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Open A wild world of wild wealth!

Chase saw the last Pokemon as an electrike
and sent treecko after them to see what they were doing. Treecko climbed a tree and jumped from tree to tree behind them and saw them stop. He saw what was ahead of him and ran back and got Chase to go up there. Chase was a distance behind them and could see what they were looking at. “Haunter, do your thing,” Chase mumbled as he let haunted free. Haunter turned invisible and made his way to the open chest. [by the way my team is treecko, growlithe, and Haunter.]
Frubble had been watching the pokemon from outside, at first he had no reason to follow but then he saw an electrike, he decided he'd run in after a minute or so, so he jumped down from a branch and charged forward at breackneck speeds after the pokemon, soon he was right behind the room they where in and they watched them find the treasure chest as he hid in a shadow.
Socks's heart raced with excitement as they could now see into the room. His tail waved more freely and he allowed a smirk to slip onto his face, all thoughts of keeping up a tough act fading as the thought of all of the treasures ahead of them entered his mind. He went to take a step forward, wanting to see what really lay inside but stopped mid movement, "Wait... something's not right... this is too easy, this room must have some kind of defense mechanism or something." Socks glanced up at Adam, his smirk disappearing.
"What are you talking about? It's right there in front of us," He motioned to the treasures with a paw and made to walk forwards again but stopped himself with another scowl, Adam was probably right and he knew more about this than Socks did. He sighed deeply and mumbled under his breath about 'stupid smart Kirlia. Dumb treasure and stupid traps'.
Arya skidded to an abrupt halt upon Adam's signal. She peered past him to gaze at the odd room with interest. The part of the Temple had an ominous aurora steaming off it that warned the Electrike to leave the area. She shifted her hazel gaze back to the Kirlia and murmured her agreeance. Although the alluring items flowing from the chest beckoned to her it was suspicious how simple the setup appeared to be.

"I agree..."

The Electrike chuckled at Sock's antics before falling dour again. Her pupils narrowed in fright. She felt something... Approaching. And multiple Pokemon as well.
Haunter headed towards the chest but because of his very playful nature, he went back behind the Kirlia ready to give it a scare. He tapped the Kirlia’s shoulder behind it and went to the front of it waiting for it to turn around.
Frubble winked at the haunter and began to pull out some of the bubbles on its neck so he could use it as a projectile, he was suprised nobody had noticed him yet, "Well either way I take the treasure for myself," he said to himself "Either way it`ll also be funny," he then added thinking of what might happen.
"Let's test something..." He said as he picked up a nearby pebble and lobbed it into the room. Once it landed on a tile, the latter lowered like a pressed button and the torkoal heads on either side of the wall exactly where the tile was opened their mouths and let out a blast of inferno for a few seconds, the blast was powerful enough to make anyone who witnessed it flinch. He felt himself be poked and turned around, he thought is was one of his two followers. But he did also feel like he was being watched...
Haunter appeared in front of the kirlia waiting for it to turn back around. Chase saw the Kirlia turn around and hid behind a tree trying not to get caught.
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Socks shrunk back from the flames, the heat making his skin crawl and his heart race. He'd been so close to ending up like that pebble, he shuddered at the thought. Flicking his tail idly and trying to act like it didn't bother him. Socks glared at the Torkoal heads and rolled his eyes, "of course it'd be fire. Of. Course." He turned to look back at Adam who'd suddenly turned and flicked an ear, "What?" he asked a cold feeling running down his spine as he felt a pair of eyes on him from behind and he glanced over his shoulder but saw nothing, the fur on the back of his neck began to stand up. "Something doesn't feel right, apart from the flaming death contraptions that is." he muttered the last part.
(By the way @Sandshrewschooler, we are in a temple c: )
Arya tilted her view to glance over her shoulder and into the dark depths of the Temple hall warily. A worried expression dawned across her face when new troubles began to arise in her mind. Her ears pinned to the side of her head as she reared up shakily. She turned back to Socks and Adam, stifling as she stuttered her worries to the two.

