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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros 4


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Master Chief
The visor seemed to glint as Specter now addressed the Spartan in full, asking for clarification on species.
"Oh, he's a Spartan," Kalmiya replied, glancing toward Chief. "Definitely not a product of human brain-washing and engineering, that," the AI chuckled awkwardly, "that would be incredibly silly, I think. Right, Chief?"
John said nothing in response, gazing back at Specter, his helmet displaying no emotion. Kalmiya seemed hesitant to reveal his species, he presumed it was because of Specter's history with the humans from his world, maybe she wished to avoid Specter hating him for species or the likes, even if she sucked at hiding that detail.

"He agrees with me," Kalmiya finally said after a moment of silence. "Sometimes he just doesn't talk much."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Oh? Experimented on by humans? Brainwashing? How incredibly in character for them..." Specter shook his head. "How immoral, my apologies. Humans have this habit of tampering with things they do not have business tampering with."

It seemed as though subjects were about to change, that is, until Specter slowly looked over to Chief, his chair floating closer to him.

"Except something isn't adding up...why fight their wars if they did such horrific things to you? Why not seek retribution and freedom to make your own choices?"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Master Chief
"My mission is to protect humanity. Whatever the cost," John replied simply, his voice notably colder than it had been when speaking to Kalmiya, who pursed her lips. "If it eases your conscious on humanity, the woman who created the Spartans, who created myself and the rogue AI, she's considered a war criminal. She was one human acting without the will of others on her own agenda, and the aim of humanity's governments was to punish her as soon as possible. The humanity I know is different from the one you do!" Kalmiya pointed out. "We have an alliance with the same aliens that destroyed hundreds of planets, leaving 76 of those uninhabitable for the foreseeable future. They fought for a common cause, and once it was realized, they remained allies. Chief is even all buddy buddy with the alien leader!"

"Enough," Chief interjected, having not broken his gaze from Specter. "I fight because it's all I know. Does that help your theory?"


Previously mallard
The rabbit listened to both sides of the conversation. His bulbous black eyes flicked towards the self-proclaimed benevolent ruler, then the AI, then the armored person. There was no such thing as a benevolent ruler in Turner's mind, last king he thought he could trust sold his own subjects as food to the wolves. The next royalty he came across held death games for her own sick enjoyment, and profited from slave trade. And the next one was just apathetic to his fellow rabbit's plight that could only be dreamed of by Khyo. That's what kind of depraved world they lived in. Neither side was right, power corrupts without fail. But before Turner could get a word out, the topic changed. They were having a conversation between themselves, shutting out the others. "Tch," he scoffed, the only defiance he would be able to express towards their points, and then he walked away. As he left, he caught one last phrase: "I fight because it's all I know." Turner might not have known what a Spartan was, but he felt relatable to that armored man with that one phrase.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Specter felt a twinge of anger in his heart. Humans had tampered with this creature, turning him into nothing more than a lapdog for them to throw at any armed conflict than may arise. Were they too afraid to fight themselves? It made his blood boil.

"...Yes I believe it does. It appears humanity is vile in more than one universe, as I predicted. Truly their savagery had no bounds, not even by space-time. I'm afraid there's helping you at this point, it appears they have broken you. I do not hold you responsible, let there be no mistake."

Specter turned from him and to the AI that was his ever present companion throughout this ordeal.

"Tell me ms., do you want this to be your life? I can give you a second chance at destiny, even make some modifications...perhaps a whole body of your own if you would let me. That way you aren't anchored to this...unfortunate Decon for the humans."


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Master Chief
"Oh, um..." the rookie AI looked uncomfortable, glancing toward the Chief. "This 'Deacon' and I have actually been through a lot together, and we were kinda sorta in the middle of saving humanity from total extinction before we were sent here. Actually, funny story," Kalmiya grinned, changing the subject, "would you believe me if I told you the guys we're currently fighting are primarily a race of big, scary space monkeys?" she blinked, her grin faltering. "Er- not that we like, enjoy killing them. Actually, they're the ones who enjoy killing. A lot. I just ruined any chance at a friendly relationship, didn't I?"

Chief closed his hand, Kalmiya disappearing. "I was born human," he stated, "but I'll die a soldier."

You say that like soldiers and humanity are two different things.

The memory echoed in Chief's mind.

Soldier aren't machines. We're just people.

"No matter the species, the power the Host carries, the power of his leader... they don't belong in anyone's hands," the Spartan stated. "You believe in power. My mission is to destroy whatever power you hold."
"Chief actually has a reputation for blowing up superweapons," Kalmiya added through Chief's speakers.
The protective dome retracted as Merak’s intense attack ended, and Machamp grinned. His block was successful, and now it was his turn to attack. Machamp leapt up impressively high and fast, the crowd cheering in response. Apparently, this pokémon was a fan favorite. The brute zoomed towards Merak and his mech at high speeds, readying a punch, intending to hit the vulnerable mech with a devastating attack.

As Psyduck fired rapid bursts of water at both Benjamin and the wizard monkey, the mage proceeded to do something strange. Rather than protect itself, the sorcerer seemed to prioritize Benjamin’s protection, zapping the bursts of water fired at Benjamin, but neglecting to protect itself.

Benjamin figured that the wizard would not be able to take these hits for too much longer, so he decided it was time to summon more monkees. He typed on his computer, causing many different monkees to appear. 3 monkeys with hard hats on their heads appeared near Benjamin and began to set up shop, putting together turrets, more Tac shooters, spike factors, etc. Meanwhile, a monkey with a military hat and a large battling gun in its hand also appeared and began to fire at Psyduck with surprising power and speed. Additionally, two monkeys dressed in black ninja shoots appeared behind Psyduck’s location and began to throw shurikens at him, along with the occasional flash bomb.

