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Lol I'm incredibly new here and wanted a place to share my OC art. Meet Bibi, Alto (the dude with the black hair), and Tesoro (the one in white), plus a little cameo from ID!Kieran. Feel free to comment if any of them pique your interest!

Bibi essentially takes on the role of the SV protagonist, which I'm sure probably already sets off some alarm bells some people's heads, if it's not your cup of tea that's understandable but eh, she is what she is and I like her.

Her team and backup roster are still in the works unfortunately because I'm terribly indecisive and want her to have a team that can make use of different approaches to battle. What's set in stone is the fact that she's got a Ribombee (first catch), a Skeledirge (her starter), and of course, Koraidon. Now, if you're familiar with the plot of Pokemon Scarlet you'll more or less know what her trials and tribulations are but there are a couple catches!

For the first 12 years of her life she was incredibly sickly and doctors couldn't tell what was wrong with her. She spends most of her days in bed at home or in the hospital obsessively watching league matches, becoming a champion is more or less the entire foundation of her will to live! About 2 years before her story starts she begins to recover from her illness, and it is a borderline miracle. Keeping in line with SV's theme of wishes and ambitions I wanted her story to begin with a wish, a dream, a prayer making itself manifest. By the time shes 14 she's undergone enough rehab to get the clear to live her life as any normal child her age would. And frankly she takes the term "high off life" to the next level, she feels like the world's working in her favor, and as she builds up a win-streak and overcomes challenges it all feeds into this unhealthy view of herself as an invincible hero.

The next major change to the plot comes into play during the final confrontation in Area Zero and the Koraidon vs Koraidon fight. The AI's Koraidon attacks Bibi directly, and it results in a near death experience. She makes it out with the help of Penny, Nemona, Arven, and of course, her own Koraidon, but she's not unscathed either physically or emotionally. She's devastated by having her delusion of invincibility shattered, and struggles to cope with ending up right back where she was a few years ago. She debates giving up on being a trainer or adventuring because what if it means she gets hurt like that again? In her indecision she runs into another one of my ocs, Alto, who chews her out for being a coward and a quitter in his eyes. This makes her so angry she snaps out of her funk long enough to kick off the indigo disk plot.

That one also goes according to script for the most part, except Bibi's unnecessarily wary of Drayton. Despite his friendly and easygoing demeanor, she dismisses him as a no good slacker because of Carmine's warning about him, and his laid back demeanor makes it seem like he's unappreciative of all the support he gets, which frustrates Bibi. What makes matters worse is that shes convinced he must be bullying Kieran, because surely it can't be her fault he's changed for the worse.....Right?

Cue the "ex-champion" remark and Kieran's breakdown. Bibi's just about had it and starts a fistfight with Drayton that she loses badly. Of course, she ends up in hot water for this because what kind of maniac thinks resorting to violence over a petty insult is a reasonable response? The incident also makes Kieran even angrier at her and he calls her out on not letting him fight his own battles and failing to treat him like an equal. This triggers even more introspection. Why had she insisted on playing hero instead of letting her friend stand up for himself or fight alongside her in Kitakami? Why did she think it was OK for her to just impose her will on others through brute force? Bibi has to spend a lot of time thinking over how she interacts with other people and how to make the conscious effort to take their feelings into account when she acts.

She's honestly a bit of a wreck by the time they delve back into Area Zero. She's not quite over the trauma of getting physically mauled by a pokemon. The Terapagos incident happens as it does in game, and her and Kieran have to team up to take it down. Bibi finally realizes she doesn't have to be the strongest, she just has to be there for her friends when they need it, and likewise, she needs to rely on others instead of try to play the hero. A gifted trainer she may be, but that doesn't make her special nor unbeatable.
These are awesome!

I love the thought you put into your characters, specifically Bibi. Please post more if you want to add further details about your other characters.

I understand your indecisiveness about your character's Pokémon team. I have so many favorite Pokémon that when it comes to deciding, I can't choose. In the past, I've tried giving myself limits or challenges for my character designs, such as my character can't have more than one pseudo-legendary or my character cannot have a Pokémon that's too popular. Sometimes it helps. Other times, it just adds to the pressure. My advice is to take your time and do what works for you.

