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Private/Closed Alola Region RP : A Journey Begins

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(Okay sounds good I'll make a new team purposely for it)"So akala island then? Okay another beautiful island" they all get on the boat Kayo starts the engine


Previously hollowhead_
"Alright, let's Go!" He said excitedly. It's settled then. I can tell Elijah is excited just by looking at him. We're gonna battle when we're at Akala Island. Thought Lao excitedly as he tried to remember his strategies
While sitting in the boat, Elijah couldn't think of anything but his battle with Lao. What strategy will I use? Both his Dartrix and Grubbin are very strong. Especially the bond between him and his Dartrix. Very tough opponents indeed. I'll have to count on the bond between my and my Pokémon as well. Just then, the boat came to a stop. "Is this Akala Island? It looks very different from Melemele Island."
"Oh it is but everyone is friendly as always good luck I'll be around the Island if you need me"
Kanae and her son would walk up "Hey kanae how are you and hello little jason" Jason would run toward me "Hey Kayo what you doing here?" I'm just helping these young trainers out they are taking the trials!" Kanae smiled "Ah I see yeah jason wants to do the same he already can throw pokeballs!" Kayo laughed "He's going to grow up to be a good trainer like his mother" kanae agreed"Yeah also his father" they both laughed


Previously hollowhead_
"Oh, um guess we should leave you three alone for sometime" He said as he dragged Elijah away. "So, how about we warm up our Pokemon before taking on the trials?" He said calmly. And by that I mean battling. He thought seriously as he went to the Pokemon center and bought some malasadas for both Grubbin and Dartrix to enjoy. After eating the malasadas, Lao went outside and put an EXP SHARE on Dartrix, "So...Elijah.." He said quietly, "Let's battle" He said as he sent out Dartrix.
"Fine by me.. Scyther, let's do this!" replied Elijah. Elijah had been working on a strategy in his head and he was sure he could come out on top, but he couldn't underestimate Lao and his Dartrix. "You can have the first move, Lao." His was looking forward to this battle all day and it was finally time!
Daniel was on the boat with the others. They had arrived! Wanting to fight Lao, Daniel sat back in a deck chair and enjoyed the battle Lao was fighting. "I am not gonna leave you guys, we will stick together until the Pokemon league, right?" Daniel encouraged. He had stronger Pokemon than Lao, or at least type coverages. Torracat and Trumbeak could wreck Dartrix. But Trumbeak would have a hard time against Grubbin. Rockruff would do ok against Grubbin. Daniel wanted to wait until the end with his new friends.


Previously hollowhead_
"Alright then, Dartrix! Leaf Storm and Quick Attack! Quick Storm!" He said as Dartrix charged at Scyther with a speed that could not be dodged and hit Scyther with its sharp razor feet and Flew Sharp leaves at Scyther, which dealt a heavy damage upon Scyther, "I learned that from you. Now it's your turn" He said with a smirk
"Alrighty then..." Elijah responded with a smile. "Let's show them our Power!! X Scissor and Night Slash, Night Scissor!!! Also with great speed the attack hit and again dealt heavy damage. Elijah was getting pumped to be battling Lao, his first friend, and now Rival, in Alola. "Let's give it our all until the very end Lao!" he shouted across the battle field. This was going to be an amazing battle.
Kayo goes with kanae back to her place "Hey honey we are home guess who came to visit Kayo !" Kanaes husband walks in "Oh hey Kayo how are you?" Kayo looked at him I'm good and you? You looking after my sister well is she behaving herself" they both laugh "Kayo! Of course I do!" She said angrily then laughing jason would walk up to his dad "daddy and uncle battle pls daddy me want to see daddy win" Kayo went Down to his knees"I don't know jason your daddy is kinda of a loser your uncle is Better" Kayo laughed looking at him and his dad "that's not true jason he doesn't know how strong I am now since we last saw each other" they all laugh