"A-Adam I think there's some- Pokemon out there..."

She turned her gaze to notice a Haunter mischievously floating behind the Kirlia, causing her to suppress a yip. She furrowed her face with her eyes shut and turned to look back but they had disappeared. Weird...
Socks jumped as Arya let out a cry and turned his attention to her, wide eyed. "What? What is it?" he asked, unable to calm himself as the close encounter with becoming a pile of ash and the odd feeling he got in the temple combined. He didn't curl is tail and allowed it to remain straightened, not minding that the others would know his obvious fear. He took a couple of steps back from the treasure, not so sure that he'd really want any of the treasure at this point.
Frubble winked at the haunter again and began to laugh, he looked over at the pokemon and thought "That was too loud, they probably noticed," before he could think anymore he threw three patches of the bubbles around his neck towards the pokemon hoping they would land.
"Look out!" he shouted as he dashed in front of Arya and Socks and used Protect, managing to ward off the froabbles. "Let me guess, you're after the treasure as well?" he asked as he raised his arms in a defensive manner. "Well you don't have to attack us, there's plenty for everyone!"
"Pfft, fine whatever, just don`t get in my way," Frubble said as he took another frubble and threw it towards the face of the torkoal making one of the flames stop for a few seconds "So how are you planning on stopping these flames if those can`t stop them?" he asked still holding his back against the wall, arms crossed.
"I don't think we need the treasure, I have a feeling we are not alone..."

She turned to Socks who queried her yelp. Suddenly a cold feeling hurled at Arya's pelt. She whipped her cranium over her shoulder to investigate the projectile and noticed bubbles stuck to her pelt. Being an electric type, it had a little effect but left her in confusion. Huh..? She turned to Socks who had also been targeted by the attack.

"Socks!" A feeling of panic surged through her and clambered to her face which displayed sheer trepidation. The Electrike curled her lips to form a snarl and tensed her frame, still trembling. Suddenly, Adam shielded in front of them. She soothed thankfully at the gesture and reared behind him, ready to attack.
Socks glanced at Arya as she called his name, offering her a concerned look, he was no longer feeling as confident about this whole treasure thing, he shook himself dispelling the bubble like things. As quickly as the fight had begun it ended and suddenly there were four of them. Socks found himself shocked at the Froakie's quick switching of sides. He glanced at Adam and Arya, trying to gauge their reactions but he'd never been good at reading others. He knew his own reaction though, he was already splitting the treasure with two others and wasn't very keen on making it a four way split. Yet, the Froakie had a point, they really had no way of getting to the treasure without him. Socks frowned but remained silent allowing himself to curl his tail again and try to act like he wasn't feeling useless.
"I don't think you can stop them; take a look at the tiles." He said as he pointed to the latter. "There are symbols on each one and there appears to be a trail of unique ones that lead to the chest. Now... if I were to..." he said as he threw another pebble to one of the tiles he mentioned, but unlike earlier, the torkoal statues remained dormant. "We use those kinds of tiles as a trail to the treasure, but we should tread lightly."
"Oh I was planning on covering you with these Frubbles and tell you to teleport over there and grab it, but sure whatever that means, I just wanna move away from this wall soon, it`s kinda boring," he said feeling into his frubbles. He grabbed out a berry he found earlier and started eating it.
Adam tilted his head and smiled "Oh come on, where's the fun in that. Besides, that'd just be cheating. I'll use teleport to get us out, no problem, but using it every time to get quick treasure... that just ruins it, it doesn't feel like you've earned it. Nothing in life is given to you after all, it's earned." He looked at everyone with his traditional confident look. "Alright, now let's go earn that treasure... as soon as we decide who wants to cross the tiles to get there... not that I have a problem with it of course, but to let you guys have some of the action."
Arya remained mute, although her preference swayed to objecting to letting the Froakie join them after his ill-mannered scheme. However, she figured he did make a point in some of his statements. She felt conflicted but in the end, it was Adam's decision as he became a leader-like figure of a sort. She nodded to his statement against using teleportation and appreciated his eagerness to complete the mission.
"Whatever," said frubble as he jumped over all the tiles in a single leap "It would be earning it, you know how many miliseconds it takes for this stuff to regenerate?" He jokingly said standing there as he looked back over the tiles "So whats next?" he asked looking around the room.
"Well, I think I'll let someone else do the getting roasted alive thank you very much." Socks stretched his back and sat down, "I'm willing to help but I think turning into a Litten is against my -" He watched the Froakie leap across the tiles and blinked rapidly barely able to believe his eyes. He sighed defeatedly and got to his feet before turning to Adam, "So, fearless leader, what do you want us to do?" He gestured to himself and Arya with his tail.
He lightly facepalmed at the Froakie's choice of actions. "Just... see if you can find a switch of some kind that'll turn off the flamethrowers." he looked back at Socks and Arya with a smile before he turned back to Frubble. "And don't even think about trying to take all it for yourself, treasure hunters should only take as much as their pockets can carry, not the whole load." He folded his arms and his eyes widened as he noticed one of the stones had the appearance of a dawn stone.
Arya slouched on her haunches in a sitting position, observing socks and Adam and ready to act on command. She wanted to be able to contribute instead of sitting off on the sidelines, no matter how fearful she was. She noticed the Froakie's deft movements as he bounded across the tiles, envying his swift abilities.