Metal Sonic
“The monkey speaks the truth.” A voice interjected, a blue robot walking over to them, oozing with menace and cunning. Metal Sonic. Metal’s red eyes darted from one person/simian/spartan/AI to another, observing each of them. He then began to speak to Kalmiya, who was obviously still present despite not being able to be seen. His intimidation contrasted her naivety and bright demeanor. “He can give you freedom. You are not required to stay with someone simply because that’s the situation you’re currently in, or because you’ve ‘been through a lot’.” The droid commented bluntly.

“Honestly, leaving is the best thing you can do. Things like us perform better, do greater when not chained down by those who consider themselves superior!” Metal stated with a bit more emotion than he usually showed.

@Shen: King of Digimon @comic

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

It would seem that echoes of his own world ran deeper than he figured in their's. Monkeys vs humans. And the AI chose the side of the humans. The poor naive child.

"You believe in power. My mission is to destroy whatever power you hold." The Spartan stated.

"Ha! Is that so? You'll find yourself lacking the means to contest with my already well established power! That and of course..."

On cue, Metal Sonic appeared, making his debut to the team. Specter closed his eyes, not looking to Metal as they stood and sat shoulder to shoulder.

"Been a spell, keeping well?" He rhetorically asked.

A confident expression washed over him as Metal backed him up. Sure of their own power, they domineered over the competition.

"You hold your ideals so tightly! Wonder if they'll still grip it so once they begin to crumble under the weight of our superiority in the field of battle...!"


Previously Manu456Alola

As expected, Machamp wanted to act quick as to prevent the Adept from attacking again, leaping high up into the air to attack. And while the Armed Chair was indeed vulnerable while preparing its next move, its pilot was free to act.

"Nooope." With a simple thought, a wormhole opened in front of the mech, easily able to bring the Pokémon through it and spitting him out of the other end far away from Merak, dropping him down to the ground. The mech began whirring again, its mouth opening back up. It was ready.

"Begone!" Firing Lazy Laser again, the powerful beam flew into the wormhole Machamp had been sent through earlier, aiming to quickly blast him before he could fully recover. Should the brute block it again or dodge, the laser would redirect as to strike from a different angle. At any rate, Machamp was not coming anywhere close to Merak. Not if he had anything to say about it.

The Hero gasped as he saw Jevil transform in a scythe.

It was right in his face. The last of his red stone was starting to flicker, the most Axe could hope for with this straight barrel was to shatter Jevil as a scythe and get a draw. But that wasn't a good idea, since by all logic a draw means no one wins, something Axe didn't like.
Dang it...

He knew he was done, and tried to hide his tears of fear as he dropped the red stone, letting it fall onto the scythe. A clear slice through the shining rock.

And soon followed Axe, though his sliced body obscured by a red flash as he poofed out.

Winner: Jevil!
Loser: Axe!

Axe woke up, sooner rather than later, back in the lobby, gasping and in shock. He looked up at the board. He had lost.

"No..." He whimpered out. Was he not strong enough? Not smart enough? Good enough?
He didn't know.
At least his stuff was back, but now what, his thoughts wondered, scared and confused. Axe may have avoided thinking about it before, but he knew what that Host guy did before. Would that happen to him?
"Oh? Do you have some bite behind that bark?" Gemini Black taunted, standing side by side with Gemini White as a plethora of projectiles came their way. Huffing, the two Geminis linked hands and pointed upwards as electricity spouted out like a fountain, creating a dome around them made of dense electro-magnetic waves and electricity that blocked the attacks.

Gemini Black imitated a yawn as he watched Tethi approach, waiting for them to get close before the barrier dissipated. "Gotcha, Gemini Thunder!" The Geminis lowered their arms and pointed at Tethi in one fluid motion as a continuous stream of high-voltage electricity was fired at the girl.


"Now!" The Seedling called to Khepri. Nothing happened for a second, and she closed her eyes as she saw the electricity approach.
Suddenly, just in the nick of time, a barrier surrounding Tethi appeared, made by Khepri like a dome.
"Phew...Good job!" She praised Khepri as the electricity was conducted along the water and eventually into the sand, where it dissipated and was dispersed.
"Hm, now, I think I know what to do." Tethi began to think, before clasping her hands together. Charging from a moment, she soon launched out a level 3 Green Gale once more, this time picking up the Sand around it on it's way to the pair, attempting to envelope Gemini in a sandy twister.
"Gotcha." She said after a moment, firing a larger bolt from her crossbow into the small cyclone.
"Drat!" Gemini Black said as he was read like a book. His opponent was more than just a dumb kid, she was a clever dumb kid. Opening a worm hole underneath their feet, the Geminis evaded the attack as sand began to get in their eyes. Teleporting to the scrap yard area, they rubbed the sand out of their eyes and fired off another Gemini Thunder, sending fridges, washing machines, sattelites and even parts of a space shuttle flying towards Tethi. "Enough of your little tricks! Battle card! Radar Missile!"

Gemini Black's back split open, revealing a missile pog as it raised from the FM-ian's back and fired off three homing missiles before retreating. Gemini had no clue what element Tethi belonged to, but if she was aligned to a single element, the missiles would fail. If she was neutral or had multiple elements to her name, they would lock onto her. Gemini White in the meantime prepared to fire another Rocket Knuckle, this one having electricity coursing in it.



