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Adventures in Unova

(In this rp, we are all starting a journey through Unova! Now, let's begin!)

Lily called out to her mother, telling her goodbye. Her shoes clacked agenst the pavement of aspartia city. She was beginning her journey today, and was going to start it with her best friend. She ran up to house 15, and knocked on the door. "Hurry up slowpoke!"
Zack woke up to the Pidove whistling. He got out of bed and walked downstairs to the Kitchen. He opened the door to find a letter.

Dear Zack,
"You've been chosen to choose a Pokemon and take the responsibility of completing the Pokedex. If you choose to accept please see me at Aspartia Pokemon Center." Zack read. Immediately Zack grabbed his bag and ran outside. He started running to the Pokemon Center as fast as he could.
"Hey... Zack! Wait up!!!" Lily called out as she stumbled after Zack. She successfully stopped him at the pokemon centre door. "What starter are you choosing?"

She pushed inside, and yelled, "hey big sister!" Her older sister, Bianca, smiled at her. She handed Lily a container of three poke balls. She instantly knew which one she wanted. "I choose.... Oshawott!!!"

Lily smiled, knowing that Zach, 6 years her senior, would probably be mad at her. But oshawott was her favourite pokemon- she had been studying it with Bianca for years! This paticular oshawott was the one she had raised since it hatched at Mrs. Juniper's house, and they had already made a special bond. Lily reached into her bag, and pulled out a small teardrop sticker. She carefully placed it on top of oshawott's pokeball, and let her out.
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Lillia walked down the street, her Firestone necklace dangling from her neck. She stopped at the enterance and knocked. Hearing a faint, 'Come In' She stumbled through the door.

A blush was on her face as she tried to sound confident. "I-I came for m-my first pokemon..." She stuttered, with a few blink. When she went to take a step, she fell forward and slammed into the ground. "I'm sorry..." She mumbled picking herself up. She was handed two pokeballs. "Tempig." She said and let the pokemon out.

"Tempig!" It said bravely.

"Hi Tempig it's nice to meet you." She smiled at the pig pokemon.

"Temp Tempig!" He puffed out his chest.

"Wow you're so cute!"
Lily noticed Lillia and ran over to her. "Lil, lil, I got a pokemon too! Look at her!" She held up her oshawott to her friend. "I'm naming her Dew! She and I will be best friends!"
"H-Hello!" Lillia almost fell over, but restored her balance. "S-She's cute...but I-I'll stick with Tempig..." She picked up the pokemon and smoothed her skirt down.
Lillia fidgeted under her gaze, and looked at the ground. "O-Okay...If you want." She said playing with Tempig's ears, as the fire type tried to catch her finger.
"Oh duh... I haven't introduced myself yet! I'm lily! I live on the small yellow house down the street! I once saw you at the market, and you got a extra ouran berry! So you gave it to me, and I wanted to thank you... And ....." Lily rambled on, excited to have someone to ramble to.
"L-Lillia..."She mumbled with a blush, at the memory. In all honesty, the shy black haired girl never really poke to the people around her. She was teased a lot for having foster parent instead of her blood parents, so she never learned how to be friends, and at school, she would rather read up on fire types.
Lily couldn't stop smiling. Most of the kids at school teased her, saying that she was too weak for a journey. They all would use the Pokemon that their parents provided for them to attack her. Lily had decided to stay a optimist, and never give up. "Hey, let's go catch some pokemon, okay? I wanna become friends with them all!"
Lilia looked uncertain but nodded, "B-But what about th-the Z-Zack kid shouldn't we wait?" She asked. She had seen Zack and Lily talk a few times, and they seemed to be friends, she didn't want to impose.

"Hey look it's Fire Girl!" She heard a male voice say, she knew it by heart. She stiffened. "Finally got a match Fire Girl? See ya freak!" She clutched her pokemon and hid her face, as some kids from school started laughing.
A invisible fire burned in Lily's heart. "Hey!" She screamed. "You kids leave her alone!" "What you gonna do about it, kid?" The boy retorted. "Uh... I.... I...." Lily stuttered. "Exactly." The boy laughed. "Um.. Dew! Use water gun!" She asked her pokemon. Dew sprayed water all over the boy, destroying his school uniform.