Anyway, welcome to Pokécharms! I hope you have fun here.
These are awesome!

I love the thought you put into your characters, specifically Bibi. Please post more if you want to add further details about your other characters.

I understand your indecisiveness about your character's Pokémon team. I have so many favorite Pokémon that when it comes to deciding, I can't choose. In the past, I've tried giving myself limits or challenges for my character designs, such as my character can't have more than one pseudo-legendary or my character cannot have a Pokémon that's too popular. Sometimes it helps. Other times, it just adds to the pressure. My advice is to take your time and do what works for you.

Anyway, welcome to Pokécharms! I hope you have fun here.
Haha, glad to see I'm not the only who gets caught up in the team building phase, honestly it came so much easier to me for the other two (though admittedly, that's because I'm not giving them entire backup rosters since they're less freakishly obsessed with training as Bibi) that it's kinda funny. I totally see the merit in imposing "challenges" for example, I gave Alto picks that were associated with harsh or discordant music since he's a wannabe rockstar with a horrible voice, save his Primarina who's very clearly the odd one out. I'll be getting more into the other two shortly in another post since I don't wanna talk your ear off in this reply lol, but thanks so much for the very warm welcome and I'm thrilled that you've seen something you like in my little cast of characters!
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ribombee is seething.png

A while back I had drawn for the prompt "if your OCs had types what would they be and why?" and "Draw your OC in an outfit based off a pokemon with those types."

Bibi's totally a bug/fighting type, her silly swirly glasses make me think of big ol' compound eyes, and bugs sort of have that reputation for being a weaker, frail type, which I think suits her given how long her health was in such poor condition. Fighting is not only due to her feisty nature and the association with grit, justice, and a headstrong approach but because Bibi actually tries picking up martial arts after the stuff at Blueberry Academy wraps up. Even if she knows she's not invincible, a part of her still yearns for strength, and she decides to start working on herself more than just attitude wise so she has skills that count outside of being a good trainer.

That left me with heracross or slither wing so behold! Slither wing Bibi.
Warning: Mentions of violence in this post! Certainly nothing M rated, I feel like it's within the realm of what you might see in the Pokemon manga (well, admittedly I didn't read pokespe but I hear it's not afraid to show a bit of blood here and there), but be wary if that kind of content doesn't jive with you in the otherwise sweet and saccharine world of Pokemon.



Alrighty! Brief intros are in order for the boys now. Mind that this art's a bit older than the stuff in the first post, so that's more accurate regarding their appearances, though Tesoro usually still dresses in that Sharpedo themed outfit rather than the all white one.

Alto's a guy with dreams of making it big in music one day, unfortunately, he's never going to get anywhere far because his singing voice is terrible. Downright atrocious. Just because everyone knocks him for it doesn't mean he's going to give up though, he'll show them all what real music is like yet.

A total chuunibyou who tries to seem like an aloof bad boy to the point of using makeup to fake having a scar over his left eye (in contrast to Bibi's very real scars. He maintains a really over-the-top, dramatic, and flowery style of speech until he inevitably gets nervous, flustered, or runs out of material and reverts back to talking like the normal teenager he really is deep down.

He's also mediocre as a trainer, don't let the fact that most of his pokemon are fully evolved fool you. The only one's who are any real threat in a fight are his Obstagoon which fancies itself a sort of bodyguard/bouncer on duty to protect the rest of team, and his Primarina who typically refuses to fight, but is violently protective of Alto and immediately tries to scrap with anyone who insults his singing (which happens a lot)!

For all his awful awful singing though, the guy's actually an incredibly gifted bassist, to the point where multiple bands have tried to recruit him only to be utterly rejected since singing is his true passion. His Toxtricity is responsible for this, as it more or less taught Alto how to play as it's his first Pokemon and most trusted friend.

That fateful day he meets Bibi up on Naranja's roof, he sees the obviously depressed girl and tells her to kindly leave because she's totally stealing his favorite spot to ditch class in. On her refusal the two start talking about how she hit champion rank, her recent return to school from the hospital, and the fact that she's considering giving up her lifelong dream of being a trainer despite her obvious skill. Alto thinks it's cowardly, and she's just like all the other quitters who dip when the going gets tough, he's seen a lot of those as a musician. Somehow, this ends up being exactly what Bibi needs to hear to get herself together, so he gets his favorite spot back while she focuses on building up her confidence again.