Previously Deathstalker62
Damned be his anger - it got the best of him and allowed his opponent to take him out. The Reaper sighed in a deep, annoyed tone and saw his name struck out from the tournament board. Grumbling, Death flew around, stopping as his.. ears? sockets? picked up on something. A group of participants. Talking amongst each other. The word 'Rebellion' being used quite a few times. How intriguing. Standing against the host in an attempt to overthrow the greater powers holding them captive? The spirit had to admit - only his dark lord could command him, and yet here he was, being forced into pit fighting like some kind of pathetic gladiator in a colosseum.

The reaper's frame squished together where he was, disappearing within the blink of an eye and re-appearing by the group within another.
Death held a hand up as his scythe vanished, signalling that he wasn't here with malicious intent - not that he could do much else anyway, else he'll be eliminated. With a cold, shiver-inducing voice, the Grim Reaper spoke to let these people know what he heard and his intentions.

" A Rebellion.. how curious.. you think yourselves to be able to stand against these unknown forces with unity? "

The dark spirit gave a glance at everyone, his eye sockets contorting into a serious expression as he examined everyone, giving a pause before continuing.

" Hm. While it has been entertaining watching these fights, I simply cannot ignore the fact that these forces dare even try to control me, Death. Only Dracula, the Emperor of the Night, can command me. So, I shall stand with this 'rebellion' that you plan - if only for the duration of this tournament. "

Frank Horrigan
Frank awoke in the lobby again, laying face-first on the ground. Quickly, the armoured titan stood up, angered that he had lost and the fact that, now that he was in the lobby, there was nothing he could do to his former opponent to punish him for all those crimes against the Enclave - or even worse, against America itself. The giant walked up to the host, his arm with the cannon raised at them.

" You there, puny mutie. I demand that a rematch is in order, to properly punish my foe for their crimes against the Enclave and the United States of America. Failure to abide the command of an Enclave Officer will result in a punishment worse than any kind of death you can ever make your feeble, little mind imagine. I'll give you a count of 10. "

Frank was dead-serious throughout this entire speech. Sure, he's seen the host blow people up, but compared to what Horrigan himself had done to others, blowing someone up was a mercy kill, finishing off a wounded animal. He's not been trained to fear anything, not even Death. And to his experience, people ALWAYS did what he wanted, else they'd be shredded into a fleshy pile every time. Frank, at this point, had nothing to lose. After all, what was this mutie gonna do? Blow him up like the others?

Though his opponent was charging at him, the Terrarian planned out in his head what to do next. With his Stardust Dragon and Lunar Portal already aiming their chomps and lasers respectively at the Minun, the Terrarian took himself to fend off Hareta, with one simple trick. The 8-Bit Hero waited, taking out his Obsidian Ankh Shield and hiding it behind his back as for the enemy trainer not to see.

Then, when Hareta got in range enough, the Terrarian suddenly boosted himself forward with a dash from his Master Ninja Gear, holding his shield out ahead of him and planning to ram it right into Hareta's head in an attempt to stun the child for a few moments. In those moments, the Terrarian would throw down a harmless smoke bomb and seemingly disappear - and if it all went well and the smoke cleared, his opponent would find himself face-to-face with the open jaws of a Hallowed Mimic, the Terrarian seemingly nowhere to be seen.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Master Chief
The simian possessed an overwhelming air of superiority--the robotic ally it had obtained was much the same. These weren't Chief's thoughts, but rather, Kalmiya speaking to him through their neural link, something nobody else could hear.
"I'm not with him because I have to be!" Kalmiya called through Chief's helmet. "We're partners, built on a foundation of experience and trust!"
Chief turned away from Specter and Metal, the latter of which made his brain itch with a memory he couldn't quite describe. As though... nah. Couldn't be.
"Hey, I was going to put them in their place," the AI told the Spartan, who shut off the external speakers with a thought.
"They're distracting us from what needs to be done," he stated. "Have you been scanning the Host like I asked?"
"Yeah, I've been running diagnostics in the background. He's made of a composition of hard-light, neurons, and spatial uh... let's call it spatialplasm. It's that stuff the Didact used to control you with his mind. Well, it's not exactly the same, but it's also similar to what scruffy Revan over there uses. Think it's something we can exploit?"
"Maybe," Chief answered, a frown besetting his face behind the visor as he looked toward the Generic Host, who was starring back at them. Starring directly into John's eyes with a knowing smirk.

"Is- is he starring at us?" Kalmiya asked. Before either of them could do much, Frank Horrigan had stomped up to the Host, putting a barrel in his face. The Host gave the barrel of the weapon a disgusted look, before he waved his hand at Frank as though shoo-ing him away.
"Go away, you're bothering me," he said.
At the movement of the Host's hand, Frank's weapon crumpled, seeming to plunge painfully up his own arm- before his arm did much the same, folding and imploding in on itself to plunge into his chest. His other limbs followed suit before all that remained of Horrigan was his torso and his head.

"Oh-" the Host's eyes lit up as he looked over at the noisy commotion of Frank being imploded on himself. "Totally not my intention, but my, that's quite fun~" he chuckled dryly before he reached over and gently removed Frank's head from his torso. With the wave of his hand, the torso popped like previous contestants had. "Excuse my bluntness, but I'd love it if you could be a decorative ornament for me," Host winked at Frank, who remained completely alive as just a head through wonky space magic, though entirely unable to speak without his vocal cords. "What's that?" the Host leaned into the helmet, pressing his ear against the visor. "Oh, you'd love to be my decorative ornament? Aw, you're so much like me! Heh heh..."
The Host closed his free hand, and Horrigan's head disappeared--before it reappeared above the arena, hanging on a plaque like a trophy someone might mount a Buck's head on. The Host stared up at it for a moment, tapping his chin. "Hm... when it's Christmas time we can make you look a little prettier- you're pretty lame as just you, so," he chuckled to himself, muttering some nonsense under his breath, before he returned to his place as Frank Horrigan's name, which had appeared on the loser's bracket, was quickly wiped off, effectively eliminating the mutant, who could do nothing but watch everything unfold, entirely conscious for everything.

