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Private/Closed Alola Region RP : A Journey Begins

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"Of course I'll go with you," Elijah replied. "A Mareanie huh? Looks pretty cool." Elijah was very excited to attempt the Fire Trial because he was itching for another intense battle, and his rematch with Lao. On his way to the Fire Trial with Lao and Luna, he was wondering where in the world Daniel got off to. Maybe he could have a battle with him sometime. He was also deciding on his strategy for fighting the fire-type Pokemon. Both Scyther and Treecko were at a disadvantage, Stufful should be alright. "Athough," he thought. "Type disadvantage doesn't always mean a lot. We'll just have to give our all."
Luna walked with them to the trial site. The incident with Lusamine was still fresh in her mind, and it chilled her. Could the frozen Pokémon be saved? Suddenly, a crack appeared on her Egg, just like Lao's. It hatched into an Eevee! "Wow! An Eevee!" she exclaimed. "They're pretty rare in Alola!". Luna stroked the Eevee. They had arrived at the trial site. She silently decided. That night, she was going to save the Pokémon Lusamine had frozen.


Previously hollowhead_
"Looks like we're here." He said calmly, "So, where is the trial captain?" He asked curiously. He looked around for him but couldn't find him. He thought he'd be here at the trial site. Looks like he's getting ready for an awesome special entrance or something like that.
"I have no idea, I don't see anyone anywhere," he scanned the area looking for some sort of life, but alas there was none. "It's pretty hot up here." Elijah said lookig for something to say. No crap its a volcano he thought to himself.
The Charizard landed. Why did I keep this a secret? Daniel though, as he got off and went to the fire trial throne. He spotted the challengers. "Welcome, friends! Yes, I am the captain of this trial!" Daniel cried so Luna, Lao and Elijah could hear him. He looked back at Jack. That wasn't his real name. Kiawe was his real name, the real fire trial captain. "Kiawe, gave this Job to me! Who is going first?" Daniel asked.


Previously hollowhead_
"What?! You're the captain?!" Lao exclaimed, "Well, it looks like I have to battle you again" He said calmly, as he sent out Mudkip, "So, who are you sending out?" He asked curiously. Did Daniel really become the trial captain?! He thought, confused. Daniel was literally a mystery. I can't figure that kid out. He thought, confused once again. His adventure still grows and grows to be even more and more exciting. Although, Lao likes it that way. He had thought it will be easy. But being a pokemon trainer is not that of a simple and easy task. It appeared to be a hard one. Although, he wasn't going to give up.
"Yeah, ok let's battle!" Daniel sent out Torracat. "Since this is a fire trial, I will only be using Torchic and Torracat," he said to Lao. "Use flamethrower and fire fang! Fire thrower!" Torracat sped through to Mudkip and bit it with a gang that had fire coming out of it. The fire spread everywhere and a lava battle field was created in the middle.


Previously hollowhead_
"Mudkip! Counter attack it with, Hydro Pump and Water Pulse! Hydro Pulse!" He said as Mudkip shot so much water at the fire which was produced by Torracat, that the fire had been put out. The attack then hit Torracat, making it lose half of its HP, "Good job, Mudkip! Be sure to dodge his next move!" Lao exclaimed as Mudkip was ready to the dodge the next move. Mudkip had already had the reaction of Lao to his other pokemon, in other words Lao believed In Mudkip as much as all his other pokemon. Another battle with Daniel, I can do this. I can beat him again. He thought, determined.
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"Torracat, Fire fang!" Torracat bounced up and down to distract Mudkip, then went in for the attack. Lao is the strongest trainer I know, but I still won't let him beat me! Daniel thought excitedly. Torracat also became excited. "Torracat use your instincts! to dodge any incoming attacks! Then follow my nod!" Daniel cried.