By the time everything comes to a close he and Bibi still aren't really friends, they'll viciously mock each other whenever their paths cross, but there's a little bit of begrudging respect/appreciation on both ends: Alto isn't used to having people take his words seriously, and Bibi has to admit she might not have cleaned up her act without him.

Now onto Tesoro (who I call Tes for short), who at this point is sorta the least developed of my OCs and kind of just Volo 2.0? He's a negative mirror to Bibi in a lot of ways, most importantly in that their stories are the result of a wish, a dream, a prayer making itself manifest. Who said miracles and wishes were reserved for the good guys anyways?

We all know that once upon a time there was an ancient king of Paldea, one whose endless greed brought his castle to rubble after he collected the treasures of ruin. I like to think that the king never truly gave up on one day recollecting those treasures, and that the wish in his heart burned so strongly that it remained in this world even after he himself was long gone. Is Tesoro a distant descendant or perhaps a reincarnation? Who's to say. But all he himself knows is that everything in the world that's beautiful, rare, or valuable should be his, and in particular, not being able to have the treasures of ruin makes his skin crawl. He's a schemer who uses Bibi to unseal the treasures of ruin for him before trying to take her out of the picture, reopening old wounds in the process, and I mean that very literally. The guy takes a knife right to her sides, the same place the AI's Koraidon slashed her up. He has also mistaken adrenaline rushes for happiness and isn't interested in correcting that mistake.

I'd imagine if I went through and committed to this storyline, it'd take place when Bibi's a bit older, maybe say 17-18 as opposed to 14-15 when SV takes place normally. Tes would be like, 21-22 and Alto 20-21.

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Nice! I like the way you describe your characters. It feels like their personalities seep into the paragraphs as if they were writing about themselves.

In a way, I'm envious. I would post something about my characters, but I'm not good at drawing people. You seem like you're having fun with this. I hope more people check these out.
The fact that you've thought out an entire storyline for your sv characters impresses me very much. Even though they are only people who live in your head, you've obviously spent a lot of brainpower thinking about them, their feelings, and all. Their designs also would be right at home in a Pokemon game- especially scarlet and violet. And Bibi's big old glasses make me laugh every time I see them! Welcome to the community.

PS: where did the name Bibi come from?
The fact that you've thought out an entire storyline for your sv characters impresses me very much. Even though they are only people who live in your head, you've obviously spent a lot of brainpower thinking about them, their feelings, and all. Their designs also would be right at home in a Pokemon game- especially scarlet and violet. And Bibi's big old glasses make me laugh every time I see them! Welcome to the community.

PS: where did the name Bibi come from?
Funny story about the names, I honestly feel a little bad for Bibi, because Alto and Tesoro have names I chose for a purpose of some sort, they're super on the nose but alto is a musical term, tesoro is just spanish for "treasure" (that was originally just a placeholder until I could figure out something better, but I've had conversations with other people about Tes at this point so it feels like too much of a bother to pick something else now that people know him by that name). I chose Bibi because it sounds silly, and a silly name suits a silly girl! Part of it was that I never anticipated developing a story for her to the point I did, I initially just drafted her design so I would have a character I thought looked cuter than Florian/Juliana to draw with the SV cast, but talking to other people about OCs had me feeling inspired to actually try writing something for once, instead of just making a design and calling it day.

Hopefully I'm able to contribute to the community going forward!
Nice! I like the way you describe your characters. It feels like their personalities seep into the paragraphs as if they were writing about themselves.

In a way, I'm envious. I would post something about my characters, but I'm not good at drawing people. You seem like you're having fun with this. I hope more people check these out.
I'm incredibly flattered you think so, I've always fancied myself more an artist than writer but I'm glad you've found my rundowns a good read! If you ask me, I think you should go ahead and post about your characters whether or not you're happy with your artistic skills, it really is incredibly fun to get conversations going about OCs, at the very least, you're welcome to discuss them here if you'd like!