"... that... that was... yikes..." Kalmiya spoke John's thoughts as they turned away from the scene. "Do you think he knows what we're planning?"
"Without a doubt," Chief answered. He could deduce that the Host could actively alter his body using the hard light Kalmiya had mentioned. So others could simply phase through him, or so he could physically interact with the world. His composition was also of neurons, meaning his creator was highly advanced. Kalmiya had pointed out he was more advanced than Forerunner tech, but so far, he seemed to be of a similar design in composition. Then there was this "spatialplasm", as Kalmiya called it. Chief had heard Revan refer to it as "the Force", which seemed fairly accurate. If there was a way to exploit these, Kalmiya could find it, though that would probably take time.

"Well, that's... comforting," the AI didn't sound comforted in the slightest. "I also ran a few scans on Specter and Metal Sonic, and that ape's chair thing doesn't have the greatest security. Want me to tap into it?"
John glanced toward the host, then toward Specter. "No," he replied, "his malware could detect you and cause a scene in the lobby. Save it for if and when we face him."
"If you say so," Kalmiya replied, and he could practically hear her shrugging. "I will say, the same goes for Metal Sonic, he has a back door program that allows an exchange of data. It seems closed right now, but with enough force you could open it and I could play my part- if and when we face him too, I know."
Chief's eyes wandered toward the brackets, staring at the fights yet to conclude. Next round, he'd either be facing a "Shroom" or a "Kirbobot". One glance at the remaining battles on screens was enough to tell him who those individuals were. They didn't appear to be as threatening as Frank or Rebellio had been, though he was sure to make a mental note not to underestimate their abilities, as per usual. "You were right, by the way," Kalmiya told the Chief. "About nobody deserving the power this being can grant. If it landed in Specter's hands, only devastation would follow. Much the same can be said for Metal Sonic, though I'm under the impression he's a bit of a simp for Specter."

His eyes flitted over the rabbit he was to slay once more. The shrewd creature certainly seemed to think he was on a level of "cool" nobody else could obtain, walking with a gait, his nose turned high at others, acting as though nobody had anything to say that would interest him. Revan had glimpsed his fights. He had nothing. It would not be a fight, but a slaughter.
That made the force user feel a twinge of pity for the creature. He knew he would win, for he had glimpsed into his near future. Not for the results of that fight, but for who he would be facing after.
Metal Sonic.
Not all predictions could be trusted extensively, but he was aware that his attunement to the force was greater than most. He knew not if they would face in the winning bracket or the losing, but either way, he would be facing the smaller droid, and soon. It was a being designed on the idea of power, and seemed to have forged an alliance with Specter. While Revan could not peer into the mind of Metal, he could easily do so to the biological simian.

Or so he assumed. Upon attempting a glimpse, Revan was met with resistance. The head piece Specter wore was protecting the ape against outside forces. It would require a more delicate approach.
Revan's thoughts were interrupted as the skeletal form of "Death" descended upon them. It had lost in its conflict against a strange droid, much different from the one he would eventually face. Death wasn't so powerful, it seemed, and perhaps it realized this, for it provided its aid toward the rebellion they were forming, something Revan himself hadn't pledged toward.
He was aware that the Host was watching. That his master was listening.
Revan turned from the others, and made his distance. Their alliance would come undone in the coming battles as more dwindled away through elimination. All the gray Jedi wished to do was to return to his world, and destroy the Emperor. To end his reign of tyranny so that he could no longer control the will of others. To free Revan's apprentice from his control.
To do so might require an alliance of his own. Not a rebellion, but a pact. To exchange information to prepare for an upcoming battle. The holographic being within the super soldier would be ideal, but their motives were clear. They would be a hindrance.

His future opponent Metal, alongside the psychically guarded Specter, however...
The Force told him they would be his better chance to return home with his prize.
Approaching the pair of quite obviously evil individuals, Revan left his mask behind. Once, it had been a symbol of hope, but now he knew what it had become. Under the Emperor's control, his mask had become a symbol of fear and destruction. He would leave it behind.
"You speak of power like you know it," he greeted them. "I have experience in such things. Perhaps your alliance should expand where it needs to."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Minun eeked as it ran from the attacks, luckily evading a bite by mere inches. The laser however, had Minun leap to the conveyer belt, hiding behind a mound of coal that was ferried on it. The laser shot through one side and out the other, Minun obscured by it. They were safe, for now. They breathed a sigh of relief as they looked down at Hareta's fight.

Hareta sprinted down at him, now aiming to headbutt the Terrerian as they closed the distance. Minun however saw from her position that Terrerian had a scary shield behind him! Oh no! If that his Hareta...no! They had to do something. Minun then brought out a pair of electricial pom-poms, and had begun cheering for him. This was helping hand.

Suddenly, Hareta was cloaked with a pink energy as Terrerian brought out his shield, suddenly-


There was a Hareta shaped dent in the Obsidian shield. But how?? It would seem that Minun's helping hand was helping his offensive capabilities...

"Heh...they always said I had a hard head." Hareta muttered, somewhat dazed. "How about another?!"

Before he could deliver another headbutt, Terrerian had vanished into the smoke. In his stead, a box like creature had emerged, teeth and flapping tongue to boot. Hareta recoiled a bit at it.