Previously hollowhead_
"Alright now, Mudkip! Finish him off, with Hydro Pump and Water Gun, Hydro Gun!" Exclaimed Lao as Mudkip shot even more water at Torracat but boiling water this time, "Mudkip! BREAKNECK BLITZ" Exclaimed Lao as Mudkip charged at Torracat, making Torracat obtain a REALLY REALLY REALLY Heavy Damage. It was guaranteed that it fainted, "Good job, Mudkip!" Exclaimed Lao as he looked at the damaged Torracat.
"So we're battling you instead of the Totem Pokemon?" Luna asked. "I would rather battle the Totem Pokemon, but OK." In her head, she was thinking about which evolution she would choose for her Eevee. Luna sent out Meowth and began to stroke it. "Meowth, you're amazing." she said. Suddenly, Meowth began to glow! "OMA! Meowth is evolving!" she yelled. Soon, she was holding a Persian.
(Just as a side note isn't fire thrower literally just the same move as flamethrower xD) Elijah was also extremely suprised that Daniel was the Fire Trial Captain, and still couldn't completely render the idea. "Well we'll get our turn eventually Scyther," Elijah said very anxious to battle. "We'll prove that we are stronger." He said extremely excited to be battling Daniel at last. He'd just have to wait his turn. He looked over and noticed Luna's Meowth evolved into a Persian. "Alolan Persian looks a lot different than that of Kanto." He loved the new Alolan Pokémon forms.
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"Return! Torracat! You did well," Daniel said. "Here Lao. You proved that you are stronger. So I guess you have the fireinium-Z! Congratulations!" Daniel passed his rival a red Z crystal. So, I get to battle Elijah at last. Daniel though as he revived Torracat, who was jumping again. "Torracat! We have two more battles ahead of us!" Daniel said.
"Luna, how about you battle Daniel next." Elijah told her. "I want to be the last one." He eyed Daniel as he was speaking. The fire in both of their ees would prove that heir battle would be a one for the books. Him and his Pokémon were going to show Daniel their full power. "Sycther!" Elijah turned around and Scyther was speaking to him. They had been through so many obstacles together that they seemed to be able to read each other's minds sometimes. "Right," he respoded. "We can win..."


Previously hollowhead_
"Thanks, Daniel!" I'll watch your battle with Luna" He said as he gave MMud kip a potion and sat on a rock, beside Elijah. He had drank some water, "Jeez, this place's hot. Well, what can I say, it IS a volcano after all" He said as he put both of his arms behind his head, "So, your e battling Daniel after Luna, eh?" He asked curiously as he stroked through his own hair.
"OK, guys!" Luna said. "Go, Popplio!" she said. "Use Aqua Jet!". Since Aqua Jet always goes first, regardless of speed, Popplio hit Torracat with super effective damage. However, since Popplio was unevolved, it didn't do that much damage.
Torracat was damaged badly but was still up. "Torracat, Fire gang!" Daniel cried, whilst Torracat bit Popplio hard on the nose. After, it jumped everywhere, excited for the battle. Torracat was a Litten when I found him. Daniel thought. He then realised that Torracat had a white light shining around him! Torracat was evolving! Out a came a two-legged tiger, that had claws the size of a guitar. "Nice!" Daniel cried as he waited for the next move.
"So Torracat has evolved?" Luna commented. "Guess that means I have to switch! Popplio, return!" she said. "Now, Go, Persian!" she said. "Use Power Gem!". Luna knew this would be a tough battle, but she could manage. She had to.
The power gem hit Incineroar hard into the lava. "Incineroar return! Well done. Oh and congratulations Luna. You just won yourself the firernium-Z!" Daniel swirled around the battlefield and gave Luna the crystal. Daniel whispered in her ear "be careful out there," and then went to the captain's side of the battlefield. "Elijah! This battle isn't real. So if you beat me like the others, it was because you have all of your Pokemon and I have one," Daniel shouted at Elijah.
Elijah stepped up to the battle field eager for this battle even if it didn't count. "Scyther, let's....." he thought about his other Pokemon that haven't battle yet. They had been traning hard, so he hoped they could take it. "Treecko, I choose you!" Treecko hoped out of the ball also looking eager to battle. "Let's take the first move. Treecko use Pound!"
"Incineroar, wreck Treecko with Inferno!" Daniel shouted, as Incineroar blasted a circle of flame at Treecko. It was sure to be fainted. Out of nowhere, Daniel felt a little marble bounce on his head. He picked it up and realised, it's a mega stone! Was this a mega Sceptile stone? If it was, Daniel would give it to Elijah. How will Elijah even beat me? Daniel chuckled to himself.
"Well you did your best, Treecko!" Elijah laughed. "Scyther let's do this!" Scyther stepped up to the battle field with a flare in his eyes. "Scyther, X Scissor and Quick Attack, Quick Scissor." The attack hit dealing heavy damage to the opposing Incineroar. "Great job Scyther, now fly up!" Elijah commanded.
Incineroar fell backwards and fainted in front on the ground of where Scyther flew up. He fainted. "Incineroar return! Elijah as the last person to defeat me, I will give you two gifts!" Daniel cried over the crackling lava. He ran over to Elijah and gave him a marble (the mega stone), and the firerinium-Z. "Well done, oh and in the league I will beat you," Daniel said quietly. He turned to the others waiting and sprinted towards them.
Elijah gave his thanks to Daniel for his gifts, and noticed the green marble lying in his hands. He wondered what that could be, but decided he would look at it closely later. As he was walking towards the group, Treecko hopped out of his Pokeball, and looked up at Elijah. Elijah knelt down to his Treecko. "You want to beat that Incineroar huh?" Elijah asked. Treecko nodded back in response. But then, Treecko was surrounded with a whitish-blue glow. "Welcome to the team Grovyle...."
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"So, what do we do next?" Luna asked. "I doubt we can make the grass trial until tomorrow. It's getting late..." she stated. I, for one, am going to sleep. "
When everyone else had fallen asleep, Luna got up. She wrote a quick note explaining her goals,and went to the water's edge. Using a rental Lapras, she surfed to Aether Paradise.
Once she went inside, she followed the path from her first visit. Luna let out her Pokémon, just in case. She entered the room of frozen Pokémon. "I'm going to save you." she whispered.
During his slumber, Elijah was dreaming of his future battles, and all of the new Pokémon he was going to see. He was dreaming of future battles against Luna, Lao, and Daniel, and maybe even Kayo, he seemed really strong as well. He was also dreaming over his next upcoming trial, presumably grass as Luna mentioned. He knew Grovyle would be at a type disadvantage, Scyther not on the highest advantage either. Stufful seemed like the best choice to face the trial. Stufful hadn't really been in an important battle yet, only during training, and battles with his other Pokémon. But Elijah knew she would do great...