In lieu of serious artwork, have something silly today! Bibi is.....How do I put this......Devastating levels of cringe, I think she'd definitely be the type of kid to try and pull off really popular dance challenges on tiktok/youtube only to flub them until she starts outgrowing her klutziness.
Whew, phoneposting cuz I'm on break at work so hopefully this doesn't turn out horrendously written. Here's a lil comic I drew a while back to emphasize that Bibi is honestly a bit weird and frankly offputting at the start of her journey. Sweet, friendly, and cheerful sure but definitely not exactly grounded in reality. We all know how that turns out for her though.

sekaiiiii de.png

Kieran's one of my favorite SV characters but also one of the only ones whose arc I'd change a bit. I feel he never quite gets over his habit of putting the MC on a pedestal. Having Bibi's borderline manic self confidence draw out his insecurity before she gets dragged through the mud would give them both a harsh reality check.
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I enjoyed it. I remember cringing the time Kieran said, "What are you? The protagonist of this story?"

4th wall-breaking or lazy writing? I don't know, but I agree that he put the MC on the pedestal too much. If anything, that was one thing that turned me off about playing Pokémon games. I felt like my character didn't have a lot of personality but was still highlighted as the chosen or the best in everything. I mean, I understand why. That's usually the point of self-inserts, but I often wish MCs had more backstory or personality to go along with that.

Speaking of characters, I finally settled on my Pokémon OC's team. Now, I need a name. {Her placeholder name was Charlotte, but I don't feel right keeping that since I stole it for my username.}
I enjoyed it. I remember cringing the time Kieran said, "What are you? The protagonist of this story?"

4th wall-breaking or lazy writing? I don't know, but I agree that he put the MC on the pedestal too much. If anything, that was one thing that turned me off about playing Pokémon games. I felt like my character didn't have a lot of personality but was still highlighted as the chosen or the best in everything. I mean, I understand why. That's usually the point of self-inserts, but I often wish MCs had more backstory or personality to go along with that.

Speaking of characters, I finally settled on my Pokémon OC's team. Now, I need a name. {Her placeholder name was Charlotte, but I don't feel right keeping that since I stole it for my username.}
Looking forward to hearing more about your trainer! Also yeah, I feel ya about having to avoid names that sound similar to ones you use, otherwise people might read a non-self insert OC as one.

I don't think it was lazy writing even if 4th wall breaks can come off that way to some. My interpretation isn't that he's supposed to actually somehow be conscious of your respective roles in the story, just immensely jealous and insecure regarding the MCs good fortune, which is fair of him honestly. I guess that's why I make Bibi play into those exact insecurities of his to give him more of a reason to lash out later.

I don't mind self insert protagonists but I never end up getting attached to them either since you're just supposed to project yourself onto them. If I truly could get invested in them I suppose I'd be writing and drawing more Juliana instead of Bibi right now lol.

Don't think I mentioned it before but honestly, I think between her being a movie star AND champion, Bibi would be a huuuuuge Diantha stan.

Also, did you ever want to hear what my little cast would sound like if voiced? No? Well too bad, I'm dropping the link to a video I made featuring a bunch of drawings of them layered over utaite audio anyways!

I know these are all song clips but I feel like it's all still representative of their speaking voices. Regarding Alto, this isn't what his singing voice would sound like at all, much like monsters in horror movies who never get shown properly to the audience, it's scarier when left to your imagination.

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Voicelines too?! What's next, battle themes?

I have underestimated you once again.

Since Bibi was in bed for a long time, she's probably spent a lot of her time watching TV or messing around on the internet. I wonder what she thinks of Leon, the unbeatable champion?
Voicelines too?! What's next, battle themes?

I have underestimated you once again.

Since Bibi was in bed for a long time, she's probably spent a lot of her time watching TV or messing around on the internet. I wonder what she thinks of Leon, the unbeatable champion?
Haha funny you bring up battle themes, god knows if I had any musical talent I'd have composed something by now......Also y'know what, I said I chose Bibi's name because it sounded silly and cute, but I suppose it's also worth mentioning it was my favorite Love Live subunit back in the day. A hundred apologies, and a thousand more atop that, because I'm gonna geek out about music I like.