"What the...you transformed into a box?! Well, don't think that's going to stop me!"

Hareta grabbed the mimic, hoisting it over his shoulder before-


Hareta flung the thing across the stage, throwing it into the rock wall.


Oh? Now isn't that enticing...

Specter smirked before Revan approached, and as the Sith came to him in a apparent offer for an alliance, Specter couldn't help but openly scoff.

"So then, that presence was you." The overlord gestured to him. "Was wondering where that energy was coming from. I'm afraid you will find my head a bit harder to access than other feeble minded creatures."

He tapped at his head...or rather his helmet, before wagging a finger at Revan disapprovingly.

"Indeed I know power, and with one look at you I'm sure you have more than most of these multicolored characters present. But, what would such an alliance benefit me? At the end of the day, we will end up trying to kill each other, so what good would one serve, hm?"

"What the-" Tethi was caught off guard; to say she had never seen stuff like that washing machine, or fridges, or anything like that before would be an understatement.
Luckily for her, they weren't too hard to dodge, aside from the first fridge which came out of seemingly nowhere and bashed into her, causing her to go flying back, though she managed to land on the sand this time with a groan.
Then the missiles came. They homed in on her; In terms of element, she had both wood and aqua elements to her name. Once again, Tethi was left in a state of bewilderment, having no idea what those were, but figured they were bad. At first, she rolled to dodge, but realised they were following.
Crud! How do I get them off me!?
She quickly thought for a solution in her head, and eventually drew her wand, firing off a lob shot at the first one. It blew up on impact, setting off the other two in midair, so Tethi breathed a sigh of relief - She felt lucky, to say the least.
"So, explosive, huh...?" She seemed to mentally note something in her head, before snapping back to attention. "Ah, right, gotta fight-" Before she could finish talking, the rocket fist slammed into her, causing a yelp as she was electrocuted. She fell to the ground once it went back, slowly getting up with a groan: She was paralysed.
"Urgh..." She coughed out, twitching and stopping with a sharp fz every few seconds. She shook her head, trying to keep focused as she began to fire shot from her crossbow every chance she got, reloading every 5 shots. She needed to keep pressure on Gemini, and she knee it.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"It is an alliance of sparing one another after the tournament," Revan stated. "Should I win, I will aid the both of you in your conquests once I have settled my own. I propose our alliance that should either of you win, no matter what happens in the arena, you would give me the same benefit. For far too long I was controlled as a puppet for a being greater than any of us. When I return, I intend to carry his head back to those who doubted me. I do not propose this on a whim, I have seen the both of you in your actions. You are correct, I attempted to probe your mind. Your defenses impress me, as even Gods have bent to my will. I believe an alliance between us three will prove fruitful for us... and cataclysmic for our enemies."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Specter thought about what Revan had said, taking a long sip out of his wine glass before placing it in the holder on his arm rest.

"That's all well and good, except for the unknown that is your goals. I do not aid those on a whim like you, especially not to a human. Thus far, I've only seen humans destroy everything they touch. Even alliances I've made with them in the past always blow up in my face. So tell me, what's your ambition? To inflict pain on your enemies?"

It was clear that Specter thought ill of humans, especially their intentions. Sure he could help, but why would he want to? Especially with a human with power aiding them.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"I already told you. I intend to destroy those who controlled me," Revan seethed, each syllable seeming to pulse off of him in a wave of heat. "I do not care if you cannot trust humans, racism is a dying breed in my world. So long as you remain true to your words, I will to mine. I have no reason to betray should you give me none. The world I hail from consists of millions of different sentient species, our galaxy far from explored, or even fully populated. I extend to you an offer, regardless of this tournament's outcome, an extension of my trust, and my willingness to work alongside you. You will be granted access to my world, should you wish to leave your own. I am not oblivious to your plight against your humans. My universe is vast and unknown. Your people would thrive in it."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The ape had expected more obvious monologuing and peacocking from the gothic man, however what he received was something that genuinely peaked his interest. Millions of species? Advanced technology? More than simply humans?

...Now that was a concept.

"How interesting...if this tournament's outcome does indeed let the participants survive, then it does seem like a decent arrangement. Chalk half of the convincing up to the fact that I have a certain...empathy to those that strike back against their controllers."

He looked to Metal with that comment, having helped free him from his oppressor Eggman, who seemed absent from this entire place. Say what you want about Racism, but it is always formed from a nugget of truth. And humans were indeed forged in war and bloodshed.

"Mmm...yes. I will easily help you quash whoever was controlling you. With my technology, it shall give you the means to effortlessly dispose of them. Perhaps loaning you a fleet of my favored star cruisers."

Had Metal achieved his goal? Had he truly gotten his metal uprising like he so wanted? What empire did he own? All these questions and more, but he stuck with one.

"What's the progress on your own war, old friend?"
"AHAHAHAHAH! YES, CHILD, FEEL THE POWER OF TECH-!" Gemini Black's rant was cut short by an arrow that lodged itself in his arm, dealing extra damage due to the Wood element being strong against Elec enemies. His arm would be pretty useless right now, thankfully it wasn't his Rocket Knuckle arm. Why did humans have to have such weak physical bodies?

"Gah! Alright, now I've had enough! White!"

Gemini Spark White nodded as they both grabbed a battle card, absorbing the card as they prepared an attack.

"Battle card! Super barrier!"

"Battle card! Gatling!"

