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Private/Closed Alola Region RP : A Journey Begins

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kayo luna and lao and ray were watching the match when suddenly there was loud noise coming from the play room "what was that?" he then looked over and saw infernape and blaziken having a fight "Oh god blaziken,infernape stop..!" he said in a loud voice


Previously hollowhead_
Lao looked to what was happening and gasped, "Decidueye! Catch!" He said as he threw a TM to Decidueye. Hypnosis was learned! Decidueye used Hypnosis on Infernape and Blaziken. Both of them fell to sleep, "What happened?" He asked urgently as he investigated Infernape and Blaziken.
"As far as i can tell does two wanted the same boxing bag and they had a fall out" he put blaziken to the side "Come on blaziken your better than this" he said calmly he then looked at carracosta and swampert "Seems like carracosta and swampert are really getting along" he said whilst smiling
Ray had never seen Infernape act that way, "I think it was more than a boxing bag, they wanted to fight." Ray said in a serious tone. "In that case would you like to battle?" Ray had never battled a Champion before, but he knew it wasn't going to be easy. He looked back down at the battle below, he hoped Elijah could pull it off. He awaited Kayo's response.
"Yeah just a heads up i wont go easy" you would notice his left arm has a arm band with a mega stone on it "Also this could be my warm up" he said laughingly "Give me a good battle ray..!" he said in a determined voice
Daniel laughed. Elijah will lose. Toucannon had dodged. Then, she fell. Water was still on her. The fall was terrifying. Toucannon fainted on the ground. Dang. Four Pokemon were left. Daniel thought hard. Lyncaroc. "Go, Lyncaroc!" Lyncaroc skidded across the forest battlefield. It jumped upon the trees. It would be so hard to hit Lyncaroc now. The audience were screaming. Half of the people voted for Daniel. The other half for Elijah...
Elijah knew Lycanrock was a very, very fast Pokémon, he would have to watch out. But, he also knew Lycanrock was a Rock Type, and Drampa water, he had the Type advantage. He knew how to slow Lycanrock down. "Drampa use Hydro Pump on the ground!" Elijah commanded. The Hydro Pump turned the ground into a Muddy Surface, had to move around in. "Now use Dragon Pulse on Lycanrock!".
Kayo got blaziken up "Come on follow me i know a good battle ground its the training room for the champion there is bots with pokemon that i usually train against...but we can use it we can also change the battlefield to what ever we choose" he said whilst walking


Previously hollowhead_
Lao saw Elijah destroying Daniel, "He's really laughing? He DOES know he has 4 Pokémon left and that he sent out a Pokémon with a huge disadvantage, right?" He asked sarcastically, "And with that he's STILL laughing. And saying things like 'you fell into my trap' and stuff like that, even though, he knows he's gonna lose." He said with a blank face.
Daniel didn't like what he was hearing. Mallow had sent out bots to listen to Lao and the others. Daniel had his Head phones in. Daniel will kill Lao. He didn't care if he lost. It also let him speak inside. "Oi, Lao. I am happy with losing or winning. I don't care if you become the champion because you are not fit to be the champion!" He shouted. Lyncaroc got mad, too. It fell on the ground, and the impact turned it into spikes. Trees made a leaf storm that hit Drampa. Super effective! Drampa must've fainted. Lyncaroc became even more fast.


Previously hollowhead_
"Just saying the truth..." Decidueye used Razor Leaf to break all the bots, "Does he really think, I'm scared of someone who's 13?" He asked himself sarcastically, "How did Mallow make bots?" He asked himself with a blank expression.
"She has a friend you know that small fat kid that is the head of the electric trial yeah him he made them for her.." he said in a serious tone "Oh by the way daniel Lao could beat you easily and much quicker" he said jokingly


Previously hollowhead_
"Well, I haven't battled Daniel much since DECIDUEYE BEAT TOUCANNON WHEN HE WAS JUST A DARTRIX" Said Lao loudly so Daniel could hear him. Lao just wanted to see Daniel's reaction to that memory.
Because the bots were destroyed, Daniel couldn't hear anything. Lyncaroc got faster. The pair would destroy any Pokemon. His rocks became blue. The blue-rock Pokemon started to become a blur. Too fast. Too powerful. Daniel felt dizzy. He had to stay up! Come on!

Mallow was staring at the battle. She didn't want to leave. She saw Daniel getting dizzy. A little more. Stay up!


Previously hollowhead_
Lao stayed quiet. He thought Daniel had to believe in his Pokémon more, and stop being over confident. Lao's thoughts on Mallow? Creepy. Lao thought she had to deal with her own problems, not Daniel's or any other person's problem. People were talking about Mallow's cheerful personality when he entered Akala. Lao thought the complete opposite.


