can have a beautiful wedding on the beach of Danza Town, in my region."

Daniel, despite blushing deeply at the thought, still pouted.
"That's adorable!" exclaimed Kyle. "I'd like to have my wedding on a beach too, but I don't think I'll meet a girl or guy that likes me any time soon!" Then, he realized he'd gotten off topic. "Forget what I said! I just think you're a great couple!"
"Hey, he's the cutest lil' coordinator I ever saw," Kemen added, "My Daniel's an adorable sweetheart, and I love him so much"~

Despite himself, Daniel buried his face in his boyfriend's shoulder, and mumbled, "I love you too..."


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier just stared at the three of them. "Shame really...I could use you later." He muttered. Salamence looked at Glacier suspiciously and eyed them. "What? You don't need to know the plan that I'm forming...only Zoroark....she knows exactly what I'm planning." He argued. Salamence breathed a small flame at Glacier and burnt his face a bit. All Glacier did to respond was chuckle.
Teiran shook a head, telling Glacier that Trinity had her own destiny, wether it was by herself or with friends. "Akio?" Teiran shouted, starting to get worried. Teiran took out her Pokegear, and went to Akio in her contacts. "Akio, where are you? I'm starting to worry about my future Alolan prince..." She texted eagerly.
(@Akio and Cubone )


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier stayed silent and thought about the plan. "Its good...designed by my lord himself...If they were to find out though..."Glacier muttered. Salamence growled in agreement. Try and capture them they said, try and earn their trust they said...but did I listen? Only to the final part...There is no way that Ghetis will get me to work for Team Plasma again. He thought bitterly. The thought of working for Team Plasma again gave Glacier a chill and thoughts on about rejoining.
Teiran was getting worried that Akio wasn't answering her texts, and she started to panic. But she noticed Glaciers expression, and it seemed a lot more serious than hers. "Akio isn't picking up. What's on your mind?" Teiran said, as she walked over to Glacier and sat down.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Horrible....Memories..haunting me to do rejoin an evil organization and its difficult to ignore them..." Glacier said, worried about the fate of his Pokemon. "Help me....please..." He said, almost crying. The memories of Team Plasma kept repeating over and over again, getting worse by the second.
"It's okay, it's okay! Why are you so scared of them? What's truly bugging you from the heart?" Teiran asked, as she rubbed him on the back, trying her best to comfort him. As an eleven year old, this was difficult. She wasn't used to cheering people up, besides the time with Akio.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Team Plasma....ever since I left Unova, I've having nightmares about them ever since. They keep repeating, but getting worse.....This secret I'm telling you...It means I was a former Team Plasma grunt." He said, hating that he admitted his dark past.
"Well here is some advice. It doesn't matter what your past holds. What matters, is what you do to change that past, and to look towards the future." Teiran said, as she looked Glacier in the eye. Brionne was near Salamence, blowing up a bubble, and looking at him through it, which made his face super swirly, causing Brionne to tilt her head in confusion.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"If only it were that easy...I stopped because of Zoroark and Salamence...they were injured and i took them like a family...then...I betrayed Team Plasma by leaving and disobeying orders." Glacier said, chuckling to himself. "Sometimes life can get complicated, so I hid myself near Victory Road and trained Zoroark and Salamence into the Pokemon they are now....now Team Plasma is back and they're trying to get me back by trying to kidnap you guys." He explained.
Teiran gave a slight chuckle, before saying, "Well, they've got another thing coming!" with a fist pump in the air. "And don't worry. We've got your back!" Teiran said, reassuringly, as she stood up, and held out a hand to help him up as well. Teiran tried, and hopfully her words got through to him.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier grinned as Duke made his reply. "Thanks...So...lets say we take down the bozos group and have them disband.." He said. Salamence roared with agreement. Zoroark appeared out her Pokemon and used Flamethrower in the sky to agree as well.
(@Yellow.anime I don't mind Duke overhearing us...its fine...)
"I'm sorry, Glacier, but my goals aren't set on defeating any teams." she said with a sweat drop. "The only time I'd fight them was if they were hurting a friend, Pokemon, or person." she said, looking down at her laces a bit sadly. She was disappointed she couldn't help him, but defeating Team Skull, or Flare, or Plasma, just really wasn't Teirans idea as fun for traveling.
"I have a desire to take down evil wherever it may be." Duke said to Glacier as he glanced at Terian.

"However, I...I can't abandon my friends to take the fight to them. I chose to combat evil while I travel with them. May sound sill, or counter productive, but that is my decision. I am sorry." Duke said to Glacier.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"That's quite all right, chap. I understand. We should continue on our journey through this tropical region." Glacier said. "I can't wait to get my next Z Crystal!" Salamence got up and was ready to fly back to Akala. "Not yet...we've got trials here...so hang tight." He told his Pokemon.
"If your doing the trials here, does that mean your splitting up with us?" Teiran asked, a bit concerned. She still had Mallows trial, Olivia's trial, and The two trials on Melemele, which she would get back to after The trials on the other islands.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"I'll complete my Electrium Z trial, then I'll come back and rejoin you guys. How does that sound, Teiran?" Glacier asked. Zoroark and Salamence looked at Teiran hopefully.
Teiran sighed, but looked up at him and smiled. "I'll put your number in my Pokegear, so when you finish I can tell you where we are." Teiran said, as she took out her Pokegear, and asked for his number, by just looking at him with a look, saying, "I'm waiting...". Brionne meanwhile, was digging through bushes, finding Pokemon, and playing with them for a while, and Brionne happened to stumble upon a Machop. Brionne played with the Machop, and they became very friendly, so while Teiran wasn't looking, she snook a Pokeball, and tapped Machop on the head, catching it in the prosses, yet Teiran hadn't found out yet.
"Glacier," said Kyle, as he put his hand on his friend's back. "You won't have to do this alone, cause I'll be with you! I know how you feel, with Team Plasma and everything. My dad is Guzma, leader of Team Skull! For a while, me and Litten worked for Team Skull, until my dad pushed us too hard! We were in a battle against a guy my dad wanted to kidnap, some guy named Colress, and Litten was knocked way into the ocean after being hit by a Volt Tackle from Colress's Pokemon! By the time I got it, it was still breathing, but was in a coma. I left Team Skull and my father behind to honor Litten, who finally woke up two years afterwards!" Kyle sighed and took a breath. "What I'm trying to say is, I'll come to Ula'Ula with you!"
"We're in Ula'Ula'" Teiran said, as she mentally face palmed. She didn't mentally face palm for one reason, but three. The fact that Glacier wasn't staying to take down Team Plazma, the fact that another trainer was leaving, and the fact that they were on Ula'Ula. Brionne, meanwhile, was playing with Machop, who had come out of his Pokeball.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier took out his C-Gear and gave Teiran his number. "There..that should do it. So I'll call you when I'm done, but it should be easy enough." He said, "I might just pop in the group..As for Team Skull and Colress, they might as well give up. Every grunt fears me because I'm the strongest grunt out of all of them." He flashed a wink and looked towards Blush Mountain, where the travel bus will take them to Mt. Hokulani.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Well....looks like its goodbye for now...I'll return once I finish the trial...let me know if something happens." Glacier told the group. Salamence and Zoroark were to leave their new friends, but cheered up a little when they would see each other again. Jay smiled at his friends and thought, No matter what happens...I'll help you guys...as you'll help me...