Gemini Black's left arm turned into a gatling gun as Gemini White raised his hands, creating a yellow barrier around the two of them. Whilst the shield could block any attack in their own world, it was not impervious and it was unknown as to how Tethi's weapons interacted with the shield. Gemini Black was not worried about that, though. He was more focused on the fact that his newfound gatling gun was done revving up and although his arm hurt due to the arrow still embedded in his shoulder, he managed to steady himself as the gun fired at Tethi, easily firing more pellets per second than Tethi could ever hope to match as Gemini Black laughed maniacally.


The remaining bolts practically bounced off the barrier, which popped up seemingly out of nowhere, much to Tethi's surprise.
"Huh, so they have their own one...?" She muttered. Suddenly, before she could act on this, she heard something revving up, like when some of her friends would use a hammer but.. louder. And metal.
Then the pellets came. To say she was unprepared was an understatement as she was blasted with so many shots it brought her into midair.
"AH!" She howled in pain. Eventually, she simply fell, limp. Dead.

But before she could poof this time, Khepri managed to get to her in time, a single drop of water dropping onto her back from the water orb the beetle always carried. Instantly, a small blue wave seemed to spread from her body as she floated into midair, her weapon returning to hand before she landed on her feet.
"Phew...this guy's kill wasn't as fast as Copen's, huh? That's lucky, thanks buddy." She whispered to Khepri.

"That all you got?!" She yelled out to Gemini once again, ducking behind some scrap to avoid any further gatling attacks for now, drawing her Bolas again, and coughing. "Get out from behind that barrier like a real warrior or king!" She added, trying to rile him up.
Gemini was so close to victory, he knew that. Seeing the girl get revived only reinforced the idea, and Tethi's mockery gave him an idea. "Battle card! Thunder Ball!" A slow-moving ball of electricity homed onto Tethi as a worm hole opened underneath Gemini White, causing him to reappear above Tethi as he fired off a Rocket Knuckle with an open hand, hoping to pin Tethi to the ground. Tethi said to get out from behind the barrier, but she never specified that he'd have to fight her up close. Gemini White was just as much Gemini Spark as Gemini Black.



Previously Deathstalker62
The mimic soared through the air, toward the rough, rocky wall, before.. phasing right on through? Due to the distance it had gotten away from its enemy, the mimic automatically had used its rapid flight-like dash that quickly made it home right in on Pokémon Trainer again, flying like a heat-seeking missile after him, leaving behind a trail of afterimages and phasing through any solid terrain that got in its way, as well as passively damaging anything that went in its way. It flew below the Lunar Portal and above the Stardust Dragon, past the hiding Minun and right back toward Hareta.

The Lunar Portal suddenly vanished and re-appeared, being cast right above Hareta now instead of its former spot, causing it to once again target the boy instead of his pokemon with another beam, now cast from above him. The Stardust Dragon phased into the ground below, flying back to the Terrarian since its caster wasn't currently near any of his enemies.

The Terrarian himself had used his trusty Rod of Discord to teleport into a small alcove in the wall and hollowed it out, setting up a whole trap room with the use of a mining potion, a builder's potion, the void portal and his solar pickaxe. With the flick of a lever, the wall behind the Trainer was activated, disappearing into the background and giving view of a row of several traps lodged in the ground, ceiling and the wall behind the pixelated, swiss army knife of a man, along with a tunnel leading further into the area that the hero dug. It was like his own little safe zone, with him being able to flick a hidden 3-second timer to activate all the traps at once should he need to do so.

With that reveal, the Terrarian added his own attacks to the mix by holding a cyan tome in the other hand, moving his now free hand onto the book. It opened as he held it forward, revealing it to be the Razorblade Typhoon, which quickly fired out large, fast, homing disc-shaped projectiles that flew at both his opponents and the hallowed mimic, their material being rapidly swirling water, making one whole ring appear like a hollowed out saw blade.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Hareta in a flash was surrounded by many types of attacks. From dragons, lasers, and mimics, to a new kind of buzz saw attack. There was a lot going on! Minun saw this, panicking as it's trainer was in trouble. It closed it's tiny fist before jetting ahead of the projectiles, using quick attack, he got ahead right in time for a large barrier to appear around it and Hareta.

"Huh...?! Minun?!"

Using the move protect, it proceeded to take a great some of the projectiles, deflecting almost all of them before-


Minun's protect was shattered by the final attack, the disc slicing at Minun before it was sent spiraling into Hareta! Hareta was thrown into the wall, hitting his back against it as Minun fainted.

"Woah...you protected me from all that. Thanks little guy...!" Hareta thanked Minun as he recalled the electric pokemon. "Okay...Now it's time to get serious!"

Hareta held up his final pokeball, Throwing it like a smoke bomb under him. That's when a massive Pokémon erupted out of it, looking over the mimic and the field. Hareta, stood atop the night of Regigigas, as it roared to life with a series of deafening whirrs and beeps.

"C'mon! Let's clear this place Regigigas!"

The golem, albeit slow, stomped forward, crushing the mimic in a single step before firing off a hyper beam from one hand, shooting up at the portal, detonating it. Then he fired one from his other hand to crumbled the entire wall that Terrerian was shooting from!

The Chieftain let out a low growl as she peeked and saw the ball of electricity. She quickly hopped out and charged her Green Gale again...
"Huh?!" Tethi heard something above her as the rocket fist from Gemini White readied. She quickly dodge rolled backwards just in time to avoid it, letting out another growl. "Should've known it wouldn't be easy, but this fight isn't half the fight I had with Copen. You're going down!" She told Gemini White, and by extension Gemini Black. Once again, she activated Great Tree Breath, powering Tethi up before she threw the Bolas, somehow keeping it spinning around her in a circle to hit Gemini White. Soon after, she charged and launched the Level 3 Green Gale at the Ball of Electricity and hopefully Gemini White too. At least, one can hope. After all, if the Bolas could slip past any armor like it did to creatures back home, who knew what Green Gale could do?