Previously hollowhead_
"Is this Daniel's defeat? He defeated himself?" He asked himself quietly. Lao knew Daniel needed one more cheering. Lao got up and inhaled some air, "COME ON, DANIEL!!!!! YOU CAN DO THIS! JUST STOP DEPENDING ON YOURSELF, AND BELIEVE MORE IN YOUR POKEMON!!" Shouted Lao as if cheering for Daniel. All Pokémon roared, not just Lao's but all of them. All of them roared as if cheering Daniel, "Wait. The bots are destroyed, he can't hear us." All of them fell down as if disappointed, "Welp. Guess Daniel still wants to 'beat me up' if he didn't hear this. Oh, well at least it will be interesting." Lao smirked
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"So rey want that battle vs my blaziken?" he asked curiously he looked at blaziken "blazy you didn't need to fight infernape ...he's a friend no need to go out on each other if you want to fight infernape and you can go to the training room and you can battle there on your own" blaziken nodded as he looked at infernape
Elijah couldn't believe what he was seeing, Daniel was battling himself out there. "Pull it together DANIEL!!" Elijah shouted across the battle field. "I want to battle the REAL YOU, show ME what YOU have." Drampa had feinted so Elijah sent out Lurantis to wrap it up. Elijah called out the attack, Solar Blade which directly hit Lycanrock, and was Super Effective, it did Critical damage. But, he knew all too well, that Lycanrock was most likely not feinted.

Ray steeped up to Infernape, "Is this what you want to do?" He asked Infernape. Infernape nodded back to him, not taking his eyes off Blaziken. "Alright, Kayo, I guess we accept your challenge." Ray walked over to the battle arena, Infernape following close behind. He awaited Kayo to come as well.
kayo walked to the other side "Dont hold back.." blaziken stepped and released fire from its arms and legs and gets into a stance that kayo taught him "Okay i guess we will start go Blaze kick" blaziken ran and jumped and went for the kick kayo was waiting for a good come back
"Infernape, counter with Mach Punch!" Ray roared. The attacks collided sending a great burst of energy ricocheting around the room. He called out the move Flare Blitz to counter Kayo's next attack. "Bring it on Kayo!"
Infernape was launched across the battle field. The Flare Blitz made contact though, causing Blaziken to be burned. Infernape countered with Dig and buried himself under the battle field. Infernape then used Flare Blitz and caused the battle field to explode dealing a high level of damage to Blaziken.
blaziken stood back up from the hit blaziken started to heat up and suddenly a massive flame came out him causing the burn to disappear "Nice one..." blaziken looked at the mega stone "Not yet blaziken soon" he replied "Blaze kick one more time lets go..." blaziken ran as fast as it could and jumped and span itself around and went for the hit kayo was waiting for ray's response
"Infernape hit back with Mach Punch!" Ray yelled. The attacks collided, and Infernape was very exhausted. Then it happened, Infernape's ability, Blaze. Fire Type moves very boosted by a good amount for Infernape. Ray then told Infernape to counter with Flare Blitz and charged towards Blaziken.
"Brace yourself blaziken so this is blaze huh? blaziken use brave bird lets go.." it charged up and light blue aura appeared around him he then jumped up he then somehow flew back down and then charged towards infernape was it over?


Previously hollowhead_
Lao watched as Ray and Kayo battled, "Well, at least they're doing WAY better than Daniel." He said calmly. Infernape and Blaziken were both fire fighting, final form evolved starter Pokemon and it seemed like a close match. If Lao was asked what would win, Infernape or Blaziken? Lao would honestly say Infernape. But, Kayo's Blaziken can mega evolve. If it mega evolved, its power will be greatly increased and Infernape will be guaranteed to lose.
Infernape was thrown back and was unable to battle. "Thank you, Infernape," Ray said as he returned his friend. He walked up to Kayo and shook his hand, "Great Battle mate, it was a fun one." Ray turned back to the battle happening below, he noticed Daniel was loosing it down there, he hoped Elijah could still pull it off.
"Blaziken you did well my friend return ill heal you and sylveon in a moment yeah it was a great battle..." he smiled whilst they shook hands "ill let you on a secret i was a agent helping my older brother in the police force for a year and i saved alot of people the news wanted to question my older brother and i and we had more and more fame we stopped a few small groups trying to take peoples pokemon and even stobbed one from controlling Lugia and ho-ho so that explains why people come up to me alot im a hero to people so is my brother i quit the force and continued my journey to here 2 years ago and i became champion people didn't know me here so i told them and they recognised me but they didn't make a fuss over it because everyone is so calm and happy and relaxed and then i became champion straight after team skull started to want my pokemon and the elite 4's pokemon but we stopped them they went silent for a year and now they are back no idea why but thats my story or course a few months ago i met elijah luna lao and daniel and you ray and look how far you have all come to your at the pokemon league even just being here is a success also fighting for this place wasn't easy at all i had real trouble and at the time i had decucideye and he helped get to where i am now.."


