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aRX'S aRT Thread...

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Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Awesome! I love them both so much...
Their designs are perfect, Poochyena and Buizel translate into wonderful outfits XD
I just love how you got little details in, like the lines on the shoes for paws. You never cease to amaze me with your attention to detail. Their expressions also suit them perfectly.
Rogue = awesomeness on a stick. I love her design, it's easy to tell she's a Poochyena, but it doesn't yell it out to you. Bluez is adorable, and if Pokemon didn't exist, I'd still love his design. And the fact that he uses Talim's arm blade/weapon/dealios makes him cooler.​


Bluez looks so very cute! Those colours suit him perfectly! His outfit is nice, too.
I really like your artwork Hax/RX. The fakemon you made are all very good, too.
Keep up the good work! :)
Totally loving those last two characters.

I especially love Bluez, the way he looks like Bluez. LOL. *shot'd*

Anyways, great coloring techniques, you are way very good with the color pencil medium. I wish I could handle my shading that well. D:

Great work, as always, RX.
I had rather hoped that I could upload this as one "long file is looooong" file. But Photobucket denies me such powers. So here it is in pieces



From left to right, top row: Sami, RX, Belle, Katie. From left to right, bottom row: Stel, TBA, Jet, El.

So yeaaaah Soul Calibur. Utterly frustrated by my inability to upload the epic battles on youtube, I decided to illustrate chibis depicting the first 8 characters I created with the game's features. There were a lot more but my pen died on me. (Ni my 0.2 Tech pen may he rest in peace.) These chibis are vague attempts at illustrating the actual items available in the game, so they're sort of accurate. For those who are curious Sami has Xianghua's sword style, RX has Ivy's, Belle has Setsuka's and Katie has Abelia's, or the general Sword and Shield Discipline. (Between Cassandra's bounciness and Sophitia's obscene throws, Abelia can fire thunderbolts form her sword >: o) Stel has Revenant's sword style, or the Wave Sword discipline. TBA has Astaroth's, Jet has Chester's aka the Dagger discipline (I know you wanted a sword, but the dagger is just neat for its spamming and bomb throwing and ninja-esque sword fighting style.) and El has Yoshimitsu's (duh.)

My personal fave here is Belle's, both the sword style and the costume itself. Totally random Gothic Lolita Samurai ftw. And Setsuka is one of the fastest characters ever.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
*Is overwhelmed by the detail*

Seriously, the level of detail here is incredible, especially on Sami's costume. Your line art is perfect too, as are everyone's expressions. I can just hear our characters muttering 'curses'. It's a shame about Photobucket not letting you have the looooong file, it would have looked like an epic banner.

As always, your chibi-drawing abilities amaze me. I must say that TBA has to be my favourite. That pose is epic. I can picture the wind blowing his cape and some dramatic, classical music playing as he arrives XD


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Heheh. I love that of the four guys in the second image, El is the only one smiling ^^

So, you're telling me that these chibis up there basically match the characters you designed for Soul Calibur...? Because that'd be pretty damn nifty, especially considering the Link touches on my character =O

I see the similarities between your and Sami's characters and those two characters you posted earlier on. Very cool ^^ And god yes, I agree with Magpie on the sheer detail with these pictures. All the fine lines and designs imprinted on the clothing... I can't spot any faults. It just all looks so nice and clean lineart-wise.

Now, for my personal favourite... I must agree with Magpie on that one XD The TBA pic is just adorable: his pose, his expression, and the hat and cape are so bloody cute. It makes me think of Edgar from FFIV... if he wielded a frelling big hammer instead of a harp XP

R.I.P. RX's pen D:
With that said, did that effectively kill any chance of you doing more, or are they still to come at a future time? It'd be fun to see them, too ^^
is there anything you can't draw?

Your lineart is always so crisp, clean, and ungodly detailed! I am always amazed at the detail that you manage to cram in there! I love it all!
Personal favourite for me has to be Belle. Love her outfit and choice of weapon. Details are magnificent and extraordinary.