The Elecktrike nodded her head, acknowledging the Kirlias suggestion of action to her and Socks. Immediately she swept herself to her paws had begun sniffing the ground for clues as to where the switch was.
Socks smirked and rolled his eyes, "We'll see about that," but he was obviously joking, originally he'd been in it for himself but at this point there was no way he wouldn't at least leave some of the treasures for Adam and Arya, the Froakie whose name he was still unaware of may be a different story. Socks glanced back at Adam, who was staring at something before looking out at the treasures. Socks saw it and felt his smirk widen, a dawn stone, of course. He made a mental note to make sure that said stone ended up in Adam's possession. The Glameow was taken aback by his own thinking as he realized that he really meant that, he had no real reason to be nice to Adam but he felt the need to. Since when had he become soft? He shook himself and watched as Arya sniffed around realizing that if there was a stone she wanted he'd probably do the same for her. He scowled and glanced back out over the treasures not sure what he was feeling or why he felt the need to be nice to these two.
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"My pockets are as big as I want them to be," said Frubble as he looked around the chest, "Lets try this lever," he flicked it and two tiles fel down to reveal a pit of darkness below them, "Well I am not trying that again, why don`t we just take the treasure to your platform and split it? or would that be to cheaty for you?" he said as he searched the chest.
He shrugged and looked back to the others. "What do you guys think: Play by the rules or just take it and go, I won't mind either way at this point, there are other places." He folded his arms "Those who wanna just take it and go, raise your hand." he paused for a moment to let them do so. "And those who wanna play by the rules?" he paused to do the same as before, patiently he waited for their answers.
Frubbles raised his hand for taking it and going "You don`t realise that if we play by the rules its just more work on me and even if we do I`ll still just take it and go and let you figure out the rest," he said and pointed towards the dawn stone they seemed to be eyeing "This is the first thing I`m planning on taking, just so you know," he said followed by a smirk.
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Socks shrugged, it didn't really matter to him either way, it wasn't like he had anywhere to be after this. He'd probably just go back to sleeping, the thought made him frown even deeper and he found that he'd made up his mind, raising his paw as Adam asked who wished to play by the rules, at least this way would take longer, maybe make him feel more purposeful.
Arya glanced to Socks, uncertain of what decision to make. Although a part of her wished to just take it and go to avoid the struggles and risks another part felt it weigh on her conscience and explorer ability to follow a cheaty route. She looked down to her paws before flashing her gaze back up to Adam determinedly.