Previously hollowhead_
"Alright! Let's give it our All!" He said, pumped for the battle,"Dartrix! Leaf Storm and Leafage! Leaf Stormage!" He shouted out loud that everyone in the island could hear. Dartrix Flew behind Scyther and fires all the razor sharp, devastating leaves at Scyther, dealing a very VERY heavy damage on Scyther. The leaves were so strong that Scyther fell down on the ground.
"Hi guys!" Luna panted. "I beat the kahuna!" "In case you wondered where I was, I stayed behind to train for Akala Island. "
She noticed that Lao was in an intense battle. "Hey, Lao! Your Rowlet evolved! Congrats!"
"You can do it Scyther! I believe in you!" said Elijah full of excitement. Scyther got up and was ready to battle. "Scyther use Air Slash on the Ground. A cloud of Smoke filled the battle field. Just as planned. He thought. "You see Scyther has an ability to see through anything that's not solid." Scyther snuck behind Dartrix without it noticing. "Metal Claw Scyther!" Elijah commanded. Scyther obeyed and Dartrix was hit with a fierce hit from behind. Was that enough?
Kanae looked at Kayo "I'll battle ya jason I'll show you that mummy is stronger then your daddy AND uncle how about that" jason jumped up and down in excitement they all went down to the beach area(they have a private beach as kanae owns a good business and is rich) kanae send out infernape"Infernape show your flames!" Kayo waved at infernape "Hey infernape! Good to see you Galade! Let's go!" Galade would jump out


Previously hollowhead_
"Well, I also have another trick up my sleeve. You see when you were busy talking to Kayo, me and Dartrix were practicing a move that would really deal damage" He said with a smirk, "Dartrix! Leaf Storm and Tackle!" He exclaimed as Dartrix flew to Scyther, using Scyther's own smoke against it. Then suddenly a green visible aura surrounded both Dartrix and Lao. Dartrix flew to Scyther and tackled it while The devastating leaves were hitting it. Lao started to wonder what happened behind all that smoke. Once, the smoke disappeared the result was clear.....It was a tie. Lao was shocked and not surprised at the same time, "Looks like it's a tie" He said calmly
Galade and Infernape were at each other galade with leafe blade and infernape using Mach punch "Keep going galade your doing great!" Jason was cheering both of them on and happily watching
"Very much so," Elijah said calmly as well. "Well then, I guess we know where we stand strength wise, I think this battle is finished for now, we can rematch later, but first can we get something to eat? I'm starving." he said with a laugh. "Great job Scyther you did amazing! Let's see what Nurse Joy can do about healing you up. And great job Dartrix and Lao, that was a very fun battle. The battling Spirit you two possess is unlike any other." We'll just have to do even better next time... he thought to himself.
Kaneto would walk up to the group "Hey you guys are the trainers that I saw with Kayo earlier nice to meet you I'm Kaneto his older brother!" he smiled and waved if you want to know a good place to eat I know one I love it there and the food is on me if your interested?!"
Now! "Lao, would you mar- what? I meant would you battle me," Daniel asked, the words just slipped out. Then, Daniel realised. No one wanted to look into his eyes because of a burning fire stretched out. Something happened. After the battle wit Lao, I need to head to the fire trial. It is my only hope. Daniel thought.
Galade and infernape would be both out of breath and stopped"You both did good kanae your battle spirit never leaves you now does it!" Kanae laughed "Yeah that true" Jason's little treeko would come out and greet me "Hello little treeko aww your cute!" Kanae would walk up "Yeah the proffesor gave me him as a friend for jason it's already Jason's Pokemon they mostly play but soon as he's about 13 I'm going to teach him how to train his Pokemon" Kayo smiled "That's good I know he's going to become a strong trainer that's for sure he has your spirit and a good heart!" Kanae and Kayo laughed Kayo would take all his poke balls out and throw them "Come out all of you enjoy the sun and the sea!" They all come out and play at the beach
"Sure that's sounds fine with me. I haven't had anything to eat today, so I'm ready!" replied Elijah. As the group walked to the restaurant he couldn't help but admire the fighting spirit between Lao and Datrix. They are tough opponents... he thought to himself, Scythe and I will have to train harder if we want to defeat them... The group arrived at the restaurant Kaneto told them about. "Finally! I didn't think we would ever get here," he said. He looked over at Lao and saw a burn spirit in his eyes. We'll just have to train harder... he thought.
The professor would send over 3 Pokemon "Give does to the trainers you saw.." Kayo looked at him "Okay professor will do" he would go into town looking for the trainers along with kanae "Oh Kayo look it's kaneto and the 3 trainers lets go over" they walk over "Hey guys I have a gift for you 3 but choose wisely they Pokémon from the hoenn region" Torchic mudkip or treeko!"