All the others are very well done. The detail is amazing, as always.

May your pen rest in peace as well RX.

And of course, I love myself. Bombs will have to suffice for the Reflector.
Linkachu]With that said said:
I used a Kitty cap in game as per suggestion, but decided to go with a regular Link Hat here as its Katie's trademark.

I gave Stel Mantis Blades for several profound reasons. One of them being green and the other being they looked more organic then the other Wave Swords. Plus they penetrate Guards >: o

El's outift was loosely based on his RP self with the blue hair and what-not.
[size=8pt]-flops around a little-

I think my heart stopped for a second there.
Because you just...
I just..
Just. Just.
loli!Belle fdsgshafd win.
So many times ovars.
That outfit is so freaking amazing, and the weapons are lol win.
But there are bits and pieces of all these designs that I freaking adore.
Like your eyepatch.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
I'd ask if there's a reason I'm wielding a pair of giant fucking hair combs, but you've explained it. Rendering this whole post completely irrelevant.

Your detailing ability is insane, you know? Seriously. Your art looks like professional concept art and it makes me want to kill you. Out of sheer admiration, of course.

Excellent work there. XD
Agreeing with most of the people here: OMGSQUEE TBA ish so cute! I just wanna hug him tight. ^^ And gods, the way he's standing on that spiked hammer is just...just...win.

The detail, as always, is so amazing I'm pretty sure I looked like an idiot gaping at the screen for a good solid three minutes. This is just so incredibly detailed and cute at the same time it's astonishing. Just brilliant. *applauds*
Adding some bonus brawlers to the Soul Calibur line-up...


Left to Right: Dwayna, Sem, Cody and Shiny

Dwayna is absolutely fun to play as. Not only does she wield Nightmare's brutal fighting prowess and Soul Edge, but her costume makes her say the most evil things xD (choice quotes include "How Absolutely Laughable" and "Your face irritates me") Meh, evil Amazonian Queen.

Sem is just lovely and all gentlemanly, and he wields a bigass Scythe and Zasalamel's discipline.

I gave Cody Lizardman's discipline, due to his obvious love of Axes and since TBA has Astaroth's.

Lastly, Lyni. Steel fan (Demuth's discipline) is obviously a reference to the laser fan. I was originally going to give her Tambourines, but then the representative of that discipline is already named LYNette.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
... Oh. My. Gosh.

I think I'm gonna huggle you, RX. I'm so freaking adorable! And the actual expression on my face is, like, what I usually have irl. But I wouldn't say no to Tambourines either. ^^

Dway looks so awesome, though. Her costume is so.. wickedly amazing. And Cody looks sooo cool. And I can't believe it; I actualy have an image of Sem like that in my mind at times. XD
Awesome, awesome RX.

Shiny looks so cute. And Sem and Cody both look sweet.

Dwayna freaks me out a tad, but that may just be that long chat log. Either way, awesome job.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
They all look awesome, though Dwayna has to be my favourite, she looks kick ass XD

Again, I love the details on them, especially the weapons. Your line art is perfect as usual. Seriously, you amaze me every time. Dwayna's outfit is just so beautiful and Sem's scythe is awesome. Shiny and Cody look epic as well. Awesomeness as usual, RX. I always enjoy looking at your thread so much ^^


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
I know you get this a lot RX, but I feel I have to repeat what others have told you many times over...your work is phenomenal. The detail is incredible, the linework is flawless, and the designs are just overall brilliant. Shiny and Cody look like characters from an anime RPG almost, even though they're supposed to be from Soul Calibur. Sem and Dwayna just look like they want to tear people's heads off. ;D