Previously hollowhead_
Lao heard someone walking, which made him wake up. It was Luna. He decided to follow her by sending out Dartrix and following her by riding Dartrix. She went to Aether Paradise, he landed and retrieved Dartrix. He then started to follow her and soon found out that she was in the room of frozen Pokemon, he was still terrified. How could anyone do such cruelty? He thought fearfully. Suddenly, he heard someone walking behind him, "Miss me?" Asked Lusamine with an insane smile, "Soon, you'll be one of my collection!" She exclaimed, "Nope. You're insane" He said as he sent out Bendy the Mareanie and Lusamine sent out Bewear, "Use Sludge Bomb and let's get out of here!" He said as he held Luna's hand and ran away.
Luna and Lao, however, were soon cornered by several Aether Employees. "Oh no..." Luna said. Lusamine dragged them to her freezing room. She showed them a machine, which had a keyhole. "This machine can transport anything to an alternate universe! Isn't that great? " she said, decorated with her usual insane smile. "And I need test subjects..."


Previously hollowhead_
"And who might those be...?" He asked nervously, "You two" She said with an Insane smile as as she activated the machine, it produced a beam. Lao jumped at it. Lao would have been gone but he was saved when Dartrix came out of the poke ball and produced an aura between him and Lao, "Dartrix?" Asked Lao curiously. Dartrix cut the machine with Leaf Blade. Soon, they all ran away with Dartrix cutting the ice of all frozen poke mon. All poke mon and those two ran away. All the poke mon rode on two Lapras, "Hope on, Luna!" He said as he rode Dartrix. Dartrix can withstand two trainers on his back, "Let's go! Hop on!" He said as Dartrix got ready
Elijah woke up from his dreams of the future to find that Luna and Lao were gone. Where did they get to now? he thought to himself. Daniel was still here, but he was sound asleep. Most likely a little exhausted from his multiple battles yesterday. He thought best to not wake him up. "Oh well," Elijah said to himself. "Might as well start training for the upcoming trial. Scyther, Grovyle, and Stufful let's go! Grovyle use Leaf Blade, Scyther use Metal Claw, and Stufful use uh... Brutal Swing on the rock over there..."
As they flew back to the mainland, Luna began to cry. "I'm sorry!" she wailed. "It's all my fault! I just wanted to free the frozen Pokémon, and I nearly got us warped to another dimension!" she continued. Persian seemed to notice her sadness, and began to nuzzle her. Popplio and Eevee followed suit.
Elijah noticed Luna and Lao return from where ever they went to. He walked back over to them and saw that Luna was crying. She told him that they went back to Aether Paradise to free the frozen Pokemon, and were almost warped somewhere else. He put is hand on her shoulder, "Hey! Cheer up, you did what you thought was right, and in return freed the capitive Pokemon, and thankfully didn't get warped to another dimension. In all, what you did helped many Pokemon escape from the grasp of that crazy woman. All we can hope is that what you did may have slowed her ultimate plan down a bit. For now, we can only look ahead to what our future holds, and not our past."