Previously hollowhead_
"Oh, well um, let me think. I think I'll choose....Mudkip!" He said calmly as he was thinking to try and beat Daniel, "Mudkip is a water type which will be good against Daniel" He said firmly, "Plus, Mudkip is really cute, so I think I'll stick with....him" He said as he knew Mudkip was a male. Surprisingly, he was correct, "And he will probably help me in the fire trial" He said calmly, "So, according to what I studied before my pokemon journey. The first trial in Akala Island is the...Water trial" He said while trying to remember what he studied.
"I choose..." Luna said. She had to think carefully about this. Eventually, she decided. "None of them." She said. "So everyone else can choose." She smiled. "After all, my cousin in Hoenn promised to trade me a Ralts for a Formantis,and once I beat the grass trial, I can catch one!"
"Oh um.. If you are offering them to us, I'll take Treecko then please!" replied Elijah. Back during his journey in Hoenn, a Mudkip and Torchic joined his team. Treecko was the only Hoenn starter he never had in his party. He always admired Treeko being almost like a lone wolf Pokémon, but always proving it's strength in battle. "Thank you a lot Kayo for the offer." he smiled, a new partner in his Alolan journey. "That reminds me, I need to call Professor Oak back in Kanto to see if I can send Beldum back, just because every time I venture to a new region, I like to start fresh with new Pokémon... Other than Scyther of course, because he's my number one partner." he said. Elijah hurried into the Pokémon Center and sent his Beldum back to the lab. He came back outside and up to the group once again. "So I hear the next trial is Water, due to the posters in the Center, should be a splash for you and Dartrix, Lao. And with my newly acquired partner Treecko, we should stand a good chance," said Elijah with a spark or courage. "Shall we be off then?"


Previously hollowhead_
"Yeah, let's Go!" He said as he followed Elijah to the water trial place, "Oh and to get there faster, Hall gave me this thing which can..." He then accidentally used the item, which called a Tauros, "Whoa! I'm on a Tauros, hop on, Elijah!" He exclaimed, excited for seeing how fast this Tauros can go. He had enjoyed his journey so far. He made new friends, new pokemon and a whole new life. Who knows what could happen next on his very exciting journey full of surprises.
Elijah happily hopped aboard the Tauros with Lao. Funny, he thought. After all the adventures I have had, I've never rode on a Tauros before... exciting. "I guess we should be off then?" he asked looking forward to the future battle in the Island Challenge, and another battle with Lao....


Previously hollowhead_
"Alright! Off to the water trial!" He said as Tauros dashed to an ocean-y place where a little girl with blue hair stood Waiting for them, "Oh, hi there. I suppose you're here for you trial. My name is Lana" Said Lana calmly, "You got that right!" He said excitedly, "Well, let me take you...to the pond where the legendary poke mon roams....Kyogre" Said Lana calmly, "Whoa! Really?!" Exclaimed Lao, "You fell for It! You sure are trusting are you?" Said Lana with a smirk, as she continued walking "Well, you sure got me" Said Lao as he followed her.
Elijah didn't know what to expect from the girl named Lana. He decided to also follow her because she supposedly was going to lead them to the water trial. Along the way he was pondering his next strategy for his upcoming battle. "We're just going to have to give it our all!" Elijah said to Scyther. "Scyther!" he replied. Both of them starting laughing. "This is just like old times buddy... You and me against the world, or in this case the Island Challenge...." He was recounting his battle with Lao, and how he could have prevented the loss. We'll just have to train harder...
Kayo opens the door "Hey sis" Kanae shouted "HEEELP ME KAYO PLEASE" Kayo took his pokeball out "Gengar go and have a look where kanae is" "Gengar gengar" he nodded and went off gengar found kanae and came back "did you find her he asks him" gengar nodded Kayo followed him there was a man with a machamp and another man with a lyncanroc midnight form holding kanae" Gengar us.." the guy started talking "no I wouldn't do that if I were you..you wouldn't want your sister to get killed now do you" Kayo stopped gengar "You let her go leave her alone" he pretend to return gengar "Gengar go behind them and use hypnosis" gengar went behind them and used his hypnosis both men and their Pokemon fell asleep Kayo freed kanae and they called the police the police took the men and their Pokemon away"Thank you Kayo and especially you gengar.." he looked down "No worries kanae Gengar stay here and protect the house from now on okay.." gengar nodded and disappeared "Kayo you didn't need to do that I would of been fine you know that Dom is here and little jason he already knows how to command treeko" Kayo looked serious at kanae "Listen kanae does people they went after Kaneto they took him I saved him now I saved you does people are dangerous it's going to take more then a treeko to defend against them.." Kanae looked at Kayo with a determined look "Then I have to get my team back If that's what it takes to protect my family!" Kayo put his hand on kanae's shoulder "Good for now get on with life if they come again let me or Kaneto know okay.." kanae nodded and Kayo went off
Luna arrived at the trial site a little later, having followed the Tauros on foot. After catching up to Lao, Lana, and Elijah, she began to walk with them as well. "So...What are we doing for this trial?" she asked. Her Popplio dragged itself beside her, while her Meowth sat on her shoulder. She had let them out in advance. "Also,after the trial, I'll be checking out the Pokémon Nursery. Anyone else want to come?"
Daniel knew the Torchic was his. It was a baby Pokemon after all. He followed Lao and Elijah to the water trial. Hearing screaming, Daniel turned to Lao and Elijah, "WE HAVE TO HELP!"
A girl was standing there. "Please. Something is in my lake. You have to help me."
"Lao, Elijah, I see three things splashing loudly in the lake. We have to take on one each." Daniel said to the boys. He ran off into a place where the splash was louder.
"Wishiwashi" Rotom pointed out.
"Trumbeak! Let's go! Aerial Ace!" Trumbeak came out of her pokeball and sped for the small water Pokemon. The Wishiwashi was weak and was a one shot. I hope Lao and Elijah defeat the other two, Daniel thought. And then he noticed, Lao and Elijah knew this girl. But...
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Previously hollowhead_
"Alright, let's do this" He said as he sent out Grubbin, "OK, Grubbin. Use Bite" He said as Grubbin bit Wishiwashi, with its large fangs. Making it faint, "Wait What? Well, that was easy" He said with a blank expression.I'm sure Elijah can beat the other one. He's a strong trainer. He thought calmly. Lao looked into the distance to see another pond with a larger splash. He looked further into the splash. He had underestimated the Wishiwashi. He had soon looked forward to beat the trial.
Daniel looked at where Lao was looking. Elijah should be able to help us after he beats the other Daniel thought. He ran with Lao closer to the biggest splashing. A dark blue fish jumped out. It was massive. "Lao hit the water!" Daniel shouted, whilst he dived into the lake, hoping that Lao would do the same. Trumbeak was still up high and tried to nip the big fish. "Trumbeak, there is no use!" But as he said that, Trumbeak sang and about a hundred birds came, but then went at the sight of Trumbeak. "Torracat! Come on out and use bite!" Daniel cried, Torchic on his head. Torracat was also knocked into the water but Trumbeak caught him and brought him back. Daniel looked at Lao as if asking him to help.