I'm totally guilty of thinking about songs that remind me of my ocs! You can almost boil down Bibi's entire character arc into 3 or 4 songs, going from her blinding overconfidence, to the realization that she's fallible, and wanting to be the best version of herself despite it.

As for battle themes, something upbeat (but with a few more intense sections like 1:34-2:05) could work!

Or something that's a generally pretty upbeat hard rock/metal tune with a subtler sense of melancholy to it at times.....

For Alto, a battle theme like this probably works! He's actually pretty good at introspection, so the more poetic bits actually suit him pretty well in addition to his resolve to do what he wants reminding me of the parts of the chorus about not "bending the knee".

Tesoro gets to be a little different from the other two, the sounds I associate with him are a little gentler and prettier, I think the more classical elements of symphonic rock sell the whole "something sinister lurking under a pretty exterior" thing.

Now onto Leon.........Unfortunately, I haven't played swsh, so that limits how much I can properly answer that but here's the thing, a guy as famous as Leon is definitely a figure of interest for Bibi! She's probably extensively studied his (along most other champion's) league matches from her days in the hospital, and she probably bought the idea he was unbeatable until the whole Area Zero incident makes her realize that anyone and everyone has their limits. I feel like she would really love to meet Leon one day, but also be totally disappointed/disillusioned by Galar's league system since it's something you have to have a sponsor/a recommendation to participate in iirc? It'd seem unnecessarily gate keep-y to her. She wants to prove that everyone can lose or be beaten, but it's not to spite Leon or anything, I think it's just a lesson she thinks everyone's gotta learn at some point, and her desire to fight other strong trainers would push her to try and pursue opportunities to have a match with him. She wouldn't be upset if she lost though, but Leon may have to stomach the fact that she'd be really persistent about rematches. She'd simultaneously be a huge fan while also wanting to see if she could knock him off his spot at the top, pretty contradictory huh?

Also, one day I was drawing for the prompt "draw your OC in a canon character's outfit" and weirdly enough I chose Leon's sygna suit, even though I don't play masters, I thought the look was super cool. Would she ever show her scars so brazenly? Maybe not, but I wanted to draw it anyways.

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Right on! Geek away. If you can't geek out about Pokémon and Pokémon OCs here, where can you?

Now, you've got me wondering if I should add battle themes to my OC page (I posted it under Writing since I didn't have any original artwork to go with it).

I love that outfit, by the way. I feel like if I ever came across Bibi in a competition dressed like that, I'd run for cover.
Right on! Geek away. If you can't geek out about Pokémon and Pokémon OCs here, where can you?

Now, you've got me wondering if I should add battle themes to my OC page (I posted it under Writing since I didn't have any original artwork to go with it).

I love that outfit, by the way. I feel like if I ever came across Bibi in a competition dressed like that, I'd run for cover.
Incredibly well said! I'd totally be down to see you post themes for Tali, Nye, or Calypso so if you figure something out I say go for it!

And thanks, I have to stay away from gacha games but man does masters EX have a lot of cool outfits for the characters, it makes me super tempted to play. Someone has to tell gamefreak to stop cooking so much.
Oh I love all of these character arts!! Great work! I love the use of color and the expressiveness! And the little comics too? Chef's kiss. Keep on drawing and creating! I'll definitively keep an eye out for future posts too.
Awwwww thanks a million! No need to tell me to keep drawing, that won't end anytime soon lol. Getting positive feedback like this has been a huge motivator for me, I'm like, super touched.

hail to the king.png

Saw a post a while back about maid/butler cafes but with the genders swapped and I think Bibi would just be the absolute worst ever at it even if she really enjoys dressing up in suits. Plus a little bonus doodle of Tesoro with his aegislash!

Another OC writer I know posted a whole interview script that I went ahead and filled out from Bibi's point of view, I kinda wonder if I should try and edit our writings so it's not in separate posts and share it? But man, it'd require so much context to explain lmao.
You could always write her a league card (even though that's from SWSH instead of SV). they're sort of like the short biography on the back of some baseball cards (or chocolate frog cards). It's about a paragraph (3 or 4 sentences) long and basically tells the reader how the subject views battling, and if it's a rare league league card it gets a bit more personal and talks about the character's background (since you don't play sword or shield I don't know how much you know about league cards.