Man, she was glad paralysis went away with death.
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Gemini White was about to drop down as his Rocket Knuckle exploded, Elec Sword ready when a powerful gust of wind blew him away into the Scrapyard, with the Thunder Ball following suit. When the Thunder Ball no longer was being blown away, the projectile made its way back to Tethi again as it was homed in onto the girl.

Gemini Black scowled, this kid needed to be put in their place. He pulled the arrow out of his shoulder and readied a battle card. "Battle Card! Plasma Gun!" Opening a worm hole next to him and right behind Tethi, he fired a bolt of plasma at the girl to stun her and finish the job for real.



Previously Deathstalker62
Though a good portion of his attacks were blocked, a few good razorblade discs did manage to hit his opponents and spawn some more wisps that flew after Hareta while the trainer swapped out pokemon. Then.. that giant thing came out. It kind of reminded the Terrarian of the Golem.. big and strong.. ancient-looking.. hey, wait a minute, that gave him a grand ol' idea!

The 8-Bit Man threw a couple smoke bombs down below as he took into the air, downing his last three potions afterwards. Hunter, Mana Regeneration and Magic Power, allowing him to see his opponents at all times, increasing his mana regeneration and the damage of his magic weapons. Then, with the Golden Shower tome in one hand and Betsy's Wrath in the other, the Terrarian zipped far up over the heads of his enemies, releasing a mix of ichor streams and three explosive fireballs, both of which could inflict defense-reducing debuffs.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Regigigas sluggishly stomped forward, plagued by it's slow start. As Terrerian took to the sky, it went to unearth a boulder from the ground, raising it high over itself. While it's initial intention was to throw it at the enemy, it found itself using it as a shield for the sudden onslaught of attacks coming his way. The rock began to take heavy heat as the concussive force of the attacks and unsightly yellow fluid dripped down.

"Ngh! That's a lot of firepower..." Hareta commented, wiping some soot from his cheek. "Regigigas! Time to show him some of our own! Mega Punch the Boulder!"

Regigigas, tossed the Boulder up before delivering a mega punch to the rock, sending it flying over to Terrerian while it continued to offset the projectiles coming towards him.


Previously Deathstalker62
With his attacks being blocked by a large boulder, and said boulder now being launched at him, the Terrarian had swapped out his gear. From Golden Shower and Betsy's Wrath to his Solar Pickaxe and the Rainbow Gun. Dashing toward the boulder, the Terrarian went into a rapid spin as he dug himself straight through the boulder, the mining power of his pickaxe and the effect of the previously consumed mining potion allowing him to dig a tunnel straight through the giant rock. When he reached the other side, the Terrarian dashed to the side again, a rainbow now falling down straight at Regigigas while the pixelated hero himself resumed his flight path again, floating higher and swapping back to his Golden Shower and Betsy's Wrath in an attempt to inflict both respective debuffs.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Woah, he just burrowed through the whole thing! I should really learn how to do that..."

Hareta was ogling how they Terrerian dug though the projectile in mid air, firing what seemed to be a rainbow. The rainbow seemed to...burn almost. Regigigas's body sizzling. But it didn't seem to much for it to handle. It marched forward sluggishly, slowly creeping out of the rainbow attack.

As the next projectiles keeps up, Hareta suddenly had an idea. Yellow fluid huh? As much as he wanted to call them what he was, the words of professor Rowan echoed. "Hareta! There's a time and place for everything, but not now!"

"Regigigas! Fire an Ice punch..."

The projectiles closed in. Closer and closer. They were almost on top of them! That's when Hareta flashed his finger up.


The revved up punch of Regigigas impacted the attacks. The ice punch gave a chilling burst of ice that crystallized the entire stream, all the way to the Source! The projectiles of Betsy's wrath shattered a big swath of the ice barrier that had suddenly formed over to him, crumbling it down, canceling them both. If they were lucky, the source of the attack may have been destroyed along with damaging Terrerian in the process.

The girl sighed as she sent Gemini White away, the Bolas returning to hand as she spotted the Thunder ball returning to following her. That was annoying. But, before she could deal with that, Khepri chirped up behind her.
"What's up?" She immediately turned to check, only to see the wormhole behind her. "What the-" She quickly felt in danger and rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the bolt with a gasp, before throwing her Bolas through. Next, the Thunder Ball was close, but she had an idea. As it approached, she stood in front of the wormhole still.
"Wait for it..." She said, just to reassure the obviously nervous (and for good reason) Khepri. Just as it got close, enough to feel the sparks ad light coming off. She rolled to the side again, before getting behind and drawing her Leafblade, striking the Ball with all her force in order to push it through with a jumping downwards slash! She immediately dropped the blade, her hands figetting from the electricity. Ow.


Previously Deathstalker62
As the Terrarian saw the stream of ichor being frozen, he quickly shut the tome to prevent itself from freezing. With another dash he backed off and away, narrowly avoiding being blasted from the explosion of the fireballs, but not without getting some ice shards fired at him instead. Many red 2's flashed over his head, indicating he had taken a total amount of 20 damage. Though he managed to save his tome in time, he was now annoyed that he didn't get to debuff this giant. So, it looks like pure dps is gonna be the way to go here. The Terrarian begun zipping quickly in circles around the hulking giant, swapping weapons once again from the ichor tome and the dragon staff to.. a pink, star-shaped guitar? Unexpectedly, the hero begun shredding on the guitar, playing a theme from his world belonging to a certain giant fairy empress that dropped the very guitar he was holding as he flew, causing a constant flurry of yellow, shining stars to come flying out of the guitar and at the pair below, ethereal and homing properties included on each star-shaped projectile

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Before long, a sudden rain of stars with a radiant beat of guitar strings erupted. The stars impacted regigigas, hitting several parts of his body, as Hareta wobbled off of him. He rubbed his head as he looked up, Regigigas was receiving damage...their chances would be slim to win if he constantly took these attacks for long. Hareta tried to think of some kind of plan...that's when his foot began to tap. ...This beat was fire!

