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aRX'S aRT Thread...

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I would sign up so quick for the Biology class. I imagine fun and uh... interesting time shall be had.

As clean and beautiful as ever. Oh how I envy you.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
*Has exploded*


I love you so much XD

I'm so going to print that and frame it in my room, that's how awesome it is. Thunderdog looks so completely awesome, I love how he's sat looking all relaxed but alert at the same time, like a good guard doggie ^^
I just love the whole picture so much... my hair is perfect and I look so pretty, plus I have an awesome outfit. Seriously, I love you. You're beyond awesome!

The 'Charms school picture is great. I'd certainly study art under Professor Sami. All the Mods look perfect, I love how their poses ooze their personalities. Everyone's expressions are priceless. I think Stel, Ruko and Sami are my favourites, just because of their poses and outfits. Nurse Jet for the win XD

Alex looks cool in his picture, I love how you did one eye in shadow. Awesome detail as usual on the mech, I really don't know how you do it.

Oversized Aquamor XD
Awesome on so many levels... the expressions are epic.

*Dies again*

I can't thank you enough for the drawing of me and Thunderdog, I really can't. Your awesome
I should be like head of Physics, or something. I know almost nothing about health, nor do I plan on taking Health Sciences at school.

Regardless, the picture is awesome. Love how you drew Sem in the picture.

As for the other pics, Alex is awesome and Magpie's character is gorgeous.

Yet another awesome job RX.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
I think Hax should do nothing but draw pics of me for the rest of his life.

I'm also seriously tempted to write a script for 'Charms School' and make him draw it.
This whole...school concept is awesome. I would want to be in Stel's biology class no matter how many times he attempts to kill me. Stel is amazing! I love the expression.

I would enroll in 'Charms School anyday.

Random pic is randooom, but still somewhat related to Pokemon. Anyone tell me why (except Sami who I told already) This here is Theodore, Theo for short. Credit for name forming partially goes to Pheonix
The Steel Eevolution looks lovely (as is to be expected from you, everything looks gorgeous), but I don't like the horn. I feel it's out-of-place and makes the Cybereon look more like a unicorn than a member of the Eevee family. That's just my opinion however.

Boxing Kangaroo's are cliche, but they're still cool when done properly.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Theodore is so cute... in a tough kind 'o way XD

I love how you coloured him so that his fur is subtly a few different shades. I like his little grey nose too ^^
Those gloves are awesome and pretty much all his accessories, it that's the right word. Love his expression too, oh and his ears and rough-looking fur.

Cybereon is just brilliant. Everything is perfect and I must say that I love the horn. It seems to fit and goes well with its Steel typing. I'm in love with its tail as well, it looks so epic. The colours and how its body seems to 'fit together' in places are perfect, it really looks like a Cyber beast. Awesome eye ^^
Absolute win RX. That picture of Alex, his Chikorita, and his genocide button is pwnful. Love the picture of Magpie and her Manectric too. The 'Charms school picture is hilarious and everyone looks amazing. Jet is probably my favorite out of the bunch with his expression and his three syringes XD

Edit: What the heck? This is what happens when you hit the new button instead of the last page. Whoops ^^;;;;;;;;;;

Now, the new Eevee evolution is amazing. The detailing, method of evolution, everthing. I totally wish it existed officially.
Loving the new Eevee ! That tail is awesome and the coloring is nice and flashy for a change on the other steel types which are almost all steel grey or iron blue.
Welp, saves me the trouble of creating an Eeveelution for you. xD Anywhoo, I see you're delving more into colors. ;D Sami approves. Theo is adorable, and we need to create more randomness like this. xD I love his front pouch, your zippers always look like teeth, it's great.​
Both pics are insane. Love the colouring job you did on them as well. Totally awesome.

Love the Cybereon design. Also, the tail is from Soul Calibur isn't it? Ivy's sword. Just noticed that right now.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
... I litterally squeed when I saw the steel Eeveelution, and Theo is SO UBER CUUUUTE! *dies*

Seeing the kangaroo reminds me of my elementary school days so much. We were the "wallaroos", a mix of wallabies and kangaroos. XD
Goodness me. I certainly have to thank the whole lot of you for the epic 17000+ page views. The critique is also warmly accepted.


hurrrr...blasted scanner ruined this pic a fair bit. When I colored it, the lavender bits were more violet, and Sami was not a red-head. Anyways, something new from RX Industries, as a special gift to my esteemed colleague, Teh Sami. The revolutionary new Violet Ocelot Stealth suit offers the comforts of civilian clothing, with an added layer of bullet-proof, lightweight alloy into the mix. Spies and soldiers will feel rather comfy as they sneak past enemy territory or duke it out on the battlefield. Special Assassin Kitty hat is not included in the outfit.