"Well I can try to lift my paw." she giggled to herself as she shifted her weight to one paw and lifted the other one. The Electrike pressed on "But I say we play by the rules!"
He smiled at the two, whom he began to see as friends. "Then it's settled." He turned back to Froakie "Take what you want, just not all of it." He said before he started to step on the unique tiles, he treaded lightly until he made it to the treasure chest, he turned and waited for the others to catch up. When they did, he searched the chest and started to fill his sack with as many valuable items as it could hold. Afterward, he eyed the dawn stone once more.
Frubbles quickly grabbed a few big nuggets and a few other items that he wanted, he then took a few evolution stones and then leaped back "Well goodbye," he said as he put the nuggets in his frubble neck and the rest under his arms.
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Socks followed Adam's steps, unsure of what he really wanted to grab. The gray pokemon pondered this for a moment before deciding to grab as many evolutionary stones as he could, deciding that these were likely what many pokemon would offer great things for because everyone wanted to get stronger apparently? He didn't really see the appeal in evolution himself. At that thought he glanced up at Adam before his eyes sought out the dawn stone again, he wondered if the Kirlia was going to take it. If so what was stopping him? Unless Socks wasn't the only one who didn't see why evolution was so important. He then watched as the Froakie stole away with another stone before disappearing, Socks rolled his eyes at the frog pokemon's antics before turning back to his gathered stones.
Arya carefully picked her way along the tiles, following the identical path to Adam. Upon arrival at the chest, a jocular feeling seeped from her to see the admirable, well-deserved trinkets. As she began to pick out her favourite treasure pieces with her optics, she noticed she had not packed a sack for treasure carrying. The Electrike nudged Adam with her head before speaking with a nervous grin.

"Do you happen to have extra carrying sacks?"
Adam smiled and looked at Arya, he gave her a pat on the head before he handed her an extra sack. "As a matter of fact, I do, and I have one for Socks as well." he said as he handed Socks one as well. "Now guys, go ahead and take what you can." He eyed the dawn stone and decided. "As for me... I have a little date with evolution." he said as he reached to touch it.
"Thanks," Socks mumured as he was given the sack and began to load his stones into it. He paused, ears perking up as Adam stated he wanted to evolve. Socks turned his gaze to watch the other pokemon in shock. He'd never seen another pokemon evolve and he'd never thought he would. Socks turned his attention back to loading his stones, unsure of whether it was meant to be a private moment or not, despite his brain telling his not to, he found himself glancing back up at the soon-to-be-not-Kirlia and wondered what made him want to make the decision that it was time to evolve.
"Thanks!" she then clamped the bag between her maw and carried it to the other side of the chest where she lightly placed it down. Arya pressed her paws against the box and gaped at the awe-striking details of the items. Shaking her head from the trance she was caught in, her snout lowered to grab one item between her fangs. She then shoved her snout into the bag to loosen the item into it. She picked out a couple more trinkets until her bag was filled to the top.
As his hand made contact with the stone, his entire body began to shine a bright light! He showed signs of changing shape, getting stronger... signs of evolving. Once the light faded, the Kirlia that everyone had met was no more... but a Gallade. He took at look at himself, the bracelet still fit his right wrist and his purple scarf remained comfortably around his neck. He could tell he was taller because everything seems smaller. He looked down with a smile as he got out a wheat grass and put it in his mouth.
Arya's attention turned to Adam who vibrantly glowed before transforming into a Gallade. Her tail stub swayed horizontally as she beamed at the newly Evolved Pokemon. She squinted her eyes shut as she spoke bountifully towards him, still bubbling in amazement at the event she had never witnessed before on any Pokemon besides her own kind.

"You look amazing! Congrats!"