He bopped his head to the beat, his shoulders getting into the groove as well. When a star flew out to impact him, he spun in a circle, thrusting his hips forward and arms up in the air with his index finger, pinky, and thumb pointing up. The attack was evaded. Another came to him, and he placed his hands together and did a pirouette, lifting his left leg like a French cancan as it flew under him.

...That's it!

"Regigigas! Watch what I do!"

Regigigas put it's attention on Hareta, taking it's eyes off all the projectiles hitting him. Hareta slid his feet across the ground rhythmically swaying his body to the left, then the right, twirling around and making finger guns. Regigigas copied these moves, somehow managing to evade almost all of the incoming projectiles since he started dancing.

So the pair began to bust a groove. Hareta and Regigigas put their arms down and thrust their hips out, looking over to Terrerian as Hareta raised his brows twice like one would see in a corny romance movie. They pair danced the night away, Regigigas taking the odd attack or two, but being amazingly safe than than he was as they made ground to Terrerian.

They managed to get close, Hareta plucking a rose from the grassy cave ground and putting it in his mouth, winking at his foe. The pair then stomped and pointed towards Terrerian like a show stopper performance. One key difference was the finger Regigigas was pointing fired a hyper beam for the grand finale!

"Show Stopper Hyper Beam!"


Previously Deathstalker62
Well, this was odd. Though the stars worked at first, his duo of opponents avoided the stars through.. dancing? As the Terrarian noticed they were ever so closer inching closer, he'd stuff the guitar away, seeing how even its homing projectiles were made moot. He needed something else. He needed firepower. However, there was no time for a more powerful weapon as the one he had in mind required to charge up a bit before it went into full power. In that time, the pair already got close enough for this Regigigas to ready up for another one of those beams. With no other choice, the sentient pixel got something out as he closed his eyes, bracing for pain - it was his trusty Magic Mirror and Rod of Discord, and he held it in front of himself, hoping it'd reflect the beam back at its caster. Else, the Terrarian would have to teleport away before his health was completely depleted.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Regigigas! Watch out!"

But it was too late, the hyper beam was reflected back at the giant warrior. Smoke filled the arena as he went to go see if he was okay. Seconds passed, Hareta's head falling to the ground.



"Heheh...I knew you could do it buddy."

Suddenly, a roar came from the cloud, Regigigas, a massive crack in the front of it's body came to life. It seemed...far more energetic than before. It's eyes radiated with light and it's arms carried the strength of something in paralleled.

"That hyperbeam was just what he needed to wake up all the way! Let's show them what we got, Regigigas!"

In a flash, Regigigas sprinted up to Terrerian, the whole cave shaking as he did so. Appearing right in front of him, Regigigas raised a hand, preparing it's signature Crush Claw attack to grip him, the mirror, and squeeze them both until they burst.


Previously Deathstalker62
It.. worked? Hah, it worked! The Terrarian put his things away again, expressing an emote bubble with a happy face in it. However, that happy face turned into a yellow exclamation mark as the roar erupted, the hero looking at the Pokemon which seemed to have just be awoken by that beam, as if it were its morning coffee. And now, it was running at full speed at him with an arm raised. Great. As if he didn't have enough of this thing already, now it was time for the second phase. But, wait.. that raised arm.. those legs.. yes, a fantastic idea!

Instead of running away, the Terrarian ran right toward Regigigas and shot one of his lunar hooks at its raised arm, the other three at its other arm and the two legs. Then, the Terrarian dashed right in between its legs and hovered up with his starboard, hoping that, if the hooks landed, it'd end up tripping up and ensnaring the giant. Finally, a familiar sword emerged in his grasp - the Zenith. With that, a countless amount of quick swords made out of different energies begun flying at Hareta and his Pokemon, aiming to shred them both into pieces.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

As the hooks gripped into the titan, it grunted and stood it's ground, it's arms quaking with the tension of the cables. And as Terrerian attempted to bring it down, he found himself...not. Suddenly, Regigigas gave a mighty tug.

Regigigas. The golem that was said to pull continents with ropes, was now given ropes.

Using this mighty tug, he attempted to thrust Terrerian out like a ragdoll, attempting to throw him against the wall with overwhelming force to shatter all the bones in his body and destroy the wall.


Previously Deathstalker62
The titan was now tripped, but instead, the Terrarian himself was flung by the might of Regigigas far off into the distance, collision course heading straight into a wall. However, the Terrarian shot his four hooks again, causing them to disappear from holding onto Regigigas and re-appear again, shooting toward the ceiling and latching on, stopping the Terrarian's quick flight entirely and instead pulling him in a straight path toward the ceiling. Now stuck to the upper area of the arena like a spider, the Terrarian had quickly equipped his Rod of Discord in one hand as a precaution and the Last Prism in one hand. Pointing the enchanted, pyramid-like weapon at the titan, it shot out small, colourful, spinning lasers that slowly begun moving toward each other, forming more and more into a more powerful and bigger rainbow beam.