Finally got something remotely fashionable for a Tekken variant Sami. Though when I'll do the actual realistic pic is tough to say. Enjoy this full-colored doodle in the meantime, and ignore the horribly drawn feets D:<


Because I promised the lady one, RX Industries has developed the latest in ranged combat and cooking convenience. The RX-056 Schwerznager Linear Rifle is the latest in lightweight heavy artillery. Just slot in your ammo of choice, ranging from pancake batter to ion solutions, the rifle handles the rest by crafting a deadly recipe for explosive ammo. There are also an assortment of accesories to attach to your unit for that added touch of deadliness...or flavor!


Part one of epic two-part fight scene. Can you guess whose Sami's opponent?
OMG. xD You're a frikkin' genius and a madman rolled into one, yanno' that? The color choice is quite interesting on the suit. Maybe I should try wearing purple...and the redhead comment made me laugh. The eye on the Assassin hat is great, since it'd look neat to pull it over the eyes with that there. Loving the single belt coming from behind like a tail idea.

As for the gun, man, I roffle'd. Hard. I've been trying to design the dual-pistol variants, and the fact that you also thought of the batter cartridges is awesomesauce in itself. Man that looks heavy. =0 Never thought of the additional attachments though, very keen there.

For the bottom pic, it's nice to be able to pick out your rough sketchings, I love seeing how people sketch. The hat cracks me up still. >w< As for my opponent...well, something smells a bit fishy....

(You still owe me a picture of yourself. D: )​


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Hat not included XD

Now these are just epic. It's s shame that your scanner took the liberty of changing colours, but that's scanners for you. I love your colouring, it's just so pretty, and the poses of both pictures are fun to look at - especially the sketch-marks of the last one. The crumbling wall looks brilliant, and as for Sami's weapons... they're just awesome XD

Methinks the syrup blaster sounds like lots of fun!

Awesome as usual, RX, you continue to amaze me ^^
Do I sense something in the swimming, cold blooded, scaly with fins department?

Cause I can see that a mile away. A really long mile away.

The pic of Sami is awesome as it is, and the colour scheme suits Sami quite well. The waffle rifle as well. Love your design for it RX. It looks awesome.

Simply Swell. Simply Swicked.


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
... Win. That last picture is really, really good. I love Sami's expression.

And, of course, I know exactly who her opponent is. :p

lol random early morning piccu. Randomly realistic Shaymins. Land Forme is still penciled because it is hideous D: Actually, the entire thing should have been pencil, but the colored ones wanted to prove their vast superiority and darker shades, which outbalanced the picture. Anywaiz, the nose is horrid, ignore it. Shaymin's nose should be more pointy but meh. Also the mohawk being made of leaves was just a thought considering Sky Forme's only plant deco is the petal scarf. It reminds me of Gary hair :D
I know who Sami's opponent is going to be :D and it will be EPIC. Also, gotta love her waffle gun and outfit plus pose ^^' I can just feel the battle it's that tense.

Also, Shaymin Land Forme looks soo cuuute colored o.o Mohawk made of leaves is amazing, it really should have something like that to make it look better :p Amazing nonetheless.
Love the pic of Shaymin and its two forms.

The Line art for Shaymin, Land Forme is gorgeous, as is Shaymin, Sky Forme.

The colouring job is quite swicked as well. Love the pose you chose RX.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Leaf Mohawk for the win XD

I love how you've done Sky-Forme's fur, the slightly rustled look really suits him. And I think Land-Forme's stumpy little legs are way too cute ^^

Next person to say Blastoise dies. D:< Torterra to M1 Abrams Tank. Designed for our resident Walker of the Mist. Enjoy :D

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
I'm not much of a tank person, but I can't see Torterra turning into anything else either - and as usual, frelling awesome work. ^^

Love the cables along the tree. ^___^

Hah. Must be bred to know Seed Bomb. xD
GORGEOUS. Simply. Gorgeous.