The best part is the picture of the subject on the front. All the dramatic poses and card covers! Knowing Bibi, I'd bet she'd spend hours making hers, if she had one.

The closest thing to an interview that's in Pokemon that I can think of, anyway.

Back again after a few days, did ya miss me? No? Too bad! Another OC writer I know wrote up a little match of their OC vs mine and I thought that was super sweet of them, plus it was a ton of fun to read, so I drew a little something for it! Their OC is a gyaru girl named Ruka who really loves her jynx even if some may consider it unappealing or ugly and I think it's a super cute concept.

And on top of this art.....Voila! I come bearing fanfic too! You can read it here. This isn't the interview I mentioned before, still ironing that one out a bit, but it's a piece I wrote a while back about the fight that goes down in Area Zero and how it leaves Bibi critically injured. So please note that it gets violent and that between the descriptions of the Koraidon vs Koraidon fight and Bibi's injuries, quite bloody. I'm totally open to criticism but do note I consider myself a novice writer, so don't judge me like I claim my stuff's a masterpiece.

On that note, I think I totally forgot to bring up a decently important piece of Bibi lore? It's about her fighting style at least. You see, Bibi's capable of giving non-verbal commands to her Pokemon, which is good for confusing foes and delivering quick commands and such! Essentially instead of calling out move names, or giving them commands such as "dodge" or "charge up the attack" she uses combinations of snaps, claps, whistles, jingling of an accessory, etc. Of course, this has its limits, it's not like she has a command for every possible scenario so anything weirdly specific has to be called out the normal way, but generally speaking she can tell her Skeledirge to use torch song or some such with a simple cue. Which is a bit of context you'll need to understand some parts of that fic I just linked lol.
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That was incredible.

Dramatic and dark but still so good.

Most of my critiques are superficial, but as long as you want feedback. You used "hot" twice in this sentence:

"An almost searingly hot claw, intense and unforgiving as the desert sun shreds through Bibi’s side like a hot knife through butter."

While nothing is inherently wrong with it, it feels a little redundant.

I thought I noticed a past/present tense issue somewhere, but now I can't find it. All and all, great work.
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That was incredible.

Dramatic and dark but still so good.

Most of my critiques are superficial, but as long as you want feedback. You used "hot" twice in this sentence:

"An almost searingly hot claw, intense and unforgiving as the desert sun shreds through Bibi’s side like a hot knife through butter."

While nothing is inherently wrong with it, it feels a little redundant.

I thought I noticed a past/present tense issue somewhere, but now I can't find it. All and all, great work.
Good catch! Dunno how that bit of redundancy slipped under my radar, gotta edit more next time. But still, I'm super happy you thought it was a fun read!!
For the prompt "draw your OC with their starter"!
uh oh.png

I wanted to make it clear that Bibi's facial expression can be.....Kind of (read:really) off putting during fights sometimes.

Fuecoco and bibi share that unshakeable bond only known to pairs of silly little guys, when introduced to her possible starters they were immediately drawn to each other because of their fun loving attitudes. While Bibi has her moments of doubt however, Fuecoco will remain the mood maker of her party even as a Skeledirge. Its unfailingly positive and jolly behavior is its own way of protecting its trainer, as he realizes that fundamentally, she's a very lonely person. Its embodiment of more ghostly traits also soothe Bibi somewhat after her near death mishaps at Area Zero.
Honestly, I had to look up what that was. I had never heard the songs before. My knowledge of the Japanese language is limited, to say the least, but I liked the vibes Juvenile had.

I might enjoy the songs more if I understood what they were singing.
That's fair! I've also got pretty rudimentary knowledge of Japanese but I've loved vocaloid since I was a kid so needless to say I was totally thrilled when I heard there was going to be an official collaboration between a bunch of producers, both notable and more obscure, and Pokemon! Though I gotta admit I think Gamefreak kinda fumbled the project a bit, it definitely seems like they just went up to producers and told them to make a pokemon themed song, and while on one hand it's cool they evidently didn't tamper much with the creatives, this also means more popular or better established artists have wildly different MV qualities. Likely why the producers for The Pokemon Inside My Heart and I'm A Ghost Type were able to have English subtitles, but not others. I think my standout favorites are those two as well as PARTY ROCK ETERNITY, GOTCHU!, and Electricity Forecast. If English covers strike anyone's fancy I know one for GOTCHU!