Previously hollowhead_
"Elijah's right, ya know" He said as he comforted her, "Plus, didn't you see the Pokemon we freed which went onto those two Lapras?" He said a he pointed to the Pokemon on the two Lapras, which seemed to be happy, "There's no reason to cry, it's not your fault. Everything's gonna be OK" He reassured her, "Now, let's get some rest for tomorrow. Our next adventure" He said as he yawned a little, and then went back to sleep, hoping Luna would be OK Tomorrow. Suddenly, Bendy the Mareanie jumped on him, "Oh, I knew you could make it back" He said with a smile, and then retrieved him to his Poke ball and went back to sleep
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Elijah was too excited to go back asleep. He was pumped for the upcoming trial. He figured his Pokemon were pretty tired from their battle yesterday with Daniel, and their training session earlier, so he decided to do something different than train. He went to his cousin's house that happened to be about 10 minutes away from where they set up camp. He got what he needed and left. His Cousin was a Pokemon breeder and told him to stop by when he had the chance because he had a gift for him for finishing 2nd in the Kalos league. He returned back to camp, and figured he should try and get a bit more sleel for tomorrow's trial. Maybe this time he could get first.... maybe...


Previously hollowhead_
Lao soon woke up, yawned and stretched, "Morning, Elijah. Haven't slept in a while, have we?" He asked calmly, "Well, this is no time for sleep, we're doing the Grass trial today" He said as he looked up at the sky and stretched again, "How about we get some breakfast first?" He asked as he went to a restaurant with Elijah. When they entered Lao ordered some pancakes, "Thanks, Miss!" He said as he soon ate the pancakes. The pancakes were then finished, "Man, those were good" He said as he gave the lady some PokéDollars. He then walked out and started heading to a field with rocks. He had planned to catch a Rockruff.
"Best pancakes I've had in a while!" he replied. He walked with Lao to the field he was headed to. He had a feeling of what Lao might be after, but he wasn't sure. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed movement in the bushes to his right. "Hey Lao, I saw something move to our right!" he told him. They went to check it out. Upon looking through the bushes they saw exactly what he thought it was. Two Rockruff playing together in a clearing. "Look at that!" he whispered to Lao. "Let's try not to scare them awa..." He didn't get the chance to finish his sentence before he heard the unmistakable music... of none other than Team Skull. A net shot out of no where and captured the two playful Rockruff. The two Pokémon cried out for help, hoping something or someone. "That's our cue, Grovyle use Leaf Blade on the net. Your turn Lao!" he called out.


Previously hollowhead_
"Dartrix! Use Leaf Storm!" He said as Dartrix threw a large amount amount sharp leaves at the net, cutting it into pieces, "Use Leaf Storm on the grunts!" He said as Dartrix used Leaf Storm on the grunts which made them fly away, "That's what they get-Whoa!" Exclaimed Lao as one Rockruff jumped on him and began nuzzling his face, "Ow! Haha! Stop it!" He said as Rockruff nuzzle him harder. It was true, the more they love you, the harder their nuzzling gets. Rockruff then took Lao's pokeball out of his belt and made itself caught, "...! Welcome to the team, Rockruff..." He said as he held his Pokeball and sent all his Pokémon out, "So far, you all have been really awesome Pokémon. And I just want to thank you all" He said as he retrieved all of them, "Alright, should wee head to the grass trial now?" He asked Elijah curiously
"Sounds like a good idea, I'm sure Daniel and Luna are up by now." he replied. "But first I want to do something real quick," Elijah walked up to one of the Rockruff sitting by itself. "Hey buddy, what's wrong?" he curiously asked. The Rockruff responded with a a sound that seemed quite saddening. "I see well I want you to come along with me, you seem to want some action." Rockruff now looked excited as ever since he said that. "Well, let's have a battle then to catch you, I would like to do it the old fashion way. Grovyle, You're up, use Quick Attack! With fierce speed Grovyle charged towards Rockruff, yet Rockruff vertically jumped to dodge it. "Fast also huh?" he asked "No matter, Grovyle follow up with Bullet Seed!" The attack hurled toward Rockruff, but he counter with Rock Throw. The attacks collided with great power. "Finish this up! Grovyle use LEAF BLADE!" The attack hit Rockruff doing mass damage. "Alright now, go Pokeball!" Rockruff was sucked into the Pokeball and... was caught! "Welcome Rockruff, and thank you Grovyle, Great job!" Elijah said happily.


Previously hollowhead_
"Alright, let's go" He said as he called a Tauros to ride, "Hop on!" He said as he rode on Tauros' back. Man, this is an awesome journey. He thought excitedly as he turned back his attention to Elijah. He then started to think about a strategy. He was going to use an unlikely Pokémon buthe was sure the strategy would work, "Alright. Let's go, Elijah!" He said as Tauros readied its feet. Alright, this strategy just HAS to work. He thought seriously. OK, Bendy. I believe in you. He said as if he had been talking to Bendy the Mareanie. He turned back his attention to Elijah once again.
A Salamance would be seen in the sky then slowly going down to the grass trial. Kayo jumps of Salamance and returns it mallow waves and they walk to each other "hey mallow how is it going? " she replied with a smile "Yeah not bad there are some new people coming up in a moment" Kayo looked towards the entrance waiting along with mallow until the others arrived
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