Previously hollowhead_
"Uh yeah. Daniel is.....failing miserably." He said calmly, "He says he's gonna beat me up, when he gets here. Don't stop him, though, I like to make it interesting." He said with a smirk. If Daniel forgot about 'beating up' Lao. Lao was gonna forgive him and forget about it. If he DOES remember it and decides to do it. Boy, was Daniel gonna have a hard time. He looked back at Kayo. He smiled, "Thanks, Kayo! We really worked hard to come here." He said calmly. He then saw the sun rise, "Looks like it's daytime, now. Man, Elijah and Daniel really are having a long battle." He said calmly.
"Lao what ever the outcome of this tournament is who ever ends up the champion the main thing is we all will end up still being friends and yes you guys are fighting for the title but it wont be easy being the champion either people want to challenge you this tournament was my idea so not just one person gets a chance anyone gets a chance but they dont face the elite 4 they face friends and rivals after the tournament its going back to the tradition where you have to beat the elite 4 in order to face the champion" he looks down "Daniel dont give up come on elijah keep battling you can do it..!" he said whilst looking down
"I'm pretty sure that Daniel is going to lose." Luna said. "He's to overconfident, even though Elijah is destroying him." she stated. She put on a song from a different region. She preferred other region's music over Alola's. Persian began to dance to the tune. "Well, I sometimes wonder if there's a way to reach other dimensions." Luna said suddenly. "I think it's an interesting concept..."
"Other dimensions..." he was thinking in his head "Could she be?" he began to try and look closer at luna "No...i think she is.." he smiled and kept on watching the battle and also kept an eye on luna
Persian suddenly dashed over to Luna. It began to claw at her dress. Soon, all of her Pokemon went into a panicked frenzy. "Whoa! What's going on?!" she exclaimed. Her good luck charm began to vibrate and glow. "What's happening?!" Luna cried. A flash of light emerged, and when it disappeared, two blond children were on the ground, looking confused. Lusamine's children.
kayo jumped back and looked at the children "g..gladion....lillie?" he asked curiously "Is that you..?" he went into a fighting stance and grabbed his pokeball incase


Previously hollowhead_
"WHAT. WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" He screamed, "Lusamine's children?" Asked Lao curiously, "Who are you two?" Asked Gladion, "Who are WE? Who are YOU?" Exclaimed Lao, "Ugh. I don't care, we'll settle this with a POKEMON battle!" Exclaimed Gladion as he sent out Zubat, "Go! Vikavolt!" Exclaimed Lao, as he sent out his Shiny Vikavolt, "Zap Cannon! Now!" Exclaimed Lao. Zubat instantly fainted. Gladion sent out Type : Null, "What Pokémon is that?" He asked curiously, "I'll ask later, Vikavolt, Discharge and Zap Cannon! Zap Charge!" Exclaimed Lao as Vikavolt used the attack. Type:Null lost half of its HP. Type:Null used Tackle on Vikavolt. Critical hit! Vikavolt fainted, "Decidueye! Go, and use Quick Attack!" Exclaimed Lao as Decidueye quickly flew to Type:Null and hit it strongly. It wasn't very effective. Type:Null tried to use Tackle again, "Haha! Tough luck, Decidueye is immune to normal type moves!" He said calmly, "Leaf Storm, now!" Decidueye hit Type:Null strongly. Type:Null fainted, "Ugh! How annoying.." Said Gladion quietly, "Now, tell me. What was that Pokémon?" Asked Lao curiously.
Luna stood there, stunned. Her good luck charm had just summoned Lillie and Gladion from another dimension. Lillie walked over to her. "H-hi." she stuttered. "I'm Lillie." she said. "Do you know why or how we got here?". Luna said "No, but I'm Luna. ".
Ray spit out his Popcorn in his mouth, he had seen some weird things happen before in his travels, but never this. He knew that this had happen for a reason, but he hadn't been traveling in Alola for long, he assumed it had to do with something Elijah and his friends had done before Ray showed up, so he thought it best to not bother them.
kayo calmed down as he watched the battle "Gladion lillie do you remember me? i was a friend of your mothers..." he looked at luna and lillie "They have the same resemblance" he said in his head "My name is kayo Osako im the current champion and that pokemon Gladion was it a type: Null?" he asked curiously


Previously hollowhead_
"Can anyone explain to me, WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING HERE?" He exclaimed. Lao was confused as ever, "What's a Type : Null? You know these kids? How did a glass shard make them appear?" He asked curiously and confusedly. He did not know what was happening. AT ALL.
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