His face seems to get a little lost in all the detail. D: I absolutely adore the tree, though. His leg transition is perfect, I can see where everything goes and envision the things I can't see. I do wonder where his shrubbery goes off to. XD; I can just picture Stel himself or a few of us while he's inside the tank sitting on the cannon.

I find his tail adorable, is that odd?​
Maybe Sami, just maybe.

The M1 Abrams Tank is awesome. The details are awesome.

As for Torterra, the details are so awesom. It's like they just stuck sheets of metal on and it's still a Torterra moving around. Or is that just me?


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
He's so awesome! The details, as with all your transforming Pokemon, are just mind-exploding. And you lineart its just so smooth and perfect.

The tree with wires/cables going up it is a nice touch, it's quite strange seeing somethings so organic-looking on all that metal. I love how you did his feet and tail, and actually he looks quite tank-ish already XD

Awesome addition to the Pokemon weaponary family, RX. Awesome.
That's one of the sexiest tanks I have ever seen, though the side track gaurd seems to be angling into the tank at an odd angle. Still, astounding work as ever.

Edit: Well of course it's angling in at an odd angle, that's what angles do.
OH A TORTERRA TANK! SQUEE! Marvelous RX, marvelous. The claws on the tank trend covers win, they remind me of TF Armada's Megatron.

Sami & Waffle Gun are pure and total win. Just XD and adorable. *hides under the fish & waffle sheild.*
Whoa, that is a whole lotta pages since I was last here, lol.
On to the art!

The Soul Calibur Chibis are a totally win, I especially loved Katie's pose and Dwayna's...whole thing, lol. Also, loving the comics...so far, haha. I would really like to see more of that, it would be so cool!
Okay, I especially love the plithra of RX forms, I love your style of drawing! I especially love seeing Rocket X, since we don't get to see a lot of him.
Second, that viera character, Valen, is awesome. I mean, you can only play a Final Fantasy Ivalice game for a couple minutes before you have to make a viera OC. I have one myself.
Haha, I love the 'Charms shcool concept. It would be great to see more of that, lol.
Cybereon, totally awesome. I really like the design and color, not to mention the catalyst is very creative as well.
I aslo can't get over that pic of Sami holding a weapon, the whole piece is wonderful itself, but I especially love her pose, and the way her hair looks, as well as her expression. Love it.

Great work, looking forward to more!
Why I post at the bottom of a page is beyond me, but you never know when awesomeness strikes and you just happen to catch it on paper.


There are a ton of things that I am unsure of concerning this picture. From color scheme to anatomy, it all seems wrong yet looks totally right. An Alternate, less military-ish costume for Sami Anna Williams bore some inspiration from here, as Nina inspired the military fatigues. Pink hair lock btw was first red, but then I decided it should be purple, sadly, my red colored pencil is totally uncooperative, as is my black, so now its pink. Go figure how that turned out.


ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Too much Jack Sparrow musickz on the brain. Water/Ghost type obviously. Though I wonder about that since I already have a whole bunch of Ghost Types for the Arpein region. Anyway, Piraid (the little guy) and Phantempest Ghostly Pirate Pokeymans >: o Piraid is more of a little thief that hangs out at docks pickpocketing people for shiny things and items. Phantempest is its more sinister evolved form, who haunts the seas in search of Shiny things, and usually has an army of Piraids and lesser Phantempests with it. A normal Phantempest normally doesn't wear a hat. This hatted one shows its authority as captain and pack leader over other uncapped Phantempests. (An alpha leader sprite system, if you will.)


A lot of people like this picture. I personally find it immensely flawed. Random mansion built into a cliff. Or not too random. A lot of characters are attached to this manor, and let's just say the storyline in mind involves all those Charms chibis and Tekken doodles in the past. :p Points if you know what video game this stage is based on.
...Have I ever told you how much I LOVE YOU?! I would totally wear that outfit in real life. Srsly. I'm in love with it, especially the black and purple striped warmers. ACCEPT MY LOVE.​


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
That is such an awesome outfit. Awesome doesn't even do it justice. I'd steal it, but I could never do that to Sami
Hax, this is awesome! I love how detailed the building is. I would love to spend a night there. Hopefully Fi doesn't burn stuff down!
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