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Adventures in Unova


Formerly pokeLPS
"Um, OK." Azure said and stared back at the gate. It was large and bronze. It looked rather heavy but Azure was sure it wasn't really. Viri stared at it in awe. "You really like that, don't you?" She asked.
"OHHH MY GOSH!!!!!!!" Lily was star struck. "You must be the strongest trainer alive! I made a new friend too, see?" She sent out her Lilipup.
"Hm? Oh, hello again. It seems you have caught a Lillipup, well done," He motions to the crowd, "Have you heard of the tournament that will be held in Nimbasa City?"
Lilia walked the streets, panting terribly. Seeing a water fountain, she sat down. With time her breathing relaxed. She looked around and saw she was alone. Standing on a bench she took a deep and started singing.

<song lyrics>

When she opened her eyes, city pokemon were surrounding her.

<Video is irrelevant and has been removed. No OOC garbage, please.>
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((Nadir is a man in his late 20s, he has gold hair and always is dressed in an uniform with a symbol based on a "P".
Bolin is a 18 year old boy, who has messy black hair and amber eyes. He is lightly tanned and normally has desert clothes. He is from Hoenn.))

"A Pokémon battle styled competition. You can sign up if you have a Gym Badge, and kids love it these days. Elesa herself is running it. Trainers come from across the world to participate in it," He paused, "You'd need more practice to join."
"Fighting, oh no, I would never do that. My pokemon don't want to fight. But I'm assuming your karablast does. He says he wants to fight in the tournament."
Lily put her hand on Karablasts head. "He says that is dream is to win the tournament with you. He really seems to like you." Lily's blue eyes clouded over for a second, then went back to their naturally sparkley look. "I bet you could win, you must have such a close bond! Lilipup and oshawott say they belive in you too!"
Lily quickly changed the subject. "So, what does that large P on your shirt stand for?" Lily didn't want to achieve any gym badges- her pokemon said that they did not like fighting.
"I don't want to battle... It doesn't feel right... I don't think I will enter the tournament either." Seph said, laying on the ground, his Pokémon dancing on him.


Formerly pokeLPS
Azure walked toward Seph and sat down next to him. "Why not? Battling Pokemon is not a bad thing. You have a Pokemon on your side. Your working together like a team." Azure smiled. Memories flashed once again. A Pokemon, a battle... Azure shook her head and stared at Seph through locks of her hair. "Just believe in your Pokemon." She stood up and wandered into the city looking for food. "Be back soon Lily." She said to the girl. "Everyone, want to meet at that hotel in two hours?" She asked, pointing to a tall hotel in the distance.
"Okay!" Lily answered. She could sense something strange about the man. His pokemon did not want to battle. They only felt one emotion- hatred.

Lily walked to the ranch near the hotel. She ran through the fields until she came upon s Mareep with a tangle in her fur. Lily took out her brush and untangled the snarl. The Mareep snuggled agenst lily, telling her that she wanted to travel with her. Lily took out a pokeball, captured the Mareep, and put a thunderbolt sticker on it. She named the Mareep Shock.

"Please, help me, my herdier has gone missing!" The owner of the ranch told lily. She went to the far ends of the farm. A man with a large red P engraved on his shirt was tormenting the herdier. Hey... Kinda like Nadir's....
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"Hey! Steph!" Lily came running up to the trainer, having more bruses than usual. "Look at all of this cash!" She reached in her bag, and pulled out large sacks of pokedollars. (I think that's what the currency in Pokemon is called idk)
"Well I kinda sorta saved a guys herdier from a weird ma on with a biiiig letter P on his shirt! So the herdiers owner paid me a lot! We can buy all the snacks we want now!!!" Lily cheered.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
If I may interrupt for a moment (and being staff, I may).

First of all, see the Edit button under your post?


(Underlined for emphasis, this post used for example).

This allows you to edit your own posts if you have anything else to add. And you really should use it if you want to edit your posts, rather than double-post, as that is not allowed by our global rules.

Second. The RP forums are for in-character posts only. This means that you describe your characters within the context of the story as opposed to make a random post about it, and it also means that any talk about whether or not a person can join an RP should be done via private conversation or profile messages (or, in cases this is applicable, i.e. not here, via a discussion thread in the Role Play Discussion boards) and NOT in the RP thread itself as is stated in our RP forum rules.

And one-line posts barely count as posts at all. Put some more effort into your posts please - it's not the worst I've seen lately, but these issues do merit your attention I've cleaned up the thread a bit to comply with the rules and clean out the OOC garbage. Next time, though, there will be warnings issued.
"A big letter P, for plasma... I might have to look into that. I wonder why the Plasma guy was tormenting the herdier. If Nadir had the same symbol then why didn't he do all of the stuff like the others?" Seph asked, typing into a small device. "I wonder what this plasma thing is about."
"Hi my name is Romona and this is my Pokemon,Oddish."She said with delight.

"I think I could help you with your Plasma situation." "I...mean..well.If you want me to..." She said embarrassed that she asked.

"I mean..If you want me too I..I could."She said embarrassed that she asked.
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Ramona reached out her hand and shakes it very enthusiastic "We'll I found him at one of the islands." She said with a shrug."I saw how much trouble he was in so I got out another Pokemon a d rescued Oddish. He is my best friend now!" She said smiling at it.Oddish looked up and smiled at them both."Look she likes you!"

"Hi Lilly I'm just here too...feed my Pokemon. Yeah that's right..feed my Pokemon." "If you don't want me here that's okay...I'll leave you guys."

"Oh and thanks for the complimant. He likes you to."
lily softly stroked the oddish's leaves. She felt a cool, calming sensation on her hand. "Your oddish feels calm." Lily paused for a moment. "What did you say about the plasma guys?"
"So...I've been meaning to ask...why are you guys here and why?Also,what are you doing?"

"Oh I didn't say anything yet I was just asking if I could help then I'll spill my knowledge as much as I can.If,I know what you want to know."


"We'll I'll be here.Waiting."
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Lily looked at her watch. "OH SHOOT! I GOTTA GO!" She cried out, sprinting away. The two hours had passed in a flash. She needed to get to the hotel to meet the others.
Seph was already at the dining hall, feeding his Pokémon berries. "You made it!" Seph said joyfully. When Ramona came, Seph asked the question. "What do you know about team plasma? You have personal experience with them, right?".