Previously hollowhead_
"Daniel! Don't Worry!" He said as he jumped high on a rock in the water and sent out Dartrix, "Dartrix! Leaf Storm!" He said as Dartrix flew many large, razor sharp, devastating leaves which dealt heavy damage. The large blue fish used water pulse. Dartrix dodged, "Leaf Storm! Again!" He said as Dartrix threw another bunch of devastating leaves at the large blue fish. Soon, it's HP was under 25, making it turn into a normal small Wishiwashi, "Dartrix, Quick Attack" He said as Dartrix attacked Wishiwashi, making it faint, "Daniel, you OK?" He said as he checked up on Daniel
"Yeah, I'm fine. That Lana tricked us!" Daniel said, "thanks for saving me back there." He walked with Lao to Alana, she was watching in awe.
"Here, have the waterium-Z," she said passing two each to Lao and Daniel. "Don't worry, that Elijah boy will be told you're going." Lana said.

Daniel turned to Lao "you beating that massive Wishiwashi. That was awesome, but now, we must battle and see who is stronger!" Daniel said to Lao, whilst he sent out Rockruff.


Previously hollowhead_
"OK, then" He said calmly, "Go, Mudkip!" He said as he sent out Mudkip, "Mudkip, use Water Pulse" He said as Mudkip used Water Pulse and landed a direct hit on Rock ruff which dealt heavy damage, "Mudkip, it's his turn now, be sure to dodge the next move, OK?" He asked, "Mudkip, Mud!" Said Mudkip while nodding to Lao as if saying "Ok", "Alright, get ready, Mudkip" He said cautiously
"Ok! It's time!" Daniel said to Rockruff, doing a position and a stance! "BREAKBECK BLITZ!" Daniel cried. Rockruff sped all the way into Mudkip, sending a huge amount of damage. Dealing that much damage, Rockruff fell on the floor, as a new light surrounded the rock dog Pokemon. Oh no. It's midnight. Lao, Daniel and Elijah were there until MIDNIGHT?! The white light ended and out came midnight Lyncaroc. He was slumped over and his fearsome growl echoed throughout the lake. "Lyncaroc? Use dark pulse!" Daniel said, almost instantly tired. Hang in there! BOOM! The dark pulse hit and knocked both Pokemon on out. Daniel returned Lyncaroc and sent out Torracat.
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