Once again, you're awesome RX, you should definitely look for a career in character design or something similar, because you're definitely talented enough.
The detail you put into all of these is amazing, RX. Dway and Sem have to be my favorites though, most likely because of their expressions and weapon of choice. Not saying that I don't love all four of them though :p
Really cool representations of the 'charms people. I love teh detail that you have even in chibi form. Fav weapon for now is yours, I can resist the blade whip and the whicked claw :D but they all look awesome. Great work!
Oh those are so cool! The lineart is amazing, as usual, and it just shows the characters perfectly. And Sem has a sycthe ftw. Dway looks so awesome, and I just adore her shoulder armor. Shiny and Cody are cool as well, nd Shny looks cute and dangerous at the same time.
I....I...I has an axe :'D

That drawing is awesome, RX. I think Sem is my favorite, he looks so....relaxed in it, the way I kind of picture him to be. Kind of. :\

It just fits everyone so well, what with Shiny being like that, like she already said. And Dway is now officially the Amazonian with the best evil outfit. Your drawings astound me, as always.

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
... Everyone likes how you did me. Including myself.

Honestly RX, your art skills astound me time and time again. I love Dwayna's armor (sharp, pointy things for the win). Her hat, as Stel kindly mentioned, is reminiscent of that evil chick from Power Rangers. The sword is creepy as all hell.

Speaking of Stel, I like how you did him as well. Very cute. All the rest of them are awesome too.

Keep up the incredible work, RX. :3
Whoooo February 2! And for some of you that equates to one special thing...


A Happy Birthday to Midnight Shadows!

Clockwise from top left corner: Figs, Alex, Jeydis, Ruko, Sem, Nem, Kalseng, Carmen, Jet, RX, Belle, Sami, Dwayna, Cody, Zacky, Katie.

Sorry if a fair few awesome people couldn't make it for the picture, but it was a pretty random thing to draw and I just went and remembered anyone I could and crammed them all here. Once again, a Happy Birthday to Middy, and special regards to Cody and Zacky, who personally arranged this little surprise.
Swicked picture RX. Great way to give Midnight a Birthday.

Though, I would say that either my Reflector or Swellow should've been there, but it won't matter since this isn't centered around me.

Happy Birthday Midnight.

And of course, RX is awesome at drawing little Chibi forms of us.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Awesomeness RX. That must have taken some drawing! Plus, it's a really nice surprise for Midnight ^^

I'm loving all the expressions, which like I've said before you do perfectly. Everyone has their own personality. I'm amazed you got so many members of 'Charms into one picture...


That picture looks superb.
The chibi forms of all these 'Charmsians look awesome!
The expressions on all of them give away their respective personality ^^
(Why is Ruko sleeping, though? >>)
All in all, a nice way to wish Happy Birthday to someone, especially if she is an awesome fiction writer.
*huggles RX* weee! Thats a great picture ! And im in it /cheer

With your permition id like to attempt coloring some of your lineart starting with this great peice.

PS: Kalseng's pose made me chuckle.
Awesome pic, but you've made a sad Rach. :p

I figured as much. I was intending nothing by including and not including people in the picture. The choice was entirely random. Besides, Rach has so many awesome pics already :3

[quote author=Mr.Scyther link=topic=2056.msg89300#msg89300 date=1233567608]
Nice picture. How long did that take to do?

Roughly a couple of hours with the sketching, the inking and the editing on photoshoop :p

[quote author=Jeydis link=topic=2056.msg89331#msg89331 date=1233583491]
*huggles RX* weee! Thats a great picture ! And im in it /cheer

With your permition id like to attempt coloring some of your lineart starting with this great peice.

PS: Kalseng's pose made me chuckle.

I'd be honored Jey, not to mention this gift could definitely use some life-giving color.

Anywaiz, another new update for today.


OH SHI- read from right to left in typical manga fashion =_=​

Yeah, this took a lot more hours to do, not only because the linework was tedious, but also because it felt extremely weird drawing this. Meh, I am entirely not sure where this thing is going, so those hopeful for an epic manga better not be such. I hate drawing buildings D:<

Also Mystery city needs a name. Any thoughts on this? The one who can come up with a good enough name shall be awarded for their efforts. As to what that reward is, you'll just have to help me out to discover. PM thy entries, all posted entries shalt be ignored. /srsly
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