Juvenile was a real treat and the video was super cute! I hadn't heard any songs made by Jin in years so it felt super nostalgic for me in that regard too.
Thanks for the English cover. I'll check it out when I have the chance. I think it's a shame that Pokémon doesn't have more English music videos or even fan-made ones. Celestial by Ed Sheeran is pretty good, and the music video was a real throwback to my childhood.

Maybe because the anime is targeted toward younger kids people don't see it as a franchise you should invest a lot of talent in. I hope I'm wrong, but that's the only theory I've got.

Edit: Speaking of which, I've been trying to write a story loosely based on Pokémon. The whole thing was inspired by a challenge I accepted to create my own Pokédex. Unfortunately, the library is sorely lacking in monster tamer literature. Not that I'm knocking self published ebooks. I've just always preferred having a physical copy.
Thanks for the English cover. I'll check it out when I have the chance. I think it's a shame that Pokémon doesn't have more English music videos or even fan-made ones. Celestial by Ed Sheeran is pretty good, and the music video was a real throwback to my childhood.

Maybe because the anime is targeted toward younger kids people don't see it as a franchise you should invest a lot of talent in. I hope I'm wrong, but that's the only theory I've got.

Edit: Speaking of which, I've been trying to write a story loosely based on Pokémon. The whole thing was inspired by a challenge I accepted to create my own Pokédex. Unfortunately, the library is sorely lacking in monster tamer literature. Not that I'm knocking self published ebooks. I've just always preferred having a physical copy.
Ahaha yeah, I kind of feel like it's definitely a bit of a thing with JP franchises that they're really slow to capitalize on western audiences, even for something as wildly lucrative as pokemon (I'm also a little guilty here cuz even when I made a little fan animatic for SV a while back I still chose a JP song lol). Here's hoping going forward we get more English music videos, and in the case of stuff like project VOLTAGE, accessibility measures like subtitles lol.

Keep me updated on how your original fiction goes! I never thought about it but it's totally true that there's like, no western monster raising franchises I can think of off the top of my head. And yeah, having a physical copy of a book is way nicer than reading off a screen.
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My boss is actually literally trying to kill me so I haven't been able to really draw anything this week, but I remembered there's still some stuff I haven't uploaded to the thread yet lol. The theme for this one was "make them all say something 'nice' about each other"

the worst formatted yonkoma known to man.png
Keep me updated on how your original fiction goes! I never thought about it but it's totally true that there's like, no western monster raising franchises I can think of off the top of my head. And yeah, having a physical copy of a book is way nicer than reading off a screen.

Thanks! I'll be glad to.

I've got 53 creatures designed so far. I plan to do a few more, but it's slow going. I have 13 different types (except I call them affinities). According to my math, if I decide to design one of each type, including dual typings, I'll end up with approximately 90 monsters.
On the topic of remembering to upload all the old content I've got here, I did make a pretty half baked doodle of Bibi's parents a little bit ago.

On a Paldea much like the one we know of today, the sun shines and the light of youth sparkles in different pairs of eyes than in the present. A young woman is determined to test her mettle alongside her trusted Riolu. Carving her path through hill and dale on the outskirts of town, slipping through alleyways with Delcatty like grace, she challenges any stranger in her sights. But no warrior worth their salt retires before knowing the taste of blood in their mouth or the sound of the snapping of bone.

A hundred battles beget a hundred trips to the Pokemon center where she and her partners can indulge in the peaceful atmosphere and mend their wounds. But one day something changes when gold eyes meet ruby under the brim of her baseball cap. A weekly visit becomes a daily one as she lingers and timidly sips on sodas at the nearby tables. She's even begun throwing matches on the occasion, all in hopes of having another conversation with the boy and his Dolliv who like to volunteer at the pokemon center......

In terms of jobs, I think her dad would work in medical research and her mom's excellent throwing arm gets put to use for testing new pokeball models lol

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