Jackson was on Route 5 with an Illumise and a Volbeat. "So let me get this straight... you guys got tired of Route 7 and came here. Then you saw Krakov and want to get strong like him..." The two nodded before Jackson sighed. "Alright." After two Pokeballs, Jackson released them. "Okay Romeo, Juliett... give me a second.
After a trip to the portable PC, Jackson could be seen laying back on a tree as his Pokemon were around him. His new three Wormadam, (Thank you Bugsy for evolving them), were hanging on the tree. Royal, aDrive, Marinette, Romeo, and Juliett were on Jackson's left side. Butters, Buck Bumble, Whispy, Jango, and Pretty were all on Jackson's left side. Meanwhile, Krakov, Tide and their Secret Weapon were keeping watch as the Secret Weapon stayed hidden.
Virus the Dustox [Male]
Tide the Golisopod [Male]
Krakov the Vivillon (Tundra) [Male]
??? the ??? [Male]
The Hive:
Royal the Combee [Female]
Butters the Butterfree [Female]
Buck Bumble the Beedrill [Male]
Whispy the Vivillon (Polar) [Male]
Jango the Vivillon (Monsoon) [Female]
Pretty the Beautifly [Female]
Leaf the Wormadam (Plant) [Female]
Terra the Wormadam (Sandy) [Female]
Steela the Wormadam (Trash) [Female]
aDrive the Mothim [Male]
Marinette the Ledian [Female]
Romeo the Volbeat [Male]
Juliett the Illumise [Female]