A punch hit Lily's face. She cried out, being knocked to the ground. The boy and his friends kicked lily, and they left. She didn't notice the the pain, for she was filled with hope that her friend was happy.
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Two reasons they call Lillia 'Fire Girl' one: she loves Fire Types, Second: Piss her off and shes a blazing fire. Her eyes flashed red, as she admitted a dark aura, stopping the boys in their tracks. Lillia walked forward and yanked them down to her level. "NEVER do that again, punks." She hissed and threw them out side. She the =n ran to Lily's side and helped her up. "Sorry this is my fault.
Lily wiped off her cheek. "Ahahahaahah! It's alllllways fine! I'm used to it! Well, since it's propbably nice to wait for Zach, we Should wait!" She dropped on a nearby bench, and started brushing her Oshawott's fur. She signaled Lillia to sit down next to her.
Watching from a building afar, a man concealed in black crouched down, watching the Pokémon with binoculars, an Arbok hissing beside him, the man smiles, and heads towards the woods.
"Nope! I'm getting advice from each leader to get more experience! I wanna run a shelter for abused and abandoned pokemon when I grow up!"
Turning, he saw the girl and said, "That is an Arbok. It's native to the Kanto region," the man continued, "What is a little girl like you doing in the woods?"


Formerly pokeLPS
Azure was skipping to the Pokemon center. Her first day as a Pokemon trainer! How exciting! Opening the door, she flung her bag over her shoulder and took a deep breath. A little nervous, but she was...fine. Right? Inside was warm. Too warm Azure scowled. Picking a Snivy, she headed outside. "I'm going to call you Viridescent." She whispered at the Pokemon.
"Um, I just got my starter, and I'm traveling with my friend Lilia! I'm Lily by the way, and I'm 10 whole years old!" Lily smiled at the man, the bruses on her cheeks becoming relavant.


Formerly pokeLPS
Azure noticed some girls sitting on a bench under the shade of a tree. "Hello." She said. She sat next to one girl and stared at the other who was speaking with a man.
Lilia finally looked up and looked at the man, she tilted her head to the side, and furrowed her brows. "He looks familiar..."she mused to herself, and returned her fire type. "O-o H-Hi..." She blushed and turned away, in embarrassment.
"I defended my friends honor!" Lily said proudly. "Are you the champion of this region? Your pokemon looks so strong!" Lily was amazed at the giant arbok.

"Yay! So many new friends!" Lily cried out happily. "This must be a new world record!"
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"No, I work for an...organization. I best be off, I have work that needs to be done. Goodbye." Nadir waves goodbye, and continues down the route.
"Uh Sorry Girls. Im done!" Zack said. Zack saw that Lily was injured and there was 2 other people around. "Why is it that whenever im gone so many things happen?" Zack said. Zack reached in his bag and pulled out a cold ice pack. He gave it to Lily. "Here is for your bruise." Zack said.


Formerly pokeLPS
Azure smiled at everyone. "Hi, i'm Azure. This is Viri." She motioned to the grass type sitting in her lap. Tossing her blue hair over her shoulder, she reached down and took out a Pokemon snack from her bag and gave it to Viri.
Seph looked down at his watch and jumped in shock. He hopped onto his bike and rode to professor Juniper's lab. Breathlessly, he asked if there were any Pokémon left. When the answer was no, a switch flhipped in theis head. He grabbed a Pokeball and ran out of the lab, screaming "I'll pay you back later!". He ran into the field, spotting a Litwick. "Come with me!" He said, "Stay with me! Please!" He caught the litwick, running into town.
"Azure...." Lily sounded out the name. "Azure!! That's such s pretty name! Let's all be good friends!" She gave all of her new friends a group hug. Then she realized that Lilla was crying. "Don't cry! It's not your fault!"


Formerly pokeLPS
Azure stared at the girl with the tepig. "Are you OK?" She asked cautiously. She smiled at the girl who had hugged her but soon turned her attention back to the other girl.
Tempig popped out of it's pokeball and used Ember on his trainer. Lilia blinked and calmed down. "S-sorry..." She sighed and picked up her pokemon, hugging him to her chest, "Really I am."


Formerly pokeLPS
Azure sighed and stared at Viri. Memories of a pokemon flashed in her head but she shut them away. Now is now. Forget about the past. She told herself.
"hey everyone! Let's all go catch pokemon, okay?" Lily asked. She wa told by her mother to stay with at least 1 older girl or boy, and she intended to keep that promise.
"Hey! I got a Pokémon too! Don't forget me!" Seph said, waving his Pokeball in the air. He soon tripped, dropping the Pokeball and revealing the Litwick. "Oops... Didn't mean to drop in like that... I'm Seph. I was supposed to get a Pokémon... I was late so I got this litwick." He said, trying to pat hid litwick on the said, but burning his hand.